B.A. in Southern Studies


The B.A. in Southern studies involves the interdisciplinary study of the American South. The program brings together faculty members from the humanities and social sciences to explore the importance of region as a context of human experience. Through a variety of disciplines, including African American studies, anthropology, art, history, literature, music, politics, religion, and sociology, Southern studies seeks to investigate the challenges and contributions of the region, in order to situate the South in the fabric of American life. The undergraduate program teaches students both knowledge about the people, past and present, of the American South and a variety of techniques about studying those people.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 120

General Education Requirements

See the 'General Education/Core Curriculum' for the School of Liberal Arts.

Course Requirements

A major in Southern studies for the B.A. degree consists of 42 hours of courses divided among a minimum of four departments. Students must take S St 101, 102, 301, 401, 402, and two courses from His 327, 330, 331, 332, 337, or Engl 368. Students must take 21 hours from the following list of courses: African American Studies (AAS 201, 202, 302, 308, 310, 316, 320, 325, 326, 334, 337, 341, 342, 386, 395, 413, 414, 420, 421, 438, 440, 441, 443, 504, 517, 518, 593); Art (AH 366, 369, 386); Economics (Econ 335); English (Engl 310, 322, 323, 324, 368, 373, 441, 465, 466, 467, 475, 476, 566); Gender Studies (G St 310, 336, 362); History (His 307, 308, 327, 328, 329, 330, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 339); Journalism (Jour 513); Music (Mus 321, 517, 518, 577); Political Science (Pol 307, 317, 318, 320); Sociology and Anthropology (Soc 315, 334, 351, 413, Anth 309, 315, 317, 319, 334, 337); and Southern Studies.

Two areas of concentration also are acceptable as Southern studies majors: (1) A history concentration of S St 101, 102, 401, and 402; 21 hours chosen from the history courses listed above; and 9 additional hours selected from other courses listed above; (2) a 45-hour fine and performing arts concentration of S St 101, 102, 401, and 402, Thea 306 and 521, AH 349, 350, and 338 or 348, Mus 317, 318, and 321, and 9 additional hours selected from other courses listed above.

Other Academic Requirements

Although other requirements for the B.A. degree must be met, the Southern studies major requires no minor.

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