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132 Courses Matching “math”
128 Code & Title Matches
College of Liberal Arts
- Math 115: Elementary Statistics
- Math 120: Quantitative Reasoning
- Math 121: College Algebra
- Math 123: Trigonometry
- Math 125: Basic Mathematics for Science & Eng
- Math 167: Business Mathematics
- Math 245: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
- Math 246: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II
- Math 261: Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I
- Math 262: Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry II
- Math 263: Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
- Math 264: Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV
- Math 267: Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. I
- Math 268: Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. II
- Math 269: Introduction to Linear Programming
- Math 271: Calculus of Decision Making I
- Math 272: Calculus of Decision Making II
- Math 281: Computer Laboratory for Calculus I
- Math 282: Computer Laboratory for Calculus II
- Math 283: Computer Laboratory for Calculus III
- Math 284: Computer Laboratory for Calculus IV
- Math 301: Discrete Mathematics
- Math 302: Applied Modern Algebra
- Math 305: Foundations of Mathematics
- Math 319: Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Math 353: Elementary Differential Equations
- Math 368: Introduction to Operations Research
- Math 375: Introduction to Statistics I
- Math 380: Statistical Computing and Data Analysis
- Math 390: Techniques in Teaching Sec. Level Math
- Math 397: Special Problems
- Math 401: Combinatorics
- Math 425: Introduction to Abstract Algebra
- Math 454: Intermediate Differential Equations
- Math 459: Introduction to Complex Analysis
- Math 461: Numerical Mathematical Analysis I
- Math 462: Numerical Mathematical Analysis II
- Math 464: Introduction to Dynamics and Chaos
- Math 475: Introduction to Statistics II
- Math 480: Introduction to Actuarial Science
- Math 501: General Topology I
- Math 502: General Topology II
- Math 513: Theory of Numbers I
- Math 514: Theory of Numbers II
- Math 519: Matrices
- Math 520: Linear Algebra
- Math 525: Introduction to Abstract Algebra I
- Math 526: Introduction to Abstract Algebra II
- Math 533: Topics in Euclidean Geometry
- Math 537: Non-Euclidean Geometry
- Math 540: History of Mathematics
- Math 545: Topics for Secondary School Teachers
- Math 555: Advanced Calculus I
- Math 556: Advanced Calculus II
- Math 564: Introduction to Dynamical Systems I
- Math 565: Introduction to Dynamical Systems II
- Math 567: Introduction to Functional Analysis I
- Math 568: Introduction to Functional Analysis II
- Math 572: Introduction to Probability & Statistics
- Math 573: Applied Probability
- Math 574: Probability
- Math 575: Mathematical Statistics I
- Math 576: Mathematical Statistics II
- Math 577: Applied Stochastic Processes
- Math 578: Stochastic Processes
- Math 590: Techniques in Teaching College Math
- Math 597: Special Problems I
- Math 598: Special Problems II
- Math 599: Special Problems III
- Math 625: Modern Algebra I
- Math 626: Modern Algebra II
- Math 631: Foundations of Geometry
- Math 639: Projective Geometry
- Math 647: Topics in Modern Mathematics
- Math 649: Continued Fractions
- Math 655: Theory Functions of Complex Variables I
- Math 656: Theory Functions of Complex Variable II
- Math 661: Numerical Analysis I
- Math 662: Numerical Analysis II
- Math 663: Special Functions
- Math 664: Topics in Dynamical Systems
- Math 667: Functional Analysis I
- Math 668: Functional Analysis II
- Math 669: Partial Differential Equations I
- Math 670: Partial Differential Equations II
- Math 671: Statistical Methods I
- Math 672: Statistical Methods II
- Math 673: Advanced Probability I
- Math 674: Advanced Probability II
- Math 677: Advanced Stochastic Processes I
- Math 678: Advanced Stochastic Processes II
- Math 679: Statistical Bioinformatics
- Math 697: Thesis
- Math 700: Seminar in Topology
- Math 705: Seminar in Dynamical Systems
- Math 710: Seminar in Algebra
- Math 720: Bayesian Statistics
- Math 721: Time Series and Data Analysis
- Math 730: Seminar in Number Theory
- Math 750: Seminar in Analysis
- Math 753: Theory of Functions of Real Variables I
- Math 754: Theory of Functions of Real Variables II
- Math 775: Advanced Statistics I
- Math 776: Advanced Statistics II
- Math 777: Seminar in Statistics
- Math 780: Seminar in Graph Theory
- Math 781: Graph Theory I
- Math 782: Graph Theory II
- Math 797: Dissertation
University Programs
Developmental Studies
College of Liberal Arts
Modern Languages
Physics & Astronomy
- Phys 652: Mathematical Methods of Physics II
- Phys 651: Mathematical Methods of Physics I
- Phys 308: Mathematical Physics
School of Education
Teacher Education
- Edse 455: Special Methods II: Mathematics
- Edse 445: Special Methods I: Mathematics
- Edel 416: Mathematics & Science in the Elem. Sch.
- Edec 603: Sci, Tech, Engin & Math (STEM) in ECE
- Edci 608: Curricular Issues in Elementary Mathemat
- Edse 665: Use of Technology in Secondary Math
- Edel 403: Mathematics for the Elementary School
- Edel 629: Clinical and Diagnostic Proc. in Math
- Edel 627: Problems of Teaching Mathematics II
- Edel 625: Problems in Teaching Mathematics I
- Edse 626: Trends Teaching & Learning of Sec Math
- Edse 645: Advanced Meth. of Teaching Mathematics
4 Full-text Matches
- Edec 402: Action Lab Placement in ECE Preschool
- Edec 400: STEAM in Early Childhood Education
- Edci 101: Introduction to Teaching in STEM
- Edci 600: Advanced Methods
Course Numbering System
Courses are described by a subject prefix (e.g., Accy for Accountancy) followed by a three-digit number (complete listing of course prefixes). This constitutes the official designation of the course for the purposes of registration and official records. The official course title also appears following the course number, along with a brief description of the course. The number of semester hours of credit for the course and information about pre- or corequisites is also provided. The following numbering system determines the level of the course and availability to students.
Course Level | Description |
1-99 | Courses that accrue no credit toward a degree |
100-299 | Lower-division courses; open to all students for undergraduate credit |
300-499 | Upper-division or advanced courses; open as undergraduate credit to students who are classified as sophomore or higher, or by permission of the department offering the course |
500-599 | Courses open as graduate credit to graduate students and open as undergraduate upper-division credit to undergraduate students who are classified as juniors or seniors |
600-799 | Courses open to graduate students |
Prerequisites are listed for some courses. A student may not take a course unless these prerequisites have been met. In a continuous course sequence (such as Writ 101, 102 or Math 261, 262, 263, 264) the prior courses are prerequisite to the subsequent courses unless otherwise stated. Thus, a student who has failed one semester of a continuous course sequence may not take a subsequent course in that sequence until the failed course has been passed. In the case of modern or ancient language sequences (such as Span 101, 102, 201, 202), a student may begin at any level but then must take any subsequent courses in order. If a corequisite course is listed, this course must be taken during the same semester as the first course.