M.S. in Sport and Recreation Admin


The M.S. in sport and recreation administration provides advanced education and vocational opportunities to develop leisure service delivery skills and evaluation or research competencies for students committed to careers in leisure, sport, recreation, health, tourism, and/or research. Students choose either a 1) thesis, 2) special event planning, or 3) internship based on their education, experience, and career goals.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 36

Course Requirements

A minimum of 36 semester hours of graduate study is required for the M.S. in sport and recreation administration. Students will be admitted to the program based on faculty evaluation of their admission documents and academic and professional experiences. Students choose no later than the conclusion of their first 9 hours one of the three tracks. Every M.S. student completes a minimum of 9 hours in the core program area, research and statistics (9 hours). Students will also select either the administration or analytics track, each consisting of 12 hours. Students will also have the option to select one option area (6 hours).

Core Curriculum (9 hours)

  • SRA 660 - Finance and Economics (3)
  • SRA 671 - Recreation Admin. Program Administration (3)
  • SRA 672 - Business of Sport and Recreation (3)

Research and Statistics (9 hours)

  • SRA 603 - Data Analytics Methodologies (3)
  • SRA 625 - Research Design and Evaluation (3)
  • SRA 653 - Directed Research (3)

Track (12 hours)

  • Administration
    • Adviser Approved Electives (no less than 6 hours of SRA courses) (12)
  • Analytics
    • Statistics (9)
    • Adviser Approved Electives (3)


  • Thesis (6)
  • Non-Thesis Option (6)
  • Internship (3)

Other Academic Requirements

Students who have not completed an internship or who lack professional work experience within the sport and recreation field will complete a 3- hour internship (SRA 627) as one of the electives within the degree program.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.


Financial Aid

1-800-891-4596 (toll-free nationwide)


Undergraduate Admissions

662-915-7226 or

1-800-OLE-MISS (toll-free in Mississippi)
