Course Index
School of Applied Sciences
Legal Studies
- LA 102: Ethics in the Legal Environment
- LA 103: Logic & Crit Analysis in Legal Reasoning
- LA 104: Public Speaking in the Legal Environment
- LA 201: Introduction to Law
- LA 202: Law Office Management
- LA 204: Legal Research/Writing I
- LA 205: Legal Research/Writing II
- LA 303: Civil Litigation I
- LA 304: Civil Litigation II
- LA 305: Criminal Law and Procedure
- LA 308: Administration of Wills and Estates
- LA 310: Real Property and Abstracting
- LA 360: Independent Study in Legal Studies
- LA 401: Commercial and Contractual Relations
- LA 402: Torts
- LA 403: Bankruptcy Law
- LA 404: Administrative Law
- LA 405: Business Organizations
- LA 406: Domestic Law
- LA 408: Medical Law and Terminology
- LA 410: Alternative Dispute Resolution
- LA 411: Elder Law
- LA 421: Special Topics in Legal Studies
- LA 440: Issues in Access to Justice
- LA 490: Advanced Seminar in Legal Studies
- LA 491: Advanced Studies in Law
- LA 492: Law School Prep Seminar
- LA 495: Internship
College of Liberal Arts
- Lat 101: Introduction to Latin I
- Lat 102: Introduction to Latin II
- Lat 111: Intensive Introduction to Latin
- Lat 201: Intermediate Latin I
- Lat 202: Intermediate Latin II
- Lat 299: Readings in Advanced Latin
- Lat 321: Latin Prose
- Lat 322: Roman Historians
- Lat 323: Roman Oratory
- Lat 329: Medieval Latin
- Lat 331: Latin Poetry
- Lat 332: Vergil
- Lat 333: Ovid
- Lat 334: Roman Lyric
- Lat 335: Roman Elegy
- Lat 337: Roman Comedy
- Lat 338: Roman Satire
- Lat 340: Literature of the Neronian Age
- Lat 341: Literature of the Roman Empire
- Lat 342: Early Roman Literature
- Lat 343: Literature of the Late Republic
- Lat 507: Special Reading
- Lat 601: Writers of the Augustan Age
- Lat 621: Latin Prose
- Lat 622: Roman Historians
- Lat 623: Roman Oratory
- Lat 629: Medieval Latin
- Lat 631: Latin Poetry
- Lat 632: Vergil
- Lat 633: Ovid
- Lat 634: Roman Lyric
- Lat 635: Roman Elegy
- Lat 637: Roman Comedy
- Lat 638: Roman Satire
- Lat 640: Literature of the Neronian Age
- Lat 641: Literature of the Roman Empire
- Lat 642: Early Roman Literature
- Lat 643: Literature of the Late Republic
- Lat 691: Directed Reading in Latin Literature
- Lat 697: Thesis
School of Law
- Law 501: Contracts
- Law 502: Torts
- Law 503: Civil Procedure I
- Law 504: Property
- Law 507: Constitutional Law I
- Law 508: Constitutional Law II
- Law 510: Legislation
- Law 514: Legal Research and Writing I
- Law 515: Legal Research and Writing II
- Law 516: Wills and Estates
- Law 530: European Union Law
- Law 531: Law of Armed Conflict
- Law 535: Patent Law
- Law 541: Legal History
- Law 543: International Finance
- Law 544: Pretrial Practice
- Law 551: Lawyering Skills Workshop
- Law 558: Bankruptcy
- Law 559: Insurance
- Law 560: Family Law
- Law 564: Local Government Law
- Law 568: Criminal Law
- Law 569: Constitutional Law Seminar
- Law 570: Land Titles
- Law 571: Secured Transactions
- Law 572: Land Finance I
- Law 573: Legal Accounting
- Law 574: Land Finance II
- Law 575: International Trade
- Law 576: Law and Economics
- Law 577: Civil Procedure II
- Law 579: Mississippi Civil Practice
- Law 580: Intellectual Property
- Law 581: Environmental Law
- Law 582: Supreme Court Practice
- Law 583: Journal of Space Law
- Law 584: Contract Drafting
- Law 590: Contract Negotiation and Drafting
- Law 591: Bar Exam Skills
- Law 600: Evidence
- Law 601: Corporations
- Law 602: Natural Resources Law
- Law 603: Legal Profession
- Law 604: Trusts
- Law 605: Administrative Law
- Law 606: Corporate Finance Law
- Law 607: Banking Law
- Law 608: Conflict of Laws
- Law 609: Oil and Gas
- Law 610: Mississippi Law Journal
- Law 611: Sports Law Review
- Law 613: Income Taxation of Individuals
- Law 614: Labor Law
- Law 615: Individual Study I
- Law 618: Workers' Compensation
- Law 619: Jurisprudence
- Law 620: International Law
- Law 621: Antitrust Law
- Law 622: Bankruptcy Reorganization Seminar
- Law 623: Tax Problems
- Law 626: Federal Taxation of Gratuitous Transfers
- Law 627: Family Law Seminar
- Law 628: Admiralty Law
- Law 629: Business Planning
- Law 630: Wills and Trusts Drafting
- Law 631: Professional Skills
- Law 632: Land Planning
- Law 633: Income Tax. of Corp. and Shareholders
- Law 634: Partnership Taxation
- Law 635: Criminal Procedure I: Investigation
- Law 636: Clinics: General
- Law 637: Problems in Evidence
- Law 638: Current Problems in International Law
- Law 639: Legal Problems of Indigence
- Law 640: Employment Discrimination
- Law 642: Remedies
- Law 643: Comparative Law
- Law 644: Housing Law
- Law 645: Employer-Employee Relations
- Law 646: Children In The Legal System
- Law 647: Sports Law I (Intercollegiate Sports)
- Law 648: School Law Seminar
- Law 650: Securities Regulation
- Law 651: Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Law 652: Problems in Criminal Procedure
- Law 653: Law and Literature
- Law 654: Clinics: Externship
- Law 656: International Environmental Law
- Law 657: Copyright Law
- Law 658: International Security Law and Policy
- Law 659: Legal Process
- Law 660: Deferred Compensation
- Law 661: Gaming Law
- Law 662: Political and Civil Rights
- Law 663: Immigration Law
- Law 664: Trial Advocacy Board
- Law 665: Bioethics
- Law 666: Moot Court Board
- Law 668: Sentencing
- Law 670: Accounting
- Law 671: Analytical Methods
- Law 672: Capital Structure and Valuation
- Law 673: Communications Law
- Law 674: Agricultural Law
- Law 675: Coastal and Ocean Law
- Law 677: Comparative National Space Law
- Law 678: Federal Trial Practice
- Law 679: United States Domestic Space Law
- Law 680: International Space Law
- Law 682: Estate Planning
- Law 683: Trademark Law
- Law 684: Higher Education and The Law
- Law 685: The Prosecution Function
- Law 686: Criminal Trial Practice
- Law 688: Law and Religion
- Law 690: Clinics: Child Advocacy
- Law 691: Clinics: Housing
- Law 692: Clinics: Innocence Project
- Law 693: Clinics: Legislation and Policy
- Law 694: Commercial Paper
- Law 695: Law and Medicine
- Law 696: Federal Jurisdiction
- Law 697: Clinics: Criminal Appeals
- Law 698: Legal Topics I
- Law 699: Interviewing and Counseling
- Law 701: Selected Legal Topics II
- Law 702: Income Tax II
- Law 703: Selected Legal Topics III
- Law 704: Selected Legal Topics IV
- Law 705: Selected Legal Topics V
- Law 706: Selected Legal Topics VI
- Law 707: Selected Legal Topics VII
- Law 708: Selected Legal Topics VIII
- Law 709: Entertainment Law
- Law 710: International Legal Research
- Law 711: Research for Legal Scholarship
- Law 712: Advanced Legal Writing
- Law 713: Clinics: Pro Bono Initiative
- Law 714: Criminal Procedure II: Adjudication
- Law 715: Individual Study II
- Law 716: Federal Habeas Corpus Remedies
- Law 717: Disability Law and Policy
- Law 718: Cybercrime
- Law 719: International Human Rights Law
- Law 720: Advanced Legal Research
- Law 721: Capital Punishment and the Judicial Pro
- Law 722: International Commercial Arbitration
- Law 723: U.S. National Aviation Law
- Law 724: International Aviation Law
- Law 725: Clinics: Transactional
- Law 726: Health Care Law
- Law 728: Employee Benefits
- Law 729: Internet Law
- Law 731: Fourth Amendment Seminar
- Law 732: International Intellectual Property
- Law 733: Clinics: MacArthur Justice Clinic
- Law 735: White Collar Crime
- Law 736: Space Security Law
- Law 738: Climate Change and Policy
- Law 739: Business Law Practicum
- Law 740: Natural Resources Law
- Law 741: Health Care Law II
- Law 742: Gender and the Law
- Law 743: Critical Race Theory
- Law 744: Law and Film
- Law 745: Academic Legal Writing
- Law 746: Energy Law
- Law 747: Environmental and Toxic Torts
- Law 748: Criminal Trial Evidence Skills
- Law 749: Advanced Legal Ethics
- Law 750: Public International Air Law
- Law 751: Private International Air Law
- Law 752: International Telecommunication Law
- Law 753: Int'l Aviation Finance and Leasing Law
- Law 754: Advanced Torts
- Law 755: Sports Law II (Professional Sports)
- Law 756: Emerging Issues in Intellectual Property
- Law 757: International Investment Law
- Law 758: Speaker's Edge
- Law 760: Research Assistant I
- Law 761: Advocacy Competition
- Law 762: Research Assistant II
- Law 763: Negotiation Board
- Law 764: Conflict Management Practicum
- Law 765: Clinics: Advanced
- Law 766: Clinics: Elder Law
- Law 767: Clinics: Street Law
- Law 768: Clinics: Tax
- Law 769: Clinics: Low-Income Taxpayer
- Law 771: Advanced Legal Topics I
- Law 772: Advanced Legal Topics II
- Law 773: Advanced Legal Topics III
- Law 774: Advanced Legal Topics IV
- Law 775: Advanced Legal Topics V
- Law 776: Advanced Legal Topics VI
- Law 777: Advanced Legal Topics VII
- Law 778: Advanced Legal Topics VIII
- Law 779: Advanced Legal Topics IX
- Law 780: Professional Business Law Writing I
- Law 781: Professional Business Law Writing II
- Law 782: Professional Business Law Writing III
- Law 797: Master's Thesis I
- Law 798: Master's Thesis II
- Law 799: Master's Thesis III
University Programs
Trent Lott Leadership Institute
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice
College of Liberal Arts
Writing & Rhetoric
College of Liberal Arts
- Liba 103: STEM Research Internship
- Liba 130: Introduction to the Fine Arts
- Liba 150: Integrated Science I
- Liba 151: Integrated Science II
- Liba 199: Special Topics in Liberal Arts
- Liba 201: Interdisciplinary Studies
- Liba 202: Interdisciplinary Humanities
- Liba 203: Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
- Liba 204: Interdisciplinary Arts
- Liba 205: Interdisciplinary Sciences
- Liba 205L: Interdisciplinary Lab Sciences
- Liba 299: Special Topics in Liberal Arts
- Liba 301: Foreign Study
- Liba 302: Topics in Liberal Arts Abroad
- Liba 303: Health Professions Application Process
- Liba 305: Humanities and the Experience of War
- Liba 311: Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies
- Liba 312: Advanced Interdisciplinary Humanities
- Liba 313: Advanced Interdisc Social Science
- Liba 314: Advanced Interdisciplinary Arts
- Liba 315: Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences
- Liba 315L: Advanced Interdisciplinary Lab Sciences
- Liba 399: Special Topics in Liberal Arts
- Liba 401: Topics in the Liberal Arts
- Liba 410: Med Tech: Urinalysis
- Liba 411: Med Tech: Serology/Immunology
- Liba 412: Med Tech: Clinical Microbiology
- Liba 413: Med Tech: Hematology
- Liba 414: Med Tech: Clinical Analysis of Fluids
- Liba 415: Med Tech: Immunohematology
- Liba 416: Med Tech: Management/Education
- Liba 417: Med Tech: Microbiology/Immun. Rotation
- Liba 418: Med Tech: Hematology/Urinalysis Rotation
- Liba 419: Med Tech: Immunohematology Rotation
- Liba 420: Med Tech: Clinical Rotation
- Liba 499: Special Topics in Liberal Arts
Modern Languages
- Lin 598: Study Abroad in Linguistics
- Lin 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Ling 103: Logic: Critical Thinking
- Ling 199: Introductory Topics in Linguistics
- Ling 299: Topics in Linguistics
- Ling 313: Introduction to Linguistic Science
- Ling 314: Phonology
- Ling 315: Morphology
- Ling 316: Syntax
- Ling 319: Symbolic Logic
- Ling 330: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- Ling 331: Introduction to French Linguistics
- Ling 332: Introduction to German Linguistics
- Ling 333: Philosophy of Language
- Ling 350: Structure of a Less Commonly Taught Lang
- Ling 353: Language and Culture
- Ling 359: Manual Communication
- Ling 395: Second Language Acquisition
- Ling 399: Advanced Topics in Linguistics
- Ling 401: Advanced English Grammar
- Ling 499: Research Thesis
- Ling 502: Historical Linguistics
- Ling 504: Descriptive Grammar
- Ling 506: Old English I
- Ling 507: Old English II
- Ling 508: History of the English Language II
- Ling 509: Semantics
- Ling 511: World Englishes
- Ling 513: Old Norse
- Ling 515: Approaches to Discourse
- Ling 525: Pidgins and Creoles
- Ling 530: Pragmatics
- Ling 533: Sociolinguistics
- Ling 535: Bilingualism, Education, and Identity
- Ling 536: Dialects of American English
- Ling 537: Language Variation
- Ling 538: Language, Gender, and Sexuality
- Ling 540: Special Topics in Linguistics
- Ling 541: Adv Study of Normal Language Development
- Ling 545: Indigenous Languages and Pedagogies
- Ling 548: Forensic Linguistics
- Ling 549: Intercultural Communication
- Ling 550: Language Politics and Social Policy
- Ling 552: French Phonetics and Phonology
- Ling 554: History of French Language
- Ling 555: Topics in Applied French Linguistics
- Ling 562: German Phonetics and Phonology
- Ling 564: History of German
- Ling 565: Topics in Applied German Linguistics
- Ling 572: Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
- Ling 573: Spanish Morphology and Syntax
- Ling 574: History of Spanish
- Ling 575: Topics in Applied Spanish Linguistics
- Ling 592: Modern English Grammar
- Ling 595: Seminar in Linguistics
- Ling 600: Fundamentals of Linguistics for TESL
- Ling 612: Seminar in Phonology
- Ling 613: Research Design and Analysis
- Ling 614: Seminar in Morphology
- Ling 615: Fundamentals of Linguistic Science
- Ling 616: Seminar in Syntax
- Ling 617: Seminar in Comparative Linguistics
- Ling 620: Seminar in Sociolinguistics
- Ling 633: Philosophy of Language
- Ling 639: Directed Research in Linguistics
- Ling 653: Linguistic Anthropology
- Ling 655: Advanced Symbolic Logic
- Ling 676: Ling Variation in Spanish-Speaking World
- Ling 680: Critical Issues in Applied Linguistics
- Ling 701: ProSeminar I for Ph.D. Students
- Ling 702: ProSeminar II for Ph.D. Students
- Ling 721: Capstone Doctoral Seminar
- Ling 795: Selected Doctoral Readings
- Ling 796: Doctoral Essay
- Ling 797: Dissertation
- Ling 799: Independent Project
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.