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236 Courses Matching “Pol”
236 Code & Title Matches
College of Liberal Arts
Political Science
- Pol 100: Orientation to the Major
- Pol 101: Introduction to American Politics
- Pol 102: Introduction to Comparative Politics
- Pol 103: Introduction to International Relations
- Pol 251: Intro to Political Science Methods
- Pol 300: Judicial Process
- Pol 303: The American Presidency
- Pol 304: American Legislative Process
- Pol 305: Judicial Behavior
- Pol 306: Const Law I: Supreme Court & Const.
- Pol 307: Const Law II: Civil Lib & Civil Rights
- Pol 308: Voting and Political Participation
- Pol 309: Public Opinion and Political Psychology
- Pol 310: Political Parties and Interest Groups
- Pol 311: Political Communication
- Pol 313: American Federalism
- Pol 315: Political Inequality
- Pol 316: State and Local Government and Politics
- Pol 317: Mississippi Politics
- Pol 318: Politics of the American South
- Pol 319: Minority Politics
- Pol 320: African American Politics
- Pol 321: Politics of Latin America
- Pol 322: Politics of Western Europe
- Pol 324: Politics of China
- Pol 326: Politics of Russia
- Pol 329: Transitions to Democracy
- Pol 331: International Organization
- Pol 332: Ethnic Conflict and International Terror
- Pol 334: Politics of the World Economy
- Pol 335: Intl. Politics of Nuclear Weapons
- Pol 336: Political Economy of Int'l Dev
- Pol 337: Asia in World Affairs
- Pol 338: Formulation of American Foreign Policy
- Pol 339: International Conflict
- Pol 340: Politics of East Asia
- Pol 341: German Politics
- Pol 342: Politics of Mexico and Central America
- Pol 343: Comparative Democratic Institutions
- Pol 344: Politics of Advanced Industrial Society
- Pol 346: Women and Politics
- Pol 348: Rule of Law in a Global Perspective
- Pol 349: Middle East Politics
- Pol 352: Quantitative Methods in Pol Sci
- Pol 363: War in World Politics
- Pol 364: Comparative Foreign Policy
- Pol 367: Policy Analysis
- Pol 370: African American Legal Experience
- Pol 371: Politics of Protest
- Pol 380: Topics in Political Science Abroad
- Pol 386: European Political Economy
- Pol 387: Political Economy of East Asia
- Pol 389: Internship in Government
- Pol 391: Applied Politics
- Pol 398: Special Topics in Political Science
- Pol 399: Readings & Research in Political Science
- Pol 401: Senior Seminar in American Politics
- Pol 421: Senior Seminar in Comparative Politics
- Pol 431: Senior Seminar in International Politics
- Pol 490: Directed Readings in Political Science
- Pol 491: Directed Research in Political Science
- Pol 492: Mock Trial
- Pol 500: Seminar in American Politics
- Pol 523: Theories of Comparative Pol Analysis
- Pol 531: Seminar in International Relations
- Pol 550: Research in Politics
- Pol 551: Empirical Political Analysis
- Pol 552: Applied Political Research
- Pol 598: Special Topics in Political Science
- Pol 696: Advanced Readings
- Pol 697: Thesis
- Pol 699: Readings/Research
- Pol 702: Seminar in Judicial Politics
- Pol 703: Seminar in American Legislative Politics
- Pol 704: Seminar in Executive Politics
- Pol 706: Seminar in Media Politics
- Pol 712: Seminar in American Political Parties
- Pol 713: Seminar in State Politics and Policy
- Pol 714: Seminar in Pol Participation & Voting
- Pol 715: Seminar in Public Opinion & Pol Psy
- Pol 721: Seminar in European Comparative Gov
- Pol 722: Seminar in Pol Dev & Change
- Pol 723: Regime Change and Democratization
- Pol 724: Seminar in Asian Government
- Pol 726: Comparative Bureaucracies
- Pol 728: Seminar in Comp Parties & Elections
- Pol 729: Political Conflict and Violence
- Pol 730: Comparative Democratic Institutions
- Pol 735: International Conflict
- Pol 736: International Security Law and Policy
- Pol 737: Seminar in Int'l Political Economy
- Pol 738: Intrastate War
- Pol 739: Int'l Organizations and Cooperation
- Pol 753: Advanced Topics in Political Methodology
- Pol 754: Formal Models of Politics
- Pol 791: Seminar in Teaching
- Pol 795: Research Practicum
- Pol 796: Dissertation Prospectus
- Pol 797: Dissertation
- Pol 798: Special Topics in Political Science
African American Studies Program
- Aas 337: Anthropology of Blues Culture
- Aas 315: Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
- Aas 320: African American Politics
- Aas 351: Topics in AAS Pol & Social Institutions
School of Pharmacy
Biomolecular Sciences
Provost/VC for Academic Affairs
Center for Intel & Security Studies
College of Liberal Arts
Center for the Study of Southern Culture
School of Engineering
Chemical Engineering
- Ch E 543: Introduction to Polymer Science
- Ch E 528: Polymer Processing
- Engr 545: Polymer Nanocomposites
College of Liberal Arts
School of Applied Sciences
Criminal Justice & Legal Studies
- CJ 704: Advanced Criminal Justice Policy Studies
- CJ 703: Advanced Criminological Theory & Policy
- CJ 701: Proseminar in CJ Policy Studies
- CJ 681: Law & Public Policy
- CJ 662: Emer Mgmt and Homeland Sec Policy Eval
- CJ 661: CJ Policy and Program Evaluation
- CJ 634: Emergency Response Mgmt Policy & Plannin
- CJ 652: Comparative CJ Systems & Policy
- CJ 310: Law Enforcement Process and Policy
- CJ 684: Police & Community Partnerships
- CJ 683: Innovation & Reform in Policing
- CJ 688: Police Technology & Policy
College of Liberal Arts
- Econ 625: Labor & Manpower Policies & Problems
- Econ 620: Public Policy Analysis
- Econ 510: International Trade & Commercial Policy
School of Applied Sciences
Health, Exercise Sci & Recreation Mgmt
School of Education
Higher Education
- Edhe 772: Advanced Education Policy Analysis
- Edhe 655: Per., Power, & Pol. in Prof. Practice
- Edhe 351: Organization & Policy
College of Liberal Arts
School of Education
Leadership & Counselor Education
School of Business Administration
Marketing, Analytics & Prof Sales
College of Liberal Arts
Modern Languages
- Russ 411: Political Russian
- Lin 672: Linguistic Anthropology
- Lin 552: Evaluation & Policy in Lang Education
School of Applied Sciences
Nutrition & Hospitality Management
Patterson School of Accountancy
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Administration
- Phad 597: Medical Anthropology
- Phad 689: Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Policy
- Phad 355: The Anthropology of Drugs
College of Liberal Arts
Philosophy & Religion
- Phil 647: Graduate Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 630: Studies in the History of Political Phil
- Phil 431: Seminar in Legal/Political Philosophy
- Phil 372: Conservative Political Philosophy
- Phil 371: Public Policy and Ethics
- Phil 331: Political Philosophy
- Phil 204: Intro to Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 631: Problems in Political Philosophy
- Phil 330: History of Western Political Philosophy
- Phil 347: Advanced Ethical Policy Debate
School of Applied Sciences
Public Health
College of Liberal Arts
Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 492: Topics in Domestic Policies
- PPL 493: Topics in International Policies
- PPL 389: Policy Response to Poverty in the U.S.
- PPL 390: Health Policy
- PPL 387: Education Policy
- PPL 385: Food Policy & Agriculture Systems
- PPL 377: Women and Public Policy in the U.S.
- PPL 376: Policymaking and Governance in China
- PPL 373: Leadership in Public Policy Setting
- PPL 362: Homeland Security Policy
- PPL 330: Global Border Policies
- PPL 361: Disaster Policy
- PPL 360: Global Perspectives, Issues, & Policies
- PPL 300: Public Policy and Ethics
- PPL 212: Critical Thinking, Comm & Public Policy
- PPL 210: Public Policy & Quantitative Analysis
- PPL 101: Foundations of Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 497: Washington Policy Process
- PPL 496: Topics in Pub Policy Leadership Abroad
- PPL 331: Political Philosophy
- PPL 380: World Regions: Geography and Policy
- PPL 342: Philosophy & Diversity in Public Policy
- PPL 388: Public Policies of European Union
- PPL 384: Civic Engagement, Pub Policy & Dem in US
- PPL 383: Social Policy
- PPL 328: The Corporation and Public Policy
- PPL 310: Public Policy Design and Analysis
- PPL 298: Topics in Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 398: Problems in Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 363: Early Childhood Policy in the U.S.
- PPL 386: Science, Technology, & Public Policy
- PPL 495: State Government Policy Process
- PPL 343: Punishment Policy
Sarah Isom Ctr for Women&Gender Studies
School of Business Administration
School of Law
- Law 662: Political and Civil Rights
- Law 658: International Security Law and Policy
- Law 717: Disability Law and Policy
- Law 738: Climate Change and Policy
- Law 693: Clinics: Legislation and Policy
- Law 522: Drone Law and Policy
- Law 523: Astra Politica
School of Applied Sciences
Social Work
- SW 709: Social Policy Analysis
- SW 417: Social Welfare Policy II
- SW 402: Child Welfare Policies
- SW 604: Social Welfare Policies and Programs
- SW 216: Social Welfare Policy I
College of Liberal Arts
Sociology & Anthropology
- Anth 670: Adv. Archaeology of Political Systems
- Anth 622: Readings in Anthropology II
- Anth 621: Readings in Anthropology I
- Anth 619: Advanced Dental Anthropology
- Anth 614: Advanced Legal Anthropology
- Anth 611: Adv. Anthropology of Politics & Power
- Anth 601: Anthropological Theory and Methods
- Anth 419: Dental Anthropology
- Anth 417: Environmentalism: Society, Politics, Law
- Anth 414: Legal Anthropology
- Anth 411: Anthropology of Politics & Power
- Anth 409: Anthropological Theory
- Anth 398: Topics in Anthropology
- Anth 370: Archaeology of Political Systems
- Anth 365: Economic Anthropology
- Anth 360: Political Ecology
- Anth 337: Anthropology of Blues Culture
- Anth 314: Islam and Global Politics
- Anth 303: Cultural Anthropology
- Anth 103: Topics in Anthropology
- Anth 607: Seminar in Biocultural Anthropology
- Anth 304: Biological Anthropology
- Anth 302: Anthropological Films
- Anth 330: Environmental Anthropology
- Anth 311: Topics in Anthropology
- Anth 349: Medical Anthropology
- Anth 572: Quantitative Anthropology
- Anth 654: Linguistic Anthropology
- Anth 101: Introduction to Anthropology
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Course Numbering System
Courses are described by a subject prefix (e.g., Accy for Accountancy) followed by a three-digit number (complete listing of course prefixes). This constitutes the official designation of the course for the purposes of registration and official records. The official course title also appears following the course number, along with a brief description of the course. The number of semester hours of credit for the course and information about pre- or corequisites is also provided. The following numbering system determines the level of the course and availability to students.
Course Level | Description |
1-99 | Courses that accrue no credit toward a degree |
100-299 | Lower-division courses; open to all students for undergraduate credit |
300-499 | Upper-division or advanced courses; open as undergraduate credit to students who are classified as sophomore or higher, or by permission of the department offering the course |
500-599 | Courses open as graduate credit to graduate students and open as undergraduate upper-division credit to undergraduate students who are classified as juniors or seniors |
600-799 | Courses open to graduate students |
Prerequisites are listed for some courses. A student may not take a course unless these prerequisites have been met. In a continuous course sequence (such as Writ 101, 102 or Math 261, 262, 263, 264) the prior courses are prerequisite to the subsequent courses unless otherwise stated. Thus, a student who has failed one semester of a continuous course sequence may not take a subsequent course in that sequence until the failed course has been passed. In the case of modern or ancient language sequences (such as Span 101, 102, 201, 202), a student may begin at any level but then must take any subsequent courses in order. If a corequisite course is listed, this course must be taken during the same semester as the first course.