Course Index
College of Liberal Arts
Theatre & Film
- Danc 100: Dance Fundamentals
- Danc 151: Ballet I
- Danc 152: Contemporary Dance I
- Danc 153: Jazz Dance I
- Danc 154: Tap Dance I
- Danc 200: Dance Appreciation
- Danc 215: Dance Improvisation
- Danc 220: Partner Dance for the Stage
- Danc 251: Ballet II
- Danc 252: Contemporary Dance II
- Danc 253: Jazz II
- Danc 254: Tap II
- Danc 255: Theatre Dance I
- Danc 295: Concert Dance Repertory I
- Danc 309: Dance Technique on Location
- Danc 332: Period Movement and Manners
- Danc 351: Ballet III
- Danc 352: Contemporary Dance III
- Danc 353: Jazz III
- Danc 354: Tap III
- Danc 355: Theatre Dance II
- Danc 395: Concert Dance Repertory II
- Danc 450: Dance Composition I
- Danc 451: Ballet IV
- Danc 452: Contemporary Dance IV
- Danc 453: Jazz Dance IV
- Danc 454: Tap Dance IV
- Danc 455: Dance Composition II
- Danc 456: Theatre Dance Repertory I
- Danc 457: Theatre Dance Repertory II
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice
Graduate School
College of Liberal Arts
Writing & Rhetoric
- DMS 101: Introduction to Digital Media Studies
- DMS 398: Topics in Digital Media Studies Abroad
- DMS 399: Topics in Digital Media Studies
- DMS 401: Digital Media Studies Practicum
School of Pharmacy
University Programs
Developmental Studies
- DS 089: Learning Skills Lab
- DS 090: Developmental Reading
- DS 091: Developmental English
- DS 092: Developmental Mathematics
- DS 094: Integrated English and Reading
- DS 095: Developmental Support Lab
- DS 096: Developmental Support Lab
- DS 097: Intermediate Reading
- DS 098: Intermediate English
- DS 099: Intermediate Algebra
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.