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201 Courses Matching “soc”
201 Code & Title Matches
College of Liberal Arts
Sociology & Anthropology
- Soc 101: Introductory Sociology I
- Soc 301: The Family
- Soc 302: Sociological Theory
- Soc 306: Sociology of Democracy
- Soc 307: Urban Sociology
- Soc 308: Judicial System & African Amer Community
- Soc 309: Rural Sociology
- Soc 310: Sociology of Disability
- Soc 311: Social Problems
- Soc 312: Poverty and Society
- Soc 313: Social Movements
- Soc 314: Sociology of News
- Soc 315: Leisure and Popular Culture
- Soc 316: Sociology of Sport
- Soc 321: Science, Technology and Society
- Soc 322: Economic Sociology
- Soc 323: Occupations and Professions
- Soc 324: Men and Masculinities
- Soc 325: Sociology of Gender
- Soc 327: Genocide and Women
- Soc 328: African American Feminist Thought
- Soc 329: Identities and Subjectivity
- Soc 330: Racism and Religion
- Soc 331: Sociology of Law
- Soc 332: Sociology of Peace and Justice
- Soc 333: Juvenile Delinquency
- Soc 335: The Sociology of Food
- Soc 336: Sociology of Religion
- Soc 345: Population Trends and Problems
- Soc 349: Applied Demography
- Soc 351: Social Change
- Soc 353: Community Development
- Soc 355: Sociology of Human Rights
- Soc 358: Religious Implications of the Holocaust
- Soc 359: Sociology of Globalization
- Soc 361: The Sociology of Education
- Soc 365: Methods of Social Research
- Soc 366: Political Sociology
- Soc 367: Data Visualization & Interpretation: GIS
- Soc 370: Society and Population Health
- Soc 385: Topics in Sociology Abroad
- Soc 403: Empire and Revolution
- Soc 404: Sociology of Citizenship
- Soc 407: Methods in Ethnography
- Soc 408: Methods in Community-Based Research
- Soc 409: Truth, Lies, and Power
- Soc 410: The Color Line in the 21st Century
- Soc 411: Environment, Technology and Society
- Soc 413: Race and Ethnicity
- Soc 414: Race, Place, and Space
- Soc 420: Studies in Housing Insecurity
- Soc 425: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
- Soc 427: Social Stratification
- Soc 429: Judaism and Religious Ethnic Identities
- Soc 431: Criminology
- Soc 433: Theories of Gender and Sexuality
- Soc 440: Sociology of Music
- Soc 445: Social Context of Holocaust Art
- Soc 451: Topics in Sociology
- Soc 455: Population Studies Applied Research
- Soc 498: Proficiency in Sociology
- Soc 501: Statistics
- Soc 502: Social Research Methods
- Soc 531: Lectures in Community Organization
- Soc 545: Seminar in Population Studies
- Soc 552: Individual Study Project
- Soc 596: Queer Mississippi
- Soc 601: Studies in Social Theory
- Soc 603: Studies in Empire and Revolution
- Soc 604: Advanced Sociology of Citizenship
- Soc 605: Practicum in Research
- Soc 607: Studies in the Community
- Soc 608: Adv Methods in Community-Based Research
- Soc 611: Studies in Population Analysis
- Soc 613: Studies in Race and Ethnicity
- Soc 615: Sociology of Culture
- Soc 617: Racism and Religion
- Soc 619: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
- Soc 621: Professional Development I
- Soc 622: Professional Development II
- Soc 623: Collaborative Research Seminar
- Soc 625: Current Debates in Gender
- Soc 631: Studies in Deviant Behavior
- Soc 635: Teaching Sociology
- Soc 640: Sociology of Health Disparities
- Soc 651: Fields of Sociology
- Soc 652: Individual Study Project
- Soc 697: Thesis
- Soc 699: Internship in Sociology
African American Studies Program
School of Applied Sciences
Applied Gerontology
College of Liberal Arts
Art & Art History
School of Pharmacy
Biomolecular Sciences
College of Liberal Arts
Center for the Study of Southern Culture
College of Liberal Arts
- SOHE 497: Directed Study in Society and Health
- SOHE 495: Society and Health Internship
- SOHE 302: Topics in Society and Health
- SOHE 301: Topics in Society and Health Abroad
- Liba 313: Advanced Interdisc Social Science
- Liba 203: Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
- Envs 312: Study Abroad-Environment &Social Science
- Envs 322: Special Topics in Social Sciences
School of Applied Sciences
Communication Sciences & Disorders
School of Engineering
Computer & Information Science
School of Applied Sciences
Criminal Justice & Legal Studies
Health, Exercise Sci & Recreation Mgmt
School of Education
Higher Education
College of Liberal Arts
- Hst 687: Readings - Social Movements. Mod Lat Am
- Hst 664: Readings - 20th Century Econ & Social Po
- Hst 367: Social Revolutions in Latin America
- Hst 349: Society and the Sexes in Modern Europe
School of Education
Leadership & Counselor Education
School of Business Administration
Marketing, Analytics & Prof Sales
- Mktg 371: Social and Digital Media Metrics
- Mktg 370: Social and Digital Media Strategy
- Mktg 368: Marketing for Social Good
- Mktg 103: Influencer Marketing in Social Media
- Mktg 356: Legal, Social & Ethical Issues in Mktg
College of Liberal Arts
Modern Languages
- IE 094: English Lab Humanities and Soc Sciences
- TESL 620: Seminar in Sociolinguistics
- Lin 610: Seminar in Sociolinguistics
- Lin 310: Sociolinguistics
- Chin 500: Exploring 20th-century Chinese Society
- Chin 510: Interpersonal Relations in Chinese Soc
School of Applied Sciences
Nutrition & Hospitality Management
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Administration
College of Liberal Arts
Philosophy & Religion
Political Science
- Psy 321: Social Psychology
- Psy 575: Psychosocial Aspects of Aging
- Psy 713: Advanced Social Cognition
- Psy 392: Lab in Psy: Experimental Social Psy
- Psy 712: Advanced Social Psychology
Public Policy Leadership
Sarah Isom Ctr for Women&Gender Studies
School of Engineering
School of Journalism and New Media
- Jour 575: Mass Media Ethics and Social Issues
- Jour 573: Mass Comm, Technology, and Society
- Jour 310: Social Media in Society
- Jour 576: Documentary and Social Issues
- IMC 308: Social Media Content Creation
School of Law
School of Pharmacy
School of Applied Sciences
Social Work
- SW 340: Social Work Research
- SW 712: Advanced Statistics in Social Work
- SW 711: Qualitative Methods in Social Work Resea
- SW 709: Social Policy Analysis
- SW 706: History of Social Welfare
- SW 702: Research Design in Social Work
- SW 641: Readings in Advanced Social Work
- SW 600: Human Diversity and Social Work Practice
- SW 495: Social Work Internship
- SW 575: Psychosocial Aspects of Aging
- SW 459: Directed Study in Social Work
- SW 460: Directed Study in Social Work
- SW 450: Fields of Social Work
- SW 438: Social Work Practice IV
- SW 437: Social Work Practice III
- SW 436: Social Work Practice II
- SW 417: Social Welfare Policy II
- SW 335: Social Work Practice I
- SW 326: Gerontology: Social Welfare Aspects
- SW 322: Human Behav and the Soc Environment II
- SW 321: Human Behav and the Soc Environment I
- SW 428: Social Aspects of Children at Risk
- SW 427: Psychosocial Aspects of Loss Death Grief
- SW 684: Social Work in Health Care Settings
- SW 685: Gerontological Social Work
- SW 681: Forensic Social Work with Children
- SW 640: Advanced Clinical Social Work: Groups
- SW 604: Social Welfare Policies and Programs
- SW 603: Social Work Research Methods
- SW 601: Human Behavior in the Social Environment
- SW 602: Social Work Practice with Individuals
- SW 330: Human Diversity and Social Work Practice
- SW 216: Social Welfare Policy I
- SW 201: Introduction to Social Work
College of Liberal Arts
Sociology & Anthropology
- Anth 417: Environmentalism: Society, Politics, Law
- Anth 328: Culture & Society in Latin America
- Anth 105: Introduction to Environment and Society
- Geog 105: Introduction to Environment and Society
School of Education
Teacher Education
- Edse 647: Adv. Methods of Teaching Social Studies
- Edse 457: Special Methods II: Social Studies
- Edse 447: Special Methods I: Social Studies
- Edel 623: Problems in Teaching Social Studies
- Edel 401: Social Studies in the Elementary School
- Edec 606: Social Contexts in Early Childhood Ed
- Edec 557: Seminar: Social Living in Early Ch Educ
- Edec 327: Social Studies in Early Childhood Educat
- Edec 326: Socio-Emotional Competencies
- Edci 616: Science Technology Society in Classroom
- Edci 352: Education, Society, & the K-12 Learner
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Course Numbering System
Courses are described by a subject prefix (e.g., Accy for Accountancy) followed by a three-digit number (complete listing of course prefixes). This constitutes the official designation of the course for the purposes of registration and official records. The official course title also appears following the course number, along with a brief description of the course. The number of semester hours of credit for the course and information about pre- or corequisites is also provided. The following numbering system determines the level of the course and availability to students.
Course Level | Description |
1-99 | Courses that accrue no credit toward a degree |
100-299 | Lower-division courses; open to all students for undergraduate credit |
300-499 | Upper-division or advanced courses; open as undergraduate credit to students who are classified as sophomore or higher, or by permission of the department offering the course |
500-599 | Courses open as graduate credit to graduate students and open as undergraduate upper-division credit to undergraduate students who are classified as juniors or seniors |
600-799 | Courses open to graduate students |
Prerequisites are listed for some courses. A student may not take a course unless these prerequisites have been met. In a continuous course sequence (such as Writ 101, 102 or Math 261, 262, 263, 264) the prior courses are prerequisite to the subsequent courses unless otherwise stated. Thus, a student who has failed one semester of a continuous course sequence may not take a subsequent course in that sequence until the failed course has been passed. In the case of modern or ancient language sequences (such as Span 101, 102, 201, 202), a student may begin at any level but then must take any subsequent courses in order. If a corequisite course is listed, this course must be taken during the same semester as the first course.