Emphasis - Teacher Corps

M.A.T. in Teaching


The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program is designed for noneducation majors (those who hold bachelor’s degrees in an area other than education) who wish to gain teacher licensure in Mississippi and a master’s degree concurrently. Within the MAT, there are two emphasis areas.

Program Requirements

All applicants must have received or expect to receive a bachelor’s degree before entry and have a grade-point average (GPA) of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale on all coursework, OR during the last 60 hours in the baccalaureate degree. Students must possess a Social Security Number. As part of the application process, applicants will be asked to submit the following:

  1. Applicants must submit a pre-application through the program website.
  2. Applicants must submit an online application at the Graduate School website, selecting Master of Arts in Teaching as their program.
  3. Applicants must submit official transcripts to the graduate school showing their degree conferred and the required GPA.
  4. Applicants must submit one of the following: Undergraduate transcript showing a 3.0 GPA overall or on last 60 hours of undergraduate work, OR a minimum ACT composite score of 21, OR minimum SAT score of 990 (verbal and math only), OR passing scores on the Praxis Core exam.
  5. Applicants must submit an official, passing Praxis II score. The passing score must be in a subject that qualifies for initial teacher licensure in Mississippi.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 30

Course Requirements

Required coursework for all emphasis areas. All courses are 3-credits unless otherwise noted:

Initial Required Coursework*

  • EDCI 613: Lesson Planning & Assessing Student Learning
  • EDCI 615: Classroom Facilitation & Management
  • EDSP 601: Exceptional Students in the K-12 Classroom

*After completing these three courses, a student is eligible to be recommended for a 3-year provisional Mississippi Educator License.

Coursework Required to Complete the Program**

  • EDCI 600: Advanced Methods
  • EDCI 612: Diversity of the Adolescent Learner
  • EDCI 617: Effective Technology Integration in the K-12 Classroom
  • EDLT 605 Content Area Literacy
  • EDCI 614 Teachers as Leaders
  • EDSE 627: Reflections on Teaching & Field Experience (six credits)***

** After completing the program, graduates are eligible to be recommended for a 5-year regular Mississippi Educator License.

*** Six hours of EDSE 627 are required for the 5-year Mississippi teaching license by the Mississippi Department of Education.

Emphasis - Teacher Corps

Course Requirements

The Emphasis – Mississippi Teacher Corps, is a two-year, 30-credit hour Master of Arts in Teaching program that recruits college graduates to teach in Mississippi schools who are experiencing a teacher shortage. Students are provided a full scholarship that covers tuition, books, and fees. Additional information, step-by-step application instructions, and necessary forms are available on the program website.


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