Course Index
College of Liberal Arts
Center for the Study of Southern Culture
- S St 101: Introduction to Southern Studies I
- S St 103: Southern Mythologies and Popular Culture
- S St 104: The South and Race
- S St 105: Introduction to the South and Food
- S St 106: Introduction to Southern Documentary
- S St 107: Intro to Gender & Sexuality in the South
- S St 108: Music and Southern Society
- S St 109: Rights and Southern Activism
- S St 110: Slavery and the University
- S St 118: Introductory Topics in Southern Music
- S St 314: Race, Place, and Space
- S St 334: Introduction to Field Work Techniques
- S St 350: The South and Sexuality
- S St 401: Southern Studies Seminar
- S St 403: Internship
- S St 533: Fieldwork & Oral History
- S St 534: Documentary Photography
- S St 535: Anthropological Films
- S St 536: The Southern Environment
- S St 537: Documenting the South in Film
- S St 538: Advanced Documentary Film/South
- S St 540: Photographing Place in the U.S. South
- S St 544: Advanced Documentary Photography
- S St 555: Foodways and Southern Culture
- S St 556: Heritage Tourism in the South
- S St 560: Oral History of Southern Social Movement
- S St 596: Queer Mississippi
- S St 597: Special Topics I
- S St 598: Special Topics II
- S St 599: Special Topics III
- S St 601: Southern Studies Graduate Seminar I
- S St 602: Southern Studies Graduate Seminar II
- S St 603: Internship
- S St 605: Advanced Individual Study
- S St 610: MFA Seminar
- S St 611: Regionalism
- S St 612: Globalization and the U.S. South
- S St 633: MFA Fieldwork
- S St 638: MFA Documentary Post-Production
- S St 697: Thesis
- S St 698: MFA Thesis Hours
- S St 699: MFA Workshop
School of Applied Sciences
Health, Exercise Sci & Recreation Mgmt
- SA 511: Applied Statistics
- SA 601: Measurement and Evaluation in Sport
- SA 602: Predictive Analytics in Sport
- SA 603: Big Data Analytics and Data Management
- SA 604: Quan and Qual Research Methods
- SA 605: Comm & Data Visualization in Sport
- SA 611: Sport Business
- SA 612: Sport Economic Analytics
- SA 613: Machine Learning in Sport
- SA 621: Data Analytics in Strength & Conditionin
- SA 622: Phys Aspects of Sport Perform & Monitor
- SA 623: Data Based Preven & Mgmt of Sport Injury
- SA 693: Sport Analytics Capstone
School of Applied Sciences
- SAS 101: Discovering Careers in Applied Sciences
- SAS 600: NCAA Governance
- SAS 601: Internal Ops - Intercollegiate Athletics
- SAS 602: External Ops - Intercollegiate Athletics
- SAS 603: Leadership in Intercollegiate Athletics
- SAS 604: Academic Advising, Support in Athletics
- SAS 605: Eligibility, PTD and Certification
- SAS 606: Academic Reform and APP
- SAS 607: NCAA Rules & Monitoring Systems
- SAS 608: NCAA Enforcement & Infractions Cases
- SAS 609: Contemporary Issues in NCAA Compliance
College of Liberal Arts
- Saxn 100: Preparatory Saxophone
- Saxn 121: Freshman Saxophone I
- Saxn 122: Freshman Saxophone II
- Saxn 221: Sophomore Saxophone I
- Saxn 222: Sophomore Saxophone II
- Saxn 241: Sophomore Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 242: Sophomore Saxophone Performance II
- Saxn 321: Junior Saxophone I
- Saxn 322: Junior Saxophone II
- Saxn 341: Junior Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 342: Junior Saxophone Performance II
- Saxn 421: Senior Saxophone I
- Saxn 422: Senior Saxophone II
- Saxn 441: Senior Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 442: Senior Saxophone Performance II
- Saxn 521: Advanced Saxophone I
- Saxn 522: Advanced Saxophone II
- Saxn 541: Advanced Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 542: Advanced Saxophone Performance II
- Saxn 621: Graduate Saxophone I
- Saxn 622: Graduate Saxophone II
- Saxn 641: Graduate Saxophone Performance I
- Saxn 642: Graduate Saxophone Performance II
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice
School of Applied Sciences
Health, Exercise Sci & Recreation Mgmt
- SM 194: Foundations of Sport Management
- SM 211: Sport Marketing
- SM 225: Design and Maintenance of Facilities
- SM 270: The Business of Sport
- SM 316: Christianity and Sport
- SM 321: Special Topics in Sport Management
- SM 330: Sport Governance and Policy
- SM 361: Study USA in Sport Management
- SM 362: Study Abroad in Sport Management
- SM 370: Sport Economics and Finance
- SM 375: Recreational Sports Programming
- SM 390: Experiential Learning in Sport Managemen
- SM 475: Legal Aspects of Sport
- SM 490: Independent Study
- SM 621: Sport Policy
- SM 623: Advanced Study USA in Sport Management
- SM 624: Advanced Study Abroad in Sport Managemen
- SM 627: Internship
- SM 640: Assessment & Evalua. of Sport Programs
- SM 651: Advanced Independent Study
- SM 652: Advanced Independent Study
- SM 660: Sport Marketing
- SM 671: Management in Sport Services
- SM 672: Business Practices in Sport
- SM 673: Sport Finance
College of Liberal Arts
Sociology & Anthropology
- Soc 101: Introductory Sociology I
- Soc 301: The Family
- Soc 302: Sociological Theory
- Soc 306: Sociology of Democracy
- Soc 307: Urban Sociology
- Soc 308: Judicial System & African Amer Community
- Soc 309: Rural Sociology
- Soc 310: Sociology of Disability
- Soc 311: Social Problems
- Soc 312: Poverty and Society
- Soc 313: Social Movements
- Soc 314: Sociology of News
- Soc 315: Leisure and Popular Culture
- Soc 316: Sociology of Sport
- Soc 321: Science, Technology and Society
- Soc 322: Economic Sociology
- Soc 323: Occupations and Professions
- Soc 324: Men and Masculinities
- Soc 325: Sociology of Gender
- Soc 327: Genocide and Women
- Soc 328: African American Feminist Thought
- Soc 329: Identities and Subjectivity
- Soc 330: Racism and Religion
- Soc 331: Sociology of Law
- Soc 332: Sociology of Peace and Justice
- Soc 333: Juvenile Delinquency
- Soc 335: The Sociology of Food
- Soc 336: Sociology of Religion
- Soc 345: Population Trends and Problems
- Soc 348: Culture & Soc in Lat Am & the Caribbean
- Soc 349: Applied Demography
- Soc 351: Social Change
- Soc 352: International Migration
- Soc 353: Community Development
- Soc 355: Sociology of Human Rights
- Soc 358: Religious Implications of the Holocaust
- Soc 359: Sociology of Globalization
- Soc 361: The Sociology of Education
- Soc 365: Methods of Social Research
- Soc 366: Political Sociology
- Soc 367: Data Visualization & Interpretation: GIS
- Soc 370: Society and Population Health
- Soc 385: Topics in Sociology Abroad
- Soc 403: Empire and Revolution
- Soc 404: Sociology of Citizenship
- Soc 407: Methods in Ethnography
- Soc 408: Methods in Community-Based Research
- Soc 409: Truth, Lies, and Power
- Soc 410: The Color Line in the 21st Century
- Soc 411: Environment, Technology and Society
- Soc 413: Race and Ethnicity
- Soc 414: Race, Place, and Space
- Soc 420: Studies in Housing Insecurity
- Soc 425: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
- Soc 427: Social Stratification
- Soc 429: Judaism and Religious Ethnic Identities
- Soc 431: Criminology
- Soc 433: Theories of Gender and Sexuality
- Soc 440: Sociology of Music
- Soc 445: Social Context of Holocaust Art
- Soc 451: Topics in Sociology
- Soc 455: Population Studies Applied Research
- Soc 498: Proficiency in Sociology
- Soc 501: Statistics
- Soc 502: Social Research Methods
- Soc 531: Lectures in Community Organization
- Soc 545: Seminar in Population Studies
- Soc 552: Individual Study Project
- Soc 596: Queer Mississippi
- Soc 601: Studies in Social Theory
- Soc 603: Studies in Empire and Revolution
- Soc 604: Advanced Sociology of Citizenship
- Soc 605: Practicum in Research
- Soc 607: Studies in the Community
- Soc 608: Adv Methods in Community-Based Research
- Soc 611: Studies in Population Analysis
- Soc 613: Studies in Race and Ethnicity
- Soc 615: Sociology of Culture
- Soc 617: Racism and Religion
- Soc 619: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
- Soc 621: Professional Development I
- Soc 622: Professional Development II
- Soc 623: Collaborative Research Seminar
- Soc 625: Current Debates in Gender
- Soc 631: Studies in Deviant Behavior
- Soc 635: Teaching Sociology
- Soc 640: Sociology of Health Disparities
- Soc 651: Fields of Sociology
- Soc 652: Individual Study Project
- Soc 697: Thesis
- Soc 699: Internship in Sociology
College of Liberal Arts
- SOHE 301: Topics in Society and Health Abroad
- SOHE 302: Topics in Society and Health
- SOHE 329: Medical Humanities
- SOHE 495: Society and Health Internship
- SOHE 497: Directed Study in Society and Health
Modern Languages
- Span 101: Elementary Spanish I
- Span 102: Elementary Spanish II
- Span 111: Intensive Elementary Spanish
- Span 121: Accelerated Elementary Spanish
- Span 198: Elementary Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 199: Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 201: Intermediate Spanish I
- Span 202: Intermediate Spanish II
- Span 211: Intensive Intermediate Spanish
- Span 213: Intensive Intermed Span for Major/Minor
- Span 298: Intermediate Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 299: Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 303: Conversation and Composition I
- Span 304: Conversation and Composition II
- Span 305: Intensive Conversation and Composition
- Span 306: Spanish for Heritage Learner I
- Span 307: Spanish for Heritage Learners II
- Span 311: Business Spanish
- Span 321: Spanish Culture and Civilization
- Span 322: Spanish American Culture/Civilization
- Span 330: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- Span 331: Intro to Lit and Literary Analysis
- Span 341: Spanish in the U.S.
- Span 345: Spanish Language and the Law
- Span 361: Spanish Cinema
- Span 362: Hispanic American Film
- Span 371: Spanish Grammar for Oral Communication
- Span 393: Cultural Studies
- Span 396: Intensive Spanish Grammar Review
- Span 397: Conversation for Upper-Level Spanish
- Span 398: Upper-Level Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 399: Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 529: Contemporary Spanish
- Span 561: Advanced Topics in Cinema in Spanish
- Span 565: Spanish American Women Writers
- Span 571: Spanish Sociolinguistics
- Span 572: Spanish Phonetics & Phonology
- Span 573: Spanish Morphology and Syntax
- Span 574: The History of Spanish Language
- Span 575: Topics in Applied Spanish Linguistics
- Span 576: Advanced Spanish for Business
- Span 577: Survey of Spanish Literature I
- Span 578: Survey of Spanish Literature II
- Span 579: Survey of Spanish American Literature I
- Span 580: Survey of Spanish American Literature II
- Span 581: Medieval Literature
- Span 582: Cervantes
- Span 583: Golden Age Literature
- Span 585: 18th and 19th Century Spanish Lit
- Span 586: Modern Spanish Literature
- Span 587: Spanish American Short Story
- Span 588: Spanish American Poetry
- Span 593: Topics in Cultural Studies
- Span 598: Advanced Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 599: Span St Special Topics
- Span 600: Hispanic Linguistics for Grad Students
- Span 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Span 611: Intensive Elem Spanish for Grad Students
- Span 616: Spanish Morphology and Syntax
- Span 631: Seminar, Hispanic Studies I
- Span 632: Seminar, Hispanic Studies II
- Span 640: Bilingualism in Spanish Speaking World
- Span 651: Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Span 661: Graduate Seminar on Film in Spanish
- Span 671: Research Methods
- Span 672: Spanish Classroom SLA
- Span 673: Seminar
- Span 676: Ling Variation in Spanish-Speaking World
- Span 677: Readings in Spanish Literature I
- Span 678: Readings in Spanish Literature II
- Span 679: Readings in Spanish Am Literature I
- Span 680: Readings in Spanish Am Literature II
- Span 687: Spanish American Fiction
- Span 697: Thesis
- Span 699: Advanced Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 701: ProSeminar I for Ph.D. Students
- Span 702: ProSeminar II for Ph.D. Students
- Span 721: Capstone Doctoral Seminar
- Span 797: Dissertation
- Span 799: Independent Project
Writing & Rhetoric
- Spch 102: Fundamentals of Public Speaking
- Spch 105: Business and Professional Speech
- Spch 107: Forensics I
- Spch 108: Forensics II
- Spch 110: Basic Voice and Diction
- Spch 200: Interpersonal Communication
- Spch 207: Forensics III
- Spch 208: Forensics IV
- Spch 210: The Art of the Interview
- Spch 301: Responding to Communicators
- Spch 302: Advanced Public Speaking
- Spch 305: Collaborative Communication
- Spch 307: Forensics V
- Spch 308: Forensics VI
- Spch 314: Intercollegiate Debating
- Spch 398: Speech on Location
- Spch 399: Special Topics in Speech Communication
- Spch 405: Organizational Communication
- Spch 407: Forensics VII
- Spch 408: Forensics VIII
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice
School of Applied Sciences
Health, Exercise Sci & Recreation Mgmt
- SRA 194: Foundations of Sport Mgmt and Admin
- SRA 200: Recreation Program Leadership
- SRA 262: Therapeutic Recreation & Adaptive Sport
- SRA 270: The Business of Sport
- SRA 301: Planning & Evaluation in SRA
- SRA 302: Program Planning & Development
- SRA 311: Sport Marketing
- SRA 330: Sport Governance and Policy
- SRA 332: Outdoor Recreation
- SRA 370: Sports Economics and Finance
- SRA 371: Camp Leadership
- SRA 372: Procedures and Techniques in Therapeutic
- SRA 375: Recreational Sports Programming
- SRA 380: Current Issues in Travel & Tourism Mgmt.
- SRA 388: Assessment/Planning in Therapeutic Rec
- SRA 391: Practicum in Recreation Administration I
- SRA 392: Practicum in Rec. Administration II
- SRA 394: Therapeutic Exercise and Fitness
- SRA 401: Internship in Recreation Administration
- SRA 410: Senior Seminar: Professional Development
- SRA 425: Design and Maintenance of Facilities
- SRA 471: Admin. of Recreation Admin. Programs
- SRA 473: Supervision and Administration of Therap
- SRA 475: Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation
- SRA 490: Independent Study
- SRA 497: Cooperative Field Practicum
- SRA 498: Cooperative Field Practicum
- SRA 499: Cooperative Field Practicum
- SRA 503: Data Analytics and Methodologies
- SRA 511: Applied Statistics
- SRA 574: Current Trends in Therapeutic Recreation
- SRA 580: Recreational Therapy for Older Adults
- SRA 600: Issues & Trends in Recreation Admin. Pro
- SRA 603: Data Analytics Methodologies
- SRA 625: Research Design and Evaluation
- SRA 626: Statistical Analysis I
- SRA 628: Qualitative Inquiry
- SRA 653: Independent Research
- SRA 654: Directed Event Programming
- SRA 691: Prinicples & Practices of Leisure & Recr
- SRA 697: Thesis
College of Liberal Arts
- Stbs 100: Preparatory String Bass
- Stbs 121: Freshman String Bass I
- Stbs 122: Freshman String Bass II
- Stbs 221: Sophomore String Bass I
- Stbs 222: Sophomore String Bass II
- Stbs 241: Sophomore String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 242: Sophomore String Bass Performance II
- Stbs 321: Junior String Bass I
- Stbs 322: Junior String Bass II
- Stbs 341: Junior String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 342: Junior String Bass Performance II
- Stbs 421: Senior String Bass I
- Stbs 422: Senior String Bass II
- Stbs 441: Senior String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 442: Senior String Bass Performance II
- Stbs 521: Advanced String Bass I
- Stbs 522: Advanced String Bass II
- Stbs 541: Advanced String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 542: Advanced String Bass Performance II
- Stbs 621: Graduate String Bass I
- Stbs 622: Graduate String Bass II
- Stbs 641: Graduate String Bass Performance I
- Stbs 642: Graduate String Bass Performance II
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice
School of Applied Sciences
Social Work
- SW 201: Introduction to Social Work
- SW 216: Social Welfare Policy I
- SW 220: Foundations in Maternal and Child Health
- SW 233: Juvenile Corrections
- SW 301: CAST: Child Maltreatment & Advocacy
- SW 321: Human Behav and the Soc Environment I
- SW 322: Human Behav and the Soc Environment II
- SW 325: The Helping Professional in Health Sett
- SW 326: Gerontology: Social Welfare Aspects
- SW 327: Compassion Fatigue: Strategies
- SW 330: Human Diversity and Social Work Practice
- SW 335: Social Work Practice I
- SW 340: Social Work Research
- SW 401: CAST: Responding to Child Trauma
- SW 402: Child Welfare Policies
- SW 417: Social Welfare Policy II
- SW 427: Psychosocial Aspects of Loss Death Grief
- SW 428: Social Aspects of Children at Risk
- SW 436: Social Work Practice II
- SW 437: Social Work Practice III
- SW 438: Social Work Practice IV
- SW 450: Fields of Social Work
- SW 459: Directed Study in Social Work
- SW 460: Directed Study in Social Work
- SW 495: Social Work Internship
- SW 496: Internship Seminar
- SW 498: Special Topics
- SW 575: Psychosocial Aspects of Aging
- SW 600: Human Diversity and Social Work Practice
- SW 601: Human Behavior in the Social Environment
- SW 602: Social Work Practice with Individuals
- SW 603: Social Work Research Methods
- SW 604: Social Welfare Policies and Programs
- SW 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- SW 615: Practice with Families and Groups
- SW 620: Practice with Organizations/Communities
- SW 621: Field Instruction I
- SW 622: Field Instruction II
- SW 623: Field Instruction III
- SW 624: Field Instruction IV
- SW 630: Theories and Methods of Family Intervent
- SW 640: Advanced Clinical Social Work: Groups
- SW 641: Readings in Advanced Social Work
- SW 650: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis
- SW 651: Indiv Study Project
- SW 660: Clinical Practice and Supervision
- SW 670: Leadership & Administration
- SW 680: Evaluation Research
- SW 681: Forensic Social Work with Children
- SW 682: Clinical Practice in Child Welfare
- SW 683: Theories of Psychotherapy
- SW 684: Social Work in Health Care Settings
- SW 685: Gerontological Social Work
- SW 686: Traumatic Stress & Crisis Intervention
- SW 687: Substance Abuse and Addiction
- SW 701: Colloquium I
- SW 702: Research Design in Social Work
- SW 703: Topics with At-Risk Populations
- SW 704: Theories & Research in Neuro & Behaviora
- SW 705: Applied and Inferential Statistics
- SW 706: History of Social Welfare
- SW 708: Colloquium II
- SW 709: Social Policy Analysis
- SW 710: Issues & Research Problems in SW Interve
- SW 711: Qualitative Methods in Social Work Resea
- SW 712: Advanced Statistics in Social Work
- SW 713: Special Topics
- SW 715: Dissertation Seminar
- SW 719: Directed Independent Study
- SW 797: Dissertation
College of Liberal Arts
Modern Languages
- Swa 101: Elementary Swahili I
- Swa 102: Elementary Swahili II
- Swa 198: Elementary Swahili Study Abroad
- Swa 199: Special Topics in Swahili
- Swa 201: Intermediate Swahili I
- Swa 202: Intermediate Swahili II
- Swa 298: Intermediate Swahili Study Abroad
- Swa 299: Special Topics in Swahili
- Swa 301: Conversation and Composition I
- Swa 302: Conversation and Composition II
- Swa 310: Advanced Topics in Swahili Languages
- Swa 398: Upper-Level Swahili Abroad
- Swa 399: Special Topics in Swahili
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.