GENERAL MILITARY COURSE (GMC). Freshmen and sophomores begin the four- year program by attending the General Military Course (GMC) for two years of basic instruction. Participation in the GMC does not incur any obligation to the Air Force.

PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS COURSE (POC). Juniors and seniors attend the Professional Officers Course (POC) for advanced course work. The GMC, or the five-week field training program described below, is a prerequisite for the POC; certain aspects of the prerequisites can be waived for those with prior military service or junior ROTC training.

Advanced cadets in the POC must enlist in the Air Force Reserve. During the academic year they will receive subsistence pay each month. The enlistment is ended when they complete the program and are commissioned, or for justifiable reasons cannot continue the program. Cadets must attend a four-week field training encampment, normally between their sophomore and junior years.

THE TWO YEAR PROGRAM. A two-year advanced program may be available to transfer students and others who did not take the General Military Course. Successful completion of a five-week training program is required, normally between the sophomore and junior years or the last two years of academic study. This training program takes the place of the GMC and is a prerequisite to the POC. Persons interested in the Two-Year Program must notify the Department of their intent to pursue this program at least two semesters prior to enrollment (ex. Contact Dept in late Fall ‘13 if intending to start enrollment in Fall ’14).

COMMISSION REQUIREMENTS. For a commission in the United States Air Force, the student must complete the academic and military requirements of the two- or four-year program, receive a baccalaureate degree, and successfully complete field training. Students attending AFROTC are limited to those pursuing a baccalaureate degree. If a student completes his/her baccalaureate degree and wishes to take advanced courses while completing their AFROTC courses, they may do so. Once AFROTC coursework is completed, the student will be commissioned and enter active duty in the Air Force.

GENERAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS. For enrollment and continuance in the Air Force program, the student must be accepted by the university as a regularly enrolled full-time student; a citizen of the United States, or one who has declared intentions of becoming a citizen within certain time limits; physically and mentally qualified; not less than 14 years of age, nor too old to complete all requirements for appointment as a reserve officer of the Air Force prior to reaching age 29 years (if programmed for flight training), or age 30 (if programmed for other than flight training).

FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIPS. Air Force financial assistance is offered through a scholarship program to selected students. The program provides full tuition, $1000 book allowance, lab fees, and a tax free monthly stipend. For students still in high school, application can be made through the website, and must be completed prior to 1 Dec of the year prior to Fall enrollment. For cadets currently enrolled in AFROTC, or students planning to enter the program while already in college, contact the Department of Aerospace Studies for application procedures.

UNIFORMS AND BOOKS. All cadets are issued Air Force uniforms and necessary Air Force ROTC books without charge. Uniforms are to be turned in before commissioning or in the event the program is not completed. Cadets who are commissioning have the option to purchase their uniforms at a reduced rate.

ACADEMIC CREDIT. Air Force/Aerospace Studies courses are acceptable as electives in most degree plans. All AFROTC courses are accepted as credits towards a degree in General Engineering with an Emphasis in Aerospace Studies. Four hours of elective credit is awarded to prior service personnel who have completed basic training, cadets who have completed Field Training, or OTS graduates who desire to pursue a second degree.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.