Pharm. D.


The Pharm.D. curriculum is designed to prepare graduates for entry into the profession of pharmacy as a generalist practitioner in either community, institutional, or nontraditional environments. The professional degree program includes four years of courses, the first of which consists of the final year of the B.S.P.S. degree program. The remaining three years consitutes the Doctor of Pharmacy program, the first year (PY2) occurs on the Oxford Campus. The second year (PY3) occurs at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. The third and final year (PY4) may occur at sites other than the Oxford campus and the UM Medical Center in Jackson. Pharm.D. graduates are eligible to sit for licensure examination (NAPLEX and MPJE), which must be successfully completed to practice the profession of pharmacy.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 110

Goals/Mission Statement

On the professional level, the School of Pharmacy shall foster an environment that enables graduates to acquire the abilities (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) necessary for licensure to enter the practice of pharmacy, to provide pharmaceutical care, and improve the health, well- being, and quality of life of those they serve or to continue studies in areas including, but not limited to, graduate studies, residencies, or fellowships.

General Education Requirements

Refer to general education requirement for B.S.P.S. degree.

Course Requirements

The second professional year (PY2) consists of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology I and II (Phcl 443, 444); Introduction to the Principles of Medicinal Chemistry I and II (Medc 416, 417); Natural Product Derived Pharmaceuticals (Phcg 422); Pharmacy Law (Phad 491), Pharmacy Management and Business Methods, (Phad 493), Pharmacoeconics, Pharmacoepidemiology, & Medication Safety (Phad 494); Pharmacy Practice I and II (Prct 450, 451), Practice Skills Laboratory III and IV (Prct 455, 456); two introductory pharmacy practice experiences (Prct 477, 478); and three credit hours of professional electives.

The third professional year (PY3) consists of Preventive Medicine and Public Health (Prct 552); three introductory pharmacy practice experiences (Prct 543, 544, 545); and 32 credit hours arranged in four eight-week blocks of problem-based learning activities focusing on therapeutic principles. Each of the blocks contains courses emphasizing knowledge and content–Prct 555, 558, 561, 564; problem solving-Prct 556, 559, 562, 565; and group discussion–Prct 557, 560, 563, 569. Students must also complete three introductory pharmacy practice experiences at sites in the Jackson area during the year.

During the final professional year (PY4), each student will participate in four required five-week advanced pharmacy practice experiences-Prct 586 (Adult Medicine), Prct 587 (Ambulatory Care), Prct 554 (Institutional Practice), and Prct 553 (Community Practice) and four five-week elective advanced pharmacy practice experiences for a total of 40 weeks of experiential education during the period beginning in June following completion of the PY3 year and ending with May commencement of the succeeding year. The electives must be in four different areas of training. Students also must register for Prct 567 (Seminar Skills Development II) during one semester of the PY4 year.

Other Academic Requirements

A student who receives 2 or more course grades below C in the PY2 or PY3 or PY4 curriculum will be dismissed from the Doctor of Pharmacy program. Students dismissed from the program must repeat the entire year from which they were dismissed in order to progress in the curriculum. A student must have a 2.75 GPA and no grade below C (C- is unacceptable) in all required classes in the PY2 curriculum in order to matriculate to the PY3 curriculum. The University of Mississippi academic forgiveness policy does not apply to professional students receiving grades of less than C in courses offered by School of Pharmacy academic departments. A student academically dismissed may only be readmitted one time. No required course may be taken more than two times. All required professional courses must be completed with a grade of C or better to be eligible for graduation.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.