Course Index
- Phcg 320: Special Topics in Oceans & Human Health
- Phcg 321: Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
- Phcg 329: Herbal Supplements & Alternative Therapy
- Phcg 422: Natural Product Derived Pharmaceuticals
- Phcg 425: Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms
- Phcg 426: Cancer Chemo - Targets and Discovery
- Phcg 427: Drug Discovery I
- Phcg 428: Drug Discovery II
- Phcg 450: Career/Achievements in BMS: Nat.Prod.Res
- Phcg 451: Probiotics in Pharmacy
- Phcg 541: Problems in Pharmacognosy
- Phcg 542: Problems in Pharmacognosy
- Phcg 543: Seminar in Natural Products Chemistry
- Phcg 544: Seminar in Natural Products Chemistry
- Phcg 545: Individual Study in Pharmacognosy Res
- Phcg 546: Individual Study in Pharmacognosy Res
- Phcg 550: Careers/Achievements in BMS
- Phcg 620: Selected Topics in Pharmacognosy
- Phcg 627: Natural Product Chemistry
- Phcg 628: Natural Product Chemistry
- Phcg 630: Advanced Topics
- Phcg 631: Analysis of Natural Product Drugs I
- Phcg 632: Analysis of Natural Product Drugs II
- Phcg 633: Analysis of Natural Product Drugs III
- Phcg 634: Biosynthesis of Plant Constituents
- Phcg 635: Introduction to Molecular Cell Biology
- Phcg 636: Fermentation Chemistry
- Phcg 697: Thesis
- Phcg 797: Dissertation
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