Distinguished Faculty and Staff Awards
Excellence in Advising Award - Office of the Provost
To recognize outstanding academic advising by a faculty member and to demonstrate the University of Mississippi's commitment to excellent advising.
- Byunghyun Jang - Associate Professor of Computer & Information Science (2016)
School of Engineering, Junior Faculty Research Award
- Byunghyun Jang - Associate Professor of Computer & Information Science (2015)
- Yixin Chen - Chair and Professor of Computer and Information Science (2011)
Outstanding Staff Award
A staff member of the School of Engineering who has demonstrated exemplary service, leadership, and commitment.
- Carrie Dawn Long - Application Analyst II (2011)
- Aubrey D Bolen - Staff Assistant (2010)
Frist Service Award
- PAMELA B LAWHEAD - Associate Professor Emerita of Computer and Information Science (1995)
School of Engineering, Faculty Service Award
- Dawn E Wilkins - Chair and Professor Emerita of Computer and Information Science (2008)
- PAMELA B LAWHEAD - Associate Professor Emerita of Computer and Information Science (2003)
School of Engineering, Faculty Teaching Award
- Byunghyun Jang - Associate Professor of Computer & Information Science (2015)
- Dawn E Wilkins - Chair and Professor Emerita of Computer and Information Science (2012)
School of Engineering Outstanding Teacher of the Year
- Byunghyun Jang - Associate Professor of Computer & Information Science (2021)
- Dawn E Wilkins - Chair and Professor Emerita of Computer and Information Science (2014)
- Yixin Chen - Chair and Professor of Computer and Information Science (2012)
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