Graduate School

Assistantships, Awards, and Fellowships

The Graduate School administers Graduate Recruiting Fellowships and Scholarships (including for academic excellence and excellence in inclusivity), Dissertation Fellowships, and Summer Graduate Research Assistantships, which are described below. Information about other fellowships is available on the Graduate School website. Students may obtain information about discipline-specific assistantships and fellowships by consulting the appropriate academic department chair.

Graduate Assistants’ Health Insurance Program

Graduate students who receive 1/4 time or above graduate assistantships are required to have health insurance that meets minimum specifications established by the Graduate School. Unless students who have graduate assistantships opt to waive participation, they are automatically entered into a university negotiated health insurance plan. The university partially subsidizes the premium for this health insurance plan. For more information, see the Graduate School’s website.

Tuition Scholarships and Nonresident Fee Scholarships

Graduate students who receive a minimum stipend of $2,500 per semester are eligible for a partial tuition scholarship (75 percent of regular graduate tuition for the minimum, 1/4 time stipend, increasing to a 100 percent tuition scholarship for a 1/2 time stipend with a minimum stipend of $5,000 per semester). In addition, individuals with qualifying graduate assistantships receive a 100% nonresident tuition scholarship when applicable. The tuition scholarships do not apply to additional tuition charges beyond standard full-time enrollment with regular graduate tuition rates. The academic requirements for holding these scholarships are given in the Academic Regulations chapter. These tuition scholarships cannot be used for non-tuition purposes.

Dissertation Fellowship Program

This nonservice award is designed to assist doctoral students who are in the final stages of the dissertation process. The intent is to provide financial assistance to relieve candidates of current service-type responsibilities (teaching, research, and/or other related obligations to the university), thereby enabling them to focus on their research analysis and writing. The amount of the award is $6,000 plus a tuition scholarship. The time period is one semester. Full-time enrollment is required. Any student nominated must be in candidacy and must have a copy of their prospectus on file at the Graduate School. To be considered for this fellowship, a student must be nominated by their department.

Recruiting Fellowships and Scholarships Program

The University of Mississippi Graduate School seeks to recruit an outstanding and diverse student body. To that end, we have established a program to help departments and programs recruit underrepresented and exceptional students to University of Mississippi graduate programs. To be considered for the funding program, admitted students must be nominated by their department chair or graduate program coordinator, under the categories of academic excellence and/or excellence in inclusivity. Full-time students with the award may be eligible for a fellowship and a partial tuition scholarship. Part-time students with the award are eligible for a partial tuition scholarship. Additional information about the award and nomination process are available on the Graduate School website.

Summer Graduate Research Assistantship Program

The Summer Graduate Research Assistantship Program provides $3,000 for doctoral students and $2,500 for master‘s students during the summer (minimum of 10 weeks of research). The goal is to provide funds to enable promising graduate students to remain on task and on campus in their pursuit of a degree. To be considered for this program, a student must be nominated by their department.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.