- Chem 101: Chemical Concepts
- Chem 103: Survey of Chemistry I
- Chem 104: Survey of Chemistry II
- Chem 105: General Chemistry I
- Chem 106: General Chemistry II
- Chem 107: Honors Recitation I
- Chem 108: Honors Recitation II
- Chem 113: Survey of Chemistry Laboratory I
- Chem 114: Survey of Chemistry Laboratory II
- Chem 115: General Chemistry Laboratory I
- Chem 116: General Chemistry Laboratory II
- Chem 121: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
- Chem 201: Environmental Chemistry I
- Chem 202: Environmental Chemistry II
- Chem 221: Elementary Organic Chemistry I
- Chem 222: Elementary Organic Chemistry II
- Chem 225: Elementary Organic Chem. Laboratory I
- Chem 226: Elementary Organic Chem. Laboratory II
- Chem 227: Organic Chemistry Honors Recitation I
- Chem 228: Organic Chemistry Honors Recitation II
- Chem 271: Biochemical Concepts
- Chem 293: Special Topics in Chemistry
- Chem 314: Quantitative Analysis
- Chem 331: Physical Chemistry I
- Chem 332: Physical Chemistry II
- Chem 334: Biophysical Chemistry
- Chem 337: Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
- Chem 351: Individual Research
- Chem 373: Intermediate Biochemistry
- Chem 381: Chemistry for Teachers I
- Chem 382: Chemistry for Teachers II
- Chem 383: Chemistry for Teachers III
- Chem 393: Advanced Special Topics in Chemistry
- Chem 401: Inorganic Chemical Principles
- Chem 402: Inorganic Chemical Laboratory
- Chem 415: Computer Methods in Chemistry
- Chem 421: Recitation in Organic Chemistry I
- Chem 422: Recitation in Organic Chemistry II
- Chem 423: Organic Analysis
- Chem 441: Forensic Chemistry Senior Research
- Chem 451: Senior Individual Research
- Chem 459: Forensic Science Internship
- Chem 463: Senior Research
- Chem 469: Introduction to Instrumental Analysis
- Chem 470: Forensic DNA Analysis
- Chem 471: Biochemistry I
- Chem 472: Biochemistry Laboratory
- Chem 473: Biochemistry II
- Chem 512: Advanced Instrumental Analysis
- Chem 513: Principles of Analytical Chemistry
- Chem 514: Fundamentals of Electrochemistry
- Chem 519: Chemical Separations
- Chem 524: Principles of Organic Chemistry
- Chem 525: Organic Spectroscopy and Spectrometry
- Chem 527: Adv. Organic Chem., Structure Mechanism
- Chem 528: Adv. Organic Chem., Structure Synthesis
- Chem 529: Stereochemistry
- Chem 530: Advanced Organic Synthesis
- Chem 531: Advanced Physical Chem., Quantum Chem.
- Chem 532: Chemical Thermodynamics
- Chem 534: Physical Biochemistry
- Chem 535: Principles of Physical Chemistry I
- Chem 536: Advanced Phys. Chem., Reaction Dynamics
- Chem 538: Principles of Physical Chemistry II
- Chem 544: Chemical Applications of Group Theory
- Chem 545: Chemical Literature
- Chem 546: Chem for High School Science Teacher I
- Chem 547: Chem. for High School Science Teacher II
- Chem 548: Workshop-Middle School Science Teachers
- Chem 550: Safety in the Chemical Laboratory
- Chem 554: Analytical Environmental Chemistry
- Chem 556: Research Methods in STEM Education
- Chem 563: Applied Spectroscopy
- Chem 580: Molecular Biochemistry I
- Chem 581: Molecular Biochemistry II
- Chem 593: Advanced Special Topics in Chemistry
- Chem 600: Introduction to Graduate Research
- Chem 601: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I
- Chem 602: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II
- Chem 603: Inorganic Techniques
- Chem 605: Seminar in Chemistry
- Chem 615: Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- Chem 617: Research Methodology in Chemistry I
- Chem 618: Research Methodology in Chemistry II
- Chem 622: Organic Techniques
- Chem 625: Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry
- Chem 633: Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry
- Chem 641: Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
- Chem 650: Area Seminars
- Chem 651: Research Experience in Chemistry
- Chem 659: Doctoral Seminar
- Chem 659: Masters Seminar
- Chem 661: Quantum Chemistry
- Chem 662: Theory of Molecular Structure
- Chem 665: Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Chem 671: Biochemistry I
- Chem 672: Biochemical Techniques
- Chem 673: Biochemistry II
- Chem 674: Selected Topics in Biochemistry
- Chem 676: Nucleic Acid Chemistry
- Chem 677: Protein Structure
- Chem 697: Thesis
- Chem 716: Mass Spectrometry Fundamentals
- Chem 717: Internship Seminar in College Chemistry
- Chem 796: Doctoral Thesis
- Chem 797: Dissertation
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.