Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- BME 313: Physiology for Biomedical Engineering
- BME 314: Biomedical Measurement
- BME 413: Biomedical Signal Processing
- ECE 361: Design and Design Tools in ECE
- El E 100: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
- El E 101: Survey of the Electrotechnology
- El E 235: Principles of Digital Systems
- El E 236: Digital Systems Laboratory I
- El E 237: Electrical Engineering Tools and Toys
- El E 301: Applied Electronics
- El E 302: Applied Communication Systems
- El E 322: Electric Circuit II
- El E 331: Linear Systems
- El E 337: Digital Systems Laboratory II
- El E 341: Theory of Fields
- El E 351: Electronics Circuits I
- El E 352: Electronics Circuits II
- El E 353: Electronics Laboratory
- El E 354: PC-Based Instrumentation Laboratory
- El E 357: Electrical Engineering Problems I
- El E 358: Electrical Engineering Problems II
- El E 367: Computer-Aided Design in Electrical Engr
- El E 385: Advanced Digital Systems
- El E 386: Advanced Digital Systems Laboratory
- El E 391: Random Signals
- El E 415: Telecommunications Laboratory
- El E 425: Local Area Networks
- El E 431: Theory of Control Systems
- El E 432: Robotics Laboratory
- El E 433: High Frequency and Microwave Laboratory
- El E 434: Fiber Optics Laboratory
- El E 436: Systems Laboratory
- El E 441: Electromagnetic Theory I
- El E 442: Electromagnetic Theory II
- El E 443: Network Analysis and Synthesis
- El E 447: Modulation, Noise, and Communications
- El E 449: Analog Communications Laboratory
- El E 450: Digital Communications Laboratory
- El E 451: Electrical Energy Conversion
- El E 452: Electric Power Transformer Laboratory
- El E 453: Solid State Devices
- El E 461: Sr. Design in Electrical Engineering I
- El E 462: Sr. Design in Electrical Engineering II
- El E 482: Digital CMOS VLSI Design
- El E 485: Microprocessor Systems Engineering
- El E 486: Microprocessor Systems Engr Lab
- El E 487: Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
- El E 521: Electrical Engineering Projects I
- El E 522: Electrical Engineering Projects II
- El E 523: Microwave Engineering
- El E 525: Introduction to Antennas
- El E 533: Electronic Properties of Materials
- El E 534: Wireless Mobile Communications
- El E 535: Digital Communications
- El E 536: Introduction to Quantum Computing
- El E 561: Microwave Circuit Design
- El E 586: Digital Signal Processing
- Engr 609: Time Series Analysis
- Engr 610: Data Communications Protocols
- Engr 622: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
- Engr 624: Active Microwave Circuits
- Engr 626: Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics
- Engr 627: Ray Methods in Electromagnetics
- Engr 629: Televisions Systems II
- Engr 650: Radar Remote Sensing
- Engr 652: Advanced Compiler Design
- Engr 686: Multimedia Technologies II
- Engr 687: Special Functions for Applications
- Engr 688: Current Issues in Telecommunications
- Engr 718: Coding for Error Code
- Engr 719: Advanced Microwave Measurements
- Engr 721: Advanced Electrodynamics
- Engr 723: Passive Microwave Circuits
- Engr 725: Antennas
- Engr 728: Adv Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic
- Engs 610: Telecommunication Network Engineering
- Engs 627: Applied Probability Modeling
- Engs 633: Microwave Filters
- M E 533: Electronic Properties of Materials
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.