School of Business Administration


Students, new and transfer, who meet all requirements for general admission to the University of Mississippi are eligible for admission into the School of Business Administration. Students may declare any major within the School of Business Administration at the time of admission. All University of Mississippi School of Business Administration students must complete all pre-business requirements with the required grades (outlined below) prior to enrollment in junior-level principles courses (Fin 331, Mis 309, Mgmt 371, Mktg 351, Mktg 372) in the School of Business. The B.B.A. curriculum consists of a two-year pre-business program plus a two-year program in the School of Business Administration. If a student seeks to enroll in and graduate with the General Business major, they are not subject to these requirements.

To be eligible to enroll in junior-level principles courses (FIN 331, MIS 309, MGMT 371, MKTG 351, MKTG 372) in the University of Mississippi School of Business Administration, a student must: Complete the pre-business core with the minimum grade listed below:

  • MATH 167: Business Mathematics or an approved substitute (C minimum)
  • MATH 267: Business Calculus I or an approved substitute (C minimum)
  • ECON 202: Microeconomics (C minimum)
  • ACCY 201: Introduction to Accounting Principles I (C minimum)
  • ECON/BUS 230: Economics Statistics I (C minimum)

Students not meeting these requirements who want to continue to pursue a B.B.A. will have access to change their major to General Business.


Program Completion Requirements

Credit Hours and Residence – Minimum total: 120 semester hours.

  • At least 25% (30 credit hours) of all credit hours applied to the degree must be completed at the University of Mississippi (not transferred from another institution).
  • At least 12 of the last 21 hours must be completed at the University of Mississippi.
  • At least 30 credit hours must be taken in the School of Business at the University of Mississippi.
  • At least 6 credit hours toward a minor, whether required or optional, must be taken in residence at the University of Mississippi.

Grade Point Averages (GPAs) –

To graduate, students must attain a GPA of C (2.00) or higher in ALL of the following:

  • All work attempted at the University of Mississippi
  • All work attempted at any institution of higher education (UM and transfer work)
  • All business (Bus, Econ, Ent, GB, Fin, Mgmt, MIS, Mktg) and accounting courses taken at the University of Mississippi
  • All major-specific courses taken at the University of Mississippi (bolded on degree plans)
  • All work applied to meet degree requirements (UM and transfer work)
  • All work applied toward a minor both overall and in residence at UM unless otherwise stated in the catalog under specific minor requirements (some minors require a minimum grade of C in each course applied toward the minor).

Exercise and Leisure Activity Courses

While exercise and leisure activity (EL) courses are not required, a maximum of 6 hours of these courses may be counted toward a business (BBA) degree. These courses are taken only on a pass-fail grading basis.

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Listed in the table below are the general education courses that the School of Business requires for all B.B.A. degree programs. Details of the requirements are described following the table. This B.B.A. required curriculum includes all university core courses. AP, CLEP, and IB credit can be used toward fulfilling these requirements. Students should note that some majors and minors require specific courses within the following categories.

B.B.A. Required Curriculum Hours
First Year Composition 6
Science 6-8
Mathematics 6*
Social Sciences 6
Humanities 3
Humanities or Fine or Performing Arts 3
Fine or Performing Arts 3

*Requirement varies for the general business major.

First Year Composition

The requirement consists of 6 hours of first year composition. The standard composition sequence consists of 1) either Writ 100 or Writ 101 or Hon 101 and 2) either Writ 102 or Liberal Arts (Liba) 102 or Hon 102.


Courses may be chosen from astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, Liba 205, 205L, 150, 151, 315, 315L and physics. Each course must be a minimum of 3 credit hours. Both of the courses taken must include laboratories.


3 hours chosen from Math 121, Math 125, or Math 167 (Math 167 preferred) and 3 hours chosen from Math 261, Math 267, or Math 271 (Math 267 preferred) for all B.B.A. majors except for general business. The general business major requirement is a 3-hour mathematics course at the 100 level or above (excluding Math 245 and Math 246).* If a student begins the math sequence at Math 261 or Math 267 or Math 271, they may use the 6 hour calculus sequence to satisfy the mathematics requirement.

Social Science

Students pursuing a B.B.A. will fulfill the social science requirement by taking Econ 202 and Econ 203.


The course may be chosen from any classical civilization (Clc); history (Hst); philosophy (Phil); religion (Rel); or one of the following specific courses: environmental studies (Envs 101); Liba 202, 312; Rhet 201; African American studies (AAS 201, 202); gender studies (G St 201, 202); literature (Eng 103, 220-226); Southern studies at the 100 level only (S St), or Hon 101, 102 (if not being used to fulfill composition requirements).

Fine Or Performing Arts

The course may be chosen from art history, music, dance, and theatre arts. Studio and workshop courses cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. Courses that satisfy this requirement are any Art History (AH); Liba 130, 204, 314; Mus 101, 102, 103, 104, 105; Danc 200; Thea 201, 202. Students who have completed 30 semester hours of undergraduate course work may fulfill the requirement with a 300- or 400-level art history course.

*For the B.B.A. in General Business, an additional 3 hour mathematics course at the 100-level or above (excluding Math 245 and Math 246) or business statistics course Bus/Econ 230 or Bus/Econ 302 is required.

Change of Major

Students may declare any major within the School of Business Administration at the time of admission or after enrolling if meeting the criteria below.

Students who have completed at least 12 hours at the university and who wish to switch majors (outside or to the School of Business) must have at least a 2.0 overall GPA (resident GPA) and must have at least a 2.0 GPA on all work attempted at other institutions.

College/Schoolwide Degree Requirements

Maximum Load –

No student may enroll for more than 18 semester hours exclusive of exercise and leisure activity courses, and basic air, military, or naval science courses unless the student has earned the privilege of taking additional work by an exceptional record of grades during the preceding semester. For each additional semester hour of work taken, the student must have a grade-point average for the preceding semester two-fifths (0.4) of a grade point higher than 2.0.

Applying for degree –

Each senior must apply for a degree by submitting an “Intended Graduation Date” in their advising submission to the advising office in the semester preceding the semester in which the student expects to graduate. The advising office will complete a checklist using official transcripts on file to date and will notify students prior to their last term of additional academic requirements that must be completed for the degree. It then becomes the responsibility of the student to complete the remaining requirements by the end of the semester in which the student wishes to graduate.

Diploma Application –

If the advising office verifies that the student is able to graduate during the term he or she has requested, the student will then receive an e-mail from the Office of the Registrar as notification that he or she has been authorized to complete a diploma application for the Office of the Registrar. The diploma application is an online form that must be filed during the semester of anticipated graduation. It is completion of this online form that puts the student on the list of graduates for a particular semester. Failing to submit the diploma application could result in the student's graduation being delayed or, at the very least, the absence of the student's name in the commencement program.

Walking in May Commencement Ceremony –

The following students will be invited to participate in the May commencement ceremony: (a) December graduates - Students who completed all of their degree requirements in December of the current academic year. (b) May applicants - Students who will complete all of their degree requirements by the end of the spring semester of the current academic year. (c) August applicants - Students who plan to complete their final requirements by the end of the August intersession of the current academic year.

The Office of the Dean will determine a student's eligibility for August graduation based on the number of remaining hours (no more than 3 credit hours can be taken during May intersession, no more than 12 hours can be taken during full summer session, and no more than 3 hours can be taken during August intersession), course availability during the summer, and the student's eligibility to enroll in the final courses (all prerequisites must be met for final courses).


Academic Advising – Freshmen in the School of Business Administration are assigned an academic adviser in the Center for Student Success and First-Year Experience for their first year at the university. All other students are assigned academic counselor’s in the School of Business. The School of Business Administration's undergraduate academic advising program is an essential part of the undergraduate educational experience. Academic counselors help undergraduate students understand the options and opportunities for academic programs of study, degree requirements, and course selection. Academic counselors will engage students in meaningful relationships designed to support and encourage a challenging and successful undergraduate education. Students will prepare for, and participate fully in, their advising experience. Each student is responsible for monitoring his or her academic progress toward degree completion.

Honor Code Policy

Academic Integrity – The School of Business Administration upholds honor and academic integrity in all of its teaching, research, and service activities. All business faculty, staff, and students are charged with the responsibility to behave with personal and professional integrity and to refrain from dishonorable conduct.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.