- Thea 110: Freshman Performance Studies I
- Thea 111: Freshman Performance Studies II
- Thea 114: Movement for the Actor I
- Thea 207: Intro to Acting for the Screen
- Thea 210: Sophomore Performance Studies I
- Thea 211: Sophomore Performance Studies II
- Thea 212: Voice for the Actor I
- Thea 215: Improvisation
- Thea 216: Voice-over Acting
- Thea 221: Auditioning for Film and Television
- Thea 230: Movement for the Actor I
- Thea 231: Movement for the Actor II
- Thea 260: Fundamentals of Acting
- Thea 264: Musical Theatre Voice Studies I
- Thea 268: Speech for the Stage
- Thea 269: Acting with Dialects
- Thea 301: Scene Studies I
- Thea 302: Scene Studies II
- Thea 304: Acting Shakespeare
- Thea 307: Acting for the Screen I
- Thea 308: Acting for the Screen II
- Thea 309: Commercial Acting Technique
- Thea 310: Junior Performance Studies I
- Thea 311: Junior Performance Studies II
- Thea 312: Voice Studies I
- Thea 313: Voice Studies II
- Thea 314: Movement Studies I
- Thea 315: Movement Studies II
- Thea 317: Topics in Acting Styles
- Thea 330: Stage Combat I
- Thea 331: Stage Combat II
- Thea 334: The Practice of Clown
- Thea 335: The Alexander Technique
- Thea 364: Musical Theatre Voice Studies II
- Thea 368: Advanced Voice and Speech I
- Thea 386: Stage Management Practicum III
- Thea 387: Stage Management Practicum IV
- Thea 410: Senior Performance Studies I
- Thea 411: Senior Performance Studies II
- Thea 412: Voice Studies III
- Thea 413: Voice Studies IV
- Thea 414: Movement Studies III
- Thea 415: Movement Studies IV
- Thea 418: Screen Acting Capstone I
- Thea 419: Screen Acting Capstone II
- Thea 451: Dance/Movement
- Thea 452: Dance/Movement
- Thea 465: Musical Theatre Performance I
- Thea 466: Musical Theatre Performance II
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.