Mgmt 493: Management of Strategic Planning
A comprehensive study of the strategic management process involving the formulation and implementation of strategies at the corporate, business, and functional levels of the purposive organization. The underlying theory of strategic management is conveyed through lectures, discussions, and assigned readings. Application is presented through analysis of case situations that illustrate how companies provide value to customers, create sustainable competitive advantage, and achieve financial and strategic objective. Particular emphasis will be placed on the continued development and application of student conceptual, critical thinking, and analytic reasoning skills to the analysis of complex strategic issues. Competency exercises refine student decision making and persuasive communication skills through oral and written presentations of recommended strategies and plans for implementation.
3 Credits
- Mktg 372: Intro. to Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt
- Fin 331: Business Finance I
- Mktg 351: Marketing Principles
- Mgmt 371: Principles of Management (Minimum grade: C)
- Pre-Requisite: 24 Earned Hours
Instruction Type(s)
- Lecture: Lecture for Mgmt 493
- Lecture: Compressed Video for Mgmt 493
Course Fee(s)
Business 1
- $30.00