Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration
- CJ 100: Introduction to Criminal Justice
- CJ 110: Introduction to Law Enforcement
- CJ 115: Introduction to Homeland Security
- CJ 155: Law Enforcement Tactical Operations
- CJ 160: Law Enforcement Patrol Procedures
- CJ 202: Statistics in Criminal Justice
- CJ 210: Criminal Law
- CJ 285: Foundations of Terrorism
- CJ 300: Ethics in Legal Studies
- CJ 310: Law Enforcement Process and Policy
- CJ 315: Drug Abuse Enforcement and Criminality
- CJ 322: Criminal Justice Communications
- CJ 324: Theories of Criminal Behavior
- CJ 330: Hate Crimes and Enforcement
- CJ 360: Independent Study
- CJ 370: Domestic Crimes and Family Law
- CJ 376: Elite Forces and Special Operations
- CJ 390: Special Topics
- CJ 399: Social Justice and Community Service
- CJ 400: Homeland Security Operations
- CJ 410: Criminal Procedure
- CJ 421: Selected Topics in Criminal Justice II
- CJ 435: Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century
- CJ 445: Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
- CJ 450: Criminal Justice Research
- CJ 490: Criminal Justice Internship
- CJ 585: Current Topics in Criminal Justice
- CJ 600: Criminal Justice Administration
- CJ 601: Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis
- CJ 602: Criminal Justice Research Methods
- CJ 620: Criminal Justice in American Society
- CJ 621: Seminar in Law Enforcement
- CJ 622: Seminar in Courts & Sentencing
- CJ 623: Seminar in Corrections
- CJ 624: Theories of Criminal Behavior
- CJ 625: Criminal Justice Theory
- CJ 630: Seminar in Homeland Security
- CJ 631: Seminar in Emergency Management
- CJ 632: Seminar in Extremism and Terrorism
- CJ 634: Emergency Response Mgmt Policy & Plannin
- CJ 636: Critical Infrastructure Security
- CJ 641: Transnational Crime
- CJ 642: Cybercrime and Cyber Security
- CJ 643: Legal Issues in Criminal Justice
- CJ 645: Criminal and Intelligence Analysis
- CJ 646: Special Topics in Criminal Justice
- CJ 649: Independent Study
- CJ 651: Special Topics in HSEM
- CJ 652: Comparative CJ Systems & Policy
- CJ 659: Data Management & Data Science
- CJ 660: Operational and Staff Planning
- CJ 661: CJ Policy and Program Evaluation
- CJ 662: Emer Mgmt and Homeland Sec Policy Eval
- CJ 663: ST in CJ Stats & Research
- CJ 664: GIS and Crime Mapping Analysis
- CJ 667: Qualitative Research Design & Analysis
- CJ 668: Analytic Writing
- CJ 669: Big Data Analytics
- CJ 670: Intelligence and Homeland Security
- CJ 671: Communications for Criminal Justice Lead
- CJ 672: Conflict Resolution and Decision Making
- CJ 673: Criminal Justice Evidence-Based Decision
- CJ 674: Budgeting & Finance
- CJ 675: Topics in Judicial Administration
- CJ 676: Principles of Leadership
- CJ 678: Diversity and Inclusion
- CJ 679: Special Topics in CJ Leadership
- CJ 680: Personnel Management
- CJ 682: Intro to EBPR
- CJ 683: Innovation & Reform in Policing
- CJ 684: Police & Community Partnerships
- CJ 688: Police Technology & Policy
- CJ 690: Criminal Justice Practicum
- CJ 692: Criminal Justice Capstone 1
- CJ 693: Criminal Justice Capstone
- CJ 697: Thesis
- CJ 705: Advanced CJ Research Methods
- CJ 749: Independent Study
- CJ 797: Dissertation
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