
Course Search

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236 Courses Matching “Pol”

236 Code & Title Matches

College of Liberal Arts

Political Science

African American Studies Program

School of Pharmacy

Biomolecular Sciences

Provost/VC for Academic Affairs

Center for Intel & Security Studies

College of Liberal Arts

Center for the Study of Southern Culture

School of Engineering

Chemical Engineering

College of Liberal Arts


School of Applied Sciences

Criminal Justice & Legal Studies

College of Liberal Arts


School of Applied Sciences

Health, Exercise Sci & Recreation Mgmt

School of Education

Higher Education

College of Liberal Arts


School of Education

Leadership & Counselor Education

School of Business Administration


Marketing, Analytics & Prof Sales

College of Liberal Arts


Modern Languages

School of Applied Sciences

Nutrition & Hospitality Management

Patterson School of Accountancy

School of Pharmacy

Pharmacy Administration

College of Liberal Arts

Philosophy & Religion

School of Applied Sciences

Public Health

College of Liberal Arts

Public Policy Leadership

Sarah Isom Ctr for Women&Gender Studies

School of Business Administration

School of Law

School of Applied Sciences

Social Work

College of Liberal Arts

Sociology & Anthropology

No Full-text Matches

Course Numbering System

Courses are described by a subject prefix (e.g., Accy for Accountancy) followed by a three-digit number (complete listing of course prefixes). This constitutes the official designation of the course for the purposes of registration and official records. The official course title also appears following the course number, along with a brief description of the course. The number of semester hours of credit for the course and information about pre- or corequisites is also provided. The following numbering system determines the level of the course and availability to students.

Course Level Description
1-99 Courses that accrue no credit toward a degree
100-299 Lower-division courses; open to all students for undergraduate credit
300-499 Upper-division or advanced courses; open as undergraduate credit to students who are classified as sophomore or higher, or by permission of the department offering the course
500-599 Courses open as graduate credit to graduate students and open as undergraduate upper-division credit to undergraduate students who are classified as juniors or seniors
600-799 Courses open to graduate students

Prerequisites are listed for some courses. A student may not take a course unless these prerequisites have been met. In a continuous course sequence (such as Writ 101, 102 or Math 261, 262, 263, 264) the prior courses are prerequisite to the subsequent courses unless otherwise stated. Thus, a student who has failed one semester of a continuous course sequence may not take a subsequent course in that sequence until the failed course has been passed. In the case of modern or ancient language sequences (such as Span 101, 102, 201, 202), a student may begin at any level but then must take any subsequent courses in order. If a corequisite course is listed, this course must be taken during the same semester as the first course.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.