Emphasis - Accelerated Law (3+3)
B.S.L.S. in Law Studies
The law studies program is designed for the student who wishes to pursue a career as a paralegal or legal assistant.
Minimum Total Credit Hours: 120
Goals/Mission Statement
Our mission is to educate students in a learning environment conducive to excellence in meeting the complex challenges present in justice- related services. Our faculty's goal is to expand the knowledge base and to integrate cutting-edge information into the learning experiences of students. In addition, the Department of Legal Studies' mission is to extend service to our constituents to enhance learning, program development, and justice-related service in Mississippi, the region, and the nation.
General Education Requirements
See the General Education Core Curriculum for the School of Applied Sciences. Students in the law studies major are allowed to take Math 120 to fulfill the College Algebra math requirement. Law studies students are also allowed to take CJ 202 in order to fulfill their statistics requirement.
An additional 3 hours is required in the following related subject: Pol 101 (3 hours).
Course Requirements
The B.S. in law studies degree requires the following 30 semester hours of LA courses: LA 102, 103, 104, 201, 202, 204, 205, 303, 304, and 305.
Other Academic Requirements
For majors in this field, a minimum grade-point average of 2.5 must be maintained on all law studies coursework.
Emphasis - Accelerated Law (3+3)
Under this emphasis, the student’s fourth-year requirements are satisfied by successfully completing first-year law school classes at the University of Mississippi School of Law. The student must meet the School of Law’s requirements for admittance to this special program, which are established each year based on the previous year’s data on the grade-point averages and (Law School Admission Test) scores for students admitted to the School of Law. A student who chooses this emphasis but does not meet those requirements must switch to one of the other emphases. No minor is required for this emphasis, but students will be encouraged to develop a minor-like concentration so they do not get caught short in the event they have to switch to the other emphasis, which requires a minor.
Course Requirements
In addition to the 30-hour law studies core, students who select the paralegal emphasis must complete the following 12 hours of LA coursework:
- LA 490 - Advanced Studies Seminar
- LA 491 - Advanced Studies in Law
- LA 492 - Law School Prep Seminar
- LA electives (3 hours)
The remaining courses will be completed after admission to the UM School of Law:
- Law 501 - Contracts
- Law 502 - Torts
- Law 503 - Civil Procedures
- Law 504 - Property
- Law 507 - Constitutional Law I
- Law 514 - Legal Research & Writing I
- Law 515 - Legal Research & Writing II
- Law 568 - Criminal Law
- Law 577 - Civil Procedure II
- Law 590 - Contract Negotiation & Drafting