Course Index
- Prct 357: Advocacy and Leadership in Pharmacy
- Prct 358: Geriatrics
- Prct 359: Tobacco Cessation Education
- Prct 360: Personal Time Mngment for Pharm Students
- Prct 361: Vaccine-preventable Illnesses/Travel med
- Prct 362: Veterinary Pharmacy
- Prct 363: Pharmacy, Microcontrollers & the Interne
- Prct 470: Introduction to Nuclear Pharmacy
- Prct 471: Advanced Topics in Cardiology
- Prct 472: Life After Graduation
- Prct 473: Beyond Dispensing
- Prct 474: Advanced Infectious Diseases
- Prct 475: Nutrition Support
- Prct 476: Wellbeing & Resiliency for Student Pharm
- Prct 480: Introduction to Global Health & Pharmacy
- Prct 481: Comparative Health Systems
- Prct 486: Resiliency in Professional Life
- Prct 488: Advanced Topics in Diabetes Care
- Prct 489: Advanced Topics Critical & Emergent Care
- Prct 490: Landmark Trials
- Prct 541: Problems in Clinical Pharmacy
- Prct 552: Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- Prct 555: Pharmaceutical Care I: Knowledge & Compr
- Prct 556: Pharmaceutical Care I: Problem-Solvin
- Prct 557: Pharmaceutical Care I: Group
- Prct 558: Pharmaceutical Care II:Knowledge & Comp
- Prct 559: Pharmaceutical Care II: Problem-Solving
- Prct 560: Pharmaceutical Care II: Group
- Prct 561: Pharmaceutical Care III:Knowledge & Comp
- Prct 562: Pharmaceutical Care III: Problem-Solving
- Prct 563: Pharmaceutical Care III: Group
- Prct 564: Pharmaceutical Care IV: Knowledge & Comp
- Prct 565: Pharmaceutical Care IV: Problem-Solving
- Prct 568: Pediatric Pharmacotherapy
- Prct 569: Pharmaceutical Care IV: Group
- Prct 570: Patient-Caregiver-Provider Education
- Prct 577: Practice Skills Laboratory V
- Prct 599: Clinical Trials Skills
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.