Course Index
- Phad 393: Learning & Teaching: A Professional Elec
- Phad 394: Intermed. Biostatistics for Pharmacists
- Phad 395: Pharmacy Ethics
- Phad 396: Marketing for Community Pharmacists
- Phad 397: Survey of Medication Nonadherence
- Phad 430: Research Methods for Pharmacists
- Phad 470: Phy & Psychosoc Aspects Women's Health
- Phad 478: History of Pharmacy
- Phad 492: Current Issues in Health Care
- Phad 495: Techniques of Pharmaceutical Sales
- Phad 496: Principles of Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Phad 497: Personal Finance for Pharmacists
- Phad 541: Problems in Pharmacy Administration
- Phad 542: Problems in Pharmacy Administration
- Phad 543: Seminar in Current Health Topics
- Phad 544: Seminar in Current Health Topics
- Phad 545: Aspects of Pediatric Pharmacy Practice
- Phad 546: Film and Pharmacy
- Phad 597: Medical Anthropology
- Phad 599: Health Care and Contemporary Society
- Phad 661: Epidemiology and Health Data Management
- Phad 679: Primary Data Techniques
- Phad 687: Secondary Data Techniques
- Phad 688: Research Methodology and Techniques
- Phad 689: Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Policy
- Phad 690: Data Management and Statistical Software
- Phad 693: Health Economics
- Phad 697: Thesis
- Phad 698: Non-thesis Research
- Phad 774: Research in Pharmacy Administration
- Phad 780: General Linear Models
- Phad 781: Applied Multivariate Analysis
- Phad 783: Adv Pharmaceutical Mkting & Patient Beha
- Phad 786: Patient Reported Outcomes
- Phad 792: Drug Development and Marketing
- Phad 794: Pharmacoeconomics
- Phad 795: Special Topics in Pharmacy Administratio
- Phad 796: Pharmacoepidemiology
- Phad 797: Dissertation
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