Acad 591: Academia Advanced Practice Experience

Pharmacy Practice

A calendar month (40 hours/week) elective experiential rotation in an academic setting that provides fourth-year professional students with opportunities to explore issues in academia.

This advanced pharmacy practice experience will provide a well-rounded, consolidated academic experience allowing students to experience hands- on, interactive teaching opportunities. In addition to participating in various teaching activities, students will participate in a variety of topic discussions to allow for introduction to pedagogical strategies. This rotation will consist of three main components: Learn, Apply, and Reflect.

There will be six core academic areas covered during this rotation: didactic, skills, interprofessional education, technology, professional development, and service. There will be a primary preceptor of record that will be responsible for orientation, communication of schedule/expectations, facilitation of topic discussions, and evaluations. In addition to the primary preceptor of record, there will be co-preceptors who will oversee core areas of the rotation, facilitate topic discussions, and provide input for evaluations.

Excellent communication, interpersonal skills, self-motivation, professionalism, and flexibility are vital for the success of this experience.

4 Credits


  • Pre-requisite: Pharmacy PY4
  • Prerequiste: Junior standing (60 hr).

Instruction Type(s)

  • Pract/Intern: Practicum/Internship for Acad 591
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