Course Index
School of Applied Sciences
Applied Gerontology
- Ger 290: Programs and Services in Gerontology
- Ger 310: End-of-Life Issues
- Ger 326: Gerontology: Social Welfare Aspects
- Ger 344: Aging in the 21st Century
- Ger 390: Special Topics
- Ger 411: Elder Law
- Ger 493: Applied Gerontology Internship
- Ger 499: Seminar in Applied Gerontology
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice
College of Liberal Arts
Modern Languages
- Germ 101: Elementary German I
- Germ 102: Elementary German II
- Germ 103: Practical Review of Elem German I
- Germ 104: Practical Review of Elem German II
- Germ 111: Intensive Elementary German
- Germ 198: Elementary German Study Abroad
- Germ 199: Special Topics in German
- Germ 201: Intermediate German I
- Germ 202: Intermediate German II
- Germ 205: Scientific German
- Germ 211: Intensive Intermediate German
- Germ 298: Intermediate German Study Abroad
- Germ 299: Special topics in German
- Germ 303: Conversation and Composition I
- Germ 304: Conversation and Composition II
- Germ 311: Business German
- Germ 321: German Culture and Civilization
- Germ 330: Introduction to German Linguistics
- Germ 331: Intro to Lit /Literary Analysis in Germ
- Germ 361: German Cinema
- Germ 394: German Internship
- Germ 398: Upper-Level German Study Abroad
- Germ 399: Special Topics in German
- Germ 529: Contemporary German
- Germ 546: Intensive Advanced German in Germany
- Germ 561: Advanced Topics in German Cinema
- Germ 571: Advanced Grammar and Composition
- Germ 572: German Phonetics and Phonology
- Germ 574: History of the German Language
- Germ 575: Topics in Applied Linguistics
- Germ 577: Survey of German Lit. & Culture I
- Germ 578: Survey of German Lit. & Culture II
- Germ 584: The Age of Goethe
- Germ 585: Nineteenth-Century German Literature
- Germ 586: Twentieth-Century Literature & Culture
- Germ 587: German Fairy Tales
- Germ 593: Topics in Cultural Studies
- Germ 597: German Teaching Practicum
- Germ 598: Advanced German Study Abroad
- Germ 599: Special Topics
- Germ 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Germ 611: Intensive Elem German for Graduate St
- Germ 671: Research Methods
- Germ 672: Research & Prac in Clasrm Sec. Lan. Acq
- Germ 673: Seminar
- Germ 697: Thesis
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.