Course Index
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice
- Bari 591: Bariatric Advanced Pharmacy Practice Exp
- Biot 591: Biotech Pharmacy Services Advanced Pharm
College of Liberal Arts
- Bisc 100: Research Experience
- Bisc 102: Inquiry Into Life: Human Biology
- Bisc 103: Inquiry into Life Laboratory I
- Bisc 104: Inquiry into Life: The Environment
- Bisc 105: Inquiry into Life Laboratory II
- Bisc 150: Principles of Biological Science
- Bisc 160: Biological Sciences I
- Bisc 161: Biological Sciences I Laboratory
- Bisc 162: Biological Sciences II
- Bisc 163: Biological Sciences II Laboratory
- Bisc 164: Honors Recitation I
- Bisc 165: Honors Recitation II
- Bisc 200: Research Experience
- Bisc 206: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
- Bisc 207: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
- Bisc 210: Principles of Microbiology
- Bisc 220: Natural Resource Management
- Bisc 300: Research Methods in Biology
- Bisc 301: Evolution
- Bisc 306: Virology
- Bisc 310: Human Anatomy
- Bisc 318: Botany
- Bisc 320: Introductory Marine Biology
- Bisc 321: Introductory Aquatic Biology
- Bisc 322: General Ecology
- Bisc 323: Biology of Invasive Species
- Bisc 327: Introductory Neuroscience
- Bisc 329: Biology of Fishes
- Bisc 330: Introductory Physiology
- Bisc 331: Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
- Bisc 332: Comparative Embryology of Vertebrates
- Bisc 333: General Microbiology
- Bisc 334: Ornithology
- Bisc 335: Human Reproduction
- Bisc 336: Genetics
- Bisc 337: Introductory Entomology
- Bisc 338: Invertebrate Zoology
- Bisc 339: Phycology
- Bisc 342: Plant Diversity
- Bisc 345: Symbiosis: From Parasitism to Mutualism
- Bisc 349: Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives
- Bisc 350: Mammalogy
- Bisc 370: Introductory Molecular Genetics
- Bisc 372: Introductory Cell Biology
- Bisc 380: Topics in Biology Abroad
- Bisc 413: Conservation Biology
- Bisc 414: Immunology and Serology
- Bisc 415: Vertebrate Histology
- Bisc 416: Elementary Parasitology
- Bisc 417: Evolution and Medicine
- Bisc 418: Introduction to Molecular Systematics
- Bisc 427: Methods in Comparative Neuroscience
- Bisc 435: Research in Freshwater Biology
- Bisc 436: Human and Vertebrate Genetics
- Bisc 438: Microbial Physiology
- Bisc 439: Developmental Biology
- Bisc 440: Cell and Molecular Biology
- Bisc 441: Tropical Botany
- Bisc 443: Ecology of Plant Communities of MS
- Bisc 445: Introduction to Coral-Reef Ecology
- Bisc 446: Fishes of the Tropics
- Bisc 447: Neotropical Forest Herpetology
- Bisc 448: Tropical Studies in Biology
- Bisc 449: Tropical Invertebrate Biology
- Bisc 450: Tropical Ornithology
- Bisc 451: Ecotoxicology
- Bisc 479: Special Topics in Biology
- Bisc 491: Directed Study in Biological Sciences I
- Bisc 492: Directed Study in Biological Sciences II
- Bisc 493: Capstone Directed Study
- Bisc 498: Major Field Achievement Test
- Bisc 499: Listing for Individual Basis Courses
- Bisc 502: Mycology
- Bisc 503: Topics in Bioinformatics
- Bisc 504: Biometry
- Bisc 505: Aquatic Microbiology
- Bisc 507: Cell Biology of Cancer
- Bisc 509: Microbial Genetics
- Bisc 510: Theoretical Ecology
- Bisc 511: Applied Microbiology
- Bisc 512: Animal Behavior
- Bisc 513: Limnological Methods
- Bisc 514: Population Genetics
- Bisc 515: Conservation Biology: Viable Populations
- Bisc 516: Plant Physiology
- Bisc 518: Microtechnique
- Bisc 519: Physiology of Aquatic Animals
- Bisc 520: Medical Microbiology
- Bisc 521: Cell Physiology
- Bisc 522: Microbial Ecology
- Bisc 523: Molecular Microbiol. of Soils & Sediment
- Bisc 524: Aquatic Botany
- Bisc 525: Conservation and Restoration Ecology
- Bisc 526: Survey of the Amphibia
- Bisc 527: Survey of the Reptilia
- Bisc 529: Endocrinology
- Bisc 530: Advanced Field Study in Ecology
- Bisc 531: Plant Morphology
- Bisc 532: Plant Taxonomy
- Bisc 533: Advanced Neuroscience
- Bisc 534: Freshwater Insects
- Bisc 535: Plant-Insect Interactions
- Bisc 538: Hormones and Behavior
- Bisc 541: Cell Biol. of Neurodegenerative Disease
- Bisc 542: Microbial Diversity
- Bisc 543: Functional Neuroanatomy
- Bisc 546: Herpetology
- Bisc 547: Advanced Histology
- Bisc 548: Plant Cell and Developmental Biology
- Bisc 550: Biological Oceanography
- Bisc 551: Protozoology
- Bisc 553: Comparative Animal Physiology
- Bisc 554: Ecological Physiology
- Bisc 555: Radiation Biology
- Bisc 566: Evolutionary Biology
- Bisc 567: Evolutionary Biology Laboratory
- Bisc 568: Infectious Disease Ecology
- Bisc 571: History of Biology
- Bisc 578: Advanced Topics in Biology I
- Bisc 579: Advanced Topics in Biology
- Bisc 580: Advanced Topics in Biology III
- Bisc 604: Experimental Design
- Bisc 608: Limnology
- Bisc 609: Stream Ecology
- Bisc 610: Virology
- Bisc 611: Wetlands Ecology
- Bisc 613: Plant Ecology
- Bisc 614: Advanced General Microbiology
- Bisc 615: Ichthyology
- Bisc 616: Population Biology
- Bisc 617: Fishery Biology
- Bisc 618: Community Ecology
- Bisc 619: Ecosystems Ecology
- Bisc 620: Field Botany
- Bisc 621: Behavioral Endocrinology
- Bisc 622: Behavioral Ecology
- Bisc 623: Aquatic Plants
- Bisc 626: Aquatic Ornithology
- Bisc 628: Advanced Reproductive Physiology
- Bisc 629: Advanced Biochemical Endocrinology
- Bisc 630: Algology
- Bisc 631: Advanced Aquatic Techniques
- Bisc 632: Aquatic Toxicology
- Bisc 633: Microbial Energetics
- Bisc 635: Insect Taxonomy
- Bisc 637: Prokaryotic Development
- Bisc 639: Insect Morphology
- Bisc 640: Biology of Amphibia
- Bisc 641: Biology of Reptilia
- Bisc 647: Invertebrate Zoology
- Bisc 649: Methods in Molecular Biology
- Bisc 650: Survival Skills for Science Careers
- Bisc 651: Advanced Parasitology
- Bisc 659: Techniques in Molecular Systematics
- Bisc 660: Plant Anatomy and Development
- Bisc 661: Phylogenetic Systematics
- Bisc 662: Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data
- Bisc 675: Advanced Microbial Physiology
- Bisc 676: Topics in Evolutionary Physiology
- Bisc 677: Topics in Evolution and Ecology
- Bisc 678: Topics in Environmental & Applied Micro
- Bisc 679: Directed Study in Biological Science
- Bisc 691: Seminar
- Bisc 692: Seminars on Special Topics
- Bisc 693: Microbiology Seminar
- Bisc 697: Thesis
- Bisc 797: Dissertation
School of Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
- BME 200: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
- BME 222: Biomaterials
- BME 301: Bioinstrumentation
- BME 311: Biomechanics
- BME 313: Physiology for Biomedical Engineering
- BME 314: Biomedical Measurement
- BME 320: Bioseparations
- BME 333: Biological Transport
- BME 350: Immunoengineering
- BME 370: Intro to Bioinformatics & Biostatistics
- BME 413: Biomedical Signal Processing
- BME 444: Biomedical Controls
- BME 461: Biomedical Engineering Senior Design I
- BME 462: Biomedical Engineering Senior Design II
- BME 501: Computational and Systems Biomedicine
- BME 510: Drug and Gene Delivery
- BME 520: Biochemical Process Engineering
- BME 522: Immunoengineering
- BME 523: Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
- BME 524: Microscopy for Engineers
School of Pharmacy
Biomolecular Sciences
- BMS 321: Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
- BMS 343: Biochemical Foundations of Therapeutics
- BMS 344: Physiological Foundation of Therapeutics
- BMS 345: Anatomical Foundations in Human Health
- BMS 401: Honors Introduction to Cancer Research
- BMS 470: Antimicrobial Resistance Mechanisms
- BMS 471: Targeting Neurodegenerative Diseases
- BMS 472: Spanish for Pharmacists
- BMS 473: Medical Cannabis
- BMS 474: Pandemics and Society
- BMS 475: Molecular Basis of Future Medicines
- BMS 601: Graduate Student Survival Strategies
- BMS 602: Techniques in BioMolecular Sciences
- BMS 605: Original Research Proposal BMS
- BMS 608: Scientific Writing for BioMolecular Scie
- BMS 610: Carbohydrates and Glycoconjugates
- BMS 641: BioMolecular Sciences Seminar
- BMS 643: BioMolecular Sciences Seminar
- BMS 697: Thesis
- BMS 725: Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals
- BMS 767: Advanced Topics in Toxicology
- BMS 797: Dissertation
College of Liberal Arts
- Brtn 100: Preparatory Baritone
- Brtn 121: Freshman Baritone I
- Brtn 122: Freshman Baritone II
- Brtn 221: Sophomore Baritone I
- Brtn 222: Sophomore Baritone II
- Brtn 241: Sophomore Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 242: Sophomore Baritone Performance II
- Brtn 321: Junior Baritone I
- Brtn 322: Junior Baritone II
- Brtn 341: Junior Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 342: Junior Baritone Performance II
- Brtn 421: Senior Baritone I
- Brtn 422: Senior Baritone II
- Brtn 441: Senior Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 442: Senior Baritone Performance II
- Brtn 521: Advanced Baritone I
- Brtn 522: Advanced Baritone II
- Brtn 541: Advanced Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 542: Advanced Baritone Performance II
- Brtn 621: Graduate Baritone I
- Brtn 622: Graduate Baritone II
- Brtn 641: Graduate Baritone Performance I
- Brtn 642: Graduate Baritone Performance II
- Bssn 100: Preparatory Bassoon
- Bssn 121: Freshman Bassoon I
- Bssn 122: Freshman Bassoon II
- Bssn 221: Sophomore Bassoon I
- Bssn 222: Sophomore Bassoon II
- Bssn 241: Sophomore Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 242: Sophomore Bassoon Performance II
- Bssn 321: Junior Bassoon I
- Bssn 322: Junior Bassoon II
- Bssn 341: Junior Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 342: Junior Bassoon Performance II
- Bssn 421: Senior Bassoon I
- Bssn 422: Senior Bassoon II
- Bssn 441: Senior Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 442: Senior Bassoon Performance II
- Bssn 521: Advanced Bassoon I
- Bssn 522: Advanced Bassoon II
- Bssn 541: Advanced Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 542: Advanced Bassoon Performance II
- Bssn 621: Graduate Bassoon I
- Bssn 622: Graduate Bassoon II
- Bssn 641: Graduate Bassoon Performance I
- Bssn 642: Graduate Bassoon Performance II
School of Business Administration
School of Business Administration
- Bus 250: Legal Environment of Business
- Bus 271: Business Communication
- Bus 300: Undergraduate Business Internship
School of Business Administration
- Bus 301: Introduction To Petroleum Land Mgmt
- Bus 302: Business Statistics II
- Bus 308: Operations Research
- Bus 310: Oil and Gas Law
- Bus 320: Personal Business Management
School of Business Administration
School of Business Administration
- Bus 400: Special Topics In Business
- Bus 420: Experience Business
- Bus 500: Business Internship
- Bus 604: Statistical Methods For Business
- Bus 612: Operations Research
- Bus 620: Individual Study
- Bus 621: Individual Study
- Bus 650: Entering the Profession Seminar
- Bus 660: Research Methods I
- Bus 661: Seminar in Research and Experimental Des
- Bus 662: Statistics I: Sem. in Linear Regression
- Bus 663: Stat. II: Multivariate & Nonparametric
- Bus 664: Statistics III: Advanced Statistical Top
- Bus 667: Global Business Strategy
- Bus 669: Decision Support Systems
- Bus 670: Supply Chain Management
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.