College of Liberal Arts
College of Liberal Arts
- Cine 301: Special Topics in Cinema Production
- Cine 302: Special Topics in Cinema Post-Production
- Cine 396: Festival Programming
- Cine 397: Internship in Cinema
- Cine 398: Study Abroad in Cinema
- Cine 399: Special Topics in Cinema
- Envs 101: Humanities and the Environment
- Envs 301: Advanced Humanities and the Environment
- Envs 311: Study Abroad-Environment & Humanities
- Envs 312: Study Abroad-Environment &Social Science
- Envs 313: Study Abroad-Environment & Nat. Science
- Envs 321: Special Topics in Humanities
- Envs 322: Special Topics in Social Sciences
- Envs 323: Special Topics in Natural Sciences
- Envs 333: Natural Sciences for Envs Minors
- Envs 385: Environmental Studies Internship
- Envs 397: Topics in Environmental Studies Abroad
- Envs 399: Special Topics in Environmental Studies
- FS 101: Ideals of Liberty in the US Founding
- FS 301: Topics in Freedom and Economics
- FS 302: Topics in Law and Constitutional Thought
- FS 303: Topics in Principles of Ordered Liberty
- FS 304: Topics in Struggles for Liberation
- IDS 101: Intro to Interdisciplinary Studies
- IDS 499: Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
- Liba 100: Introduction to Liberal Arts
- Liba 101: Intro. to Occupational/Physical Therapy
- Liba 103: STEM Research Experience
- Liba 130: Introduction to the Fine Arts
- Liba 150: Integrated Science I
- Liba 151: Integrated Science II
- Liba 199: Special Topics in Liberal Arts
- Liba 201: Interdisciplinary Studies
- Liba 202: Interdisciplinary Humanities
- Liba 203: Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
- Liba 204: Interdisciplinary Arts
- Liba 205: Interdisciplinary Sciences
- Liba 205L: Interdisciplinary Lab Sciences
- Liba 299: Special Topics in Liberal Arts
- Liba 301: Foreign Study
- Liba 302: Topics in Liberal Arts Abroad
- Liba 303: Health Professions Application Process
- Liba 305: Humanities and the Experience of War
- Liba 311: Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies
- Liba 312: Advanced Interdisciplinary Humanities
- Liba 313: Advanced Interdisc Social Science
- Liba 314: Advanced Interdisciplinary Arts
- Liba 315: Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences
- Liba 315L: Advanced Interdisciplinary Lab Sciences
- Liba 397: Internship
- Liba 399: Special Topics in Liberal Arts
- Liba 401: Topics in the Liberal Arts
- Liba 410: Med Tech: Urinalysis
- Liba 411: Med Tech: Serology/Immunology
- Liba 412: Med Tech: Clinical Microbiology
- Liba 413: Med Tech: Hematology
- Liba 414: Med Tech: Clinical Analysis of Fluids
- Liba 415: Med Tech: Immunohematology
- Liba 416: Med Tech: Management/Education
- Liba 417: Med Tech: Microbiology/Immun. Rotation
- Liba 418: Med Tech: Hematology/Urinalysis Rotation
- Liba 419: Med Tech: Immunohematology Rotation
- Liba 420: Med Tech: Clinical Rotation
- Liba 499: Special Topics in Liberal Arts
- Muse 199: Introductory Topics in Museum Studies
- Muse 201: Introduction to Museum Practice
- Muse 301: Fundraising for Museums
- Muse 360: Museums on Location
- Muse 395: Topics in Museum Studies
- Muse 398: Topics in Museum Studies Abroad
- Muse 401: Internship in Museum Studies
- Neu 490: Directed Studies in Neuroscience
- Neu 491: Directed Research in Neuroscience I
- Neu 492: Directed Research in Neuroscience II
- Neu 493: Neuroscience Capstone Directed Research
- Neu 579: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience
- SOHE 301: Topics in Society and Health Abroad
- SOHE 302: Topics in Society and Health
- SOHE 329: Medical Humanities
- SOHE 495: Society and Health Internship
- SOHE 497: Directed Study in Society and Health
- US 101: Pre-College Seminar
- US 102: Pre-College Research
- US 400: Research Internship Special Experience
- WWIRR 499: Internship
Aerospace Studies
- AS 101: Heritage and Values I
- AS 102: Heritage and Values II
- AS 105: Basic Training
- AS 111: AFROTC Leadership Laboratory I
- AS 112: AFROTC Leadership Laboratory II
- AS 201: Team & Leadership Fundamentals I
- AS 202: Team & Leadership Fundamentals II
- AS 211: AFROTC Leadership Laboratory III
- AS 212: AFROTC Leadership Laboratory IV
- AS 301: Leading People & Effective Comm I
- AS 302: Leading People & Effective Comm II
- AS 311: AFROTC Leadership Laboratory V
- AS 312: AFROTC Leadership Laboratory VI
- AS 401: Natl Security/Leadership/Commissioning I
- AS 402: Natl Security/Leadership/CommissioningII
- AS 411: AFROTC Leadership Laboratory VII
- AS 412: AFROTC Leadership Laboratory VIII
African American Studies Program
- Aas 170: Intro to African History
- Aas 201: African American Experience I
- Aas 202: African American Experience II
- Aas 302: Judicial System & African Amer Community
- Aas 308: Const Law II: Civil Lib & Civil Rights
- Aas 310: Experiences of Black Mississippians
- Aas 315: Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
- Aas 316: The African Diaspora
- Aas 320: African American Politics
- Aas 325: African American History to 1865
- Aas 326: African American History since 1865
- Aas 328: African American Feminist Thought
- Aas 330: Racism and Religion
- Aas 334: Introduction to Field Work Techniques
- Aas 337: Anthropology of Blues Culture
- Aas 341: African American Lit Survey to 1920
- Aas 342: African American Lit Survey Since 1920
- Aas 350: Topics in African American History
- Aas 351: Topics in AAS Pol & Social Institutions
- Aas 352: Topics in AAS Culture
- Aas 353: Black Psychology
- Aas 360: Topics in African Amer. Studies Abroad
- Aas 362: African American Women's History
- Aas 363: African American Genres
- Aas 364: Studies in African American Lit
- Aas 366: African American Science Fiction Lit
- Aas 367: Blues Tradition in American Literature
- Aas 368: African American Lit and the Classics
- Aas 370: African American Legal Experience
- Aas 372: Decolonization in Africa
- Aas 373: Studies in Comparative Black Lit
- Aas 374: Survey of Carribbean Literature
- Aas 375: Survey of African Literature
- Aas 376: History of West Africa to 1800
- Aas 377: History of West Africa Since 1800
- Aas 378: Africa since Independence
- Aas 385: History of Mass Incarceration in the US
- Aas 386: African and African American Arts
- Aas 388: African Art
- Aas 390: Nationalism in Africa
- Aas 391: Philosophy of Race
- Aas 392: Modern Africa
- Aas 393: History of Southern Africa
- Aas 394: History of Islam in Africa
- Aas 395: Survey of Black American Art
- Aas 412: Studies in Black Popular Culture
- Aas 413: Race and Ethnicity
- Aas 414: Race, Place, and Space
- Aas 421: Readings in U.S. Black Feminism
- Aas 423: Black Women's Enterprise & Activism
- Aas 438: The Rise and Fall of American Slavery
- Aas 440: History of African Americans in Sports
- Aas 442: The New Negro Era
- Aas 443: The Civil Rights Era
- Aas 444: African Americans in Film and Television
- Aas 468: Major African American Writers
- Aas 469: Special Topics in African American Lit
- Aas 473: Prison & the Literary Imagination
- Aas 477: Rhetorics of Race in the US South
- Aas 479: Special Topics in Comparative Black Lit
- Aas 480: African American Studies Senior Seminar
- Aas 481: Special Topics in Carribbean Literature
- Aas 483: Special Topics in African Literature
- Aas 493: Special Topics in Race and Ethnicity
- Aas 498: AAS Directed Study
- Aas 501: African American Studies Seminar
- Aas 504: Research in African American Studies
- Aas 509: Historiography of African American Hist
- Aas 517: African American Musical Tradition
- Aas 518: History of Jazz
- Aas 593: African American Literature
Art & Art History
- AH 101: Introduction to Western Art
- AH 102: Art Beyond the West
- AH 201: History of Art I
- AH 202: History of Art II
- AH 305: Art on Location
- AH 306: Topics in Art History Abroad
- AH 308: Art History Internship
- AH 315: Egyptian Art and Archaeology
- AH 316: Bronze Age Aegean Art & Archaeology
- AH 317: Etruscan Art and Archaeology
- AH 318: Greek Vase Painting
- AH 319: Greek Sculpture
- AH 320: Greek Architecture
- AH 321: Greek Art and Archaeology
- AH 322: Roman Art and Archaeology
- AH 323: Art & Archaeology of Pompeii
- AH 327: Studying Ancient Artifacts
- AH 328: Ancient Art on Location
- AH 330: Medieval Art
- AH 332: Early Christian, Byzantine & Islamic Art
- AH 334: Early Medieval Art and Archaeology
- AH 336: Viking Art and Archaeology
- AH 338: Romanesque and Gothic Art
- AH 341: Italian Renaissance Art
- AH 343: Northern Renaissance Art
- AH 344: Global Renaissance
- AH 345: Baroque & Rococo Art & Architecture
- AH 351: 19th-Century European Art
- AH 355: 20th-Century Art
- AH 357: Art Now
- AH 359: Contemporary Art
- AH 361: American Art
- AH 362: Folk Arts of the Americas
- AH 363: Latin American Arts 1400-1800
- AH 369: Black American Art
- AH 374: History of Graphic Design
- AH 376: History of Photography
- AH 378: History of Printmaking
- AH 380: Asian Art
- AH 381: Art of China
- AH 382: Art of Japan
- AH 383: Art of India
- AH 384: Art of Korea
- AH 386: African and African American Arts
- AH 388: African Art
- AH 394: Mesoamerican Art
- AH 401: Research and Writing in Art
- AH 403: Art Theory and Criticism
- AH 406: Topics in Art History
- AH 408: Seminar in Art History
- AH 412: History of Museums
- AH 458: Social Context of Holocaust Art
- AH 490: Selected Readings: Art Hist. & Criticism
- AH 499: Comprehensive Examination
- AH 503: Art Theory and Criticism
- AH 505: Topics in Art History
- AH 508: Seminar in Art History
- AH 520: Topics in Ancient Art
- AH 530: Topics in Medieval Art
- AH 532: Early Christian, Byzantine & Islamic Art
- AH 534: Early Medieval Art and Archaeology
- AH 536: Viking Art and Archaeology
- AH 538: Romanesque and Gothic Art
- AH 541: Italian Renaissance Art
- AH 543: Northern Renaissance Art
- AH 544: Advanced Global Renaissance
- AH 545: Baroque and Rococo Art and Architecture
- AH 550: Topics in Modern Art
- AH 551: 19th-Century European Art
- AH 555: 20th-Century Art
- AH 557: Art Now
- AH 559: Contemporary Art
- AH 560: Topics: Art of the United States
- AH 561: American Art
- AH 563: Advanced Latin American Arts 1400-1800
- AH 569: Black American Art
- AH 574: History of Graphic Design
- AH 576: History of Photography
- AH 578: History of Printmaking
- AH 581: Chinese Art
- AH 582: Japanese Art
- AH 583: Art of India
- AH 584: Art of Korea
- AH 586: African and African American Arts
- AH 588: Advanced African Art
- AH 594: Mesoamerican Art
- AH 690: Selected Readings
- Ared 361: Teaching of Art in the Elementary School
- Art 101: Two-Dimensional Design
- Art 102: Color Theory
- Art 103: Three-Dimensional Design
- Art 110: Digital Media Foundations Core
- Art 111: Drawing I
- Art 201: Digital Imaging
- Art 202: Photo Imaging
- Art 205: BFA Foundations Portfolio Review
- Art 211: Drawing II
- Art 301: Creative Coding
- Art 302: Sonic Arts
- Art 310: Studio Art on Location
- Art 311: Figure Drawing I
- Art 312: Figure Drawing II
- Art 321: Beginning Painting
- Art 322: Intermediate Painting
- Art 323: Plein Air: Painting the Landscape
- Art 326: Watercolor
- Art 331: Beginning Sculpture
- Art 332: Intermediate Sculpture
- Art 340: Beginning Ceramics
- Art 341: Pottery
- Art 342: Handbuilding
- Art 343: Intensive Wheel Throwing
- Art 360: Vector Imaging
- Art 361: Graphic Design I, Typography
- Art 362: Graphic Design II, Production Design
- Art 363: Illustration
- Art 364: Web Design I
- Art 366: Letterpress
- Art 371: Intro to Printmaking
- Art 372: Intermediate Printmaking
- Art 373: Book Arts
- Art 381: Beginning Imaging Arts
- Art 382: Intermediate Photography
- Art 383: Intermediate Imaging Arts
- Art 384: Digital Video I
- Art 385: Intro Alternative Photographic Processes
- Art 395: Topics in Studio Art Abroad
- Art 398: Special Topics in Art
- Art 405: Pre-Thesis Forum
- Art 406: BA Forum
- Art 410: Art Internship
- Art 411: Advanced Drawing
- Art 414: Exhibition Design
- Art 421: Painting
- Art 426: Advanced Watercolor
- Art 431: Advanced Sculpture
- Art 432: Advanced Head Modeling
- Art 433: Advanced Figure Modeling
- Art 441: Advanced Ceramics
- Art 442: Clay and Glaze Calculation
- Art 460: Graphic Design III, Package Design
- Art 461: Advanced Graphic Design and Illustration
- Art 465: Web Design II
- Art 471: Advanced Printmaking
- Art 481: Advanced Photography
- Art 483: Advanced Imaging Arts
- Art 484: Advanced Digital Video
- Art 485: Advanced Alt Photographic Processes
- Art 490: Directed Individual Problems
- Art 491: Thesis
- Art 492: Senior Seminar
- Art 501: Creative Coding
- Art 502: Sonic Arts
- Art 510: Studio Art on Location
- Art 511: Drawing
- Art 512: Figure Drawing
- Art 521: Painting
- Art 523: Plein Air
- Art 526: Watercolor
- Art 531: Sculpture
- Art 532: Head Modeling
- Art 533: Figure Modeling
- Art 541: Pottery and Ceramics
- Art 542: Ceramic Material Research & Development
- Art 543: Advanced Wheel Throwing
- Art 560: Vector Imaging
- Art 561: Typography
- Art 564: Web Design I
- Art 565: Web Design II
- Art 566: Letterpress Printing
- Art 571: Printmaking
- Art 573: Book Arts
- Art 581: Black-And-White Photography
- Art 583: Digital Photography
- Art 584: Digital Video
- Art 585: Alternative Photographic Processes
- Art 598: Special Topics in Studio Art
- Art 611: Drawing
- Art 621: Painting
- Art 631: Sculpture
- Art 641: Pottery and Ceramics
- Art 661: Advanced Typography
- Art 664: Web Design I
- Art 671: Printmaking
- Art 683: Digital Photography
- Art 691: Directed Individual Problems
- Art 692: Professional Practices
- Art 697: Thesis
- Bisc 100: Research Experience
- Bisc 102: Inquiry Into Life: Human Biology
- Bisc 103: Inquiry into Life Laboratory I
- Bisc 104: Inquiry into Life: The Environment
- Bisc 105: Inquiry into Life Laboratory II
- Bisc 110: Human Biology: An Integrated Exploration
- Bisc 111: The Environment: Integrated Exploration
- Bisc 150: Principles of Biological Science
- Bisc 160: Biological Sciences I
- Bisc 161: Biological Sciences I Laboratory
- Bisc 162: Biological Sciences II
- Bisc 163: Biological Sciences II Laboratory
- Bisc 164: Honors Recitation I
- Bisc 165: Honors Recitation II
- Bisc 200: Research Experience
- Bisc 206: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
- Bisc 207: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
- Bisc 210: Principles of Microbiology
- Bisc 220: Natural Resource Management
- Bisc 300: Research Methods in Biology
- Bisc 301: Evolution
- Bisc 305: Science in Practice
- Bisc 306: Virology
- Bisc 310: Human Anatomy
- Bisc 318: Botany
- Bisc 320: Introductory Marine Biology
- Bisc 321: Introductory Aquatic Biology
- Bisc 322: General Ecology
- Bisc 323: Biology of Invasive Species
- Bisc 327: Introductory Neuroscience
- Bisc 329: Biology of Fishes
- Bisc 330: Principles of Physiology
- Bisc 331: Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
- Bisc 332: Comparative Embryology of Vertebrates
- Bisc 333: General Microbiology
- Bisc 334: Ornithology
- Bisc 335: Human Reproduction
- Bisc 336: Genetics
- Bisc 337: Introductory Entomology
- Bisc 338: Invertebrate Zoology
- Bisc 339: Phycology
- Bisc 342: Plant Diversity
- Bisc 345: Symbiosis: From Parasitism to Mutualism
- Bisc 349: Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives
- Bisc 350: Mammalogy
- Bisc 352: Coastal Ecology
- Bisc 370: Introductory Molecular Genetics
- Bisc 372: Introductory Cell Biology
- Bisc 380: Topics in Biology Abroad
- Bisc 413: Conservation Biology
- Bisc 414: Immunology and Serology
- Bisc 415: Vertebrate Histology
- Bisc 416: Elementary Parasitology
- Bisc 417: Evolution and Medicine
- Bisc 418: Introduction to Molecular Systematics
- Bisc 427: Methods in Comparative Neuroscience
- Bisc 435: Research in Freshwater Biology
- Bisc 436: Human and Vertebrate Genetics
- Bisc 438: Microbial Physiology
- Bisc 439: Developmental Biology
- Bisc 440: Cell and Molecular Biology
- Bisc 443: Ecology of Plant Communities of MS
- Bisc 445: Introduction to Coral-Reef Ecology
- Bisc 448: Tropical Studies in Biology
- Bisc 451: Ecotoxicology
- Bisc 479: Special Topics in Biology
- Bisc 491: Directed Study in Biological Sciences I
- Bisc 492: Directed Study in Biological Sciences II
- Bisc 493: Capstone Directed Study
- Bisc 498: Major Field Achievement Test
- Bisc 499: Listing for Individual Basis Courses
- Bisc 502: Mycology
- Bisc 503: Topics in Bioinformatics
- Bisc 504: Biometry
- Bisc 505: Aquatic Microbiology
- Bisc 507: Cell Biology of Cancer
- Bisc 509: Microbial Genetics
- Bisc 510: Theoretical Ecology
- Bisc 511: Applied Microbiology
- Bisc 512: Animal Behavior
- Bisc 513: Limnological Methods
- Bisc 514: Population Genetics
- Bisc 515: Conservation Biology: Viable Populations
- Bisc 516: Plant Physiology
- Bisc 518: Microtechnique
- Bisc 519: Physiology of Aquatic Animals
- Bisc 520: Medical Microbiology
- Bisc 521: Cell Physiology
- Bisc 522: Microbial Ecology
- Bisc 523: Molecular Microbiol. of Soils & Sediment
- Bisc 524: Aquatic Botany
- Bisc 525: Conservation and Restoration Ecology
- Bisc 528: Conservation Physiology
- Bisc 529: Endocrinology
- Bisc 530: Advanced Field Study in Ecology
- Bisc 531: Plant Morphology
- Bisc 532: Plant Taxonomy
- Bisc 533: Advanced Neuroscience
- Bisc 534: Freshwater Insects
- Bisc 535: Plant-Insect Interactions
- Bisc 538: Hormones and Behavior
- Bisc 540: Chemical Ecology
- Bisc 541: Cell Biol. of Neurodegenerative Disease
- Bisc 542: Microbial Diversity
- Bisc 543: Functional Neuroanatomy
- Bisc 546: Herpetology
- Bisc 547: Advanced Histology
- Bisc 548: Plant Cell and Developmental Biology
- Bisc 550: Biological Oceanography
- Bisc 551: Protozoology
- Bisc 553: Comparative Animal Physiology
- Bisc 554: Ecological Physiology
- Bisc 555: Radiation Biology
- Bisc 560: Microbial Experimental Evolution
- Bisc 566: Evolutionary Biology
- Bisc 567: Evolutionary Biology Laboratory
- Bisc 568: Infectious Disease Ecology
- Bisc 571: History of Biology
- Bisc 578: Advanced Topics in Biology I
- Bisc 579: Advanced Topics in Biology II
- Bisc 580: Advanced Topics in Biology III
- Bisc 590: Systems Biology: Theory and Practice
- Bisc 604: Experimental Design
- Bisc 608: Limnology
- Bisc 609: Stream Ecology
- Bisc 610: Virology
- Bisc 611: Wetlands Ecology
- Bisc 613: Plant Ecology
- Bisc 614: Advanced General Microbiology
- Bisc 615: Ichthyology
- Bisc 616: Population Biology
- Bisc 617: Fishery Biology
- Bisc 618: Community Ecology
- Bisc 619: Ecosystems Ecology
- Bisc 620: Field Botany
- Bisc 621: Behavioral Endocrinology
- Bisc 622: Behavioral Ecology
- Bisc 623: Aquatic Plants
- Bisc 626: Aquatic Ornithology
- Bisc 628: Advanced Reproductive Physiology
- Bisc 629: Advanced Biochemical Endocrinology
- Bisc 630: Algology
- Bisc 631: Advanced Aquatic Techniques
- Bisc 632: Aquatic Toxicology
- Bisc 633: Microbial Energetics
- Bisc 635: Insect Taxonomy
- Bisc 637: Prokaryotic Development
- Bisc 639: Insect Morphology
- Bisc 640: Biology of Amphibia
- Bisc 641: Biology of Reptilia
- Bisc 647: Invertebrate Zoology
- Bisc 649: Methods in Molecular Biology
- Bisc 650: Survival Skills for Science Careers
- Bisc 651: Advanced Parasitology
- Bisc 658: Systems Biology: Theory and Practice
- Bisc 659: Techniques in Molecular Systematics
- Bisc 660: Plant Anatomy and Development
- Bisc 661: Phylogenetic Systematics
- Bisc 662: Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data
- Bisc 675: Advanced Microbial Physiology
- Bisc 676: Topics in Evolutionary Physiology
- Bisc 677: Topics in Evolution and Ecology
- Bisc 678: Topics in Environmental & Applied Micro
- Bisc 679: Directed Study in Biological Science
- Bisc 691: Seminar
- Bisc 692: Seminars on Special Topics
- Bisc 693: Microbiology Seminar
- Bisc 697: Thesis
- Bisc 797: Dissertation
Center for the Study of Southern Culture
- S St 101: Introduction to Southern Studies I
- S St 103: Southern Mythologies and Popular Culture
- S St 104: The South and Race
- S St 105: Introduction to the South and Food
- S St 106: Introduction to Southern Documentary
- S St 107: Intro to Gender & Sexuality in the South
- S St 108: Music and Southern Society
- S St 109: Rights and Southern Activism
- S St 110: Slavery and the University
- S St 118: Introductory Topics in Southern Music
- S St 314: Race, Place, and Space
- S St 334: Introduction to Field Work Techniques
- S St 350: The South and Sexuality
- S St 401: Southern Studies Seminar
- S St 403: Internship
- S St 533: Fieldwork & Oral History
- S St 534: Documentary Photography
- S St 535: Anthropological Films
- S St 536: The Southern Environment
- S St 537: Documenting the South in Film
- S St 538: Advanced Documentary Film/South
- S St 540: Photographing Place in the U.S. South
- S St 544: Advanced Documentary Photography
- S St 555: Foodways and Southern Culture
- S St 556: Heritage Tourism in the South
- S St 560: Oral History of Southern Social Movement
- S St 596: Queer Mississippi
- S St 597: Special Topics I
- S St 598: Special Topics II
- S St 599: Special Topics III
- S St 601: Southern Studies Graduate Seminar I
- S St 602: Southern Studies Graduate Seminar II
- S St 603: Internship
- S St 605: Advanced Individual Study
- S St 610: MFA Seminar
- S St 611: Regionalism
- S St 612: Globalization and the U.S. South
- S St 633: MFA Fieldwork
- S St 638: MFA Documentary Post-Production
- S St 697: Thesis
- S St 698: MFA Thesis Hours
- S St 699: MFA Workshop
Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Chem 101: Chemical Concepts
- Chem 103: Survey of Chemistry I
- Chem 104: Survey of Chemistry II
- Chem 105: General Chemistry I
- Chem 106: General Chemistry II
- Chem 107: General Chemistry Honors Recitation I
- Chem 108: General Chemistry Honors Recitation II
- Chem 113: Survey of Chemistry Laboratory I
- Chem 114: Survey of Chemistry Laboratory II
- Chem 115: General Chemistry Laboratory I
- Chem 116: General Chemistry Laboratory II
- Chem 121: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
- Chem 201: Environmental Chemistry I
- Chem 202: Environmental Chemistry II
- Chem 221: Elementary Organic Chemistry I
- Chem 222: Elementary Organic Chemistry II
- Chem 225: Elementary Organic Chem. Laboratory I
- Chem 226: Elementary Organic Chem. Laboratory II
- Chem 227: Organic Chemistry Honors Recitation I
- Chem 228: Organic Chemistry Honors Recitation II
- Chem 251: Introduction to Individual Research
- Chem 271: Biochemical Concepts
- Chem 293: Introductory Special Topics in Chemistry
- Chem 314: Quantitative Analysis
- Chem 319: Chem & Phys Methods of Forensic Chem
- Chem 331: Physical Chemistry I
- Chem 332: Physical Chemistry II
- Chem 334: Biophysical Chemistry
- Chem 337: Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
- Chem 351: Individual Research
- Chem 373: Intermediate Biochemistry
- Chem 381: Chemistry for Teachers I
- Chem 382: Chemistry for Teachers II
- Chem 383: Chemistry for Teachers III
- Chem 393: Intermediate Special Topics in Chemistry
- Chem 401: Inorganic Chemistry
- Chem 402: Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
- Chem 415: Computer Methods in Chemistry
- Chem 421: Recitation in Organic Chemistry I
- Chem 422: Recitation in Organic Chemistry II
- Chem 423: Organic Analysis
- Chem 441: Forensic Chemistry Senior Research
- Chem 451: Senior Individual Research
- Chem 459: Forensic Science Internship
- Chem 463: Senior Research and Discovery
- Chem 469: Introduction to Instrumental Analysis
- Chem 470: Forensic DNA Analysis
- Chem 471: Biochemistry I
- Chem 472: Biochemistry Laboratory
- Chem 473: Biochemistry II
- Chem 512: Advanced Instrumental Analysis
- Chem 513: Principles of Analytical Chemistry
- Chem 514: Fundamentals of Electrochemistry
- Chem 519: Chemical Separations
- Chem 524: Principles of Organic Chemistry
- Chem 525: Organic Spectroscopy and Spectrometry
- Chem 527: Adv. Organic Chem., Structure Mechanism
- Chem 528: Adv. Organic Chem., Structure Synthesis
- Chem 529: Stereochemistry
- Chem 530: Advanced Organic Synthesis
- Chem 531: Advanced Physical Chem., Quantum Chem.
- Chem 532: Chemical Thermodynamics
- Chem 534: Physical Biochemistry
- Chem 535: Principles of Physical Chemistry I
- Chem 536: Advanced Phys. Chem., Reaction Dynamics
- Chem 538: Principles of Physical Chemistry II
- Chem 544: Chemical Applications of Group Theory
- Chem 545: Chemical Literature
- Chem 546: Chem for High School Science Teacher I
- Chem 547: Chem. for High School Science Teacher II
- Chem 548: Workshop-Middle School Science Teachers
- Chem 550: Safety in the Chemical Laboratory
- Chem 554: Analytical Environmental Chemistry
- Chem 556: Research Methods in STEM Education
- Chem 563: Applied Spectroscopy
- Chem 580: Molecular Biochemistry I
- Chem 581: Molecular Biochemistry II
- Chem 593: Advanced Special Topics in Chemistry
- Chem 617: Research Methodology in Chemistry I
- Chem 651: Research Experience in Chemistry
- Chem 659: Masters Seminar
- Chem 697: Thesis
- Chem 700: Introduction to Graduate Research
- Chem 701: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I
- Chem 702: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II
- Chem 703: Inorganic Techniques
- Chem 705: Seminar in Chemistry
- Chem 715: Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- Chem 716: Mass Spectrometry Fundamentals
- Chem 717: Internship Seminar in College Chemistry
- Chem 718: Research Methodology in Chemistry II
- Chem 722: Organic Techniques
- Chem 725: Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry
- Chem 733: Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry
- Chem 741: Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
- Chem 750: Area Seminars
- Chem 759: Doctoral Seminar
- Chem 761: Quantum Chemistry
- Chem 762: Theory of Molecular Structure
- Chem 765: Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Chem 771: Biochemistry I
- Chem 772: Biochemical Techniques
- Chem 773: Biochemistry II
- Chem 774: Selected Topics in Biochemistry
- Chem 776: Nucleic Acid Chemistry
- Chem 777: Protein Structure
- Chem 796: Doctoral Thesis
- Chem 797: Dissertation
- Clc 100: Honors Introduction to Classics
- Clc 101: Introduction to Greek Civilization
- Clc 102: Introduction to Roman Civilization
- Clc 103: Women in Antiquity
- Clc 104: Sports in the Ancient World
- Clc 105: From Myth to Film
- Clc 106: Classical Mythology
- Clc 107: Ancient Cities
- Clc 201: Medical Terminology in Greek and Latin
- Clc 299: Service Learning in Classics
- Clc 303: Greek and Roman Tragedy
- Clc 304: Greek and Roman Comedy
- Clc 305: Topics in Classical Mythology
- Clc 307: Survey of Greek Literature
- Clc 308: Survey of Roman Literature
- Clc 309: Greek and Roman Epic
- Clc 310: Socrates and Sophistry
- Clc 313: The Roman Republic
- Clc 314: Roman Empire
- Clc 315: Egyptian Art and Archaeology
- Clc 316: Bronze Age Aegean Art & Archaeology
- Clc 317: Etruscan Art and Archaeology
- Clc 318: Greek Vase Painting
- Clc 319: Greek Sculpture
- Clc 320: Greek Architecture
- Clc 321: Greek Art and Archaeology
- Clc 322: Roman Art and Archaeology
- Clc 323: Art & Archaeology of Pompeii
- Clc 325: Topics in Classical Civilization
- Clc 326: Topics in Classics Abroad
- Clc 327: Greek and Roman Religions
- Clc 328: Ancient Art on Location
- Clc 329: Slavery in Ancient Greece and Rome
- Clc 331: Science & Tech. in the Ancient World
- Clc 332: Ancient Warfare
- Clc 333: Poetry and Politics at Rome
- Clc 340: The Golden Age of Athens
- Clc 341: Alexander the Great
- Clc 342: Law and Life in Ancient Athens
- Clc 349: Archaeological Ethics Bowl Practicum
- Clc 350: Ancient Archaeological Field Session
- Clc 352: From Republic to Empire
- Clc 360: Archaeological and Museum Ethics
- Clc 368: African American Lit and the Classics
- Clc 375: Digital Archaeology
- Clc 401: Internship in Classics
- Clc 415: Studying Ancient Artifacts
- Clc 490: Classics Capstone Seminar
- Clc 491: Classics Capstone Experience
- Clc 499: Classics Assessment Exam
- Clc 502: Directed Research in Ancient History
- Clc 503: Directed Research in Ancient Literature
- Clc 504: Directed Research in Ancient Culture
- Clc 505: Directed Research in Ancient Art & Arch
- Gr 101: Introduction to Greek I
- Gr 102: Introduction to Greek II
- Gr 201: Intermediate Greek I
- Gr 202: Intermediate Greek II
- Gr 321: Greek Prose
- Gr 322: Greek Historians
- Gr 323: Greek Rhetoric
- Gr 324: Plato
- Gr 329: Koine Greek
- Gr 331: Greek Poetry
- Gr 332: Homer
- Gr 334: Greek Lyric
- Gr 336: Greek Tragedy
- Gr 337: Greek Comedy
- Gr 507: Special Reading
- Gr 621: Greek Prose
- Gr 622: Greek Historians
- Gr 623: Greek Rhetoric
- Gr 624: Greek Philosophers
- Gr 629: Koine Greek
- Gr 631: Greek Poetry
- Gr 632: Homer
- Gr 634: Greek Lyric
- Gr 636: Greek Tragedy
- Gr 637: Greek Comedy
- Gr 697: Thesis
- Lat 101: Introduction to Latin I
- Lat 102: Introduction to Latin II
- Lat 111: Intensive Introduction to Latin
- Lat 201: Intermediate Latin I
- Lat 202: Intermediate Latin II
- Lat 299: Readings in Advanced Latin
- Lat 321: Latin Prose
- Lat 322: Roman Historians
- Lat 323: Roman Oratory
- Lat 329: Medieval Latin
- Lat 331: Latin Poetry
- Lat 332: Vergil
- Lat 333: Ovid
- Lat 334: Roman Lyric
- Lat 335: Roman Elegy
- Lat 337: Roman Comedy
- Lat 338: Roman Satire
- Lat 340: Literature of the Neronian Age
- Lat 341: Literature of the Roman Empire
- Lat 342: Early Roman Literature
- Lat 343: Literature of the Late Republic
- Lat 344: Latin Epigraphy
- Lat 507: Special Reading
- Lat 601: Writers of the Augustan Age
- Lat 621: Latin Prose
- Lat 622: Roman Historians
- Lat 623: Roman Oratory
- Lat 629: Medieval Latin
- Lat 631: Latin Poetry
- Lat 632: Vergil
- Lat 633: Ovid
- Lat 634: Roman Lyric
- Lat 635: Roman Elegy
- Lat 637: Roman Comedy
- Lat 638: Roman Satire
- Lat 640: Literature of the Neronian Age
- Lat 641: Literature of the Roman Empire
- Lat 642: Early Roman Literature
- Lat 643: Literature of the Late Republic
- Lat 691: Directed Reading in Latin Literature
- Lat 697: Thesis
Croft Inst for International Studies
- Croft Thesis: UM Croft Thesis
- Inst 101: Introduction to International Studies
- Inst 103: Intro to Chinese Language and Culture
- Inst 107: Introduction to Latin America
- Inst 109: Introduction to Topics in Global Studies
- Inst 110: Intercultural Comm: Predeparture
- Inst 111: Intercultural Communication: Reentry
- Inst 200: Thinking Globally
- Inst 201: African Studies
- Inst 203: East Asian Studies
- Inst 205: European Studies
- Inst 207: Latin American Studies
- Inst 209: Middle Eastern Studies
- Inst 211: Reading Seminar
- Inst 212: French News Coverage
- Inst 213: German News Coverage
- Inst 214: Latin American News Coverage
- Inst 310: Topics in East Asian Studies
- Inst 312: Topics in European Studies
- Inst 314: Topics in Latin American Studies
- Inst 315: Topics in Middle Eastern Studies
- Inst 316: Topics in International Studies
- Inst 318: Topics in Global Studies
- Inst 324: Decolonization
- Inst 326: Multicultural Europe
- Inst 327: Europe and the Middle East
- Inst 328: Contemporary Russia
- Inst 329: European Welfare States
- Inst 331: Topics in East Asian Studies Abroad
- Inst 332: Topics in European Studies Abroad
- Inst 333: Topics in Latin American Studies Abroad
- Inst 334: Topics in International Studies Abroad
- Inst 335: Topics in Middle Eastern Studies Abroad
- Inst 341: Contemporary China
- Inst 342: Globalization and East Asia
- Inst 343: Religion, the State & Conflict in Asia
- Inst 344: The Vietnam Wars, 1946-1989
- Inst 345: Japan in the World
- Inst 346: The Two Koreas
- Inst 351: Revolts & Revolutions in the Middle East
- Inst 361: The War on Drugs in Latin America
- Inst 362: Medicine & Revolutions in Latin America
- Inst 363: Gender in Latin America
- Inst 365: Populism in Latin America
- Inst 371: International Trade and Globalization
- Inst 372: Global Ecology and Conservation
- Inst 374: Introduction to International Law
- Inst 375: Global Health
- Inst 381: Research Methods for INST Majors
- Inst 385: Internship in International Studies
- Inst 411: Research in East Asian Studies
- Inst 412: Research in European Studies
- Inst 413: Research in Latin American Studies
- Inst 414: Research in Middle Eastern Studies
- Inst 415: Research in International Studies
- Inst 421: Research Seminar I
- Inst 422: Research Seminar II
- Inst 431: Oral Proficiency Interview
- Econ 101: Introduction to Economics
- Econ 202: Principles of Microeconomics
- Econ 203: Principles of Macroeconomics
- Econ 230: Economic Statistics I
- Econ 302: Economic Statistics II
- Econ 303: Money and Banking
- Econ 305: Current Economic Topics
- Econ 307: Applied Price Theory
- Econ 308: Operations Research
- Econ 310: Engineering Economy
- Econ 312: Law and Economics
- Econ 313: Advanced Law and Economics
- Econ 320: Current Global Economic Issues
- Econ 324: Experimental Economics
- Econ 369: Bitcoin and Monetary Economics
- Econ 389: Internship
- Econ 398: Intermediate Microeconomics
- Econ 399: Intermediate Macroeconomics
- Econ 401: Government and Business
- Econ 402: Econometrics
- Econ 403: Mathematical Economics
- Econ 406: Natural Resource Economics
- Econ 408: Urban Economics
- Econ 409: Computational Macroeconomics
- Econ 410: Financial Economics
- Econ 411: Asset Pricing
- Econ 412: Financial Econometrics
- Econ 417: Labor Economics
- Econ 418: Sports Economics
- Econ 422: Economic Growth and Development
- Econ 425: American Financial History
- Econ 453: An Economic History of the South
- Econ 490: Directed Readings in Economics
- Econ 491: Directed Research in Economics
- Econ 503: Industrial Organization
- Econ 504: Economic Issues in American History
- Econ 505: Public Finance
- Econ 506: Public Finance Administration
- Econ 507: Economics of the Family
- Econ 510: International Trade & Commercial Policy
- Econ 513: History of Economic Thought
- Econ 520: Special Topics in Economics
- Econ 525: Economics of High-Tech Industries
- Econ 530: Behavioral Economics
- Econ 540: Seminar in Economics
- Econ 545: Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
- Econ 550: Contract Theory
- Econ 581: Collective Bargaining
- Econ 583: Labor Relations
- Econ 601: Industrial Organization
- Econ 602: Applied Price Theory
- Econ 603: Time Series Analysis
- Econ 604: Applied Statistical Techniques in Econ.
- Econ 605: Microeconomics I
- Econ 606: Macroeconomics I
- Econ 607: Seminar
- Econ 609: Mathematics for Economists
- Econ 610: Public Choice
- Econ 612: Operations Research
- Econ 614: Microeconomics II
- Econ 615: Public Finance
- Econ 616: Economic Development
- Econ 617: Labor Economics
- Econ 619: Monetary Theory
- Econ 620: Public Policy Analysis
- Econ 621: Theory of International Trade
- Econ 623: International Macroeconomics
- Econ 624: Economics of Human Resources
- Econ 625: Labor & Manpower Policies & Problems
- Econ 628: Macroeconomics II
- Econ 629: Statistical Methods for Economics
- Econ 630: Econometrics I
- Econ 631: Econometrics II
- Econ 643: Microeconomics Research Seminar
- Econ 645: Macroeconomics Research Seminar
- Econ 647: Econometrics Research Seminar
- Econ 650: Research Colloquium in Economics
- Econ 697: Thesis
- Econ 797: Dissertation
- Eng 103: Appreciation of Literature
- Eng 198: Topics in Intro to Creative Writing
- Eng 199: Introduction to Creative Writing
- Eng 220: Survey in Literary History
- Eng 221: Survey of World Literature to 1650
- Eng 222: Survey of World Literature since 1650
- Eng 223: Survey of American Lit to the Civil War
- Eng 224: Survey of American Lit since Civil War
- Eng 225: Survey of British Lit to 18th Century
- Eng 226: Survey of Brit Lit since Romantic Period
- Eng 298: Intro to Form, Craft, and Influence
- Eng 299: Introduction to Literary Studies
- Eng 301: Poetry Workshop
- Eng 302: Fiction Workshop
- Eng 303: Nonfiction Workshop
- Eng 304: Screenwriting Workshop
- Eng 305: Advanced Writing for English Majors
- Eng 306: History of the English Language
- Eng 307: Intro to Literary Criticism and Theory
- Eng 308: Editing, Writing, and Digital Publishing
- Eng 309: Studies in Genre
- Eng 310: Introduction to Cinema Studies
- Eng 311: Studies in Cinema/Media Genres
- Eng 312: Studies in Cinema/Media History
- Eng 313: Introduction to World Cinema
- Eng 314: The Cinematic South
- Eng 315: Studies in Black Film
- Eng 316: Introduction to Medieval Studies
- Eng 317: Chaucer
- Eng 318: Medieval Romance
- Eng 319: Medieval Drama
- Eng 320: The Heroic Age
- Eng 321: Literature of Medieval Europe
- Eng 322: Studies in Medieval Literature
- Eng 324: Shakespeare
- Eng 326: Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Eng 327: Early Modern Genres and Forms
- Eng 328: Studies in Early Modern Literature
- Eng 330: Studies in 18th Century Literature
- Eng 332: 18th Century Genres and Forms
- Eng 333: Studies in Early American Literature
- Eng 334: Early American Genres and Forms
- Eng 335: Studies in Transatlantic Lit to 1900
- Eng 337: Studies in Romanticism
- Eng 338: Studies in Victorian Literature
- Eng 339: Victorian Genres and Forms
- Eng 340: Studies in Antebellum American Lit
- Eng 341: Studies in American Lit 1860-1900
- Eng 343: Studies in 19th Century Literature
- Eng 344: 19th Century Genres and Forms
- Eng 346: Studies in 20th & 21st Cent. British Lit
- Eng 347: Studies in 20th & 21st Cent. US Lit
- Eng 348: Transatlantic Lit, 1900-Present
- Eng 349: Modern/Contemporary Genres
- Eng 350: Studies in Modernism
- Eng 351: Literary Conversation
- Eng 352: Studies in Contemporary Literature
- Eng 353: YA Literature
- Eng 354: Survey of Southern Literature
- Eng 355: Studies in Southern Literature
- Eng 357: Women in the South
- Eng 359: Survey of Native American Literature
- Eng 361: African American Lit Survey to 1920
- Eng 362: African American Lit Survey Since 1920
- Eng 363: African American Genres
- Eng 364: Studies in African American Lit
- Eng 365: Literature in Prison
- Eng 366: African American Science Fiction Lit
- Eng 367: Blues Tradition in American Literature
- Eng 370: Studies in World Literatures
- Eng 371: Studies in Anglophone Literature
- Eng 372: Survey of 20th & 21st c. Irish Lit
- Eng 373: Studies in 20th & 21st c. Comp Black Lit
- Eng 374: Survey of Caribbean Literature
- Eng 375: Survey of 20th and 21st c. African Lit
- Eng 376: Studies in Asian Literature
- Eng 377: Studies in National Counter-Canons
- Eng 378: Studies in Postcolonial Literature
- Eng 379: Literary Studies and Creative Practice
- Eng 380: Studies in Literary Criticism & Theory
- Eng 382: Intro to Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Eng 383: Studies in Gender and Feminism
- Eng 384: Studies in Gay & Lesbian Lit/Theory
- Eng 385: Women in Literature
- Eng 386: Gender on Film
- Eng 387: Creative Writing on Location
- Eng 388: Studies in British Environmental Lit
- Eng 389: Studies in American Environmental Lit
- Eng 391: Environmental Genres and Forms
- Eng 392: Directed Research Assistantship I
- Eng 393: Studies in Popular Culture
- Eng 394: Internship-Editing, Writing, Publishing
- Eng 395: Studies in Literature
- Eng 396: Studies in Diverse Perspectives
- Eng 397: Studies on Location
- Eng 398: Studies Abroad
- Eng 399: Internship
- Eng 400: Advanced Poetry Workshop
- Eng 401: Advanced Fiction Workshop
- Eng 402: Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
- Eng 403: Advanced Screenwriting Workshop
- Eng 404: Special Topics in Creative Writing
- Eng 405: Nature Writing
- Eng 407: Special Topics in Literary Theory
- Eng 409: Special Topics in Genre
- Eng 411: Special Topics Cinema/Media Studies
- Eng 412: Sp Topics Cinema/Media Theory, History
- Eng 413: Special Topics in Media/Cultural Studies
- Eng 414: Special Topics in the Cinematic South
- Eng 417: Early Middle English
- Eng 418: Advanced Studies in Chaucer
- Eng 419: 14th Century English Literature
- Eng 420: Medieval Lit of the North Atlantic
- Eng 421: Literature of Medieval Europe
- Eng 422: Literature of Medieval Piety
- Eng 423: Special Topics in Medieval Literature
- Eng 424: Medieval Forms and Genres
- Eng 426: Seminar on Shakespeare
- Eng 427: Shakespeare on Film
- Eng 428: Special Topics Early Modern Literature
- Eng 431: Special Topics in 18th Century Lit
- Eng 434: Special Topics Early American Lit
- Eng 435: Transatlantic Lit to 1900
- Eng 438: Special Topics in Romanticism
- Eng 439: Special Topics in Victorian Lit
- Eng 442: Antebellum American Literature
- Eng 443: Special Topics American Lit 1860-1900
- Eng 445: Special Topics in 19th Century Lit
- Eng 448: Sp Topics 20 & 21st Cent. British Lit
- Eng 450: Sp Topics 20 & 21st Cent. American Lit
- Eng 452: Transatlantic Lit 1900 to Present
- Eng 454: Special Topics in Modernism
- Eng 457: Special Topics in Contemporary Lit
- Eng 458: Southern Environmental Literature
- Eng 460: Faulkner
- Eng 461: Special Topics in Southern Literature
- Eng 462: Special Topics in the Global South
- Eng 465: Special Topics in Native American Lit
- Eng 468: Major African American Writers
- Eng 469: Special Topics in African American Lit
- Eng 472: Seminar in Diverse Perspectives
- Eng 473: Prison & the Literary Imagination
- Eng 474: Special Topics in World Literature
- Eng 476: Special Topics in Anglophone Literature
- Eng 478: Special Topics in Irish Literature
- Eng 479: Special Topics Comparative Black Lit
- Eng 481: Special Topics in Caribbean Literature
- Eng 483: Special Topics in African Literature
- Eng 486: Special Topics in Postcolonial Studies
- Eng 488: Special Topics Gender/Sexuality Studies
- Eng 489: Power, Knowledge, and Gender
- Eng 490: Special Topics in Queer Theory
- Eng 491: Special Topics in Gender and Literature
- Eng 492: Directed Research Assistantship II
- Eng 493: Special Topics in Race and Ethnicity
- Eng 494: Special Topics in Environmental Studies
- Eng 495: Literature and the Nonhuman
- Eng 496: Directed Reading
- Eng 497: English Study Abroad
- Eng 498: Thesis Workshop
- Eng 499: Senior Thesis
- Eng 500: Studies on Location
- Eng 501: Studies Abroad
- Eng 502: Directed Reading
- Eng 506: Old English I
- Eng 507: Old English II
- Eng 508: Advanced History of the English Language
- Eng 513: Old Norse
- Eng 514: Studies in Faulkner
- Eng 515: Non Fiction Workshop
- Eng 516: Fiction Workshop
- Eng 517: Poetry Workshop
- Eng 518: Writing Theory
- Eng 519: Teaching English Grammar
- Eng 520: Teaching Writing for Thinking
- Eng 521: Topics for English Teachers
- Eng 522: Special Topics in English
- Eng 600: Intro to Graduate Study
- Eng 615: Fundamentals of Applied Linguistics
- Eng 617: Teaching First-year Composition
- Eng 677: Graduate Creative Nonfiction Workshop
- Eng 678: Graduate Screenwriting Workshop
- Eng 679: Form, Craft, and Influence: Poetry
- Eng 680: Graduate Fiction Workshop I
- Eng 681: Graduate Fiction Workshop II
- Eng 682: Graduate Poetry Workshop
- Eng 683: Form, Craft, and Influence: Fiction
- Eng 684: Directed Reading in Creative Writing
- Eng 686: Studies in Genre
- Eng 693: Directed Reading in English Literature
- Eng 695: Directed Reading in American Literature
- Eng 696: Directed Research
- Eng 697: MA Thesis
- Eng 698: MFA Thesis
- Eng 703: Studies in Early English Literature
- Eng 705: Studies in Middle English
- Eng 706: Studies in Chaucer
- Eng 710: Studies in Early Modern Literature
- Eng 711: Studies in Shakespeare
- Eng 714: Milton
- Eng 715: British Lit of Restoration 18th Century
- Eng 717: 18th Century Studies
- Eng 720: Studies in the Romantic Period
- Eng 721: Studies in the Victorian Period
- Eng 725: Studies in Modern British Literature
- Eng 727: Studies in Modern & Contemporary Lit
- Eng 730: Textual Studies and History of the Book
- Eng 731: Studies in Literary Genres
- Eng 732: Studies in the Lyric
- Eng 733: Studies in Drama
- Eng 735: Studies in the Novel
- Eng 736: Theory and Criticism of Poetry
- Eng 737: Studies in Film
- Eng 738: Special Topics in Film Study
- Eng 740: Studies in Critical Theory
- Eng 741: Cultural Studies
- Eng 742: Studies in Gender
- Eng 743: Studies in Literature & the Environment
- Eng 745: Studies in World Literature
- Eng 746: Postcolonial Lit, Culture, and Criticism
- Eng 747: Studies in African and African Diasporic
- Eng 760: Studies in Early American Literature
- Eng 762: Studies in 19th Century American Lit
- Eng 763: Studies in Modern American Lit
- Eng 765: Modern American Drama
- Eng 766: Studies in Contempory American Literatur
- Eng 767: Studies in Major American Writers
- Eng 768: Studies in the American Novel
- Eng 770: Studies in Faulkner
- Eng 775: Studies in American Literary Regionalism
- Eng 776: Studies in Southern Literature
- Eng 781: Studies in Composition and Rhetoric
- Eng 782: Research in Composition
- Eng 790: The Modernist Colloquium
- Eng 791: Internship Seminar in College English
- Eng 796: Doctoral Essay
- Eng 797: Dissertation
- Hst 120: Intro to European History to 1648
- Hst 121: Intro to European History since 1648
- Hst 130: Intro to US History to 1877
- Hst 131: Intro to US History since 1877
- Hst 150: Intro to Middle Eastern History
- Hst 160: Intro to Latin American History
- Hst 170: Intro to African History
- Hst 180: Intro to East Asian History
- Hst 199: What is History?
- Hst 300: Historical Methods
- Hst 301: The Golden Age of Athens
- Hst 302: Law and Life in Ancient Athens
- Hst 303: Alexander the Great
- Hst 304: Roman Republic
- Hst 305: Roman Empire
- Hst 306: From Republic to Empire
- Hst 307: History of Ancient Christianity
- Hst 308: Slavery in Ancient Greece and Rome
- Hst 309: The Bright Ages, 1100-1300
- Hst 310: History of Medieval Christianity
- Hst 311: Medieval Church and Empire
- Hst 312: Birth of Europe-Vikings, Crusades, Empir
- Hst 313: Saints and Sexuality
- Hst 316: Martyrs of the English Reformation
- Hst 317: Late Middle Ages and Renaissance
- Hst 318: Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Hst 319: Reformation Europe
- Hst 320: Tudor-Stuart Britain & Ireland,1485-1688
- Hst 321: Tudor England, 1485-1603
- Hst 322: Stuart England, 1603-1714
- Hst 323: Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment
- Hst 324: Intellectual Hist of the Enlightenment
- Hst 326: Age of Revolution, 1750-1850
- Hst 331: Europe- Imperialism to World War II, 189
- Hst 332: Europe since 1945
- Hst 334: France since 1789
- Hst 335: The French Revolution
- Hst 336: The Napoleonic Era
- Hst 337: History of London
- Hst 338: Great Britain in the Modern Age
- Hst 339: British Empire and Commonwealth
- Hst 340: Postcolonial Europe
- Hst 341: History of Germany, 1789-1918
- Hst 342: History of Germany since 1890
- Hst 343: History of the Holocaust
- Hst 344: Russia Under the Tsars
- Hst 345: Russia in the Era of Total War
- Hst 346: Russia - Cold War to the War in Ukraine
- Hst 347: Science in the Modern World
- Hst 348: Women Who Ruled in European History
- Hst 349: Society and the Sexes in Modern Europe
- Hst 350: Muslim World- Origins to Middle Ages
- Hst 351: Muslim World - Middle Ages to WWI
- Hst 352: The Middle East since 1914
- Hst 355: Water in the Middle East
- Hst 360: Colonial Latin America, 1450-1820
- Hst 361: Latin America since 1820
- Hst 362: History of Mexico and Central America
- Hst 363: History of the Caribbean
- Hst 364: Independence of Latin America, 1760-1830
- Hst 366: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America
- Hst 367: Social Revolutions in Latin America
- Hst 368: Latin America and the Cold War
- Hst 370: Modern Africa
- Hst 371: History of Southern Africa
- Hst 372: Decolonization in Africa
- Hst 373: War, Rebellion and Revolution in Africa
- Hst 374: Nationalism in Africa
- Hst 375: History of Islam in Africa
- Hst 376: History of West Africa to 1800
- Hst 377: History of West Africa Since 1800
- Hst 378: Africa since Independence
- Hst 380: Pre-Modern China
- Hst 381: Late Imperial and Modern China
- Hst 382: China in Revolution
- Hst 383: China and the United States since 1784
- Hst 384: Global Shanghai
- Hst 385: Gender/Sexuality in East Asian History
- Hst 386: Capitalism and Communism in Modern China
- Hst 387: Modern Japanese History
- Hst 388: War and Memory in Japan
- Hst 389: History of Japan-United States Relations
- Hst 392: South Asia and the Indian Ocean
- Hst 396: Global Female Prophecy
- Hst 400: Early America to 1715
- Hst 401: Colonial America, 1607-1763
- Hst 402: Revolutionary America, 1763-1800
- Hst 403: US- Emerging Nation, 1789-1850
- Hst 404: US- The Civil War Era, 1848-1877
- Hst 405: US- Nation Redefined, 1877-1918
- Hst 406: US- WW1 to WWII, 1914-1945
- Hst 407: US- The Nation since 1945
- Hst 408: US - World War II to Watergate, 1945-74
- Hst 409: US History since 1974
- Hst 410: Native America, Pre-contact to 1850
- Hst 411: Native America since 1850
- Hst 412: The Mississippian Shatter Zone
- Hst 414: African American History to 1865
- Hst 415: African American History since 1865
- Hst 418: African American Women’s History
- Hst 419: Black Women’s Enterprise & Activism
- Hst 420: History of African Americans in Sports
- Hst 422: The Rise and Fall of American Slavery
- Hst 423: History of Mass Incarceration in the US
- Hst 424: The Civil Rights Era
- Hst 425: The Era of Reconstruction
- Hst 426: The American Dream
- Hst 427: Disease and Medicine in American History
- Hst 428: US Women’s History
- Hst 429: US Gender History
- Hst 430: US Foreign Relations
- Hst 431: US Legal History
- Hst 432: US Economic History
- Hst 433: US Labor History
- Hst 434: US Religious History
- Hst 435: US Military History
- Hst 436: US Sexuality History
- Hst 440: The Military History of the Civil War
- Hst 450: Southern History to 1900
- Hst 451: The South in the Twentieth Century
- Hst 452: The History of Mississippi
- Hst 453: Environmental History of the South
- Hst 454: Women in Southern History
- Hst 455: History of Religion in the South
- Hst 456: Southern Music History
- Hst 460: Public History
- Hst 461: History on Location
- Hst 463: Practicum in Public History
- Hst 465: Digital History
- Hst 470: The First World War
- Hst 471: The Second World War
- Hst 472: The Cold War
- Hst 474: The Vietnam War
- Hst 477: Food: A Global History
- Hst 478: History of Pharmacy
- Hst 479: Alcohol in the Americas
- Hst 481: Topics in History and Film
- Hst 482: Samurai in Film
- Hst 490: Problems in History- America
- Hst 491: Problems in History- Europe
- Hst 492: Problems in History- World
- Hst 493: Undergraduate History Internship
- Hst 494: Directed Readings in History
- Hst 496: Topics in History Abroad
- Hst 498: Undergrad Research Seminar in History
- Hst 499: Undergrad Reading Seminar in History
- Hst 505: Historiography - US to Reconstruction
- Hst 506: Historiography - US since Reconstruction
- Hst 509: Historiography - African American Histor
- Hst 520: Historiography for Late Antiquity
- Hst 523: Historiography of the Late Middle Ages
- Hst 550: Historical Methods & Philosophy of Hist
- Hst 551: Historiography - Europe to 1815
- Hst 552: Historiography - Europe since 1789
- Hst 570: Historiography: Precolonial Africa
- Hst 571: Historiography: Colonial Africa
- Hst 585: Historiography of the Modern Middle East
- Hst 595: Introduction to Public History
- Hst 596: Queer Mississippi
- Hst 600: Graduate Practicum in Public History
- Hst 601: Professionalization and Colloquium I
- Hst 602: Professionalization and Colloquium II
- Hst 605: Readings - US through Reconstruction
- Hst 606: Readings - US Civil War to Present
- Hst 607: Readings - Southern US History
- Hst 611: Readings - Era of the US Civil War
- Hst 612: Readings - US Depression & War
- Hst 613: Readings - Contemporary US History
- Hst 614: Readings: US Women's and Gender History
- Hst 615: Readings-Sexuality in Modern US History
- Hst 616: Readings-Disease/Medicine in US History
- Hst 617: Readings-Native North America
- Hst 620: Readings: Late Antiquity, Byzantine Hist
- Hst 641: Readings in Global History: Gender
- Hst 651: Readings - European History to 1815
- Hst 652: Readings - European History since 1789
- Hst 653: Readings - Russian History
- Hst 660: Readings - Gender History of Mod. Europe
- Hst 661: Readings - Europe & Atlantic World
- Hst 662: Readings - History of Stalinism
- Hst 663: Readings - History of Modern Consumerism
- Hst 664: Readings - 20th Century Econ & Social Po
- Hst 670: Readings - Slavery in Africa
- Hst 671: Readings - Colonialism in Africa
- Hst 681: Readings - Early Modern British History
- Hst 682: Readings - British History since 1815
- Hst 685: Readings - Middle East History
- Hst 686: Readings - Colonial Latin Amer. History
- Hst 687: Readings - Social Movements. Mod Lat Am
- Hst 688: Readings - Race and Ethnicity in Latin A
- Hst 689: Readings - Seculariz/Sacraliz in Latin A
- Hst 690: Readings - Gender & Power in Latin Am
- Hst 691: Readings - Modern Latin Am History
- Hst 692: Readings - African History
- Hst 693: Readings - General US History
- Hst 694: Readings - General European History
- Hst 695: Readings - Chinese History
- Hst 696: Readings - Selected Areas
- Hst 697: Thesis
- Hst 698: Special Topics
- Hst 699: Internship in History
- Hst 701: Research - US through the Civil War
- Hst 702: Research - US from Civil War to Present
- Hst 710: Grad Pedagogy: Teaching College History
- Hst 720: Research Seminar in Late Antiquity
- Hst 751: Research - European History to 1815
- Hst 752: Research - European History since 1789
- Hst 770: Research - African History
- Hst 781: Research - British History to 1815
- Hst 782: Research - British History since 1815
- Hst 785: Research in Mod Middle Eastern History
- Hst 791: Research - Modern Latin American History
- Hst 797: Dissertation
- Hst 799: Graduate Writing Workshop
- Math 115: Elementary Statistics
- Math 120: Quantitative Reasoning
- Math 121: College Algebra
- Math 123: Trigonometry
- Math 125: Basic Mathematics for Science & Eng
- Math 167: Business Mathematics
- Math 245: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
- Math 246: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II
- Math 261: Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I
- Math 262: Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry II
- Math 263: Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
- Math 264: Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV
- Math 267: Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. I
- Math 268: Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. II
- Math 269: Introduction to Linear Programming
- Math 271: Calculus of Decision Making I
- Math 272: Calculus of Decision Making II
- Math 281: Computer Laboratory for Calculus I
- Math 282: Computer Laboratory for Calculus II
- Math 283: Computer Laboratory for Calculus III
- Math 284: Computer Laboratory for Calculus IV
- Math 301: Discrete Mathematics
- Math 302: Applied Modern Algebra
- Math 305: Foundations of Mathematics
- Math 319: Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Math 353: Elementary Differential Equations
- Math 368: Introduction to Operations Research
- Math 375: Introduction to Statistics I
- Math 380: Statistical Computing and Data Analysis
- Math 390: Techniques in Teaching Sec. Level Math
- Math 397: Special Problems
- Math 401: Combinatorics
- Math 425: Introduction to Abstract Algebra
- Math 454: Intermediate Differential Equations
- Math 459: Introduction to Complex Analysis
- Math 461: Numerical Mathematical Analysis I
- Math 462: Numerical Mathematical Analysis II
- Math 464: Introduction to Dynamics and Chaos
- Math 475: Introduction to Statistics II
- Math 480: Introduction to Actuarial Science
- Math 501: General Topology I
- Math 502: General Topology II
- Math 513: Theory of Numbers I
- Math 514: Theory of Numbers II
- Math 519: Matrices
- Math 520: Linear Algebra
- Math 525: Introduction to Abstract Algebra I
- Math 526: Introduction to Abstract Algebra II
- Math 533: Topics in Euclidean Geometry
- Math 537: Non-Euclidean Geometry
- Math 540: History of Mathematics
- Math 545: Topics for Secondary School Teachers
- Math 555: Advanced Calculus I
- Math 556: Advanced Calculus II
- Math 564: Introduction to Dynamical Systems I
- Math 565: Introduction to Dynamical Systems II
- Math 567: Introduction to Functional Analysis I
- Math 568: Introduction to Functional Analysis II
- Math 572: Introduction to Probability & Statistics
- Math 573: Applied Probability
- Math 574: Probability
- Math 575: Mathematical Statistics I
- Math 576: Mathematical Statistics II
- Math 577: Applied Stochastic Processes
- Math 578: Stochastic Processes
- Math 590: Techniques in Teaching College Math
- Math 597: Special Problems I
- Math 598: Special Problems II
- Math 599: Special Problems III
- Math 625: Modern Algebra I
- Math 626: Modern Algebra II
- Math 631: Foundations of Geometry
- Math 639: Projective Geometry
- Math 647: Topics in Modern Mathematics
- Math 649: Continued Fractions
- Math 655: Theory Functions of Complex Variables I
- Math 656: Theory Functions of Complex Variable II
- Math 661: Numerical Analysis I
- Math 662: Numerical Analysis II
- Math 663: Special Functions
- Math 664: Topics in Dynamical Systems
- Math 667: Functional Analysis I
- Math 668: Functional Analysis II
- Math 669: Partial Differential Equations I
- Math 670: Partial Differential Equations II
- Math 671: Statistical Methods I
- Math 672: Statistical Methods II
- Math 673: Advanced Probability I
- Math 674: Advanced Probability II
- Math 677: Advanced Stochastic Processes I
- Math 678: Advanced Stochastic Processes II
- Math 679: Statistical Bioinformatics
- Math 697: Thesis
- Math 700: Seminar in Topology
- Math 705: Seminar in Dynamical Systems
- Math 710: Seminar in Algebra
- Math 720: Bayesian Statistics
- Math 721: Time Series and Data Analysis
- Math 730: Seminar in Number Theory
- Math 750: Seminar in Analysis
- Math 753: Theory of Functions of Real Variables I
- Math 754: Theory of Functions of Real Variables II
- Math 775: Advanced Statistics I
- Math 776: Advanced Statistics II
- Math 777: Seminar in Statistics
- Math 780: Seminar in Graph Theory
- Math 781: Graph Theory I
- Math 782: Graph Theory II
- Math 797: Dissertation
Military Science & Leadership
- Msl 101: Leadership and Personal Development
- Msl 102: Basic Leadership and Management
- Msl 103: Foundations Officership & Basic Leader.
- Msl 105: Basic Training
- Msl 125: Leadership Fitness I
- Msl 126: Leadership Fitness II
- Msl 200: Intro to Military Science and Leadership
- Msl 201: Individual Leadership Studies
- Msl 202: Leadership and Teamwork
- Msl 203: Ranger Challenge
- Msl 225: Leadership Fitness III
- Msl 226: Leadership Fitness IV
- Msl 301: Leadership and Problem Solving
- Msl 302: Leadership and Ethics
- Msl 340: American Military Experience
- Msl 399: Research Sem. in Mil. Sci. & Leadership
- Msl 401: Leadership and Management
- Msl 402: Officership
Modern Languages
- Arab 111: Intensive Elementary Arabic I
- Arab 112: Intensive Elementary Arabic II
- Arab 198: Elementary Arabic Study Abroad
- Arab 199: Special Topics in Arabic
- Arab 201: Intermediate Arabic I
- Arab 202: Intermediate Arabic II
- Arab 211: Intensive Intermediate Arabic I
- Arab 212: Intensive Intermediate Arabic II
- Arab 215: Arabic Practicum I
- Arab 298: Intermediate Arabic Study Abroad
- Arab 299: Special Topics in Arabic
- Arab 310: Arabic-Special Topics
- Arab 311: Intensive Arabic V
- Arab 312: Intensive Arabic VI
- Arab 313: Colloquial Arabic I
- Arab 314: Colloquial Arabic II
- Arab 315: Arabic Practicum II
- Arab 317: Egyptian Arabic
- Arab 318: Egyptian Arabic II
- Arab 320: Moroccan Arabic
- Arab 321: Moroccan Arabic II
- Arab 322: Levantine Arabic I
- Arab 323: Levantine Arabic II
- Arab 330: Arabic Language and Linguistics
- Arab 361: Arabic Language through Cinema
- Arab 398: Advanced Arabic Study Abroad
- Arab 411: Media Arabic
- Arab 412: Upper-Level Arabic Conversation
- Arab 413: Colloquial Arabic III
- Arab 414: Colloquial Arabic IV
- Arab 415: Arabic Dialectology
- Arab 416: Language and Conflict in the Middle East
- Arab 417: Egyptian Arabic III
- Arab 418: Egyptian Arabic IV
- Arab 420: Moroccan Arabic III
- Arab 421: Moroccan Arabic IV
- Arab 422: Levantine Arabic III
- Arab 423: Levantine Arabic IV
- Arab 450: Domain Knowledge
- Arab 451: Applied Translation in Arabic
- Arab 471: Issues & Trends in Contemporary Lebanon
- Arab 511: Introduction to Arabic Literature
- Arab 512: Introduction to the Qu'ran
- Arab 513: Spoken Arabic: Superior Proficiency
- Arab 514: Arabic Literature, Culture and Thought
- Arab 515: Introduction to Arabic Dialectology
- Arab 550: Advanced Domain Knowledge
- Arab 596: Arabic Capstone Academic Program
- Arab 598: Arabic Capstone Internship
- Chin 101: Elementary Chinese I
- Chin 102: Elementary Chinese II
- Chin 111: Intensive Chinese I
- Chin 112: Intensive Chinese II
- Chin 198: Elementary Chinese Study Abroad
- Chin 199: Special Topics in Chinese
- Chin 201: Intermediate Chinese I
- Chin 202: Intermediate Chinese II
- Chin 211: Intensive Chinese III
- Chin 212: Intensive Chinese IV
- Chin 215: Chinese Practicum I
- Chin 298: Intermediate Chinese Study Abroad
- Chin 299: Special Topics in Chinese
- Chin 300: Envision Taiwan
- Chin 301: Conversation and Composition I
- Chin 302: Conversation and Composition II
- Chin 313: Media Chinese I: Newspapers and Internet
- Chin 314: Media Chinese II: Broadcast News
- Chin 315: Chinese Practicum II
- Chin 321: Chinese Culture and Civilization
- Chin 325: The Chinese Writing System
- Chin 330: Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
- Chin 331: Intro to Chinese Lit & Literary Analysis
- Chin 361: China through Film and Literature
- Chin 398: Advanced Chinese Study Abroad
- Chin 399: Special Topics in Chinese
- Chin 401: Advanced Chinese I
- Chin 402: Advanced Chinese II
- Chin 410: Modern Chinese Literature
- Chin 414: Selected Topics in Academic Chinese
- Chin 415: Chinese Practicum III
- Chin 417: Intro to Modern Chinese Literature
- Chin 418: Introduction to Classical Chinese
- Chin 425: Chinese Narratives and Storytelling
- Chin 430: Contrastive Linguistics
- Chin 450: Domain Knowledge
- Chin 500: Exploring 20th-century Chinese Society
- Chin 510: Interpersonal Relations in Chinese Soc
- Chin 511: Chinese Philology
- Chin 512: 21st Century China
- Chin 513: China and the World
- Chin 514: Classical Chinese Literature
- Chin 550: Advanced Domain Knowledge
- Chin 596: Chinese Capstone Academic Program
- Chin 598: Chinese Capstone Internship
- Fr 101: Elementary French I
- Fr 102: Elementary French II
- Fr 111: Intensive Elementary French
- Fr 121: Accelerated Elementary French
- Fr 198: Elementary French Study Abroad
- Fr 199: Special Topics in French
- Fr 201: Intermediate French I
- Fr 202: Second Year French
- Fr 211: Intensive Intermediate French
- Fr 298: Intermediate French Study Abroad
- Fr 299: Special Topics in French
- Fr 303: Conversation & Composition I
- Fr 304: Conversation & Composition II
- Fr 311: Business French
- Fr 321: French Culture and Civilization
- Fr 322: Contemporary French Culture
- Fr 323: La Chanson Francophone
- Fr 324: French Cuisine and Culture
- Fr 325: The Francophone World
- Fr 330: Introduction to French Linguistics
- Fr 331: Intro to Lit/Literary Analysis in French
- Fr 361: French and Francophone Cinema
- Fr 362: Regional Identity in French Cinema
- Fr 398: Upper-Level French Study Abroad
- Fr 399: Special Topics
- Fr 561: Advanced French & Francophone Cinema
- Fr 571: Advanced Grammar and Composition
- Fr 572: French Phonetics and Phonology
- Fr 573: Translation Theory and Practice
- Fr 574: History of the French Language
- Fr 575: Topics in Applied French Linguistics
- Fr 577: Survey of French Literature I
- Fr 578: Survey of French Literature II
- Fr 579: Survey of French Lyric Poetry
- Fr 580: Survey of French Theater
- Fr 582: Medieval and Renaissance French Lit
- Fr 583: Seventeenth-Century French Literature
- Fr 584: Eighteenth-Century French Literature
- Fr 585: Nineteenth-Century French Literature
- Fr 586: Twentieth-Century French Literature
- Fr 587: Introduction to Francophone Literature
- Fr 588: Chretien de Troyes and His World
- Fr 589: The Environment in French Literature
- Fr 593: Topics in Cultural Studies
- Fr 598: Advanced French Study Abroad
- Fr 599: Special Topics
- Fr 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Fr 632: Seminar, French Studies II
- Fr 651: Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Fr 671: Research Methods
- Fr 672: Research & Practice in Clsrm Sec. Lang.
- Fr 673: Seminar
- Fr 697: Thesis
- Germ 101: Elementary German I
- Germ 102: Elementary German II
- Germ 103: Practical Review of Elem German I
- Germ 104: Practical Review of Elem German II
- Germ 111: Intensive Elementary German
- Germ 198: Elementary German Study Abroad
- Germ 199: Special Topics in German
- Germ 201: Intermediate German I
- Germ 202: Intermediate German II
- Germ 205: Scientific German
- Germ 211: Intensive Intermediate German
- Germ 298: Intermediate German Study Abroad
- Germ 299: Special topics in German
- Germ 303: Conversation and Composition I
- Germ 304: Conversation and Composition II
- Germ 311: Business German
- Germ 321: German Culture and Civilization
- Germ 330: Introduction to German Linguistics
- Germ 331: Intro to Lit /Literary Analysis in Germ
- Germ 341: German in the U.S.
- Germ 361: German Cinema
- Germ 394: German Internship
- Germ 398: Upper-Level German Study Abroad
- Germ 399: Special Topics in German
- Germ 529: Contemporary German
- Germ 541: Adv Topics in German-American Studies
- Germ 546: Intensive Advanced German in Germany
- Germ 561: Advanced Topics in German Cinema
- Germ 571: Advanced Grammar and Composition
- Germ 572: German Phonetics and Phonology
- Germ 574: History of the German Language
- Germ 575: Topics in Applied Linguistics
- Germ 577: Survey of German Lit. & Culture I
- Germ 578: Survey of German Lit. & Culture II
- Germ 584: The Age of Goethe
- Germ 585: Nineteenth-Century German Literature
- Germ 586: Twentieth-Century Literature & Culture
- Germ 587: German Fairy Tales
- Germ 593: Topics in Cultural Studies
- Germ 597: German Teaching Practicum
- Germ 598: Advanced German Study Abroad
- Germ 599: Special Topics
- Germ 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Germ 611: Intensive Elem German for Graduate St
- Germ 651: Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Germ 671: Research Methods
- Germ 672: Research & Prac in Clasrm Sec. Lan. Acq
- Germ 673: Seminar
- Germ 697: Thesis
- IE 011: Beginning Speaking and Listening
- IE 012: Beginning Reading
- IE 013: Beginning Writing
- IE 014: Beginning Grammar
- IE 015: Beginning Speaking and Listening II
- IE 016: Beginning Reading II
- IE 017: Beginning Writing II
- IE 018: Beginning Grammar II
- IE 019: Beginning Extensive Reading & Vocabulary
- IE 021: Intermediate Speaking and Listening
- IE 022: Intermediate Reading
- IE 023: Intermediate Writing
- IE 024: Intermediate Grammar
- IE 025: High Intermediate Speaking and Listening
- IE 026: High Intermediate Reading
- IE 027: High Intermediate Writing
- IE 028: High Intermediate Grammar
- IE 029: Intermediate Extensive Reading & Vocab
- IE 031: Advanced Speaking and Listening
- IE 032: Advanced Reading
- IE 033: Advanced Writing
- IE 034: Advanced Grammar
- IE 035: Test Preparation
- IE 036: English for Academic Purposes
- IE 037: English in the Sciences
- IE 038: Business English
- IE 039: Literature Written in English
- IE 040: American Culture
- IE 041: Intercultural Communication
- IE 042: American Culture II
- IE 043: Intercultural Communication II
- IE 044: Topics in ESL
- IE 046: Community Connections
- IE 047: Academic Writing
- IE 048: Academic Vocabulary
- IE 049: Advanced Extensive Reading & Vocabulary
- IE 050: Topics in American Culture
- IE 051: Topics in Intercultural Communication
- IE 052: Cross Cultural Awareness
- IE 053: Speaking Accurately and Clearly
- IE 055: Southern Studies I
- IE 056: Southern Studies II
- IE 090: English for International Students
- IE 091: Acad Writ Lab for International Students
- IE 092: English Lab Mississippi and the World
- IE 093: English Lab for Math
- IE 094: English Lab Humanities and Soc Sciences
- IE 095: English Lab for Sciences
- IE 096: English Lab for Arts
- IE 098: Independent Study in ESL
- IE 099: Independent Study in ICC
- IE 400: English for International TAs
- IE 401: Academic Reading and Writing
- IE 402: Academic Speaking and Listening
- IE 490: Advanced English for Intl Students
- IE 491: Advanced Writing Lab for Intl Students
- IE 500: Language Use in American Universities
- IE 531: Assessment of Second Lang Acquisition
- IE 542: Teaching English as a Second Language
- IE 547: Cult. Dimen. of Second Lang. Acquisition
- Ital 101: Elementary Italian I
- Ital 102: Elementary Italian II
- Ital 111: Intensive Elementary Italian
- Ital 198: Elementary Italian Study Abroad
- Ital 199: Special Topics in Italian
- Ital 201: Intermediate Italian I
- Ital 202: Intermediate Italian II
- Ital 211: Intensive Intermediate Italian
- Ital 298: Intermediate Italian Study Abroad
- Ital 299: Special Topics in Italian
- Ital 301: Conversation and Composition I
- Ital 302: Conversation and Composition II
- Ital 305: Intensive Composition and Conversation
- Ital 321: Italian Culture and Civilization
- Ital 331: Intro to Italian Lit & Literary Analysis
- Ital 361: Italian Cinema
- Ital 398: Advanced Italian Study Abroad
- Ital 399: Special Topics in Italian
- Ital 401: Advanced Italian I
- Ital 402: Conversation and Composition II
- Ital 499: Advanced Topics in Italian
- Ital 599: Special Topics in Italian
- Ital 611: Intensive Elem Italian for Grad Students
- Ital 699: Advanced Special Topics in Italian
- Japn 101: Elementary Japanese I
- Japn 102: Elementary Japanese II
- Japn 103: Practical Review of Elem Japanese I
- Japn 104: Practical Review of Elem Japanese II
- Japn 111: Intensive Elementary Japanese
- Japn 198: Elementary Japanese Study Abroad
- Japn 199: Special topics in Japanese
- Japn 201: Intermediate Japanese I
- Japn 202: Intermediate Japanese II
- Japn 203: Practical Review: Intermed Japanese I
- Japn 204: Practical Review: Intermed Japanese II
- Japn 211: Intensive Intermediate Japanese
- Japn 298: Intermediate Japanese Study Abroad
- Japn 299: Special Topics in Japanese
- Japn 301: Conversation and Composition I
- Japn 302: Conversation and Composition II
- Japn 310: Special Topics in Japanese
- Japn 398: Advanced Japanese Study Abroad
- Japn 399: Special Topics in Japanese
- Japn 401: Advanced Japanese I
- Japn 402: Advanced Japanese II
- Japn 499: Advanced Topics in Japanese
- Japn 501: Contemporary Japanese
- Kor 111: Intensive Elementary Korean I
- Kor 112: Intensive Elementary Korean II
- Kor 198: Elementary Korean Study Abroad
- Kor 199: Special Topics in Korean
- Kor 211: Intensive Intermediate Korean I
- Kor 212: Intensive Intermediate Korean II
- Kor 298: Intermediate Korean Study Abroad
- Kor 299: Special Topics in Korean
- Kor 301: Advanced Korean I
- Kor 302: Advanced Korean II
- Kor 398: Upper-Level Korean Study Abroad
- Kor 399: Special Topics in Korean
- Kor 401: Conversation and Composition I
- Kor 402: Conversation and Composition II
- Lin 103: Logic: Critical Thinking
- Lin 200: Introduction to Linguistic Science
- Lin 250: Introduction to TESOL
- Lin 299: Topics in Linguistics
- Lin 303: Phonology
- Lin 304: Morphology
- Lin 305: Syntax
- Lin 306: Semantics and Pragmatics
- Lin 310: Sociolinguistics
- Lin 312: Language and Culture
- Lin 330: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- Lin 331: Introduction to French Linguistics
- Lin 332: Introduction to German Linguistics
- Lin 338: Manual Communication
- Lin 339: Structure of a Less Commonly Taught Lang
- Lin 340: Philosophy of Language
- Lin 341: Computational Linguistics
- Lin 348: Language and the Law
- Lin 350: Teaching English as a Second Language
- Lin 351: Language Acquisition
- Lin 353: Psycholinguistics
- Lin 355: Modern English Grammar
- Lin 399: Advanced Topics in Linguistics
- Lin 497: Undergraduate Thesis
- Lin 501: Seminar in Linguistics
- Lin 506: Discourse Analysis
- Lin 510: Advanced English Grammar
- Lin 511: Dialects of English
- Lin 515: Language, Gender, and Sexuality
- Lin 520: Historical Linguistics
- Lin 521: Old English I
- Lin 522: Old English II
- Lin 524: History of the English Language II
- Lin 525: Old Norse
- Lin 530: French Phonetics and Phonology
- Lin 531: History of French Language
- Lin 532: Topics in Applied French Linguistics
- Lin 533: German Phonetics and Phonology
- Lin 534: History of German
- Lin 535: Topics in Applied German Linguistics
- Lin 536: Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
- Lin 537: Spanish Morphology and Syntax
- Lin 538: History of Spanish
- Lin 539: Topics in Applied Spanish Linguistics
- Lin 542: Language Teaching Methods
- Lin 545: Pidgins and Creoles
- Lin 548: Forensic Linguistics
- Lin 551: Assessment in Second Lang Acquisition
- Lin 552: Evaluation & Policy in Lang Education
- Lin 553: Topics in Psycholinguistic Research
- Lin 561: Multilingual Development & Education
- Lin 571: Intercultural Communication & Education
- Lin 572: Cultural Dimensions of Language Educatio
- Lin 581: Indigenous Languages and Pedagogies
- Lin 598: Study Abroad in Linguistics
- Lin 599: Special Topics in Linguistics
- Lin 600: Fundamentals of Applied linguistics
- Lin 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Lin 603: Seminar in Phonology
- Lin 604: Seminar in Morphology
- Lin 605: Seminar in Syntax
- Lin 606: Seminar in Pragmatics
- Lin 610: Seminar in Sociolinguistics
- Lin 611: Language Variation
- Lin 620: Seminar in Historical Linguistics
- Lin 621: Seminar in Comparative Linguistics
- Lin 638: Linguistic Variation in Spanish-Speaking
- Lin 641: Intro to Translation Theory and Practice
- Lin 650: Seminar in Second Language Acquisition
- Lin 651: Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Lin 652: Advanced Methods of Teaching Second Lang
- Lin 653: Cognitive Linguistics and SLA/Teaching
- Lin 655: Functional Grammar
- Lin 657: Teaching L2 Literacy
- Lin 670: Critical Issues in Applied Linguistics
- Lin 672: Linguistic Anthropology
- Lin 680: Language Program Administration
- Lin 687: Practicum in Teach Engl as a Second Lang
- Lin 688: TESOL Internship I
- Lin 689: TESOL Internship II
- Lin 690: Qualitative Research Methods
- Lin 691: Quantitative Research Methods
- Lin 692: Linguistics Toolkit
- Lin 693: Linguistic Research: Theory to Practice
- Lin 697: Master Thesis
- Lin 699: Special Topics
- Lin 701: Proseminar for Ph.D. students
- Lin 721: Capstone
- Lin 795: Selected Doctoral Readings
- Lin 796: Doctoral Proposal
- Lin 797: Doctoral Dissertation
- Lin 799: Independent Project
- Mlll 198: Elem. Study of Other Languages Abroad
- Mlll 298: Intermed Study of Other Languages Abroad
- Mlll 302: China Through Literature and Film
- Mlll 346: Brazilian Literary Works & Cultural Doc
- Mlll 348: Germ Lit Works & Cultural Doc in Trans
- Mlll 350: Structure of a Less Commonly Taught Lang
- Mlll 352: Women Writers of the Americas
- Mlll 361: Introduction to World Cinema
- Mlll 375: Introduction of Medieval Studies
- Mlll 376: Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Mlll 398: Adv. Study of Other Languages Abroad I
- Mlll 399: Special Topics
- Mlll 489: Power, Knowledge, and Gender
- Mlll 541: Special Topics in Linguistics
- Mlll 598: Adv. Study of Other Languages Abroad II
- Mlll 599: Special Topics
- Port 101: Elementary Portuguese I
- Port 102: Elementary Portuguese II
- Port 111: Intensive Elementary Portuguese
- Port 198: Elementary Portuguese Study Abroad
- Port 199: Special Topics in Portuguese
- Port 201: Intermediate Portuguese I
- Port 202: Intermediate Portuguese II
- Port 211: Intensive Intermediate Portuguese
- Port 298: Intermediate Portuguese Study Abroad
- Port 299: Special Topics
- Port 301: Conversation and Composition I
- Port 302: Conversation and Composition II
- Port 309: Portuguese for Other Rom Lang Speakers I
- Port 310: Portuguese for Other Rom Lang Speaker II
- Port 311: Business Portuguese
- Port 321: Brazilian Culture & Civilization
- Port 331: Intro Brazilian Lit & Literary Analysis
- Port 361: Brazilian Cinema
- Port 398: Advanced Portuguese Study Abroad
- Port 399: Special Topics in Portuguese
- Port 611: Portuguese for Reading
- Russ 101: Elementary Russian I
- Russ 102: Elementary Russian II
- Russ 111: Intensive Elementary Russian
- Russ 198: Elementary Russian Study Abroad
- Russ 199: Special Topics in Russian
- Russ 201: Intermediate Russian I
- Russ 202: Intermediate Russian II
- Russ 211: Intensive Elementary Russian
- Russ 298: Intermediate Russian Study Abroad
- Russ 299: Special Topics in Russian
- Russ 301: Conversation and Composition I
- Russ 302: Conversation and Composition II
- Russ 310: Russian Special Topics
- Russ 321: Russian Culture & Civilization
- Russ 331: Intro to Russian Lit & Literary Analysis
- Russ 361: Russian Cinema
- Russ 398: Advanced Russian Study Abroad
- Russ 399: Special Topics in Russian
- Russ 401: Advanced Russian I
- Russ 402: Advanced Russian II
- Russ 411: Political Russian
- Russ 499: Advanced Topics in Russian
- Russ 501: Contemporary Russian
- Span 101: Elementary Spanish I
- Span 102: Elementary Spanish II
- Span 111: Intensive Elementary Spanish
- Span 121: Accelerated Elementary Spanish
- Span 198: Elementary Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 199: Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 201: Intermediate Spanish I
- Span 202: Intermediate Spanish II
- Span 211: Intensive Intermediate Spanish
- Span 213: Intensive Intermed Span for Major/Minor
- Span 298: Intermediate Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 299: Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 303: Conversation and Composition I
- Span 304: Conversation and Composition II
- Span 305: Intensive Conversation and Composition
- Span 306: Spanish for Heritage Learner I
- Span 307: Spanish for Heritage Learners II
- Span 311: Business Spanish
- Span 321: Spanish Culture and Civilization
- Span 322: Spanish American Culture/Civilization
- Span 330: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- Span 331: Intro to Lit and Literary Analysis
- Span 341: Spanish in the U.S.
- Span 345: Spanish Language and the Law
- Span 361: Spanish Cinema
- Span 362: Hispanic American Film
- Span 371: Spanish Grammar for Oral Communication
- Span 393: Cultural Studies
- Span 396: Intensive Spanish Grammar Review
- Span 397: Conversation for Upper-Level Spanish
- Span 398: Upper-Level Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 399: Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 529: Contemporary Spanish
- Span 561: Advanced Topics in Cinema in Spanish
- Span 565: Spanish American Women Writers
- Span 571: Spanish Sociolinguistics
- Span 572: Spanish Phonetics & Phonology
- Span 573: Spanish Morphology and Syntax
- Span 574: The History of Spanish Language
- Span 575: Topics in Applied Spanish Linguistics
- Span 576: Advanced Spanish for Business
- Span 577: Survey of Spanish Literature I
- Span 578: Survey of Spanish Literature II
- Span 579: Survey of Spanish American Literature I
- Span 580: Survey of Spanish American Literature II
- Span 581: Medieval Literature
- Span 582: Cervantes
- Span 583: Golden Age Literature
- Span 585: 18th and 19th Century Spanish Lit
- Span 586: Modern Spanish Literature
- Span 587: Spanish American Short Story
- Span 588: Spanish American Poetry
- Span 593: Topics in Cultural Studies
- Span 598: Advanced Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 599: Span St Special Topics
- Span 600: Hispanic Linguistics for Grad Students
- Span 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Span 611: Intensive Elem Spanish for Grad Students
- Span 616: Spanish Morphology and Syntax
- Span 631: Seminar, Hispanic Studies I
- Span 632: Seminar, Hispanic Studies II
- Span 640: Bilingualism in Spanish Speaking World
- Span 651: Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Span 661: Graduate Seminar on Film in Spanish
- Span 671: Research Methods
- Span 672: Spanish Classroom SLA
- Span 673: Seminar
- Span 676: Ling Variation in Spanish-Speaking World
- Span 677: Readings in Spanish Literature I
- Span 678: Readings in Spanish Literature II
- Span 679: Readings in Spanish Am Literature I
- Span 680: Readings in Spanish Am Literature II
- Span 687: Spanish American Fiction
- Span 697: Thesis
- Span 699: Advanced Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 701: ProSeminar I for Ph.D. Students
- Span 702: ProSeminar II for Ph.D. Students
- Span 721: Capstone Doctoral Seminar
- Span 797: Dissertation
- Span 799: Independent Project
- Swa 101: Elementary Swahili I
- Swa 102: Elementary Swahili II
- Swa 198: Elementary Swahili Study Abroad
- Swa 199: Special Topics in Swahili
- Swa 201: Intermediate Swahili I
- Swa 202: Intermediate Swahili II
- Swa 298: Intermediate Swahili Study Abroad
- Swa 299: Special Topics in Swahili
- Swa 301: Conversation and Composition I
- Swa 302: Conversation and Composition II
- Swa 310: Advanced Topics in Swahili Languages
- Swa 398: Upper-Level Swahili Abroad
- Swa 399: Special Topics in Swahili
- TESL 395: Second Language Acquisition
- TESL 500: Language Use in American Universities
- TESL 509: Semantics
- TESL 515: Approaches to Discourse
- TESL 525: Pidgins and Creoles
- TESL 530: Pragmatics
- TESL 536: Dialects of American English
- TESL 537: Language Variation
- TESL 538: Language, Gender, and Sexuality
- TESL 545: Indigenous Languages and Pedagogies
- TESL 548: Forensic Linguistics
- TESL 549: Intercultural Communication
- TESL 600: Fundamentals of Linguistics for TESL
- TESL 612: Seminar in Phonology
- TESL 614: Seminar in Morphology
- TESL 616: Seminar in Syntax
- TESL 620: Seminar in Sociolinguistics
- TESL 680: Critical Issues in Applied Linguistics
- Brtn 100: Preparatory Baritone
- Brtn 121: Freshman Baritone I
- Brtn 122: Freshman Baritone II
- Brtn 221: Sophomore Baritone I
- Brtn 222: Sophomore Baritone II
- Brtn 241: Sophomore Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 242: Sophomore Baritone Performance II
- Brtn 321: Junior Baritone I
- Brtn 322: Junior Baritone II
- Brtn 341: Junior Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 342: Junior Baritone Performance II
- Brtn 421: Senior Baritone I
- Brtn 422: Senior Baritone II
- Brtn 441: Senior Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 442: Senior Baritone Performance II
- Brtn 521: Advanced Baritone I
- Brtn 522: Advanced Baritone II
- Brtn 541: Advanced Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 542: Advanced Baritone Performance II
- Brtn 621: Graduate Baritone I
- Brtn 622: Graduate Baritone II
- Brtn 641: Graduate Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 642: Graduate Baritone Performance II
- Bssn 100: Preparatory Bassoon
- Bssn 121: Freshman Bassoon I
- Bssn 122: Freshman Bassoon II
- Bssn 221: Sophomore Bassoon I
- Bssn 222: Sophomore Bassoon II
- Bssn 241: Sophomore Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 242: Sophomore Bassoon Performance II
- Bssn 321: Junior Bassoon I
- Bssn 322: Junior Bassoon II
- Bssn 341: Junior Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 342: Junior Bassoon Performance II
- Bssn 421: Senior Bassoon I
- Bssn 422: Senior Bassoon II
- Bssn 441: Senior Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 442: Senior Bassoon Performance II
- Bssn 521: Advanced Bassoon I
- Bssn 522: Advanced Bassoon II
- Bssn 541: Advanced Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 542: Advanced Bassoon Performance II
- Bssn 621: Graduate Bassoon I
- Bssn 622: Graduate Bassoon II
- Bssn 641: Graduate Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 642: Graduate Bassoon Performance II
- Clar 100: Preparatory Clarinet
- Clar 121: Freshman Clarinet I
- Clar 122: Freshman Clarinet II
- Clar 221: Sophomore Clarinet I
- Clar 222: Sophomore Clarinet II
- Clar 241: Sophomore Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 242: Sophomore Clarinet Performance II
- Clar 321: Junior Clarinet I
- Clar 322: Junior Clarinet II
- Clar 341: Junior Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 342: Junior Clarinet Performance II
- Clar 421: Senior Clarinet I
- Clar 422: Senior Clarinet II
- Clar 441: Senior Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 442: Senior Clarinet Performance II
- Clar 521: Advanced Clarinet I
- Clar 522: Advanced Clarinet II
- Clar 541: Advanced Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 542: Advanced Clarinet Performance II
- Clar 621: Graduate Clarinet I
- Clar 622: Graduate Clarinet II
- Clar 641: Graduate Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 642: Graduate Clarinet Performance II
- Flut 100: Preparatory Flute
- Flut 121: Freshman Flute I
- Flut 122: Freshman Flute II
- Flut 221: Sophomore Flute I
- Flut 222: Sophomore Flute II
- Flut 241: Sophomore Flute Performance I
- Flut 242: Sophomore Flute Performance II
- Flut 321: Junior Flute I
- Flut 322: Junior Flute II
- Flut 341: Junior Flute Performance I
- Flut 342: Junior Flute Performance II
- Flut 421: Senior Flute I
- Flut 422: Senior Flute II
- Flut 441: Senior Flute Performance I
- Flut 442: Senior Flute Performance II
- Flut 521: Advanced Flute I
- Flut 522: Advanced Flute II
- Flut 541: Advanced Flute Performance I
- Flut 542: Advanced Flute Performance II
- Flut 621: Graduate Flute I
- Flut 622: Graduate Flute II
- Flut 641: Graduate Flute Performance I
- Flut 642: Graduate Flute Performance II
- Frhn 100: Preparatory French Horn
- Frhn 121: Freshman French Horn I
- Frhn 122: Freshman French Horn II
- Frhn 221: Sophomore French Horn I
- Frhn 222: Sophomore French Horn II
- Frhn 241: Sophomore French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 242: Sophomore French Horn Performance II
- Frhn 321: Junior French Horn I
- Frhn 322: Junior French Horn II
- Frhn 341: Junior French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 342: Junior French Horn Performance II
- Frhn 421: Senior French Horn I
- Frhn 422: Senior French Horn II
- Frhn 441: Senior French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 442: Senior French Horn Performance II
- Frhn 521: Advanced French Horn I
- Frhn 522: Advanced French Horn II
- Frhn 541: Advanced French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 542: Advanced French Horn Performance II
- Frhn 621: Graduate French Horn I
- Frhn 622: Graduate French Horn II
- Frhn 641: Graduate French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 642: Graduate French Horn Performance II
- Hrps 121: Freshman Harpsichord
- Hrps 221: Sophomore Harpsichord
- Hrps 321: Junior Harpsichord
- Hrps 421: Senior Harpsichord
- Hrps 521: Advanced Harpsichord I
- Hrps 522: Advanced Harpsichord II
- Mus 100: Student Recital
- Mus 101: Introduction to Music Literature
- Mus 102: Fundamentals of Music Theory
- Mus 103: Introduction to Music
- Mus 104: Introduction to World Music Cultures
- Mus 105: Music Theory and Analysis I
- Mus 106: Music Theory and Analysis II
- Mus 110: Yoga for Performers
- Mus 111: Beginning Piano Class
- Mus 113: Fundamental Keyboard Musicianship I
- Mus 114: Fundamental Keyboard Musicianship II
- Mus 118: Fundamentals of Music Performance
- Mus 123: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 124: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 126: Wind Ensemble
- Mus 127: Clarinet Ensemble
- Mus 128: Clarinet Ensemble
- Mus 131: University Orchestra
- Mus 132: University Orchestra
- Mus 133: University Band
- Mus 134: University Band
- Mus 135: University Chorus
- Mus 136: University Chorus
- Mus 139: Concert Singers
- Mus 140: Concert Singers
- Mus 141: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 142: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 143: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 144: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 145: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 146: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 153: Summer Band
- Mus 155: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 156: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 157: Low Brass Ensemble
- Mus 158: Low Brass Ensemble
- Mus 161: String Class
- Mus 172: Sec Instr Methods: Flute
- Mus 173: Sec Instr Methods: Single Reeds
- Mus 174: Sec Instr Methods: Double Reeds
- Mus 187: Sec Instr Methods: High Brass
- Mus 189: Sec Instr Methods: Low Brass
- Mus 190: Sec Instr Methods: Percussion
- Mus 193: Summer Opera I
- Mus 195: Opera Theatre Workshop I
- Mus 196: Opera Production Workshop I
- Mus 197: Voice Class
- Mus 198: Vocal Methods for Instrumental Majors
- Mus 200: Topics in Music Abroad I
- Mus 204: World Music Cultures
- Mus 205: Music Theory and Analysis III
- Mus 206: Music Theory and Analysis IV
- Mus 207: Singers' Diction I
- Mus 208: Singers' Diction II
- Mus 213: Intermediate Keyboard Musicianship I
- Mus 214: Intermediate Keyboard Musicianship II
- Mus 223: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 224: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 226: Wind Ensemble
- Mus 227: Clarinet Ensemble
- Mus 228: Clarinet Ensemble
- Mus 231: University Orchestra
- Mus 232: University Orchestra
- Mus 233: University Band
- Mus 234: University Band
- Mus 235: University Chorus
- Mus 236: University Chorus
- Mus 237: Instrumental Chamber Ensemble
- Mus 238: Instrumental Chamber Ensemble
- Mus 239: Concert Singers
- Mus 240: Concert Singers
- Mus 241: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 242: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 243: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 244: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 245: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 246: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 253: Summer Band
- Mus 255: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 256: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 257: Low Brass Ensemble
- Mus 258: Low Brass Ensemble
- Mus 293: Summer Opera II
- Mus 295: Opera Theatre Workshop II
- Mus 296: Opera Production Workshop II
- Mus 301: History of Music I
- Mus 302: History of Music II
- Mus 303: Vocal Literature I
- Mus 304: Vocal Literature II
- Mus 305: Form & Analysis I
- Mus 308: Accompanying
- Mus 309: Composition I
- Mus 310: Composition II
- Mus 311: Introduction to Music Education
- Mus 312: Keyboard Literature
- Mus 313: American Musical Theatre
- Mus 315: Fundamentals of Conducting
- Mus 316: Instrumental Conducting
- Mus 323: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 324: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 325: Techniques of Marching Band
- Mus 326: Wind Ensemble
- Mus 327: Clarinet Ensemble
- Mus 328: Clarinet Ensemble
- Mus 329: Music for Children
- Mus 330: Selected Topics in Music
- Mus 331: University Orchestra
- Mus 332: University Orchestra
- Mus 333: University Band
- Mus 334: University Band
- Mus 335: University Chorus
- Mus 336: University Chorus
- Mus 337: Instrumental Chamber Ensemble
- Mus 338: Instrumental Chamber Ensemble
- Mus 339: Concert Singers
- Mus 340: Concert Singers
- Mus 341: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 342: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 343: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 344: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 345: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 346: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 347: Introduction to Music Technology
- Mus 353: Summer Band
- Mus 355: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 356: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 357: Low Brass Ensemble
- Mus 358: Low Brass Ensemble
- Mus 371: Elementary School Music
- Mus 375: Instrumental Music Methods
- Mus 376: Teaching Music in Elem School-Strings
- Mus 381: Choral Conducting I
- Mus 383: Choral Methods & Administration
- Mus 384: Choral Literature & Arranging
- Mus 385: Instrumental Music Pedagogy
- Mus 393: Summer Opera III
- Mus 395: Opera Theatre Workshop III
- Mus 396: Opera Production Workshop III
- Mus 398: Solo Recital
- Mus 400: Topics in Music Abroad II
- Mus 403: Composition III
- Mus 404: Composition IV
- Mus 405: Instrumental Arranging
- Mus 414: Piano Pedagogy
- Mus 422: Managing the Music Classroom
- Mus 423: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 424: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 426: Wind Ensemble
- Mus 427: Clarinet Ensemble
- Mus 428: Clarinet Ensemble
- Mus 431: University Orchestra
- Mus 432: University Orchestra
- Mus 433: University Band
- Mus 434: University Band
- Mus 435: University Chorus
- Mus 436: University Chorus
- Mus 437: Instrumental Chamber Ensemble
- Mus 438: Instrumental Chamber Ensemble
- Mus 439: Concert Singers
- Mus 440: Concert Singers
- Mus 441: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 442: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 443: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 444: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 445: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 446: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 453: Summer Band
- Mus 455: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 456: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 457: Low Brass Ensemble
- Mus 458: Low Brass Ensemble
- Mus 493: Summer Opera IV
- Mus 495: Opera Theatre Workshop IV
- Mus 496: Opera Production Workshop IV
- Mus 497: Senior Thesis
- Mus 498: Musical Synthesis and Assessment
- Mus 500: German for Musicians
- Mus 501: Music of the Medieval/Renaissance Period
- Mus 502: Music of the Baroque Period
- Mus 503: Music of the Classical Period
- Mus 504: Music of the Romantic Period
- Mus 505: Analysis I
- Mus 506: Analysis II
- Mus 507: Analysis III: 20th Century
- Mus 508: Advanced Ear Training
- Mus 509: Composition V
- Mus 510: Composition VI
- Mus 512: 16th Century Counterpoint
- Mus 513: Music Since 1900
- Mus 514: 18th Century Counterpoint
- Mus 515: History of Opera
- Mus 516: History and Lit of Hymnody in America
- Mus 517: Afri-American Musical Traditions
- Mus 518: History of Jazz
- Mus 519: Instrumental and Vocal Arranging
- Mus 520: Introduction to Music Research
- Mus 521: Advanced Singer's Diction I
- Mus 522: Advanced Singer's Diction II
- Mus 523: Advanced Instrumental Directing
- Mus 524: Advanced Choral Methods
- Mus 525: Advanced Techniques of Marching Band
- Mus 526: History of Music in the United States
- Mus 527: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 528: Jazz Ensemble
- Mus 529: Vocal Pedagogy
- Mus 530: Special Projects in Music Education
- Mus 531: University Orchestra
- Mus 532: University Orchestra
- Mus 533: University Band
- Mus 534: University Band
- Mus 536: Kodaly Music Education in America
- Mus 537: Instrumental Chamber Ensemble
- Mus 538: Instrumental Chamber Ensemble
- Mus 539: Concert Singers
- Mus 540: Concert Singers
- Mus 541: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 542: Steel Drum Ensemble
- Mus 543: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 544: Early Music Performance Ensemble
- Mus 545: University Chorus
- Mus 546: University Chorus
- Mus 547: Music Technology I
- Mus 548: Psychology of Music
- Mus 551: Orff Level I
- Mus 552: Music Theory Practicum
- Mus 553: Special Topics in Musicology
- Mus 555: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 556: African Music Ensemble
- Mus 557: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 558: Percussion Ensemble
- Mus 559: Special Topics in Music Theory
- Mus 560: Music Theory Pedagogy
- Mus 561: Symphonic Literature
- Mus 562: Advanced Choral Literature
- Mus 563: Chamber Music Literature
- Mus 565: Instrumental Solo Literature
- Mus 567: Wind Ensemble
- Mus 569: Secondary Violin/Viola
- Mus 570: Secondary Cello/Bass
- Mus 572: Secondary Woodwind Instruments
- Mus 573: Secondary Woodwind Instruments
- Mus 574: Secondary Woodwind Instruments
- Mus 575: Perspectives in World Music
- Mus 576: Topics in Ethnomusicology
- Mus 577: Diasporic African Music Cultures
- Mus 582: Secondary Brass Instruments
- Mus 590: Secondary Percussion Instruments
- Mus 592: Secondary Keyboard Instruments
- Mus 593: Summer Opera V
- Mus 595: Opera Theatre Workshop V
- Mus 596: Opera Production Workshop V
- Mus 597: Opera Theatre Workshop VI
- Mus 598: Opera Production Workshop VI
- Mus 600: Topics in Music Abroad
- Mus 605: Pedagogy of Music Performance I
- Mus 607: Wind Band Literature
- Mus 608: Advanced Keyboard Literature
- Mus 613: Directed Individual Study
- Mus 614: Directed Individual Study
- Mus 615: Advanced Conducting
- Mus 616: Advanced Conducting
- Mus 619: Foundations of Music Education
- Mus 620: Research in Music Education
- Mus 622: Seminar in Music Education
- Mus 623: Advanced Song Literature
- Mus 624: Advanced Opera & Oratorio Literature
- Mus 626: Music in the Elementary School
- Mus 630: Schenkerian Analysis I
- Mus 652: Secondary Voice
- Mus 680: Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- Mus 682: Ethnographic Research Methods
- Mus 695: Public Recital
- Mus 697: Thesis
- Mus 713: Internship
- Mus 714: Internship
- Mus 717: Observation Research in Music Education
- Mus 718: Historical Research in Music Education
- Mus 719: Qualitative Research Methods in Music Ed
- Mus 727: Experimental Research in Music Edu
- Mus 797: Dissertation
- Oboe 100: Preparatory Oboe
- Oboe 121: Freshman Oboe I
- Oboe 122: Freshman Oboe II
- Oboe 221: Sophomore Oboe I
- Oboe 222: Sophomore Oboe II
- Oboe 241: Sophomore Oboe Performance I
- Oboe 242: Sophomore Oboe Performance II
- Oboe 321: Junior Oboe I
- Oboe 322: Junior Oboe II
- Oboe 341: Junior Oboe Performance I
- Oboe 342: Junior Oboe Performance II
- Oboe 421: Senior Oboe I
- Oboe 422: Senior Oboe II
- Oboe 441: Senior Oboe Performance I
- Oboe 442: Senior Oboe Performance II
- Oboe 521: Advanced Oboe I
- Oboe 522: Advanced Oboe II
- Oboe 541: Advanced Oboe Performance I
- Oboe 542: Advanced Oboe Performance II
- Oboe 621: Graduate Oboe I
- Oboe 622: Graduate Oboe II
- Oboe 641: Graduate Oboe Performance I
- Oboe 642: Graduate Oboe Performance II
- Orgn 100: Preparatory Organ
- Orgn 121: Freshman Organ I
- Orgn 122: Freshman Organ II
- Orgn 221: Sophomore Organ I
- Orgn 222: Sophomore Organ II
- Orgn 321: Junior Organ I
- Orgn 322: Junior Organ II
- Orgn 421: Senior Organ I
- Orgn 422: Senior Organ II
- Orgn 521: Advanced Organ I
- Orgn 522: Advanced Organ II
- Perc 100: Preparatory Percussion Instruments
- Perc 121: Freshman Percussion I
- Perc 122: Freshman Percussion II
- Perc 221: Sophomore Percussion I
- Perc 222: Sophomore Percussion II
- Perc 241: Sophomore Percussion Performance I
- Perc 242: Sophomore Percussion Performance II
- Perc 321: Junior Percussion I
- Perc 322: Junior Percussion II
- Perc 341: Junior Percussion Performance I
- Perc 342: Junior Percussion Performance II
- Perc 421: Senior Percussion I
- Perc 422: Senior Percussion II
- Perc 441: Senior Percussion Performance I
- Perc 442: Senior Percussion Performance II
- Perc 521: Advanced Percussion I
- Perc 522: Advanced Percussion II
- Perc 541: Advanced Percussion Performance I
- Perc 542: Advanced Percussion Performance II
- Perc 590: Secondary Percussion Instruments
- Perc 621: Graduate Percussion I
- Perc 622: Graduate Percussion II
- Perc 641: Graduate Percussion Performance I
- Perc 642: Graduate Percussion Performance II
- Pian 100: Preparatory Piano
- Pian 121: Freshman Piano I
- Pian 122: Freshman Piano II
- Pian 221: Sophomore Piano I
- Pian 222: Sophomore Piano II
- Pian 241: Sophomore Piano Performance I
- Pian 242: Sophomore Piano Performance II
- Pian 321: Junior Piano I
- Pian 322: Junior Piano II
- Pian 341: Junior Piano Performance I
- Pian 342: Junior Piano Performance II
- Pian 421: Senior Piano I
- Pian 422: Senior Piano II
- Pian 441: Senior Piano Performance I
- Pian 442: Senior Piano Performance II
- Pian 521: Advanced Piano I
- Pian 522: Advanced Piano II
- Pian 541: Advanced Piano Performance I
- Pian 542: Advanced Piano Performance II
- Pian 621: Graduate Piano I
- Pian 622: Graduate Piano II
- Pian 641: Graduate Piano Performance I
- Pian 642: Graduate Piano Performance II
- Saxn 100: Preparatory Saxophone
- Saxn 121: Freshman Saxophone I
- Saxn 122: Freshman Saxophone II
- Saxn 221: Sophomore Saxophone I
- Saxn 222: Sophomore Saxophone II
- Saxn 241: Sophomore Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 242: Sophomore Saxophone Performance II
- Saxn 321: Junior Saxophone I
- Saxn 322: Junior Saxophone II
- Saxn 341: Junior Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 342: Junior Saxophone Performance II
- Saxn 421: Senior Saxophone I
- Saxn 422: Senior Saxophone II
- Saxn 441: Senior Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 442: Senior Saxophone Performance II
- Saxn 521: Advanced Saxophone I
- Saxn 522: Advanced Saxophone II
- Saxn 541: Advanced Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 542: Advanced Saxophone Performance II
- Saxn 621: Graduate Saxophone I
- Saxn 622: Graduate Saxophone II
- Saxn 641: Graduate Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 642: Graduate Saxophone Performance II
- Stbs 100: Preparatory String Bass
- Stbs 121: Freshman String Bass I
- Stbs 122: Freshman String Bass II
- Stbs 221: Sophomore String Bass I
- Stbs 222: Sophomore String Bass II
- Stbs 241: Sophomore String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 242: Sophomore String Bass Performance II
- Stbs 321: Junior String Bass I
- Stbs 322: Junior String Bass II
- Stbs 341: Junior String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 342: Junior String Bass Performance II
- Stbs 421: Senior String Bass I
- Stbs 422: Senior String Bass II
- Stbs 441: Senior String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 442: Senior String Bass Performance II
- Stbs 521: Advanced String Bass I
- Stbs 522: Advanced String Bass II
- Stbs 541: Advanced String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 542: Advanced String Bass Performance II
- Stbs 621: Graduate String Bass I
- Stbs 622: Graduate String Bass II
- Stbs 641: Graduate String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 642: Graduate String Bass Performance II
- Trbn 100: Preparatory Trombone
- Trbn 121: Freshman Trombone I
- Trbn 122: Freshman Trombone II
- Trbn 221: Sophomore Trombone I
- Trbn 222: Sophomore Trombone II
- Trbn 241: Sophomore Trombone Performance I
- Trbn 242: Sophomore Trombone Performance II
- Trbn 321: Junior Trombone I
- Trbn 322: Junior Trombone II
- Trbn 341: Junior Trombone Performance I
- Trbn 342: Junior Trombone Performance II
- Trbn 421: Senior Trombone I
- Trbn 422: Senior Trombone II
- Trbn 441: Senior Trombone Performance I
- Trbn 442: Senior Trombone Performance II
- Trbn 521: Advanced Trombone I
- Trbn 522: Advanced Trombone II
- Trbn 541: Advanced Trombone Performance I
- Trbn 542: Advanced Trombone Performance II
- Trbn 621: Graduate Trombone I
- Trbn 622: Graduate Trombone II
- Trbn 641: Graduate Trombone Performance I
- Trbn 642: Graduate Trombone Performance II
- Trpt 100: Preparatory Trumpet
- Trpt 121: Freshman Trumpet I
- Trpt 122: Freshman Trumpet II
- Trpt 221: Sophomore Trumpet I
- Trpt 222: Sophomore Trumpet II
- Trpt 241: Sophomore Trumpet Performance I
- Trpt 242: Sophomore Trumpet Performance II
- Trpt 321: Junior Trumpet I
- Trpt 322: Junior Trumpet II
- Trpt 341: Junior Trumpet Performance I
- Trpt 342: Junior Trumpet Performance II
- Trpt 421: Senior Trumpet I
- Trpt 422: Senior Trumpet II
- Trpt 441: Senior Trumpet Performance I
- Trpt 442: Senior Trumpet Performance II
- Trpt 521: Advanced Trumpet I
- Trpt 522: Advanced Trumpet II
- Trpt 541: Advanced Trumpet Performance I
- Trpt 542: Advanced Trumpet Performance II
- Trpt 621: Graduate Trumpet I
- Trpt 622: Graduate Trumpet II
- Trpt 641: Graduate Trumpet Performance I
- Trpt 642: Graduate Trumpet Performance II
- Tuba 100: Preparatory Tuba
- Tuba 121: Freshman Tuba I
- Tuba 122: Freshman Tuba II
- Tuba 221: Sophomore Tuba I
- Tuba 222: Sophomore Tuba II
- Tuba 241: Sophomore Tuba Performance I
- Tuba 242: Sophomore Tuba Performance II
- Tuba 321: Junior Tuba I
- Tuba 322: Junior Tuba II
- Tuba 341: Junior Tuba Performance I
- Tuba 342: Junior Tuba Performance II
- Tuba 421: Senior Tuba I
- Tuba 422: Senior Tuba II
- Tuba 441: Senior Tuba Performance I
- Tuba 442: Senior Tuba Performance II
- Tuba 521: Advanced Tuba I
- Tuba 522: Advanced Tuba II
- Tuba 541: Advanced Tuba Performance I
- Tuba 542: Advanced Tuba Performance II
- Tuba 621: Graduate Tuba I
- Tuba 622: Graduate Tuba II
- Tuba 641: Graduate Tuba Performance I
- Tuba 642: Graduate Tuba Performance II
- Vcel 100: Preparatory Violoncello
- Vcel 121: Freshman Violoncello I
- Vcel 122: Freshman Violoncello II
- Vcel 221: Sophomore Violoncello I
- Vcel 222: Sophomore Violoncello II
- Vcel 241: Sophomore Violoncello Performance I
- Vcel 242: Sophomore Violoncello Performance II
- Vcel 321: Junior Violoncello I
- Vcel 322: Junior Violoncello II
- Vcel 341: Junior Violoncello Performance I
- Vcel 342: Junior Violoncello Performance II
- Vcel 421: Senior Violoncello I
- Vcel 422: Senior Violoncello II
- Vcel 441: Senior Violoncello Performance I
- Vcel 442: Senior Violoncello Performance II
- Vcel 521: Advanced Violoncello I
- Vcel 522: Advanced Violoncello II
- Vcel 541: Advanced Violoncello Performance I
- Vcel 542: Advanced Violoncello Performance II
- Vcel 621: Graduate Violoncello I
- Vcel 622: Graduate Violoncello II
- Vcel 641: Graduate Violoncello Performance I
- Vcel 642: Graduate Violoncello Performance II
- Vila 100: Preparatory Viola
- Vila 121: Freshman Viola I
- Vila 122: Freshman Viola II
- Vila 221: Sophomore Viola I
- Vila 222: Sophomore Viola II
- Vila 241: Sophomore Viola Performance I
- Vila 242: Sophomore Viola Performance II
- Vila 321: Junior Viola I
- Vila 322: Junior Viola II
- Vila 341: Junior Viola Performance I
- Vila 342: Junior Viola Performance II
- Vila 421: Senior Viola I
- Vila 422: Senior Viola II
- Vila 441: Senior Viola Performance I
- Vila 442: Senior Viola Performance II
- Vila 521: Advanced Viola I
- Vila 522: Advanced Viola II
- Vila 541: Advanced Viola Performance I
- Vila 542: Advanced Viola Performance II
- Vila 621: Graduate Viola I
- Vila 622: Graduate Viola II
- Vila 641: Graduate Viola Performance I
- Vila 642: Graduate Viola Performance II
- Viln 100: Preparatory Violin
- Viln 121: Freshman Violin I
- Viln 122: Freshman Violin II
- Viln 221: Sophomore Violin I
- Viln 222: Sophomore Violin II
- Viln 241: Sophomore Violin Performance I
- Viln 242: Sophomore Violin Performance II
- Viln 321: Junior Violin I
- Viln 322: Junior Violin II
- Viln 341: Junior Violin Performance I
- Viln 342: Junior Violin Performance II
- Viln 421: Senior Violin I
- Viln 422: Senior Violin II
- Viln 441: Senior Violin Performance I
- Viln 442: Senior Violin Performance II
- Viln 521: Advanced Violin I
- Viln 522: Advanced Violin II
- Viln 541: Advanced Violin Performance I
- Viln 542: Advanced Violin Performance II
- Viln 621: Graduate Violin I
- Viln 622: Graduate Violin II
- Viln 641: Graduate Violin Performance I
- Viln 642: Graduate Violin Performance II
- Voic 100: Preparatory Voice
- Voic 121: Freshman Voice I
- Voic 122: Freshman Voice II
- Voic 141: Freshman Applied Voice I
- Voic 142: Freshman Applied Voice II
- Voic 221: Sophomore Voice I
- Voic 222: Sophomore Voice II
- Voic 241: Sophomore Voice Performance I
- Voic 242: Sophomore Voice Performance II
- Voic 321: Junior Voice I
- Voic 322: Junior Voice II
- Voic 341: Junior Voice Performance I
- Voic 342: Junior Voice Performance II
- Voic 343: Junior Coaching I
- Voic 344: Junior Coaching II
- Voic 421: Senior Voice I
- Voic 422: Senior Voice II
- Voic 441: Senior Voice Performance I
- Voic 442: Senior Voice Performance II
- Voic 443: Senior Coaching I
- Voic 444: Senior Coaching II
- Voic 521: Advanced Voice I
- Voic 522: Advanced Voice II
- Voic 523: Advanced Coaching I
- Voic 524: Advanced Coaching II
- Voic 541: Advanced Voice Performance I
- Voic 542: Advanced Voice Performance II
- Voic 621: Graduate Voice I
- Voic 622: Graduate Voice II
- Voic 641: Graduate Voice Performance I
- Voic 642: Graduate Voice Performance II
- Voic 652: Secondary Voice
Naval Science
- Nsc 105: Basic Training
- Nsc 111: Intro to Naval Science
- Nsc 112: Seapower & Maritime Affairs
- Nsc 115: Leadership Laboratory I
- Nsc 116: Leadership Laboratory II
- Nsc 211: Naval Leadership and Management
- Nsc 212: Navigation
- Nsc 215: Leadership Laboratory III
- Nsc 216: Leadership Laboratory IV
- Nsc 310: Evolution of Warfare
- Nsc 312: Naval Ships Systems I (Engineering)
- Nsc 313: Naval Ships Systems II (Weapons)
- Nsc 315: Leadership Laboratory V
- Nsc 316: Leadership Laboratory VI
- Nsc 320: Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare
- Nsc 410: Amphibious Warfare
- Nsc 412: Naval Leadership and Ethics
- Nsc 413: Naval Operations and Seamanship
- Nsc 415: Leadership Laboratory VII
- Nsc 416: Leadership Laboratory VIII
- Nsc 417: Leadership Laboratory IX
- Nsc 418: Leadership Laboratory X
Philosophy & Religion
- Hbr 110: Biblical Hebrew I
- Hbr 111: Biblical Hebrew II
- Hbr 211: Intensive Intermediate Biblical Hebrew
- Phil 101: Introduction to Philosophy
- Phil 102: Introduction to Professional Ethics
- Phil 103: Logic: Critical Thinking
- Phil 104: Contemporary Moral Issues
- Phil 105: Dungeons, Dragons, and Philosophy
- Phil 201: Ultimate Questions
- Phil 204: Intro to Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 205: AI Ethics
- Phil 209: Asian Philosophy
- Phil 301: History of Philosophy I
- Phil 302: History of Philosophy II
- Phil 307: Topics in Medieval Philosophy
- Phil 308: Buddhism
- Phil 309: Chinese Religions: Confucianism & Daoism
- Phil 310: Socrates & Sophistry
- Phil 311: Plato
- Phil 313: Aristotle
- Phil 314: Kant and the Problems of Philosophy
- Phil 315: Nineteenth Century Philosophy
- Phil 316: Topics in Philosophy in American History
- Phil 318: Existentialism
- Phil 319: Symbolic Logic
- Phil 320: Aesthetics
- Phil 321: Ethical Theory
- Phil 322: Epistemology
- Phil 323: Metaphysics
- Phil 324: History of Analytic Philosophy
- Phil 325: Theories of Truth
- Phil 326: Metaethics
- Phil 328: Biomedical Ethics
- Phil 330: History of Western Political Philosophy
- Phil 331: Political Philosophy
- Phil 332: Personal Identity and the Self
- Phil 333: Philosophy of Language
- Phil 334: Free Will and Responsibility
- Phil 340: Philosophy of Technology
- Phil 342: Philosophy of Mind
- Phil 344: Moral Psychology
- Phil 345: Environmental Ethics
- Phil 347: Advanced Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 348: Nature and Environment in Asian Religion
- Phil 349: Religious Ethics: Issues and Methods
- Phil 350: Philosophy of Law
- Phil 351: Philosophy of Religion
- Phil 352: Care Ethics
- Phil 353: Consequentialism
- Phil 354: Ethical Leadership
- Phil 355: Philosophy of Film
- Phil 357: Business Ethics
- Phil 360: Philosophical Issues in Science/Religion
- Phil 365: Ethical Disagreement and Dialogue
- Phil 371: Public Policy and Ethics
- Phil 372: Conservative Political Philosophy
- Phil 380: Community-Based Internship
- Phil 390: Feminist Philosophy
- Phil 391: Philosophy of Race
- Phil 395: Topics in Philosophy
- Phil 396: Philosophical Topics in Religion
- Phil 399: Topics in Philosophy Abroad
- Phil 401: Seminar in History of Ancient Philosophy
- Phil 402: Seminar in History of Modern Philosophy
- Phil 421: Seminar in Ethical Philosophy
- Phil 422: Seminar in Epistemology/Metaphysics
- Phil 431: Seminar in Legal/Political Philosophy
- Phil 432: Seminar in Philosophy of Mind/Language
- Phil 460: Seminar: Philosophy of Science/Religion
- Phil 490: Directed Readings in Philosophy
- Phil 491: Honors Thesis
- Phil 499: Philosophy Assessment Exam
- Phil 590: Adv Seminar Epistemology/Metaphysics
- Phil 591: Advanced Seminar in Value Theory
- Phil 592: Advanced Seminar in History of Phil
- Phil 593: Adv Seminar Epistemology/Metaphysics II
- Phil 594: Advanced Seminar in Value Theory II
- Phil 595: Advanced Seminar in History of Phil II
- Phil 599: Professional Development in Philosophy
- Phil 601: Studies in Ancient Philosophy
- Phil 607: Major Western Philosophers
- Phil 608: Studies in Eastern Philosophy
- Phil 609: Studies in Existential Philosophy
- Phil 611: Problems of Metaphysics
- Phil 613: Problems in the Philosophy of Religion
- Phil 614: Kant
- Phil 617: Problems of Epistemology
- Phil 619: Value Theory
- Phil 620: Problems of Aesthetics
- Phil 621: Problems in Ethics
- Phil 622: Studies in Early Modern Philosophy
- Phil 624: Problems in Philosophical Analysis
- Phil 625: Major Figures of Analytic Philosophy
- Phil 628: Problems in Biomedical Ethics
- Phil 630: Studies in the History of Political Phil
- Phil 631: Problems in Political Philosophy
- Phil 632: Problems of Personal Identity
- Phil 633: Philosophy of Language
- Phil 642: Problems in the Philosophy of Mind
- Phil 644: Studies in Moral Psychology
- Phil 645: Problems in Environmental Ethics
- Phil 647: Graduate Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 650: Problems of Philosophy of Law
- Phil 652: Problems in Care Ethics
- Phil 653: Problems in Consequentialism
- Phil 655: Advanced Symbolic Logic
- Phil 656: Problems in the Philosophy of Film
- Phil 657: Problems in Business Ethics
- Phil 660: Problems of Science and Religion
- Phil 665: Philosophy of Science
- Phil 680: Studies in Feminist Philosophy
- Phil 690: Seminar
- Phil 691: Research
- Phil 692: Special Topics in Ethics
- Phil 693: Special Topics in Metaphysics
- Phil 694: Special Topics in History of Philosophy
- Phil 697: Thesis
- Rel 101: Introduction to Religion
- Rel 102: Introduction to Asian Religions
- Rel 103: Intro to Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- Rel 300: Comparative World Religions
- Rel 307: Topics in Medieval Philosophy
- Rel 308: Buddhism
- Rel 309: The Dead Sea Scrolls
- Rel 310: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
- Rel 312: The New Testament & Early Christianity
- Rel 313: The Book of Job
- Rel 315: Jesus and the Gospels
- Rel 320: Hinduism
- Rel 323: Islam
- Rel 325: Chinese Religions: Confucianism & Daoism
- Rel 326: Saints and Sexuality
- Rel 328: Biomedical Ethics
- Rel 330: Racism and Religion
- Rel 335: Self-Harm in Religion
- Rel 340: Travel and Tourism in Religion
- Rel 342: Jesus and Muhammad
- Rel 345: St. Paul and His Letters
- Rel 350: Jews, Judaism, and Anti-Semitism
- Rel 351: Philosophy of Religion
- Rel 353: Great Books in East Asian Religions
- Rel 358: Religious Implications of the Holocaust
- Rel 360: Philosophical Issues: Science & Religion
- Rel 366: Sex, Gender, and the Bible
- Rel 367: Global Female Prophecy
- Rel 368: Feminism, Women, and Religion
- Rel 370: Topics in Biblical Studies
- Rel 372: Rise of Christianity
- Rel 375: Christianity in America
- Rel 376: Revelation and End Times
- Rel 377: Angels and Afterlife
- Rel 378: Global Christianity
- Rel 380: Community-Based Internship
- Rel 386: Religion and Film
- Rel 387: Religious Ethics: Issues and Methods
- Rel 390: Nature and Environment in Asian Religion
- Rel 395: Topics in Religious Studies
- Rel 396: Philosophical Topics in Religion
- Rel 399: Topics in Religion Abroad
- Rel 490: Directed Readings in Religion
- Rel 491: Honors Thesis
- Rel 497: Advanced Seminar in Religious Studies
- Rel 601: Topics in Religious Studies
Physics & Astronomy
- Astr 101: Descriptive Astronomy
- Astr 103: Intro Astronomy of the Solar System
- Astr 104: Intro Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies
- Astr 204: Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies
- Astr 325: Astrophysics
- Astr 436: Introduction to Cosmology
- Phys 101: Introduction to Physics I
- Phys 102: Introduction to Physics II
- Phys 107: Conceptual Physics I
- Phys 108: Conceptual Physics II
- Phys 111: Physics of Sound & Music
- Phys 112: Physics of Light, Color, & Art
- Phys 123: Physics of the Atmosphere
- Phys 201: Physics Toolbox I
- Phys 202: Physics Toolbox II
- Phys 211: Physics for Science & Engineering I
- Phys 212: Physics for Science & Engineering II
- Phys 213: General Physics I
- Phys 214: General Physics II
- Phys 215: Physics for Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Phys 221: Lab Physics for Science & Engineering I
- Phys 222: Lab Physics for Science & Engineering II
- Phys 223: Laboratory Physics I
- Phys 224: Laboratory Physics II
- Phys 301: Intro to Physics Careers and Research
- Phys 303: Physical Theory and Techniques
- Phys 308: Mathematical Physics
- Phys 309: Thermodynamics
- Phys 310: Mechanics
- Phys 313: Physics & Biophysics of Air & Water
- Phys 315: Radiation Science
- Phys 317: Introduction to Modern Physics I
- Phys 318: Introduction to Modern Physics II
- Phys 319: Optics
- Phys 321: Electronics
- Phys 401: Electromagnetic Theory I
- Phys 402: Electromagnetic Theory II
- Phys 413: Introduction to Biophysics
- Phys 415: Radiation Physics Laboratory
- Phys 417: Modern Physics Laboratory
- Phys 422: Digital Electronics & Microprocessors
- Phys 425: Nuclear & Particle Physics Laboratory
- Phys 427: Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
- Phys 436: Introduction to Cosmology
- Phys 451: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Phys 461: Senior Seminar
- Phys 463: Senior Research Project
- Phys 464: Senior Research Project
- Phys 498: Senior Review
- Phys 501: Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory I
- Phys 502: Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory II
- Phys 503: Selected Topics in Physics
- Phys 507: Directed Research
- Phys 510: Physics and Astronomy Colloquium
- Phys 511: Physical Acoustics Seminar
- Phys 514: Physics of Medical Imaging
- Phys 521: Acoustics
- Phys 522: Acoustics Laboratory
- Phys 525: Ultrasonics
- Phys 530: Independent Study in Physics I
- Phys 532: Advanced Acoustics Laboratory
- Phys 533: Survey of Topics in Physics I
- Phys 534: Survey of Topics in Physics II
- Phys 540: Introduction to Scientific Computing
- Phys 605: Advanced Acoustics
- Phys 607: Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- Phys 629: Special Topics in Physics
- Phys 630: Independent Study in Physics II
- Phys 634: Electronics in Research
- Phys 636: Advanced Physical Optics
- Phys 637: Fluid Dynamics
- Phys 651: Mathematical Methods of Physics I
- Phys 652: Mathematical Methods of Physics II
- Phys 695: Physics Research Project
- Phys 697: Thesis Research in Physics
- Phys 709: Advanced Mechanics I
- Phys 710: Advanced Mechanics II
- Phys 711: Quantum Mechanics I
- Phys 712: Quantum Mechanics II
- Phys 717: Modern Physics I
- Phys 718: Modern Physics II
- Phys 721: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory I
- Phys 722: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory II
- Phys 723: Nuclear Physics I
- Phys 724: Nuclear Physics II
- Phys 725: Solid State Physics I
- Phys 726: Solid State Physics II
- Phys 727: Adv Thermodynamics/Statistical Mech I
- Phys 728: Adv Thermodynamics/Statistical Mech II
- Phys 731: Quantum Field Theory I
- Phys 732: Quantum Field Theory II
- Phys 733: Elementary Particle Physics
- Phys 735: Gravitational Physics
- Phys 749: Advanced Topics in Physics
- Phys 750: Independent Study in Physics III
- Phys 795: Advanced Physics Research Project
- Phys 797: Dissertation
Political Science
- Pol 100: Orientation to the Major
- Pol 101: Introduction to American Politics
- Pol 102: Introduction to Comparative Politics
- Pol 103: Introduction to International Relations
- Pol 251: Intro to Political Science Methods
- Pol 300: Judicial Process
- Pol 303: The American Presidency
- Pol 304: American Legislative Process
- Pol 305: Judicial Behavior
- Pol 306: Const Law I: Supreme Court & Const.
- Pol 307: Const Law II: Civil Lib & Civil Rights
- Pol 308: Voting and Political Participation
- Pol 309: Public Opinion and Political Psychology
- Pol 310: Political Parties and Interest Groups
- Pol 311: Political Communication
- Pol 313: American Federalism
- Pol 315: Political Inequality
- Pol 316: State and Local Government and Politics
- Pol 317: Mississippi Politics
- Pol 318: Politics of the American South
- Pol 319: Minority Politics
- Pol 320: African American Politics
- Pol 321: Politics of Latin America
- Pol 322: Politics of Western Europe
- Pol 324: Politics of China
- Pol 326: Politics of Russia
- Pol 329: Transitions to Democracy
- Pol 331: International Organization
- Pol 332: Ethnic Conflict and International Terror
- Pol 334: Politics of the World Economy
- Pol 335: Intl. Politics of Nuclear Weapons
- Pol 336: Political Economy of Int'l Dev
- Pol 337: Asia in World Affairs
- Pol 338: Formulation of American Foreign Policy
- Pol 339: International Conflict
- Pol 340: Politics of East Asia
- Pol 341: German Politics
- Pol 342: Politics of Mexico and Central America
- Pol 343: Comparative Democratic Institutions
- Pol 344: Politics of Advanced Industrial Society
- Pol 346: Women and Politics
- Pol 348: Rule of Law in a Global Perspective
- Pol 349: Middle East Politics
- Pol 352: Quantitative Methods in Pol Sci
- Pol 363: War in World Politics
- Pol 364: Comparative Foreign Policy
- Pol 367: Policy Analysis
- Pol 370: African American Legal Experience
- Pol 371: Politics of Protest
- Pol 380: Topics in Political Science Abroad
- Pol 386: European Political Economy
- Pol 387: Political Economy of East Asia
- Pol 389: Internship in Government
- Pol 391: Applied Politics
- Pol 398: Special Topics in Political Science
- Pol 399: Readings & Research in Political Science
- Pol 401: Senior Seminar in American Politics
- Pol 421: Senior Seminar in Comparative Politics
- Pol 431: Senior Seminar in International Politics
- Pol 490: Directed Readings in Political Science
- Pol 491: Directed Research in Political Science
- Pol 492: Mock Trial
- Pol 500: Seminar in American Politics
- Pol 523: Theories of Comparative Pol Analysis
- Pol 531: Seminar in International Relations
- Pol 550: Research in Politics
- Pol 551: Empirical Political Analysis
- Pol 552: Applied Political Research
- Pol 598: Special Topics in Political Science
- Pol 696: Advanced Readings
- Pol 697: Thesis
- Pol 699: Readings/Research
- Pol 702: Seminar in Judicial Politics
- Pol 703: Seminar in American Legislative Politics
- Pol 704: Seminar in Executive Politics
- Pol 712: Seminar in American Political Parties
- Pol 713: Seminar in State Politics and Policy
- Pol 714: Seminar in Pol Participation & Voting
- Pol 715: Seminar in Public Opinion & Pol Psy
- Pol 721: Seminar in European Comparative Gov
- Pol 722: Seminar in Pol Dev & Change
- Pol 723: Regime Change and Democratization
- Pol 724: Seminar in Asian Government
- Pol 726: Comparative Bureaucracies
- Pol 728: Seminar in Comp Parties & Elections
- Pol 729: Political Conflict and Violence
- Pol 730: Comparative Democratic Institutions
- Pol 735: International Conflict
- Pol 737: Seminar in Int'l Political Economy
- Pol 738: Intrastate War
- Pol 739: Int'l Organizations and Cooperation
- Pol 795: Research Practicum
- Pol 796: Dissertation Prospectus
- Pol 797: Dissertation
- Pol 798: Special Topics in Political Science
- Psy 100: Orientation to the Major
- Psy 110: Seminar in Psychology
- Psy 199: Topics in Psychology Abroad I
- Psy 201: Introduction to Psychology
- Psy 202: Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
- Psy 203: Self Management for Your Personal Life
- Psy 205: Research Methods in Psychology
- Psy 299: Topics in Psychology Abroad II
- Psy 301: Developmental Psychology
- Psy 303: Intermed. Statistical Methods for Psy
- Psy 308: Industrial Psychology
- Psy 309: Learning
- Psy 311: Psychopathology: Integrative Approaches
- Psy 313: Experimental Analysis of Behavior
- Psy 315: Personality
- Psy 317: Tests and Measurements
- Psy 319: Brain and Behavior
- Psy 320: Cognitive Psychology
- Psy 321: Social Psychology
- Psy 322: Drugs and Behavior
- Psy 323: Applied Behavior Analysis
- Psy 324: Science of Emotion
- Psy 326: Sensation and Perception
- Psy 327: Psychology and Law
- Psy 328: Ethics in Behavioral Practice & Research
- Psy 340: Multicultural Psychology
- Psy 344: Moral Psychology
- Psy 350: Ecopsychology and International Youth
- Psy 353: Black Psychology
- Psy 360: Psychology of Human Sexuality
- Psy 365: Environmental Psychology
- Psy 390: Lab in Psy: Behavioral Neuroscience
- Psy 392: Lab in Psy: Experimental Social Psy
- Psy 394: Lab in Psy: Cognition and Perception
- Psy 396: Laboratory in Psychology
- Psy 399: Topics in Psychology Abroad III
- Psy 401: Undergraduate Internship in Psychology
- Psy 402: Psychology Teaching Internship I
- Psy 403: Psychology Teaching Internship II
- Psy 404: Teaching Experience
- Psy 405: Research Problems I
- Psy 406: Research Problems II
- Psy 408: Research Internship in Behavior Analysis
- Psy 410: Health Psychology
- Psy 411: Memory
- Psy 412: Sports Psychology
- Psy 415: Introduction to Clinical Psychology
- Psy 417: Disasters and Mental Health
- Psy 419: Psychology of Parenting
- Psy 420: Readings and Research in Psychology I
- Psy 421: Readings and Research in Psychology II
- Psy 422: Research Experience
- Psy 423: Behaviorism: History & Theory
- Psy 425: Depictions of Psychopathology in Culture
- Psy 430: Positive Psychology
- Psy 451: History and Systems of Psychology
- Psy 454: Special Topics in Psychology
- Psy 455: Special Topics in Psychology
- Psy 456: Integrative Special Topics
- Psy 457: Integrative Special Topics
- Psy 470: Children and Families: Community Work
- Psy 475: Topics in Psychology Abroad
- Psy 499: Topics in Psychology Abroad IV
- Psy 505: Conditioning and Learning
- Psy 511: The Neural Basis of Learning & Memory
- Psy 519: Group Dynamics
- Psy 530: Single Subject & Sm Grp Research Design
- Psy 531: Sensation and Perception
- Psy 532: Attention and Consciousness
- Psy 541: Intellectual Disability & Dev. Disorders
- Psy 553: Theories of Learning
- Psy 561: Cross-Cultural Training
- Psy 565: Psychology of Gender
- Psy 575: Psychosocial Aspects of Aging
- Psy 609: Behavior Modification
- Psy 637: Seminar in Clinical Psychology
- Psy 653: Human Physiological Recording
- Psy 697: Thesis
- Psy 701: Seminar
- Psy 703: Quantitative Methods in Psychology I
- Psy 704: Quantitative Methods in Psychology II
- Psy 705: Advanced Statistics
- Psy 706: Method and Theory in Program Evaluation
- Psy 707: Advanced Cognitive Psychology
- Psy 708: Advanced Multicultural Psychology
- Psy 709: Advanced Conditioning and Learning
- Psy 710: Cognitive Assessment
- Psy 711: Personality Assessment
- Psy 712: Advanced Social Psychology
- Psy 713: Advanced Social Cognition
- Psy 714: Behavior Therapy
- Psy 715: Physiological Psychology
- Psy 716: Psychopharmacology
- Psy 717: Individual Experimental Research
- Psy 718: Advanced Developmental Psychology
- Psy 719: Tests and Measurements
- Psy 720: Introduction to Clinical Practicum
- Psy 721: Seminar
- Psy 722: Clinical Assessment Practicum
- Psy 723: Clinical Practicum I
- Psy 724: Clinical Practicum II
- Psy 725: Clinical Practicum III
- Psy 726: Clinical Practicum IV
- Psy 727: Theories of Personality
- Psy 728: Clinical Practicum V: Field Placement
- Psy 729: Advanced Psychopathology
- Psy 730: Evidence-based Clinical Interventions
- Psy 731: Theories of Psychotherapy
- Psy 733: Behavior Problems in Children
- Psy 735: Seminar on College Teaching
- Psy 740: Adv Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention
- Psy 741: Ethics & Prof Standards of Clinical Psyc
- Psy 747: Problems in Psychology
- Psy 748: Research Design
- Psy 750: Peer Supervision of Clinical Practicum
- Psy 751: History and Systems of Psychology
- Psy 755: Psychology Colloquium
- Psy 759: Clinical-Disaster Psychology
- Psy 790: Clinical Staffing
- Psy 797: Dissertation
- Psy 798: Psychology Internship
Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 100: Leadership Perspectives
- PPL 101: Foundations of Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 210: Public Policy & Quantitative Analysis
- PPL 211: Reading Seminar
- PPL 212: Critical Thinking, Comm & Public Policy
- PPL 298: Topics in Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 300: Public Policy and Ethics
- PPL 310: Public Policy Design and Analysis
- PPL 320: Issues in Global Economics
- PPL 328: The Corporation and Public Policy
- PPL 329: Economic Geographies of Globalization
- PPL 330: Global Border Policies
- PPL 331: Political Philosophy
- PPL 340: Philosophical Foundation of Human Rights
- PPL 342: Philosophy & Diversity in Public Policy
- PPL 343: Punishment Policy
- PPL 345: Environmental Ethics
- PPL 360: Global Perspectives, Issues, & Policies
- PPL 361: Disaster Policy
- PPL 362: Homeland Security Policy
- PPL 363: Early Childhood Policy in the U.S.
- PPL 370: Philosophy of Leadership
- PPL 371: Nonprofit Organizations
- PPL 372: Introduction to Public Administration
- PPL 373: Leadership in Public Policy Setting
- PPL 374: Grant Writing for Nonprofits
- PPL 375: Regional Economic Development
- PPL 376: Policymaking and Governance in China
- PPL 377: Women and Public Policy in the U.S.
- PPL 378: Geographies of Conservatism
- PPL 380: World Regions: Geography and Policy
- PPL 381: Global Environmental Issues
- PPL 382: Geography of Religion and Belief Systems
- PPL 383: Social Policy
- PPL 384: Civic Engagement, Pub Policy & Dem in US
- PPL 385: Food Policy & Agriculture Systems
- PPL 386: Science, Technology, & Public Policy
- PPL 387: Education Policy
- PPL 388: Public Policies of European Union
- PPL 389: Policy Response to Poverty in the U.S.
- PPL 390: Health Policy
- PPL 398: Problems in Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 399: Advanced Quantitative Methods
- PPL 401: Directed Readings in PPL
- PPL 402: Thesis I
- PPL 403: Thesis II
- PPL 490: Individual Study
- PPL 491: Topics in Leadership/Organization
- PPL 492: Topics in Domestic Policies
- PPL 493: Topics in International Policies
- PPL 495: State Government Policy Process
- PPL 496: Topics in Pub Policy Leadership Abroad
- PPL 497: Washington Policy Process
- PPL 498: Special Topics
- PPL 499: Internship
Sarah Isom Ctr for Women&Gender Studies
- G St 103: Women In Antiquity
- G St 107: Intro to Gender & Sexuality in the South
- G St 112: Women and Power in Ancient Times
- G St 201: Introduction to Gender Studies
- G St 202: Introduction to Queer Studies
- G St 301: Topics in Gender and Culture
- G St 303: The Family
- G St 304: Men, Women, and Greek Life
- G St 324: Men and Masculinities
- G St 325: Sociology of Gender
- G St 326: Saints and Sexuality
- G St 327: Genocide and Women
- G St 328: African American Feminist Thought
- G St 329: Queer Playwriting and American Culture
- G St 330: Queer Rhetorics
- G St 333: Theories in Gender
- G St 337: The South and Sexuality
- G St 338: Topics in Gender and the South
- G St 344: Women and Politics
- G St 348: Women Who Ruled in European History
- G St 349: Society and the Sexes in Modern Europe
- G St 350: Gender and Sexuality in Cinema
- G St 352: Hemispheric Voices: Women Writers of Am.
- G St 353: Gender and Sexuality in the Media
- G St 356: Women in the Rabbinic Tradition
- G St 357: Women in the South
- G St 360: Psychology of Human Sexuality
- G St 363: Gender in Latin America
- G St 364: Gender/Sexuality in East Asian History
- G St 366: Sex, Gender, and the Bible
- G St 368: Feminism, Women, and Religion
- G St 382: Intro to Gender and Sexuality Studies
- G St 383: Studies in Gender and Feminism
- G St 384: Studies in Gay and Lesbian Lit/Theory
- G St 385: Women in Literature
- G St 386: Gender on Film
- G St 387: Queer YA
- G St 390: Feminist Philosophy
- G St 391: Women, Gender & the Environment
- G St 395: Topics in Gender Studies on Location
- G St 396: Exploring the Feminist Nonprofit
- G St 397: Global Female Prophecy
- G St 399: Special Topics in Gender Studies
- G St 402: Advanced Queer Studies
- G St 414: Race, Place, and Space
- G St 418: African American Women's History
- G St 421: Readings in Black Feminism
- G St 423: Black Women's Enterprise & Activism
- G St 424: Women and Avant-garde Performance
- G St 425: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
- G St 426: Masculinity in American Drama
- G St 427: US Sexuality History
- G St 428: U.S. Women's History
- G St 429: U.S. Gender History
- G St 433: Theories of Gender and Sexuality
- G St 438: Language, Gender, and Sexuality
- G St 442: Feminist Rhetorics
- G St 454: Women in Southern History
- G St 482: Renaissance Women Writers
- G St 488: Special Topics Gender/Sexuality Studies
- G St 489: Power, Knowledge, and Gender
- G St 490: Special Topics in Queer Theory
- G St 491: Special Topics in Gender and Literature
- G St 496: Gender Studies Capstone
- G St 497: Internship in Gender Studies
- G St 498: Special Topics in Gender Studies
- G St 499: Directed Readings in Gender Studies
- G St 565: Psychology of Gender
- G St 596: Queer Mississippi
- G St 599: Directed Readings in Gender Studies
- G St 600: Gender Studies Methodology
- G St 601: Gender Theory
- G St 605: Feminist Pedagogy
- G St 615: Readings-Sexuality in Modern US History
- G St 641: Readings in Global History: Gender
- G St 698: Special Topics in Gender Studies
- G St 699: Directed Readings in Gender Studies
Sociology & Anthropology
- Anth 101: Introduction to Anthropology
- Anth 103: Topics in Anthropology
- Anth 104: Introduction to Geography
- Anth 105: Introduction to Environment and Society
- Anth 110: Ancient Plagues
- Anth 112: Women and Power in Ancient Times
- Anth 210: Cartels, Gangs, and Crime Syndicates
- Anth 302: Anthropological Films
- Anth 303: Cultural Anthropology
- Anth 304: Biological Anthropology
- Anth 305: Archaeology
- Anth 306: Archaeology of the Ancient Celts
- Anth 308: Death and Dying in the Ancient World
- Anth 309: Indians of Mississippi and the South
- Anth 311: Topics in Anthropology
- Anth 312: Muslims in the West
- Anth 313: Introduction to Linguistic Science
- Anth 314: Islam and Global Politics
- Anth 315: The African Diaspora
- Anth 316: Rise and Fall of the Mississippian World
- Anth 317: Indians on the Southern Frontier
- Anth 318: Archaeology of Mississippi and the South
- Anth 319: Environmental History of the South
- Anth 320: Archaeozoology: Animal Use in History
- Anth 323: Indians of North America
- Anth 324: North American Archaeology
- Anth 325: Archaeology of Mesoamerica
- Anth 326: Archaeology of Maya Civilization
- Anth 327: Archaelology of South America
- Anth 328: Culture & Society in Latin America
- Anth 329: Crime, Insecurity, & Law in Latin Am
- Anth 330: Environmental Anthropology
- Anth 331: American Indians and the Natural World
- Anth 332: Early Medieval Art and Archaeology
- Anth 333: The Mississippian Shatterzone
- Anth 335: Archaeological Field Session
- Anth 336: Viking Art and Archaeology
- Anth 337: Anthropology of Blues Culture
- Anth 338: Food, Place, and Power
- Anth 339: Art & Archaeology of Pompeii
- Anth 340: Lithic Artifact Analysis
- Anth 341: Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries
- Anth 342: Osteology Directed Study
- Anth 344: Archaeological Science: Stones to Drones
- Anth 345: Korea: People, Places, and Futures
- Anth 349: Medical Anthropology
- Anth 350: Ice Age North America
- Anth 351: Human Mobility: Studies in Migration
- Anth 352: International Migration
- Anth 353: Language and Culture
- Anth 355: The Anthropology of Drugs
- Anth 356: Ancient Health & Disease-Paleopathology
- Anth 360: Political Ecology
- Anth 365: Economic Anthropology
- Anth 370: Archaeology of Political Systems
- Anth 375: Digital Archaeology
- Anth 376: Forensic Anthropology
- Anth 385: Topics in Anthropology Abroad
- Anth 390: Bioarchaeology Abroad
- Anth 391: Archaeological Field Session Abroad
- Anth 392: Field Study: Culture of the Andes
- Anth 393: Ethnographic Field Methods Abroad
- Anth 394: Mesoamerican Art
- Anth 398: Topics in Anthropology
- Anth 403: Empire and Revolution
- Anth 404: Southern Folklore
- Anth 405: Bone Detectives I: Human Osteology
- Anth 406: Methods in Ethnohistory
- Anth 407: Methods in Ethnography
- Anth 408: Laboratory Methods in Archaeology
- Anth 409: Anthropological Theory
- Anth 411: Anthropology of Politics & Power
- Anth 412: Earth, Water, & Fire: Ceramic Analysis
- Anth 413: Public Archaeology: Theory and Method
- Anth 414: Legal Anthropology
- Anth 415: Historical Archaeology
- Anth 417: Environmentalism: Society, Politics, Law
- Anth 418: Climate Futures & Eco-Politics in Lat Am
- Anth 419: Dental Anthropology
- Anth 420: Environmental Archaeology
- Anth 425: Bone Detectives II: Biological Profiles
- Anth 507: The Archaeology of Landscape
- Anth 509: Language Evolution
- Anth 511: Cross-Cultural Studies in Ethnography I
- Anth 512: Cross-Cultural Studies in Ethnography II
- Anth 541: Individual Study Project
- Anth 542: Osteology Directed Study
- Anth 572: Quantitative Anthropology
- Anth 595: Seminar in Linguistics
- Anth 601: Anthropological Theory and Methods
- Anth 602: Globalization and the U.S. South
- Anth 603: Studies in Empire and Revolution
- Anth 604: Professional Development I
- Anth 605: Professional Development II
- Anth 606: Seminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anth
- Anth 607: Seminar in Biocultural Anthropology
- Anth 608: Seminar in Archaeology
- Anth 609: Seminar in Research Design & Methodology
- Anth 610: The Mississippian Shatterzone
- Anth 611: Adv. Anthropology of Politics & Power
- Anth 612: Earth/Water/Fire: Adv. Ceramic Analysis
- Anth 613: Public Archaeology: Theory and Method
- Anth 614: Advanced Legal Anthropology
- Anth 615: Fundamentals of Linguistic Science
- Anth 616: Rise and Fall of the Mississippian World
- Anth 617: Historical Archaeology
- Anth 618: Archaeology of Mississippi and the South
- Anth 619: Advanced Dental Anthropology
- Anth 620: Advanced Methods in Ethnography
- Anth 621: Readings in Anthropology I
- Anth 622: Readings in Anthropology II
- Anth 626: Archaeology of Maya Civilization
- Anth 630: Human Osteology
- Anth 640: Lithic Artifact Analysis/Advanced Lithic
- Anth 644: Advanced Archaeological Science
- Anth 650: Archaeozoology: Animal Use in History
- Anth 651: Human Mobility: Adv Studies in Migration
- Anth 653: Field Methods in Archaeology
- Anth 654: Linguistic Anthropology
- Anth 656: Advanced Paleopathology: Ancient Health
- Anth 670: Adv. Archaeology of Political Systems
- Anth 675: Advanced Digital Archaeology
- Anth 676: Advanced Forensic Anthropology
- Anth 697: Thesis
- Geog 101: Introduction to Geography
- Geog 105: Introduction to Environment and Society
- Geog 338: Food, Place, and Power
- Geog 344: Korea: People, Places, and Futures
- Geog 360: Political Ecology
- Geog 418: Climate Futures & Eco-Politics in Latin
- Soc 101: Introductory Sociology I
- Soc 301: The Family
- Soc 302: Sociological Theory
- Soc 306: Sociology of Democracy
- Soc 307: Urban Sociology
- Soc 308: Judicial System & African Amer Community
- Soc 309: Rural Sociology
- Soc 310: Sociology of Disability
- Soc 311: Social Problems
- Soc 312: Poverty and Society
- Soc 313: Social Movements
- Soc 314: Sociology of News
- Soc 315: Leisure and Popular Culture
- Soc 316: Sociology of Sport
- Soc 321: Science, Technology and Society
- Soc 322: Economic Sociology
- Soc 323: Occupations and Professions
- Soc 324: Men and Masculinities
- Soc 325: Sociology of Gender
- Soc 327: Genocide and Women
- Soc 328: African American Feminist Thought
- Soc 329: Identities and Subjectivity
- Soc 330: Racism and Religion
- Soc 331: Sociology of Law
- Soc 332: Sociology of Peace and Justice
- Soc 333: Juvenile Delinquency
- Soc 335: The Sociology of Food
- Soc 336: Sociology of Religion
- Soc 345: Population Trends and Problems
- Soc 348: Culture & Soc in Lat Am & the Caribbean
- Soc 349: Applied Demography
- Soc 351: Social Change
- Soc 352: International Migration
- Soc 353: Community Development
- Soc 355: Sociology of Human Rights
- Soc 358: Religious Implications of the Holocaust
- Soc 359: Sociology of Globalization
- Soc 361: The Sociology of Education
- Soc 365: Methods of Social Research
- Soc 366: Political Sociology
- Soc 367: Data Visualization & Interpretation: GIS
- Soc 370: Society and Population Health
- Soc 385: Topics in Sociology Abroad
- Soc 403: Empire and Revolution
- Soc 404: Sociology of Citizenship
- Soc 407: Methods in Ethnography
- Soc 408: Methods in Community-Based Research
- Soc 409: Truth, Lies, and Power
- Soc 410: The Color Line in the 21st Century
- Soc 411: Environment, Technology and Society
- Soc 413: Race and Ethnicity
- Soc 414: Race, Place, and Space
- Soc 420: Studies in Housing Insecurity
- Soc 425: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
- Soc 427: Social Stratification
- Soc 429: Judaism and Religious Ethnic Identities
- Soc 431: Criminology
- Soc 433: Theories of Gender and Sexuality
- Soc 440: Sociology of Music
- Soc 445: Social Context of Holocaust Art
- Soc 451: Topics in Sociology
- Soc 455: Population Studies Applied Research
- Soc 498: Proficiency in Sociology
- Soc 501: Statistics
- Soc 502: Social Research Methods
- Soc 531: Lectures in Community Organization
- Soc 545: Seminar in Population Studies
- Soc 552: Individual Study Project
- Soc 596: Queer Mississippi
- Soc 601: Studies in Social Theory
- Soc 603: Studies in Empire and Revolution
- Soc 604: Advanced Sociology of Citizenship
- Soc 605: Practicum in Research
- Soc 607: Studies in the Community
- Soc 608: Adv Methods in Community-Based Research
- Soc 611: Studies in Population Analysis
- Soc 613: Studies in Race and Ethnicity
- Soc 615: Sociology of Culture
- Soc 617: Racism and Religion
- Soc 619: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
- Soc 621: Professional Development I
- Soc 622: Professional Development II
- Soc 623: Collaborative Research Seminar
- Soc 625: Current Debates in Gender
- Soc 631: Studies in Deviant Behavior
- Soc 635: Teaching Sociology
- Soc 640: Sociology of Health Disparities
- Soc 651: Fields of Sociology
- Soc 652: Individual Study Project
- Soc 697: Thesis
- Soc 699: Internship in Sociology
Theatre & Film
- Danc 100: Dance Fundamentals
- Danc 151: Ballet I
- Danc 152: Contemporary Dance I
- Danc 153: Jazz Dance I
- Danc 154: Tap Dance I
- Danc 200: Dance Appreciation
- Danc 215: Dance Improvisation
- Danc 220: Partner Dance for the Stage
- Danc 251: Ballet II
- Danc 252: Contemporary Dance II
- Danc 253: Jazz II
- Danc 254: Tap II
- Danc 255: Theatre Dance I
- Danc 295: Concert Dance Repertory I
- Danc 309: Dance Technique on Location
- Danc 332: Period Movement and Manners
- Danc 351: Ballet III
- Danc 352: Contemporary Dance III
- Danc 353: Jazz III
- Danc 354: Tap III
- Danc 355: Theatre Dance II
- Danc 395: Concert Dance Repertory II
- Danc 450: Dance Composition I
- Danc 451: Ballet IV
- Danc 452: Contemporary Dance IV
- Danc 453: Jazz Dance IV
- Danc 454: Tap Dance IV
- Danc 455: Dance Composition II
- Danc 456: Theatre Dance Repertory I
- Danc 457: Theatre Dance Repertory II
- Thea 110: Intro to Acting
- Thea 111: Acting Realism
- Thea 114: Movement for the Actor I
- Thea 120: Introduction to Theatre, Film, & Dance
- Thea 121: Creative Thinking
- Thea 122: Research Methods in Theatre & Film
- Thea 150: Intro to Design for Theatre & Film
- Thea 163: Intro to Musical Theatre Performance
- Thea 171: Rendering for the Theatre I
- Thea 172: Three-Dimensional Design for the Theatre
- Thea 185: Stage Management Practicum I
- Thea 186: Stage Management Practicum II
- Thea 192: Production Studies I
- Thea 193: Film Practicum I
- Thea 201: Appreciation of the Theatre
- Thea 202: Introduction to Cinema
- Thea 203: Drama in Film
- Thea 204: Comedy in Film
- Thea 205: Film Survey I
- Thea 206: Film Survey II
- Thea 207: Intro to Acting for the Screen
- Thea 209: Theatre Topics on Location
- Thea 210: Acting for the Screen
- Thea 211: Sophomore Performance Studies II
- Thea 212: Voice for the Actor I
- Thea 215: Improvisation
- Thea 216: Voice-over Acting
- Thea 221: Auditioning for Film and Television
- Thea 224: Intro to the History of Dress
- Thea 225: Intro to the History of Decor
- Thea 226: Script Analysis
- Thea 230: Movement for the Actor I
- Thea 231: Movement for the Actor II
- Thea 238: Technology Lab I
- Thea 239: Technology Lab II
- Thea 240: Makeup for Stage & Screen
- Thea 242: Communication for Designers
- Thea 246: Costume Crafts
- Thea 250: Film Production I
- Thea 252: Film Production II
- Thea 253: Cinematography I
- Thea 256: Documentary Production I
- Thea 260: Fundamentals of Acting
- Thea 262: Fundamentals of Film Production
- Thea 264: Musical Theatre Voice Studies I
- Thea 265: Music Fundamentals for Musical Theatre
- Thea 268: Speech for the Actor
- Thea 269: Acting with Dialects
- Thea 270: Basic Lighting & Sound Technology
- Thea 271: Introduction to Stagecraft
- Thea 272: Introduction to Costumes for the Stage
- Thea 273: Costume Construction
- Thea 274: Theatre Design Graphics
- Thea 275: Scene Painting I
- Thea 276: Drafting I
- Thea 277: Introduction to Patternmaking
- Thea 278: Rendering for the Theatre II
- Thea 279: Costume Design for Film & Television I
- Thea 280: Lighting Design I
- Thea 281: Scenic Design I
- Thea 282: Costume Design I
- Thea 285: Stage Management I
- Thea 286: Stage Management II
- Thea 287: The Business of Theatrical Design
- Thea 291: Production Studies II
- Thea 292: Production Studies III
- Thea 293: Film Practicum II
- Thea 294: Film Practicum III
- Thea 295: Theatre Practicum I
- Thea 298: Special Topics
- Thea 301: Scene Studies I
- Thea 302: Scene Studies II
- Thea 303: Indigenous Storytelling on Screen
- Thea 304: Acting Shakespeare
- Thea 305: Screenwriting I
- Thea 306: Writing the Pilot
- Thea 307: Advanced Acting for the Screen
- Thea 308: Comedic Screen Acting
- Thea 309: Commercial Acting Technique
- Thea 310: Acting Styles
- Thea 311: Classic Comedy Styles
- Thea 312: Voice for the Actor II
- Thea 313: Advanced Voice I
- Thea 314: Movement for the Actor II
- Thea 315: Movement for the Actor III
- Thea 316: Business of Acting and Auditioning
- Thea 317: Topics in Acting Styles
- Thea 320: History of Acting Theories & Techniques
- Thea 321: Theatre History I
- Thea 322: Theater History II
- Thea 323: Film and Aristotle
- Thea 324: Commedia dell'Arte
- Thea 325: Playwriting
- Thea 326: Dramatic Literature I
- Thea 327: Dramatic Literature II
- Thea 328: Diverse Voices in American Dramatic Lit
- Thea 329: Queer Playwriting and American Culture
- Thea 330: Stage Combat I
- Thea 331: Stage Combat II
- Thea 332: Period Movement and Manners
- Thea 333: Devised Theatre
- Thea 334: The Practice of Clown
- Thea 335: The Alexander Technique
- Thea 337: Physical Theatre Styles
- Thea 338: Technology Lab III
- Thea 339: Technology Lab IV
- Thea 340: Color Theory for Designers
- Thea 341: Property Design and Construction
- Thea 342: Unarmed Stage Combat
- Thea 343: Single Sword Stage Combat
- Thea 344: Broadsword Stage Combat
- Thea 345: Rapier and Dagger Stage Combat
- Thea 346: Knife Stage Combat
- Thea 347: Quarterstaff Stage Combat
- Thea 348: Sword and Shield Stage Combat
- Thea 349: Smallsword Stage Combat
- Thea 350: Editing I
- Thea 351: Writing from Stage to Screen
- Thea 352: Producing I
- Thea 353: Devised Filmmaking
- Thea 354: Directing for the Screen I
- Thea 355: Advanced Film Production I
- Thea 356: Advanced Film Production II
- Thea 358: The Writer's Room I
- Thea 359: The Writer's Room II
- Thea 361: Sound Design for Film I
- Thea 362: Motion Picture Lighting
- Thea 364: Musical Theatre Voice Studies II
- Thea 368: Dialects for Stage & Screen
- Thea 369: Sound Design I
- Thea 370: Scenic Design II
- Thea 371: Period Patternmaking
- Thea 372: Lighting Design II
- Thea 373: Advanced Makeup Techniques for the Stage
- Thea 375: Costume Design II
- Thea 376: Basic Draping
- Thea 378: Fabric Dyeing and Modification
- Thea 379: Theatre Production Techniques III
- Thea 380: Collaboration Practicum
- Thea 381: Advanced Rendering for the Theatre
- Thea 383: Production Design I
- Thea 385: Introduction to Theatre Management
- Thea 386: Stage Management Practicum III
- Thea 387: Stage Management Practicum IV
- Thea 389: Production Management I
- Thea 391: Production Studies IV
- Thea 392: Production Studies V
- Thea 393: Film Practicum IV
- Thea 394: Film Practicum V
- Thea 395: Theatre Practicum II
- Thea 397: Internship in Theatre & Film
- Thea 401: Directed Study in Community Engagement
- Thea 403: Directed Performance Studies
- Thea 405: Directed Design Studies
- Thea 406: Screenwriting II
- Thea 407: Writing the Feature I
- Thea 408: Writing the Feature II
- Thea 410: Acting Process and Integration
- Thea 411: Classic Dramatic Styles
- Thea 412: Voice for the Actor III
- Thea 413: Advanced Voice II
- Thea 414: Movement Studies III
- Thea 415: Movement Studies IV
- Thea 418: Screen Acting Capstone I
- Thea 419: Screen Acting Capstone II
- Thea 420: Dramatic Theory and Criticism
- Thea 421: Musical Theatre History and Literature I
- Thea 422: Musical Theatre History & Literature II
- Thea 423: Arts Leadership in the Community
- Thea 424: Women and Avant-garde Performance
- Thea 425: Writing Comedy
- Thea 426: Masculinity in American Drama
- Thea 431: Film Capstone I
- Thea 432: Film Capstone II
- Thea 441: Costume Shop Management
- Thea 442: Millinery
- Thea 444: African Americans in Film and Television
- Thea 450: Editing II
- Thea 451: Dance/Movement
- Thea 452: Dance/Movement
- Thea 453: Postproduction Specialties
- Thea 454: Directing for the Screen II
- Thea 455: Cinematic Storytelling
- Thea 456: Documentary Production II
- Thea 457: Producing II
- Thea 460: Cinematography II
- Thea 461: Sound Design for Film II
- Thea 464: Musical Theatre Voice Studies III
- Thea 465: Musical Theatre Performance I
- Thea 466: Musical Theatre Performance II
- Thea 469: Sound Design II
- Thea 470: Scenic Design III
- Thea 471: Lighting Design III
- Thea 473: Basic Tailoring
- Thea 474: Costume Design III
- Thea 475: CAD Pattern Drafting
- Thea 476: Scene Painting II
- Thea 478: Drafting II
- Thea 479: Costume Design for Film & Television II
- Thea 481: Directing
- Thea 482: Directing Techniques
- Thea 483: Production Design II
- Thea 484: Directing Practicum
- Thea 487: Stage Management Practicum V
- Thea 488: Stage Management Practicum VI
- Thea 489: Production Management II
- Thea 491: Production Studies VI
- Thea 492: Production Studies VII
- Thea 493: Film Practicum VI
- Thea 494: Film Practicum VII
- Thea 495: Theatre Practicum III
- Thea 497: Special Topics in Film Production
- Thea 498: Special Topics
- Thea 499: Senior Seminar
Writing & Rhetoric
- DMS 101: Introduction to Digital Media Studies
- DMS 398: Topics in Digital Media Studies Abroad
- DMS 399: Topics in Digital Media Studies
- DMS 401: Digital Media Studies Practicum
- Liba 102: First Year Seminar
- Rhet 201: Introduction to Rhetoric
- Rhet 325: Research Methods in Rhetoric
- Rhet 330: Queer Rhetorics
- Rhet 389: Internship in Writing, Rhetoric, Speech
- Rhet 399: Special Topics
- Rhet 411: Political Rhetoric
- Rhet 442: Feminist Rhetorics
- Rhet 477: Rhetorics of Race in the US South
- Spch 102: Fundamentals of Public Speaking
- Spch 105: Business and Professional Speech
- Spch 107: Forensics I
- Spch 108: Forensics II
- Spch 110: Basic Voice and Diction
- Spch 200: Interpersonal Communication
- Spch 207: Forensics III
- Spch 208: Forensics IV
- Spch 210: The Art of the Interview
- Spch 301: Responding to Communicators
- Spch 302: Advanced Public Speaking
- Spch 305: Collaborative Communication
- Spch 307: Forensics V
- Spch 308: Forensics VI
- Spch 314: Intercollegiate Debating
- Spch 398: Speech on Location
- Spch 399: Special Topics in Speech Communication
- Spch 405: Organizational Communication
- Spch 407: Forensics VII
- Spch 408: Forensics VIII
- Writ 100: Introduction to College Writing
- Writ 101: First-Year Writing I
- Writ 102: First-Year Writing II
- Writ 175: Introduction to Professional Writing
- Writ 205: Writing for College and Exploration
- Writ 210: Rhetoric I: Foundations to 1650
- Writ 220: Survey of Rhetoric
- Writ 250: Advanced Composition
- Writ 300: Rhetoric of Professional Communication
- Writ 301: Responding to Writers
- Writ 310: Writing in Professional Contexts
- Writ 320: Technical Writing
- Writ 340: Contemporary Writing Studies
- Writ 345: Community Writing
- Writ 350: Writing for Digital Media
- Writ 360: Document Design
- Writ 370: Editing and Proofreading
- Writ 380: Scientific Writing
- Writ 381: Writing and Artificial Intelligence
- Writ 398: Topics in Writing Studies on Location
- Writ 399: Special Topics
- Writ 410: Grant Writing
- Writ 415: Digital Rhetoric
- Writ 440: Writing for Accountancy
- Writ 617: Teaching First-year Composition
- Writ 671: Theory & Practice of Writing Consulting
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.