Course Index
- Aas 170: Introduction to African History
- Aas 199: Special Topics
- Aas 201: African American Experience I
- Aas 202: African American Experience II
- Aas 302: Judicial System & African Amer Community
- Aas 307: Peoples of Africa
- Aas 308: Const Law II: Civil Lib & Civil Rights
- Aas 310: Experiences of African American Miss
- Aas 315: Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
- Aas 320: African American Politics
- Aas 324: Race Gender Courtship African Amer. Hist
- Aas 325: African American History to 1865
- Aas 326: African American History since 1865
- Aas 330: Racism and Religion
- Aas 334: Introduction to Field Work Techniques
- Aas 337: Anthropology of Blues Culture
- Aas 341: Afro American Lit Survey to 2oth Century
- Aas 342: Afro Amer Lit Survey of the 21st Century
- Aas 343: African American Science Fiction Lit
- Aas 350: Topics in Afri-American Studies
- Aas 360: Topics in Afri-Amer. Studies Abroad
- Aas 362: African American Women's History
- Aas 363: African American Genres
- Aas 364: Studies in African American Lit
- Aas 367: Blues Tradition in American Literature
- Aas 371: African Literature
- Aas 373: Studies in Comparative Black Lit
- Aas 373: Caribbean Literature
- Aas 385: History of Mass Incarceration in the US
- Aas 386: African and African American Arts
- Aas 392: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Aas 393: History of Southern Africa
- Aas 394: History of Islam in Africa
- Aas 395: Survey of Black American Art
- Aas 412: Studies in Black Popular Culture
- Aas 413: Race and Ethnicity
- Aas 420: Major African American Writers
- Aas 421: Readings in U.S. Black Feminism
- Aas 423: Black Women's Enterprise & Activism
- Aas 438: Historical Perspectives Slavery in Amer
- Aas 440: History of African Americans in Sports
- Aas 441: Comparative Black Literatures
- Aas 442: The New Negro Era
- Aas 443: The Civil Rights Era
- Aas 469: Special Topics in African American Lit
- Aas 480: African American Studies Senior Seminar
- Aas 481: Special Topics in Carribbean Literature
- Aas 483: Special Topics in African Literature
- Aas 493: Special Topics in Race and Ethnicity
- Aas 498: Afri-American Studies Directed Study
- Aas 501: African American Studies Seminar
- Aas 504: Research in African American Studies
- Aas 509: Historiography of African American Hist
- Aas 517: African American Musical Tradition
- Aas 518: History of Jazz
- Aas 593: African American Literature
- Accy 201: Introduction to Accounting Principles I
- Accy 202: Introduction to Accounting Principles II
- Accy 300: Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
- Accy 301: Administrative Accounting
- Accy 303: Financial Accounting I
- Accy 304: Financial Accounting II
- Accy 309: Cost Control
- Accy 310: Systems
- Accy 401: Auditing
- Accy 402: Advanced Accounting
- Accy 404: Accounting Theory
- Accy 405: Income Taxes I
- Accy 407: Governmental Accounting
- Accy 411: Business Law
- Accy 420: Independent Study
- Accy 501: Internal/Operational Auditing
- Accy 502: Oil and Gas Accounting
- Accy 503: Speaker's Edge
- Accy 504: Standard Costs
- Accy 505: Taxation for Non-Accountants
- Accy 509: Income Taxes II
- Accy 514: Managerial and Budgetary Control
- Accy 515: Accountancy Problems I
- Accy 516: Accountancy Problems II
- Accy 519: Introduction to Tax Law
- Accy 520: Accounting Internship
- Accy 521: International Accounting
- Accy 525: Professional Report Writing
- Accy 530: Information Technology Auditing
- Accy 601: Seminar in Accounting Theory
- Accy 602: Seminar in Contemporary Accting Theory
- Accy 603: Seminar in Contemporary Taxation
- Accy 605: Cost/Managerial Accounting
- Accy 606: Managerial Accounting
- Accy 607: Seminar
- Accy 609: Systems Seminar
- Accy 610: Auditing Seminar
- Accy 611: Corporations
- Accy 612: Tax Research Seminar
- Accy 613: Sem. in Audit & Accounting Info Systems
- Accy 614: Sem in Fin Accounting & Capital Markets
- Accy 615: Accounting, Audit, Business & Regulation
- Accy 618: Tax Data and Analytics Internship
- Accy 619: Accounting Data and Analytics Internship
- Accy 620: Individual Study
- Accy 623: Tax Problems
- Accy 625: Introduction to International Taxation
- Accy 626: Estate and Gift Taxation
- Accy 628: Accy Data Modeling and Visualization
- Accy 629: Business Planning
- Accy 633: Inc Tax of Corporations & Shareholders
- Accy 634: Taxations of Partners and Partnerships
- Accy 650: Securities Regulations
- Accy 660: Deferred Compensation
- Accy 690: Professionalism, Policy and Research
- Accy 697: Thesis
- Accy 750: Research Colloquium in Accountancy
- Accy 797: Dissertation
- AH 101: Introduction to Western Art
- AH 102: Introduction to Non-Western Art
- AH 201: History of Art I
- AH 202: History of Art II
- AH 305: Art on Location
- AH 306: Topics in Art History Abroad
- AH 308: Art History Internship
- AH 315: Egyptian Art and Architecture
- AH 316: Bronze Age Greek/Aegean Arts/Archi
- AH 317: Etruscan Art and Architecture
- AH 318: Greek Vase Painting
- AH 319: Greek Sculpture
- AH 320: Greek Architecture
- AH 321: Greek Art and Archaeology
- AH 322: Roman Art and Archaeology
- AH 323: Art & Archaeology of Pompeii
- AH 330: Medieval Art
- AH 332: Early Christian, Byzantine & Islamic Art
- AH 334: Early Medieval Art and Archaeology
- AH 336: Viking Art and Archaeology
- AH 338: Romanesque and Gothic Art
- AH 341: Italian Renaissance Art
- AH 343: Northern Renaissance Art
- AH 345: Baroque & Rococo Art & Architecture
- AH 351: 19th-Century European Art
- AH 354: Art Nouveau, Art Deco, & Streamlining
- AH 355: 20th-Century Art
- AH 357: Art Now
- AH 357: Modern Architecture & Industrial Design
- AH 359: Contemporary Art, Architecture, & Design
- AH 361: American Art to 1900
- AH 362: Folk Arts of the Americas
- AH 364: American Art on Paper
- AH 365: Southern Folk Arts
- AH 366: Hist. of Southern Art & Decorative Arts
- AH 367: Southern Architecture and Interiors
- AH 369: Survey of Black American Art
- AH 374: History of Graphic Design
- AH 376: History of Photography
- AH 378: History of Printmaking
- AH 380: Asian Art
- AH 381: Art of China
- AH 382: Art of Japan
- AH 383: Art of India
- AH 384: Art of Korea
- AH 386: African and African American Arts
- AH 394: Mesoamerican Art
- AH 396: American Indian Arts
- AH 401: Research and Writing in Art
- AH 403: Art Theory and Criticism
- AH 406: Topics in Art History
- AH 408: Seminar in Art History
- AH 412: History of Museums
- AH 415: Studying Ancient Artifacts
- AH 458: Social Context of Holocaust Art
- AH 490: Selected Readings: Art Hist. & Criticism
- AH 499: Comprehensive Examination
- AH 503: Art Theory and Criticism
- AH 505: Topics in Art History
- AH 508: Seminar in Art History
- AH 520: Topics in Ancient Art
- AH 530: Topics in Medieval Art
- AH 532: Early Christian, Byzantine & Islamic Art
- AH 534: Early Medieval Art and Archaeology
- AH 536: Viking Art and Archaeology
- AH 538: Romanesque and Gothic Art
- AH 540: Topics in Early Modern Art
- AH 541: Italian Renaissance Art
- AH 543: Northern Renaissance Art
- AH 545: Baroque and Rococo Art and Architecture
- AH 550: Topics in Modern Art: Europe and America
- AH 551: 19th-Century European Art
- AH 555: 20th Century Art
- AH 557: Art Now
- AH 557: Modern Architecture & Industrial Design
- AH 559: Contemporary Art and Architecture
- AH 560: Topics in American Art
- AH 561: American Art to 1900
- AH 565: Southern Folk Arts
- AH 566: Hist of Southern Art & Decorative Arts
- AH 567: Southern Architecture and Interiors
- AH 569: Survey of Black American Art
- AH 574: Advanced Graphic Design History
- AH 576: History of Photography
- AH 578: History of Printmaking
- AH 581: Advanced History of Chinese Art
- AH 582: Advanced History of Japanese Art
- AH 583: Advanced History of Indian Art
- AH 584: Art of Korea
- AH 586: African and African American Arts
- AH 594: Mesoamerican Art
- AH 690: Selected Readings: Art Hist & Criticism
- Anth 101: Introductory Cultural Anthropology
- Anth 102: Intro to Archaeology & Biological Anth
- Anth 103: Topics in Anthropology
- Anth 104: Introduction to Geography
- Anth 301: History of Culture
- Anth 302: Anthropological Films
- Anth 303: Cultural Anthropology
- Anth 304: Biological Anthropology
- Anth 305: Archaeology
- Anth 306: Archaeology of the Ancient Celts
- Anth 307: Peoples of Africa
- Anth 308: Archaeology of Death and Burial
- Anth 309: Indians of Mississippi and the South
- Anth 310: Peoples of the Pacific
- Anth 311: Topics in Anthropology
- Anth 312: Muslims in the West
- Anth 313: Introduction to Linguistic Science
- Anth 314: Islam and Global Politics
- Anth 315: The African Diaspora
- Anth 316: Rise and Fall of the Mississippian World
- Anth 317: Indians on the Southern Frontier
- Anth 318: Archaeology of Mississippi and the South
- Anth 319: Environmental History of the South
- Anth 320: Archaeozoology: Animal Use in History
- Anth 323: Indians of North America
- Anth 324: North American Archaeology
- Anth 325: Indians of Middle America
- Anth 326: Archaeology of Maya Civilization
- Anth 327: Indians of South America
- Anth 328: Culture & Society in Latin America
- Anth 329: Archaeol. & Ethnohistory of Aztec Empire
- Anth 330: Environmental Anthropology
- Anth 331: American Indians and the Natural World
- Anth 334: Introduction to Field Work Techniques
- Anth 335: Archaeological Field Session
- Anth 337: Anthropology of Blues Culture
- Anth 338: Food, Place, and Power
- Anth 339: Art & Archaeology of Pompeii
- Anth 341: Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries
- Anth 342: Osteology Directed Study
- Anth 351: Human Mobility: Studies in Migration
- Anth 353: Language and Culture
- Anth 360: Political Ecology
- Anth 365: Economic Anthropology
- Anth 370: Archaeology of Political Systems
- Anth 375: Archaeology and Technology
- Anth 390: Bioarchaeology Abroad
- Anth 391: Archaeological Field Session Abroad
- Anth 394: Mesoamerican Art
- Anth 398: Topics in Anthropology
- Anth 403: Empire and Revolution
- Anth 404: Southern Folklore
- Anth 409: Anthropological Theory
- Anth 411: Anthropology of Politics & Power
- Anth 412: Ceramic Analysis
- Anth 413: Public Archaeology: Theory and Method
- Anth 414: Legal Anthropology
- Anth 415: Historical Archaeology
- Anth 417: Environmentalism: Society, Politics, Law
- Anth 419: Dental Anthropology
- Anth 504: Human Osteology
- Anth 506: Methods in Ethnohistory
- Anth 507: The Archaeology of Landscape
- Anth 508: Shatterzone: The Consequences of Contact
- Anth 511: Cross-Cultural Studies in Ethnography I
- Anth 512: Cross-Cultural Studies in Ethnography II
- Anth 541: Individual Study Project
- Anth 542: Osteology Directed Study
- Anth 571: Laboratory Methods in Anthropology
- Anth 572: Lab Methods in Anth.: Quantitative Tech
- Anth 595: Seminar in Linguistics
- Anth 601: Anthropological Theory and Methods
- Anth 602: Globalization and the U.S. South
- Anth 603: Studies in Empire and Revolution
- Anth 604: Professional Development I
- Anth 605: Professional Development II
- Anth 606: Seminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anth
- Anth 607: Seminar in Biocultural Anthropology
- Anth 608: Seminar in Archaeology
- Anth 610: The Mississippian Shatterzone
- Anth 611: Adv. Anthropology of Politics & Power
- Anth 612: Advanced Ceramic Analysis
- Anth 613: Public Archaeology: Theory and Method
- Anth 614: Advanced Legal Anthropology
- Anth 615: Fundamentals of Linguistic Science
- Anth 616: Rise and Fall of the Mississippian World
- Anth 617: Historical Archaeology
- Anth 618: Archaeology of Mississippi and the South
- Anth 619: Advanced Dental Anthropology
- Anth 620: Studies in Ethnography
- Anth 621: Readings in Anthropology I
- Anth 622: Readings in Anthropology II
- Anth 626: Archaeology of Maya Civilization
- Anth 630: Human Osteology
- Anth 650: Archaeozoology: Animal Use in History
- Anth 651: Human Mobility: Adv Studies in Migration
- Anth 653: Field Methods in Archaeology
- Anth 670: Adv. Archaeology of Political Systems
- Anth 675: Archaeology and Technology
- Anth 697: Thesis
- Arab 111: Intensive Elementary Arabic I
- Arab 112: Intensive Elementary Arabic II
- Arab 199: Special Topics in Arabic
- Arab 211: Intensive Intermediate Arabic I
- Arab 212: Intensive Intermediate Arabic II
- Arab 299: Special Topics in Arabic
- Arab 310: Arabic-Special Topics
- Arab 317: Egyptian Arabic
- Arab 318: Egyptian Arabic II
- Arab 320: Moroccan Arabic
- Arab 321: Moroccan Arabic II
- Arab 322: Levantine Arabic I
- Arab 323: Levantine Arabic II
- Arab 330: Arabic Language and Linguistics
- Arab 361: Arabic Language through Cinema
- Arab 415: Arabic Dialectology
- Arab 416: Language and Conflict in the Middle East
- Arab 417: Egyptian Arabic III
- Arab 418: Egyptian Arabic IV
- Arab 420: Moroccan Arabic III
- Arab 421: Moroccan Arabic IV
- Arab 422: Levantine Arabic III
- Arab 423: Levantine Arabic IV
- Arab 450: Domain Knowledge
- Arab 471: Issues & Trends in Contemporary Lebanon
- Arab 511: Introduction to Arabic Literature
- Arab 512: Introduction to the Qu'ran
- Arab 513: Spoken Arabic: Superior Proficiency
- Arab 514: Arabic Literature, Culture and Thought
- Arab 515: Introduction to Arabic Dialectology
- Arab 550: Advanced Domain Knowledge
- Arab 596: Arabic Capstone Academic Program
- Arab 598: Arabic Capstone Internship
- Ared 361: Teaching of Art in the Elementary School
- Art 101: Two-Dimensional Design
- Art 102: Color Theory
- Art 103: Three-Dimensional Design
- Art 110: Digital Media Foundations Core
- Art 111: Drawing I
- Art 201: Digital Imaging
- Art 202: Photo Imaging
- Art 211: Drawing II
- Art 308: Arts Administration
- Art 310: Studio Art on Location
- Art 311: Figure Drawing I
- Art 312: Figure Drawing II
- Art 315: Craft of Old Master Drawing/Painting
- Art 321: Beginning Painting
- Art 322: Intermediate Painting
- Art 323: Plein Air: Painting the Landscape
- Art 326: Watercolor
- Art 331: Beginning Sculpture
- Art 332: Intermediate Sculpture
- Art 340: Beginning Ceramics
- Art 341: Pottery
- Art 342: Handbuilding
- Art 360: Vector Imaging
- Art 361: Graphic Design I, Typography
- Art 362: Graphic Design II, Production Design
- Art 363: Illustration
- Art 364: Web Design I
- Art 371: Introduction Relief & Planographic Print
- Art 372: Intro to Intaglio Printmaking
- Art 373: Book Arts
- Art 382: Intermediate Photography
- Art 383: Digital Photography
- Art 384: Digital Video I
- Art 395: Topics in Studio Art Abroad
- Art 398: Special Topics in Art
- Art 405: Pre-Thesis Forum
- Art 406: BA Forum
- Art 410: Art Internship
- Art 411: Advanced Drawing
- Art 414: Exhibition Design
- Art 421: Painting
- Art 426: Advanced Watercolor
- Art 431: Advanced Sculpture
- Art 432: Advanced Head Modeling
- Art 433: Advanced Figure Modeling
- Art 441: Advanced Ceramics
- Art 460: Graphic Design III, Package Design
- Art 461: Advanced Graphic Design and Illustration
- Art 465: Web Design II
- Art 471: Advanced Printmaking
- Art 481: Advanced Photography
- Art 483: Advanced Digital Photography
- Art 484: Advanced Digital Video
- Art 485: Advanced Alt Photographic Processes
- Art 490: Directed Individual Problems
- Art 491: Thesis
- Art 492: Senior Seminar
- Art 508: Arts Administration
- Art 510: Studio Art on Location
- Art 511: Drawing
- Art 512: Figure Drawing
- Art 515: Craft of Old Master Drawings & Paintings
- Art 521: Painting
- Art 523: Plein Air
- Art 526: Watercolor
- Art 531: Sculpture
- Art 532: Head Modeling
- Art 533: Figure Modeling
- Art 541: Pottery and Ceramics
- Art 560: Vector Imaging
- Art 561: Typography
- Art 564: Web Design I
- Art 565: Web Design II
- Art 566: Letterpress Printing
- Art 571: Printmaking
- Art 573: Book Arts
- Art 581: Black-And-White Photography
- Art 583: Digital Photography
- Art 584: Digital Video
- Art 598: Special Topics in Studio Art
- Art 611: Drawing
- Art 621: Painting
- Art 631: Sculpture
- Art 641: Pottery and Ceramics
- Art 660: Vector Imaging
- Art 661: Advanced Typography
- Art 664: Web Design I
- Art 665: Web Design II
- Art 671: Printmaking
- Art 683: Digital Photography
- Art 691: Directed Individual Problems
- Art 692: Professional Practices
- Art 697: Thesis
- AS 101: Foundations of The U.S. Air Force I
- AS 102: Foundations of The U.S. Air Force II
- AS 105: Basic Training
- AS 111: Leadership Laboratory I
- AS 112: Leadership Laboratory II
- AS 201: The Evolution of U.S. Air Space Power I
- AS 202: The Evolution of U.S. Air Space Power II
- AS 211: Leadership Laboratory I
- AS 212: Leadership Laboratory II
- AS 301: Air Force Leadership Studies I
- AS 302: Air Force Leadership Studies II
- AS 311: Air Force Leadership & Management Lab I
- AS 312: Air Force Leadership & Management Lab II
- AS 401: Defense Studies I
- AS 402: Defense Studies II
- AS 411: Defense Studies Laboratory I
- AS 412: Defense Studies Laboratory II
- Astr 101: Descriptive Astronomy I
- Astr 102: Descriptive Astronomy II
- Astr 103: Astronomy I
- Astr 104: Astronomy II
- Astr 204: Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies
- Astr 436: Introduction to Cosmology
- AT 503: Clinical Applications & Injury Biomechan
- AT 601: Introduction to Athletic Training
- AT 602: Athletic Training Clinical I
- AT 603: Orthopedic Eval of Athletic Injuries I
- AT 604: Therapeutic Interventions in Ath. Train.
- AT 605: Athletic Training Clinical II
- AT 606: Orthopedic Eval of Athletic Injuries II
- AT 607: General Medicine & Pharmacology
- AT 608: Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries
- AT 609: Immersive Field Experience in Ath. Train
- AT 610: Athletic Training Clinical III
- AT 611: Athletic Train. Admin. & Professionalism
- AT 612: Selected Topics in Athletic Training
- AT 613: Athletic Training Clinical IV
- AT 614: Integration to Practice
- AT 620: Research in Athletic Training
- AT 630: Applied Anatomy in Athletic Training
- AT 640: Physiology of Sport & Exercise
- AT 660: Sports Performance
- AT 697: Thesis
- AT 698: Field Service Project in Athletic Train.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.