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260 Courses Matching “IE”
260 Code & Title Matches
College of Liberal Arts
Modern Languages
- IE 011: Beginning Speaking and Listening
- IE 012: Beginning Reading
- IE 013: Beginning Writing
- IE 014: Beginning Grammar
- IE 015: Beginning Speaking and Listening II
- IE 016: Beginning Reading II
- IE 017: Beginning Writing II
- IE 018: Beginning Grammar II
- IE 019: Beginning Extensive Reading & Vocabulary
- IE 021: Intermediate Speaking and Listening
- IE 022: Intermediate Reading
- IE 023: Intermediate Writing
- IE 024: Intermediate Grammar
- IE 025: High Intermediate Speaking and Listening
- IE 026: High Intermediate Reading
- IE 027: High Intermediate Writing
- IE 028: High Intermediate Grammar
- IE 029: Intermediate Extensive Reading & Vocab
- IE 031: Advanced Speaking and Listening
- IE 032: Advanced Reading
- IE 033: Advanced Writing
- IE 034: Advanced Grammar
- IE 035: Test Preparation
- IE 036: English for Academic Purposes
- IE 037: English in the Sciences
- IE 038: Business English
- IE 039: Literature Written in English
- IE 040: American Culture
- IE 041: Intercultural Communication
- IE 042: American Culture II
- IE 043: Intercultural Communication II
- IE 044: Topics in ESL
- IE 046: Community Connections
- IE 047: Academic Writing
- IE 048: Academic Vocabulary
- IE 049: Advanced Extensive Reading & Vocabulary
- IE 050: Topics in American Culture
- IE 051: Topics in Intercultural Communication
- IE 052: Cross Cultural Awareness
- IE 053: Speaking Accurately and Clearly
- IE 055: Southern Studies I
- IE 056: Southern Studies II
- IE 090: English for International Students
- IE 091: Acad Writ Lab for International Students
- IE 092: English Lab Mississippi and the World
- IE 093: English Lab for Math
- IE 094: English Lab Humanities and Soc Sciences
- IE 095: English Lab for Sciences
- IE 096: English Lab for Arts
- IE 098: Independent Study in ESL
- IE 099: Independent Study in ICC
- IE 400: English for International TAs
- IE 401: Academic Reading and Writing
- IE 402: Academic Speaking and Listening
- IE 490: Advanced English for Intl Students
- IE 491: Advanced Writing Lab for Intl Students
- IE 500: Language Use in American Universities
- IE 531: Assessment of Second Lang Acquisition
- IE 542: Teaching English as a Second Language
- IE 547: Cult. Dimen. of Second Lang. Acquisition
African American Studies Program
- Aas 360: Topics in African Amer. Studies Abroad
- Aas 310: Experiences of Black Mississippians
- Aas 366: African American Science Fiction Lit
- Aas 370: African American Legal Experience
- Aas 504: Research in African American Studies
- Aas 501: African American Studies Seminar
- Aas 334: Introduction to Field Work Techniques
- Aas 202: African American Experience II
- Aas 201: African American Experience I
- Aas 480: African American Studies Senior Seminar
- Aas 412: Studies in Black Popular Culture
- Aas 364: Studies in African American Lit
- Aas 373: Studies in Comparative Black Lit
School of Applied Sciences
Applied Gerontology
College of Liberal Arts
Art & Art History
- AH 328: Ancient Art on Location
- AH 327: Studying Ancient Artifacts
- Art 205: BFA Foundations Portfolio Review
- AH 534: Early Medieval Art and Archaeology
- AH 530: Topics in Medieval Art
- AH 520: Topics in Ancient Art
- AH 334: Early Medieval Art and Archaeology
- AH 330: Medieval Art
- Bisc 323: Biology of Invasive Species
- Bisc 678: Topics in Environmental & Applied Micro
- Bisc 492: Directed Study in Biological Sciences II
- Bisc 448: Tropical Studies in Biology
- Bisc 327: Introductory Neuroscience
- Bisc 533: Advanced Neuroscience
- Bisc 427: Methods in Comparative Neuroscience
- Bisc 150: Principles of Biological Science
- Bisc 100: Research Experience
- Bisc 161: Biological Sciences I Laboratory
- Bisc 160: Biological Sciences I
- Bisc 163: Biological Sciences II Laboratory
- Bisc 162: Biological Sciences II
- Bisc 200: Research Experience
- Bisc 443: Ecology of Plant Communities of MS
- Bisc 491: Directed Study in Biological Sciences I
- Bisc 498: Major Field Achievement Test
- Bisc 511: Applied Microbiology
- Bisc 530: Advanced Field Study in Ecology
- Bisc 620: Field Botany
- Bisc 679: Directed Study in Biological Science
- Bisc 650: Survival Skills for Science Careers
- Bisc 305: Science in Practice
School of Pharmacy
Biomolecular Sciences
- Phcl 652: Directed Studies in Pharm and Tox
- Phcl 651: Directed Studies in Pharm and Tox
- Phcl 642: Unified Lab in Pharm, Tox & Phys Chem
- Phcl 641: Unified Lab in Pharm, Tox & Phys Chem
- Phcl 501: Principles of Life Science Research
- Phcl 352: Case Studies in Immunology
- Phcl 348: Principles of Life Science Research
- Phcg 450: Career/Achievements in BMS: Nat.Prod.Res
- BMS 643: BioMolecular Sciences Seminar
- BMS 641: BioMolecular Sciences Seminar
- BMS 608: Scientific Writing for BioMolecular Scie
- BMS 653: Formulation and Manufacturing of Dietary
- BMS 654: Identification and Authentication of Die
- BMS 655: Pharmacology and Toxicology of Dietary S
- BMS 652: Regulation of Dietary Supplements
- BMS 474: Pandemics and Society
- BMS 602: Techniques in BioMolecular Sciences
- BMS 601: Graduate Student Survival Strategies
- Phcg 550: Careers/Achievements in BMS
- Medc 418: Neuroscience Principles of Drug Abuse
Provost/VC for Academic Affairs
Center for Intel & Security Studies
- ISS 499: Intelligence & Security Studies-Capstone
- ISS 360: Overview of Cybersecurity and Policy
- ISS 125: Introduction to Intelligence Studies
- ISS 398: Study Abroad in Intel and Sec Studies
College of Liberal Arts
Center for the Study of Southern Culture
- S St 401: Southern Studies Seminar
- S St 633: MFA Fieldwork
- S St 602: Southern Studies Graduate Seminar II
- S St 601: Southern Studies Graduate Seminar I
- S St 334: Introduction to Field Work Techniques
- S St 108: Music and Southern Society
- S St 103: Southern Mythologies and Popular Culture
- S St 101: Introduction to Southern Studies I
- S St 533: Fieldwork & Oral History
School of Engineering
Chemical Engineering
- Ch E 330: Chemical Eng. R & D Experience
- Ch E 547: Sufactant Science and Applications
- Ch E 543: Introduction to Polymer Science
- Ch E 545: Colloid and Surface Science
- Ch E 550: Membrane Science and Engineering
College of Liberal Arts
Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Chem 459: Forensic Science Internship
- Chem 546: Chem for High School Science Teacher I
- Chem 547: Chem. for High School Science Teacher II
- Chem 548: Workshop-Middle School Science Teachers
- Chem 563: Applied Spectroscopy
- Chem 651: Research Experience in Chemistry
- Clc 505: Directed Research in Ancient Art & Arch
- Clc 502: Directed Research in Ancient History
- Clc 329: Slavery in Ancient Greece and Rome
- Clc 350: Ancient Archaeological Field Session
- Lat 329: Medieval Latin
- Lat 629: Medieval Latin
- Clc 104: Sports in the Ancient World
- Clc 107: Ancient Cities
- Clc 331: Science & Tech. in the Ancient World
- Clc 332: Ancient Warfare
- Clc 342: Law and Life in Ancient Athens
- Clc 415: Studying Ancient Artifacts
- Clc 491: Classics Capstone Experience
- Clc 503: Directed Research in Ancient Literature
- Clc 504: Directed Research in Ancient Culture
- Clc 328: Ancient Art on Location
College of Liberal Arts
- Envs 385: Environmental Studies Internship
- Envs 397: Topics in Environmental Studies Abroad
- Envs 399: Special Topics in Environmental Studies
- Liba 150: Integrated Science I
- Liba 151: Integrated Science II
- Liba 203: Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
- Liba 202: Interdisciplinary Humanities
- Liba 205: Interdisciplinary Sciences
- Liba 205L: Interdisciplinary Lab Sciences
- Liba 305: Humanities and the Experience of War
- Liba 311: Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies
- Liba 312: Advanced Interdisciplinary Humanities
- Liba 313: Advanced Interdisc Social Science
- Liba 315: Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences
- Liba 315L: Advanced Interdisciplinary Lab Sciences
- Muse 199: Introductory Topics in Museum Studies
- Muse 395: Topics in Museum Studies
- Muse 398: Topics in Museum Studies Abroad
- Muse 401: Internship in Museum Studies
- Neu 490: Directed Studies in Neuroscience
- Neu 579: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience
- SOHE 301: Topics in Society and Health Abroad
- SOHE 302: Topics in Society and Health
- Envs 101: Humanities and the Environment
- SOHE 329: Medical Humanities
- SOHE 495: Society and Health Internship
- SOHE 497: Directed Study in Society and Health
- US 400: Research Internship Special Experience
- Neu 493: Neuroscience Capstone Directed Research
- Neu 491: Directed Research in Neuroscience I
- Neu 492: Directed Research in Neuroscience II
- Liba 201: Interdisciplinary Studies
- Liba 103: STEM Research Experience
- IDS 101: Intro to Interdisciplinary Studies
- IDS 499: Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
- Envs 301: Advanced Humanities and the Environment
- Envs 313: Study Abroad-Environment & Nat. Science
- Envs 311: Study Abroad-Environment & Humanities
- Envs 312: Study Abroad-Environment &Social Science
- Envs 333: Natural Sciences for Envs Minors
- Envs 322: Special Topics in Social Sciences
- Envs 323: Special Topics in Natural Sciences
- Envs 321: Special Topics in Humanities
School of Applied Sciences
Communication Sciences & Disorders
- CSD 632: Workshop in Comm Sciences & Disorders
- CSD 625: Autism and Developmental Disabilities
- CSD 513: Speech Science
- CSD 507: Fundamentals of Hearing Science
- CSD 495: Introduction to Clinical Science
- CSD 452: Fundamental Speech & Hearing Science
- CSD 624: Craniofacial Anomalies
School of Engineering
Computer & Information Science
- Csci 582: Special Topics in Computer Science II
- Csci 663: Software Families
- Csci 111: Computer Science I
- Csci 112: Computer Science II
- Csci 211: Computer Science III
- Csci 251: Programming for Engineering and Sciences
- Csci 300: Social Responsibility in Comp. Science
- Csci 343: Fundamentals of Data Science
- Csci 345: Information Storage and Retrieval
- Csci 443: Advanced Data Science
- Csci 492: Special Topics in Data Science
- Csci 581: Special Topics in Computer Science I
- CIS 111: Computer Science I
- CIS 112: Computer Science II
- CIS 113: Honors Computer Science I
- CIS 211: Computer Science III
- CIS 251: Programming for Engineering and Sciences
- Csci 113: Honors Computer Science I
School of Applied Sciences
Criminal Justice & Legal Studies
- LA 490: Advanced Seminar in Legal Studies
- LA 421: Special Topics in Legal Studies
- CJ 659: Data Management & Data Science
- CJ 690: Applied Criminal Justice Graduate Projec
- CJ 324: Theories of Criminal Behavior
- CJ 624: Theories of Criminal Behavior
- CJ 701: Proseminar in CJ Policy Studies
- CJ 704: Advanced Criminal Justice Policy Studies
- LA 360: Independent Study in Legal Studies
- LA 491: Advanced Studies in Law
- CJ 300: Ethics in Legal Studies
- CJ 320: Correctional Treatment Strategies
- CJ 415: Forensic Science & Crime Scene Analysis
- CJ 460: The Correctional Experience
- CJ 620: Criminal Justice in American Society
College of Liberal Arts
Croft Inst for International Studies
- Inst 101: Introduction to International Studies
- Inst 431: Oral Proficiency Interview
- Inst 414: Research in Middle Eastern Studies
- Inst 415: Research in International Studies
- Inst 335: Topics in Middle Eastern Studies Abroad
- Inst 315: Topics in Middle Eastern Studies
- Inst 209: Middle Eastern Studies
- Inst 413: Research in Latin American Studies
- Inst 412: Research in European Studies
- Inst 344: The Vietnam Wars, 1946-1989
- Inst 385: Internship in International Studies
- Inst 109: Introduction to Topics in Global Studies
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Course Numbering System
Courses are described by a subject prefix (e.g., Accy for Accountancy) followed by a three-digit number (complete listing of course prefixes). This constitutes the official designation of the course for the purposes of registration and official records. The official course title also appears following the course number, along with a brief description of the course. The number of semester hours of credit for the course and information about pre- or corequisites is also provided. The following numbering system determines the level of the course and availability to students.
Course Level | Description |
1-99 | Courses that accrue no credit toward a degree |
100-299 | Lower-division courses; open to all students for undergraduate credit |
300-499 | Upper-division or advanced courses; open as undergraduate credit to students who are classified as sophomore or higher, or by permission of the department offering the course |
500-599 | Courses open as graduate credit to graduate students and open as undergraduate upper-division credit to undergraduate students who are classified as juniors or seniors |
600-799 | Courses open to graduate students |
Prerequisites are listed for some courses. A student may not take a course unless these prerequisites have been met. In a continuous course sequence (such as Writ 101, 102 or Math 261, 262, 263, 264) the prior courses are prerequisite to the subsequent courses unless otherwise stated. Thus, a student who has failed one semester of a continuous course sequence may not take a subsequent course in that sequence until the failed course has been passed. In the case of modern or ancient language sequences (such as Span 101, 102, 201, 202), a student may begin at any level but then must take any subsequent courses in order. If a corequisite course is listed, this course must be taken during the same semester as the first course.