Course Index
School of Business Administration
- Fin 101: Excel in Excel
- Fin 120: Financial Literacy
- Fin 303: Money and Banking
- Fin 331: Business Finance I
- Fin 333: Financial Markets and Institutions
- Fin 334: Investments
- Fin 338: Intermediate Financial Management
- Fin 341: Risk Management and Insurance
- Fin 342: Life and Health Insurance
- Fin 351: Principles of Real Estate
- Fin 353: Real Estate Valuation and Appraisal
- Fin 361: Quantitative Financial Analysis
- Fin 380: Topics in Finance Abroad
- Fin 395: Honors Thesis in Finance
- Fin 411: Finance Fundamentals for MBA Applicants
- Fin 431: Financial Decision Making
- Fin 441: Commercial Insurance
- Fin 442: Insurance Company Operations
- Fin 445: Internship In Insurance and Risk Mgmt
- Fin 451: Real Estate Law
- Fin 453: Advanced Income Appraisal
- Fin 455: Real Estate Finance and Investment
- Fin 461: Financial Statement Analysis
- Fin 468: International Financial Management
- Fin 499: Business Finance Topics
- Fin 533: Security Analysis and Portfolio Mgmt
- Fin 534: Managing Financial Institutions
- Fin 537: Bank Management I
- Fin 538: Bank Management II
- Fin 542: Enterprise Risk Management
- Fin 555: Real Estate Investment Analysis
- Fin 568: International Finance
- Fin 581: Futures, Options, and Swaps
- Fin 620: Advanced Directed Study
- Fin 622: International Finance
- Fin 626: Seminar in International Econ & Finance
- Fin 631: Seminar in Business Finance
- Fin 633: Investment Analysis
- Fin 634: Financial Management I
- Fin 635: Financial Management II
- Fin 636: Financial Mgmt Health Care Institutions
- Fin 637: Management of Financial Intermediaries
- Fin 642: Applied Probability Modeling
- Fin 644: Financial Econ: Continuous-Time Models
- Fin 650: Research Colloquium in Econ & Finance
- Fin 695: Special Topics in Finance
- Fin 697: Thesis
- Fin 797: Dissertation
College of Liberal Arts
- Flut 100: Preparatory Flute
- Flut 121: Freshman Flute I
- Flut 122: Freshman Flute II
- Flut 221: Sophomore Flute I
- Flut 222: Sophomore Flute II
- Flut 241: Sophomore Flute Performance I
- Flut 242: Sophomore Flute Performance II
- Flut 321: Junior Flute I
- Flut 322: Junior Flute II
- Flut 341: Junior Flute Performance I
- Flut 342: Junior Flute Performance II
- Flut 421: Senior Flute I
- Flut 422: Senior Flute II
- Flut 441: Senior Flute Performance I
- Flut 442: Senior Flute Performance II
- Flut 521: Advanced Flute I
- Flut 522: Advanced Flute II
- Flut 541: Advanced Flute Performance I
- Flut 542: Advanced Flute Performance II
- Flut 621: Graduate Flute I
- Flut 622: Graduate Flute II
- Flut 641: Graduate Flute Performance I
- Flut 642: Graduate Flute Performance II
Modern Languages
- Fr 101: Elementary French I
- Fr 102: Elementary French II
- Fr 111: Intensive Elementary French
- Fr 121: Accelerated Elementary French
- Fr 198: Elementary French Study Abroad
- Fr 199: Special Topics in French
- Fr 201: Intermediate French I
- Fr 202: Second Year French
- Fr 211: Intensive Intermediate French
- Fr 298: Intermediate French Study Abroad
- Fr 299: Special Topics in French
- Fr 303: Conversation & Composition I
- Fr 304: Conversation & Composition II
- Fr 311: Business French
- Fr 321: French Culture and Civilization
- Fr 322: Contemporary French Culture
- Fr 323: La Chanson Francophone
- Fr 324: French Cuisine and Culture
- Fr 325: The Francophone World
- Fr 330: Introduction to French Linguistics
- Fr 331: Intro to Lit/Literary Analysis in French
- Fr 361: French and Francophone Cinema
- Fr 362: Regional Identity in French Cinema
- Fr 398: Upper-Level French Study Abroad
- Fr 399: Special Topics
- Fr 561: Advanced French & Francophone Cinema
- Fr 571: Advanced Grammar and Composition
- Fr 572: French Phonetics and Phonology
- Fr 574: History of the French Language
- Fr 575: Topics in Applied French Linguistics
- Fr 577: Survey of French Literature I
- Fr 578: Survey of French Literature II
- Fr 579: Survey of French Lyric Poetry
- Fr 580: Survey of French Theater
- Fr 582: Medieval and Renaissance French Lit
- Fr 583: Seventeenth-Century French Literature
- Fr 584: Eighteenth-Century French Literature
- Fr 585: Nineteenth-Century French Literature
- Fr 586: Twentieth-Century French Literature
- Fr 587: Introduction to Francophone Literature
- Fr 588: Chretien de Troyes and His World
- Fr 589: The Environment in French Literature
- Fr 593: Topics in Cultural Studies
- Fr 598: Advanced French Study Abroad
- Fr 599: Special Topics
- Fr 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Fr 632: Seminar, French Studies II
- Fr 671: Research Methods
- Fr 672: Research & Practice in Clsrm Sec. Lang.
- Fr 673: Seminar
- Fr 697: Thesis
- Frhn 100: Preparatory French Horn
- Frhn 121: Freshman French Horn I
- Frhn 122: Freshman French Horn II
- Frhn 221: Sophomore French Horn I
- Frhn 222: Sophomore French Horn II
- Frhn 241: Sophomore French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 242: Sophomore French Horn Performance II
- Frhn 321: Junior French Horn I
- Frhn 322: Junior French Horn II
- Frhn 341: Junior French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 342: Junior French Horn Performance II
- Frhn 421: Senior French Horn I
- Frhn 422: Senior French Horn II
- Frhn 441: Senior French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 442: Senior French Horn Performance II
- Frhn 521: Advanced French Horn I
- Frhn 522: Advanced French Horn II
- Frhn 541: Advanced French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 542: Advanced French Horn Performance II
- Frhn 621: Graduate French Horn I
- Frhn 622: Graduate French Horn II
- Frhn 641: Graduate French Horn Performance I
- Frhn 642: Graduate French Horn Performance II
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.