M.A. in English


The M.A. in English is a specialist degree preparing students for further study at the Ph.D. level or for teaching in postsecondary education as well as for literary interpretation and scholarly pursuits. Upon completion of the degree, graduates should be aware of the richness inherent in literature written in English and to have honed to a high level both interpretive thinking and oral and written competencies.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 30

Course Requirements

Students must complete 26 hours of course work with a B average and also complete an additional 6 hours of thesis credit. Engl 600 is required during the first fall semester of enrollment in full standing. Students must take 6 hours of course work in English or American literature before 1800 and 6 hours of English or American literature after 1800. Up to 6 hours may be taken in related disciplines and/or directed reading. Graduate instructors teaching freshman composition are required to complete Engl 617 (Teaching College English).

Program in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies: Students may receive an M.A. with specialization in Renaissance and Early Modern studies by completing 6 hours of graduate course work in Renaissance and Early Modern studies and submitting a thesis on a Renaissance or Early Modern subject. Students are encouraged to take 3 hours in a related discipline such as history, religion, or art, provided the focus of the course is on the Renaissance or Early Modern period.

Thesis Defense: An oral defense is the final stage before the student is recommended for the degree.

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