Emphasis - Health Behavior

Ph.D. in Health & Kinesiology


The Ph.D. in health and kinesiology degree program prepares students for university teaching and research positions. Also, the degree prepares students for research careers in industry and medicine that include the study of health, exercise, sports/recreation, and sport analytics. The program has four emphasis areas: 1) Exercise Science; 2) Health Behavior; 3) Sports/Recreation; and 4) Sport Analytics.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 63

General Education Requirements

All Ph.D. students must complete a minimum of 63 credits beyond a master's degree program in directed research, professional seminar, research methods and statistics, and specialization course work.

Course Requirements

Directed Research (24 credits)

  • HK 797 - Dissertation (18 hours)
  • HK 751 - Advanced Independent Study (3 hours)
  • HK 752 - Advanced Independent Study (3 hours)

Professional Seminar (6 credits)

  • HK 750 - Seminar in Health and Kinesiology (1 hour repeated six times)

Research Methods & Statistics (12 credits)

Course credits to be selected in consultation with adviser.

Specific course recommendations include:

  • HK 710 - Meta-Analysis (3 hours)
  • HK 711 - Measurement Theory & Practice (3 hours)
  • NHM 726 - Applied Regression Analysis (3 hours)
  • Phad 780 - General Linear Models (3 hours)
  • Phad 781 - Applied Multivariate Analysis (3 hours)
  • Psy 703 - Quantitative Methods I (3 hours)
  • Psy 704 - Quantitative Methods II (3 hours)
  • SW 705 - Applied and Inferential Statistics (3 hours)

Emphasis Area Coursework (21 credits)

Course credits to be selected in consultation with adviser.

Other Academic Requirements

The student also must complete written and oral comprehensive exams before undertaking the prospectus and dissertation.

Emphasis - Health Behavior


The emphasis in health behavior and promotion prepares students for university teaching and research, and positions in public, private, and international health.

Course Requirements

The course requirements are 21 hours in the health behavior emphasis area [all four of the core courses (HP 665, HP 675, HP 685, HP 695) must be taken]; 12 hours of research methods and statistics; 6 hours of professional seminar; and 24 hours of directed research (18 of which must be dissertation hours).

Other Academic Requirements

Additional coursework will be required for students who do not enter the program having completed a master’s-level degree in health promotion, health education, public health, or closely related discipline.

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