Emphasis - Classical Civilization
B.A. in Classics
The B.A. in classics is an interdisciplinary degree involving the study of ancient Greek and Latin, literature in translation, history, classical archaeology, and art history.
Minimum Total Credit Hours: 120
General Education Requirements
See the 'General Education/Core Curriculum' for the School of Liberal Arts.
Course Requirements
A major in classics for the B.A. degree consists of a minimum of 30 semester hours of Department of Classics courses, including 6 hours in the classics core (3 hours of Greek civilization from Clc 101, 307, 321, 340 or 341; 3 hours of Roman civilization from Clc 102, 308, 322, 313, or 314), completion of the classics capstone requirement (Clc 490 or 491, or successful completion of an honors thesis in classics) and CLC 499. At least 15 hours of the 30 must be taken at the 300 level or higher. Students must complete an emphasis in Greek, in Latin, or in classical civilization.
Other Academic Requirements
A minimum grade of C is required for all courses counting toward the major
Emphasis - Classical Civilization
The B.A. in classics with an emphasis in classical civilization provides students with the basics in at least one of the ancient languages (ancient Greek and Latin) and introduces them to some of the important issues and questions regarding Greek and Roman art and archaeology, history, literature, myth, philosophy, and religion. Students have found successful careers in many different professions, including law, medicine, the ministry, teaching, museum curatorship, and exhibit design.
Course Requirements
Students must complete 6 hours of Gr courses at any level or 6 hours of Lat courses at any level. Up to 15 hours in Gr and Lat can count toward the major emphasis in classical civilization. Students must complete 3 hours at the 300 level or higher in each of the department's three classical civilization focus areas: A) Literature, B) History and Culture, and C) Art and Archaeology (see list below). Students must also complete 6 additional hours in one of the three focus areas to make a 9-hour area of concentration.
- Clc 303: Greek and Roman Tragedy
- Clc 304: Greek and Roman Comedy
- Clc 305: Topics in Classical Mythology
- Clc 307: Survey of Greek Literature
- Clc 308: Survey of Roman Literature
- Clc 309: Greek and Roman Epic
- Clc 333: Poetry and Politics at Rome
- Clc 503: Directed Research in Ancient Literature
- One of the following: 300-level or higher Gr or Lat course; Phil 311; Phil 313
- Clc 310: Socrates and Sophistry
- Clc 313: The Roman Republic
- Clc 314: Roman Empire
- Clc 325: Topics in Classical Civilization
- Clc 326: Topics in Classics Abroad
- Clc 327: Greek and Roman Religions
- Clc 331: Science & Tech. in the Ancient World
- Clc 332: Ancient Warfare
- Clc 340: The Golden Age of Athens
- Clc 341: Alexander the Great
- Clc 342: Law and Life in Ancient Athens
- Clc 352: From Republic to Empire
- Clc 502: Directed Research in Ancient History
- Clc 504: Directed Research in Ancient Culture
- Clc 315: Egyptian Art and Archaeology
- Clc 316: Bronze Age Aegean Art & Archaeology
- Clc 317: Etruscan Art and Archaeology
- Clc 318: Greek Vase Painting
- Clc 319: Greek Sculpture
- Clc 320: Greek Architecture
- Clc 321: Greek Art and Archaeology
- Clc 322: Roman Art and Archaeology
- Clc 323: Art & Archaeology of Pompeii
- Clc 328: Ancient Art on Location
- Clc 350: Ancient Archaeological Field Session
- Clc 360: Ethics in Archaeology
- Clc 375: Digital Archaeology
- Clc 415: Studying Ancient Artifacts
- Clc 505: Directed Research in Ancient Art and Archaeology
Other Academic Requirements
Students must achieve a grade of C or better in all course work counted for the major in classics with an emphasis in classical civilization.