Course Index
- C E 101: Introduction to Civil Engineering I
- C E 102: Introduction to Civil Engineering II
- C E 205: Civil Engineering Laboratory I
- C E 207: Surveying
- C E 208: Civil Engineering Graphics I
- C E 305: Civil Engineering Laboratory II
- C E 310: Introduction to Structural Mechanics
- C E 311: Structural Analysis
- C E 315: Civil Engineering Materials
- C E 325: Intermediate Mechanics
- C E 401: Civil Engineering Fundamentals
- C E 405: Civil Engineering Laboratory III
- C E 412: Design of Concrete Structures
- C E 413: Steel Design
- C E 414: Advanced Concrete Design
- C E 416: Bridge Engineering
- C E 417: Construction Engineering and Management
- C E 421: Matrix Analysis of Structures
- C E 431: Soil Mechanics I
- C E 433: Foundation Engineering
- C E 435: Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
- C E 452: Civil Engineering Analysis
- C E 455: Civil Engineering Design I
- C E 456: Civil Engineering Design II
- C E 471: Environmental Engineering I
- C E 472: Water Resources Engineering
- C E 481: Transportation Engineering I
- C E 495: Geospatial Analysis for Engr & Vis Apps
- C E 497: Civil Engineering Projects
- C E 511: Structural Dynamics
- C E 513: Advanced Steel Design
- C E 514: Pre-Stressed Concrete Design
- C E 521: Advanced Mechanics of Materials
- C E 531: Soil Mechanics II
- C E 541: Flow in Open Channels
- C E 542: Flow in Porous Media
- C E 543: Sediment Transport
- C E 561: Civil Engineering Systems
- C E 570: Infrastructure Management
- C E 572: Stormwater Engineering and Management
- C E 581: Transportation Engineering II
- C E 585: Highway Pavements
- C E 590: Airport Planning and Design
- C OP 201: CO-OP Work Experience
- C OP 202: CO-OP Work Experience
- C OP 300: Cooperative Education
- C OP 301: CO-OP Work Experience
- C OP 302: CO-OP Work Experience
- C OP 401: CO-OP Work Experience
- C OP 402: CO-OP Work Experience
- C OP 501: CO-OP Work Experience
- C OP 502: CO-OP Work Experience
- C OP 503: CO-OP Work Experience
- Ch E 101: Introduction to Chemical Engineering
- Ch E 103: Introduction to Chemical Engineering I
- Ch E 104: Introduction to Chemical Engineering II
- Ch E 251: Programming for Chemical Engineering
- Ch E 307: Chemical Process Principles I
- Ch E 308: Chemical Process Principles II
- Ch E 309: Intro to Chemical Engineering Design
- Ch E 313: Modeling and Simulation I
- Ch E 314: Modeling and Simulation II
- Ch E 317: Process Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
- Ch E 330: Chemical Eng. R & D Experience
- Ch E 345: Engineering Economy
- Ch E 407: Chemical Engineering Projects I
- Ch E 408: Chemical Engineering Projects II
- Ch E 411: Chemical Engineering Seminar
- Ch E 412: Process Control and Safety
- Ch E 413: Chemical Process Safety
- Ch E 417: Separation Processes
- Ch E 421: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
- Ch E 423: Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design
- Ch E 431: ChE Mass and Energy Balance Lab
- Ch E 432: ChE Unit Operations Lab
- Ch E 433: ChE Design Lab
- Ch E 445: Chemical Engineering Lab I
- Ch E 446: Chemical Engineering Lab II
- Ch E 449: Process Design
- Ch E 450: Process Optimization
- Ch E 451: Plant Design I
- Ch E 452: Plant Design II
- Ch E 460: Product Design I:Development, Evaluation
- Ch E 461: Product Design II: Product Realization
- Ch E 470: Principles of Lean Six Sigma
- Ch E 511: Process Dynamics and Control
- Ch E 513: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
- Ch E 515: Research Seminar
- Ch E 520: Biochemical Engineering
- Ch E 521: Drug and Gene Delivery
- Ch E 522: Immunoengineering
- Ch E 523: Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
- Ch E 524: Microscopy for Engineers
- Ch E 528: Polymer Processing
- Ch E 530: Coal Utilization and Pollutants Control
- Ch E 535: Experimental Methods in Engineering
- Ch E 540: Coating Materials Process & Applications
- Ch E 541: Appl of Chemical Instrumentation I
- Ch E 542: Appl of Chemical Instrumentation II
- Ch E 543: Introduction to Polymer Science
- Ch E 545: Colloid and Surface Science
- Ch E 547: Sufactant Science and Applications
- Ch E 550: Membrane Science and Engineering
- Ch E 560: Advanced Transport Phenomena I
- Ch E 561: Advanced Transport Phenomena II
- Ch E 593: Graduate Projects in Chemical Engr
- Chem 101: Chemical Concepts
- Chem 103: Survey of Chemistry I
- Chem 104: Survey of Chemistry II
- Chem 105: General Chemistry I
- Chem 106: General Chemistry II
- Chem 107: Honors Recitation I
- Chem 108: Honors Recitation II
- Chem 113: Survey of Chemistry Laboratory I
- Chem 114: Survey of Chemistry Laboratory II
- Chem 115: General Chemistry Laboratory I
- Chem 116: General Chemistry Laboratory II
- Chem 121: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
- Chem 201: Environmental Chemistry I
- Chem 202: Environmental Chemistry II
- Chem 221: Elementary Organic Chemistry I
- Chem 222: Elementary Organic Chemistry II
- Chem 225: Elementary Organic Chem. Laboratory I
- Chem 226: Elementary Organic Chem. Laboratory II
- Chem 251: Introduction to Individual Research
- Chem 271: Biochemical Concepts
- Chem 293: Special Topics in Chemistry
- Chem 314: Quantitative Analysis
- Chem 319: Chem & Phys Methods of Forensic Chem
- Chem 331: Physical Chemistry I
- Chem 332: Physical Chemistry II
- Chem 334: Biophysical Chemistry
- Chem 337: Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
- Chem 351: Individual Research
- Chem 373: Intermediate Biochemistry
- Chem 381: Chemistry for Teachers I
- Chem 382: Chemistry for Teachers II
- Chem 383: Chemistry for Teachers III
- Chem 393: Advanced Special Topics in Chemistry
- Chem 401: Inorganic Chemical Principles
- Chem 402: Inorganic Chemical Laboratory
- Chem 415: Computer Methods in Chemistry
- Chem 421: Recitation in Organic Chemistry I
- Chem 422: Recitation in Organic Chemistry II
- Chem 423: Organic Analysis
- Chem 441: Forensic Chemistry Senior Research
- Chem 459: Forensic Science Internship
- Chem 463: Senior Research
- Chem 469: Introduction to Instrumental Analysis
- Chem 470: Forensic DNA Analysis
- Chem 471: Biochemistry I
- Chem 472: Biochemistry Laboratory
- Chem 473: Biochemistry II
- Chem 512: Advanced Instrumental Analysis
- Chem 513: Principles of Analytical Chemistry
- Chem 514: Fundamentals of Electrochemistry
- Chem 519: Chemical Separations
- Chem 524: Principles of Organic Chemistry
- Chem 525: Organic Spectroscopy and Spectrometry
- Chem 527: Adv. Organic Chem., Structure Mechanism
- Chem 528: Adv. Organic Chem., Structure Synthesis
- Chem 529: Stereochemistry
- Chem 530: Advanced Organic Synthesis
- Chem 531: Advanced Physical Chem., Quantum Chem.
- Chem 532: Chemical Thermodynamics
- Chem 534: Physical Biochemistry
- Chem 535: Principles of Physical Chemistry I
- Chem 536: Advanced Phys. Chem., Reaction Dynamics
- Chem 538: Principles of Physical Chemistry II
- Chem 544: Chemical Applications of Group Theory
- Chem 545: Chemical Literature
- Chem 546: Chem for High School Science Teacher I
- Chem 547: Chem. for High School Science Teacher II
- Chem 548: Workshop-Middle School Science Teachers
- Chem 550: Safety in the Chemical Laboratory
- Chem 554: Analytical Environmental Chemistry
- Chem 563: Applied Spectroscopy
- Chem 580: Molecular Biochemistry I
- Chem 581: Molecular Biochemistry II
- Chem 593: Advanced Special Topics in Chemistry
- Chem 600: Introduction to Graduate Research
- Chem 601: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I
- Chem 602: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II
- Chem 603: Inorganic Techniques
- Chem 605: Seminar in Chemistry
- Chem 615: Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- Chem 617: Research Methodology in Chemistry I
- Chem 618: Research Methodology in Chemistry II
- Chem 622: Organic Techniques
- Chem 625: Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry
- Chem 633: Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry
- Chem 641: Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
- Chem 650: Area Seminars
- Chem 659: Masters Seminar
- Chem 659: Doctoral Seminar
- Chem 661: Quantum Chemistry
- Chem 662: Theory of Molecular Structure
- Chem 665: Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Chem 671: Biochemistry I
- Chem 672: Biochemical Techniques
- Chem 673: Biochemistry II
- Chem 674: Selected Topics in Biochemistry
- Chem 676: Nucleic Acid Chemistry
- Chem 677: Protein Structure
- Chem 697: Thesis
- Chem 717: Internship Seminar in College Chemistry
- Chem 796: Doctoral Thesis
- Chem 797: Dissertation
- Chin 101: Elementary Chinese I
- Chin 102: Elementary Chinese II
- Chin 111: Intensive Chinese I
- Chin 112: Intensive Chinese II
- Chin 198: Elementary Chinese Study Abroad
- Chin 199: Special Topics in Chinese
- Chin 201: Intermediate Chinese I
- Chin 202: Intermediate Chinese II
- Chin 211: Intensive Chinese III
- Chin 212: Intensive Chinese IV
- Chin 215: Chinese Practicum I
- Chin 298: Intermediate Chinese Study Abroad
- Chin 299: Special Topics in Chinese
- Chin 301: Conversation and Composition I
- Chin 302: Conversation and Composition II
- Chin 311: Intensive Chinese V
- Chin 313: Media Chinese I: Newspapers and Internet
- Chin 314: Media Chinese II: Broadcast News
- Chin 315: Chinese Practicum II
- Chin 321: Chinese Culture and Civilization
- Chin 330: Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
- Chin 331: Intro to Chinese Lit & Literary Analysis
- Chin 361: Chinese Cinema
- Chin 398: Advanced Chinese Study Abroad
- Chin 399: Special Topics in Chinese
- Chin 401: Advanced Chinese I
- Chin 402: Advanced Chinese II
- Chin 410: Modern Chinese Literature
- Chin 413: Media Chinese II
- Chin 414: Selected Topics in Academic Chinese
- Chin 415: Chinese Practicum III
- Chin 417: Directed Readings in Chinese Literature
- Chin 418: Directed Readings in Academic Chinese
- Chin 450: Domain Mentorship
- Chin 511: Chinese Philology
- Chin 512: Chinese Culture & Civilization
- Chin 513: Chinese for Advanced Proficiency
- Chin 514: Classical Chinese Literature
- Chin 550: Advanced Domain Knowledge
- Chin 596: Chinese Capstone Academic Program
- Chin 598: Chinese Capstone Internship
- Cine 201: Cinema Survey I
- Cine 202: Cinema Survey II
- Cine 301: Special Topics in Cinema Production
- Cine 302: Special Topics in Cinema Post-Production
- Cine 396: Festival Programming
- Cine 397: Internship in Cinema
- Cine 398: Study Abroad in Cinema
- Cine 399: Special Topics in Cinema
- CJ 100: Introduction to Criminal Justice
- CJ 110: Introduction to Law Enforcement
- CJ 115: Introduction to Homeland Security
- CJ 120: Introduction to Corrections
- CJ 155: Law Enforcement Tactical Operations
- CJ 160: Law Enforcement Patrol Procedures
- CJ 202: Statistics in Criminal Justice
- CJ 210: Criminal Law
- CJ 230: Principles of Investigation
- CJ 270: Juvenile Justice
- CJ 285: Foundations of Terrorism
- CJ 300: Ethics in Legal Studies
- CJ 310: Law Enforcement Process and Policy
- CJ 315: Drug Abuse Enforcement and Criminality
- CJ 320: Correctional Treatment Strategies
- CJ 322: Criminal Justice Communications
- CJ 324: Theories of Criminal Behavior
- CJ 325: Emergency Management and CJ
- CJ 330: Hate Crimes and Enforcement
- CJ 335: Military Justice and Law
- CJ 340: Homicide and Death Investigations
- CJ 345: Cold Case Investigations
- CJ 360: Independent Study
- CJ 370: Domestic Crimes and Family Law
- CJ 376: Elite Forces and Special Operations
- CJ 390: Special Topics
- CJ 399: Social Justice and Community Service
- CJ 400: Homeland Security Operations
- CJ 410: Criminal Procedure
- CJ 415: Forensic Science & Crime Scene Analysis
- CJ 420: Homeland Security Law
- CJ 421: Selected Topics in Criminal Justice II
- CJ 422: Probation, Parole & Community Correction
- CJ 425: Sex Crimes and Investigations
- CJ 435: Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century
- CJ 444: Law of Corrections
- CJ 445: Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
- CJ 450: Criminal Justice Statistics & Research
- CJ 460: The Correctional Experience
- CJ 465: Criminal Profiling and Serial Offenders
- CJ 470: Border Security
- CJ 490: Criminal Justice Internship
- CJ 499: Colloquium in Criminal Justice
- CJ 500: Criminal Justice Administration
- CJ 510: Emergency Management
- CJ 585: Current Topics in Criminal Justice
- CJ 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- CJ 610: Homeland Security Operations
- CJ 615: Transnational Organized Crime
- CJ 620: Criminal Justice in American Society
- CJ 621: Seminar in Law Enforcement
- CJ 622: Seminar in Courts & Sentencing
- CJ 623: Seminar in Corrections
- CJ 624: Theories of Criminal Behavior
- CJ 625: Criminal Justice Theory
- CJ 630: Terrorism: Asymmetrical Conflict
- CJ 634: Emergency Response Mgmt Policy & Plannin
- CJ 635: Criminal Justice Research Methods
- CJ 640: Legal Issues in Criminal Justice
- CJ 642: Cybercrime and Cyber Security
- CJ 645: Criminal and Intelligence Analysis
- CJ 650: Terrorism and Homeland Security
- CJ 651: Special Topics
- CJ 655: Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis
- CJ 660: Operational and Staff Planning
- CJ 661: CJ Policy and Program Evaluation
- CJ 662: Emer Mgmt and Homeland Sec Policy Eval
- CJ 663: ST in CJ Stats & Research: Qualitative
- CJ 664: GIS and Crime Mapping Analysis
- CJ 665: Transportation and Border Security
- CJ 670: Intelligence and Homeland Security
- CJ 671: Communications for Criminal Justice Lead
- CJ 672: Conflict Resolution and Decision Making
- CJ 673: Criminal Justice Evidence-Based Decision
- CJ 674: Budgeting & Finance
- CJ 675: Topics in Judicial Administration
- CJ 676: Principles of Leadership
- CJ 678: Diversity and Inclusion
- CJ 679: Special Topics in Criminal Justice
- CJ 680: Personnel Management
- CJ 681: Law & Public Policy
- CJ 685: Special Topics in Justice Studies
- CJ 690: Criminal Justice Practicum
- CJ 693: Criminal Justice Capstone
- CJ 695: Independent Study
- CJ 697: Thesis
- CJ 701: Proseminar in CJ Policy Studies
- CJ 702: Advanced Criminal Justice Statistics
- CJ 703: Advanced Criminological Theory & Policy
- CJ 704: Advanced Criminal Justice Policy Studies
- Clar 100: Preparatory Clarinet
- Clar 121: Freshman Clarinet I
- Clar 122: Freshman Clarinet II
- Clar 221: Sophomore Clarinet I
- Clar 222: Sophomore Clarinet II
- Clar 241: Sophomore Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 242: Sophomore Clarinet Performance II
- Clar 321: Junior Clarinet I
- Clar 322: Junior Clarinet II
- Clar 341: Junior Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 342: Junior Clarinet Performance II
- Clar 421: Senior Clarinet I
- Clar 422: Senior Clarinet II
- Clar 441: Senior Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 442: Senior Clarinet Performance II
- Clar 521: Advanced Clarinet I
- Clar 522: Advanced Clarinet II
- Clar 541: Advanced Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 542: Advanced Clarinet Performance II
- Clar 621: Graduate Clarinet I
- Clar 622: Graduate Clarinet II
- Clar 641: Graduate Clarinet Performance I
- Clar 642: Graduate Clarinet Performance II
- Clc 100: Honors Introduction to Classics
- Clc 101: Introduction to Greek Civilization
- Clc 102: Introduction to Roman Civilization
- Clc 103: Women in Antiquity
- Clc 104: Sports in the Ancient World
- Clc 105: From Myth to Film
- Clc 106: Classical Mythology
- Clc 107: Ancient Cities
- Clc 201: Medical Terminology in Greek and Latin
- Clc 283: History of Art: Ancient through Medieval
- Clc 299: Service Learning in Classics
- Clc 303: Greek and Roman Tragedy
- Clc 304: Greek and Roman Comedy
- Clc 305: Topics in Classical Mythology
- Clc 307: Greek Literature in English Translation
- Clc 308: Survey of Roman Literature
- Clc 309: Greek and Roman Epic
- Clc 310: Socrates and Sophistry
- Clc 311: Greek History
- Clc 313: The Roman Republic
- Clc 314: The Roman Empire
- Clc 315: Egyptian Art and Architecture
- Clc 316: Bronze Age Greek, Aegean Art & Archit
- Clc 317: Etruscan Art and Architecture
- Clc 318: Greek Vase Painting
- Clc 319: Greek Sculpture
- Clc 320: Greek Architecture
- Clc 321: Greek Art and Archaeology
- Clc 322: Roman Art and Archaeology
- Clc 323: Art & Archaeology of Pompeii
- Clc 325: Topics in Classical Civilization
- Clc 326: Topics in Classics Abroad
- Clc 327: Greek and Roman Religions
- Clc 331: Science & Tech. in the Ancient World
- Clc 332: Ancient Warfare
- Clc 333: Poetry and Politics at Rome
- Clc 340: The Golden Age of Athens
- Clc 341: Alexander the Great
- Clc 342: Law and Life in Ancient Athens
- Clc 349: Archaeological Ethics Bowl Practicum
- Clc 350: Ancient Archaeological Field Session
- Clc 352: From Republic to Empire
- Clc 360: Ethics in Archaeology
- Clc 373: Cultures of the Bronze Age
- Clc 375: Digital Archaeology
- Clc 401: Internship in Classics
- Clc 415: Studying Ancient Artifacts
- Clc 490: Classics Capstone Seminar
- Clc 491: Classics Capstone Experience
- Clc 499: Classics Assessment Exam
- Clc 501: Topics in Greek History
- Clc 502: Topics in Roman History
- Clc 503: Directed Research in Ancient Literature
- Clc 504: Directed Research in Ancient Culture
- Clc 511: Introduction to Classical Scholarship
- Clc 523: Ancient Art
- Clc 601: Classical Athens
- Clc 602: The Age of Alexander
- Clc 606: Problems in Greek Vase Painting
- Clc 607: Problems in Greek Sculpture
- Clc 608: Problems in Greek Architecture
- Clc 611: Studies in Greek History
- Clc 612: Studies in Roman History
- Clc 621: Greek Art and Archaeology
- Clc 622: Roman Art and Archaeology
- Clc 691: Individual Study
- Clc 697: Thesis
- Coun 301: Child Psychology
- Coun 303: Measurement and Evaluation
- Coun 307: Educational Psychology
- Coun 309: Psychology of Adolescence
- Coun 333: Psychology of Human Growth and Developme
- Coun 503: Psychometric Principles
- Coun 523: Group Study of Problems
- Coun 539: Intro to Professional Couns & Ethics
- Coun 545: Lab-Interpers Comm Skl
- Coun 551: Individual Study
- Coun 570: Multicultural Issues in Counseling
- Coun 573: Learning Seminar
- Coun 593: Topics in Counseling I
- Coun 594: Topics in Counseling II
- Coun 595: Topics in Counseling III
- Coun 605: Research in Counseling
- Coun 610: Addictions
- Coun 612: Foun. of Clin. Mental Health Counseling
- Coun 621: Assessment in Counseling I
- Coun 622: Assessment in Counseling II
- Coun 623: Individual Assessment I
- Coun 624: Individual Assessment II
- Coun 625: Practicum in School Psychometry
- Coun 626: Foundations of College Counseling
- Coun 627: College Stud. Deve. & College Counseling
- Coun 628: Issues & Interventions in College Couns.
- Coun 630: Foundations of School Counseling
- Coun 643: Group Procedures
- Coun 660: Crisis Intervention
- Coun 661: School Counseling Practicum
- Coun 663: Internship in School Counseling
- Coun 670: Psychological Consultation
- Coun 672: Seminar: Issues and Ethics in Counseling
- Coun 674: Diagnostic Systems in Counseling
- Coun 675: Advanced School Counseling
- Coun 676: Ldrshp, Advocacy, & Acctbility in SC
- Coun 680: Career Counseling
- Coun 682: Family Counseling
- Coun 683: Counseling Theory I
- Coun 685: Org/Adm & Consultation: Comm. Counseling
- Coun 686: Counsel/Child and Adolescents
- Coun 687: Seminar in Special Problems
- Coun 688: Org/Adm & Consultation: School Counselin
- Coun 690: Counseling Skills
- Coun 691: Pre-Practicum and Advanced Skills
- Coun 693: Practicum in Counseling
- Coun 695: Internship
- Coun 697: Thesis
- Coun 700: Advanced Topics in Counselor Education
- Coun 712: Play Diagnosis and Assessment
- Coun 730: Adv. Multicultural Counseling & Advocacy
- Coun 733: College Teaching in Counselor Education
- Coun 740: Advanced Career Theory and Practice
- Coun 750: Research & Publication in Counselor Ed
- Coun 753: Supervision of Counseling Services
- Coun 754: Advanced Clinical Supervision
- Coun 760: Leadership, Program Eval & Accreditation
- Coun 764: Adv Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment
- Coun 770: Introduction to Play Therapy
- Coun 771: Expressive Arts w/ Children & Adolescent
- Coun 772: Current Theories in Play Therapy
- Coun 773: Application of Play Therapy in Schools
- Coun 774: Application of Play Therapy in MH
- Coun 775: Psychopharmacology in Play Therapy
- Coun 776: Play Therapy Supervision
- Coun 777: Play Therapy in the Courtroom
- Coun 778: Play Therapy with Older Adults
- Coun 779: Child-parent Relationship Therapy
- Coun 780: Play Therapy Practicum
- Coun 784: Advanced Counseling Theory
- Coun 785: Supervision Internship
- Coun 790: Doctoral Teaching Internship in Coun. Ed
- Coun 793: Advanced Practicum
- Coun 794: Advanced Group Counseling
- Coun 795: Internship
- Coun 796: Graded Dissertation
- Coun 797: Dissertation
- Coun 798: Transitioning into the Professoriate
- Cp E 421: Embedded Systems Design
- Cp E 431: Computer Architecture
- Cp E 432: Testing of Computing Systems
- Cp E 461: Senior Design in Computer Engineering I
- Cp E 462: Senior Design in Computer Engineering II
- CR 105: Realtime Machine Shorthand Theory I
- CR 106: Realtime Machine Shorthand Theory II
- CR 201: Elementary Realtime Machine Shorthand I
- CR 301: Intermediate Machine Shorthand I
- CR 302: Intermed Realtime Machine Shorthand II
- CR 401: Advanced Realtime Machine Shorthand I
- CR 402: Advanced Realtime Machine Shorthand II
- CR 403: Realtime Captioning Technology I
- CR 404: Realtime Captioning Technology II
- CR 405: Transcript Preparation
- CR 412: Judicial Reporting Procedures
- CR 413: Internship in Court Reporting
- Csci 103: Survey of Computing
- Csci 111: Computer Science I
- Csci 112: Computer Science II
- Csci 191: Office Applications
- Csci 192: Computing Applications
- Csci 193: Personal Computer Systems
- Csci 203: Computer and Information Processing
- Csci 211: Computer Science III
- Csci 223: Computer Org. & Assembly Language
- Csci 251: Programming for Engineering and Sciences
- Csci 256: Programming in Python
- Csci 259: Programming in C++
- Csci 300: Social Responsibility in Comp. Science
- Csci 305: Software for Global Use
- Csci 311: Models of Computation
- Csci 323: Systems of Programming
- Csci 325: Foundations of Computer Security
- Csci 333: Digital Design and 3-D Printing
- Csci 343: Fundamentals of Data Science
- Csci 345: Information Storage and Retrieval
- Csci 353: Introduction to Numerical Methods
- Csci 354: Web Programming
- Csci 356: Data Structures in Python
- Csci 361: Introduction to Computer Networks
- Csci 387: Software Design and Development
- Csci 390: Special Topics in Programming
- Csci 391: Computer Graphics
- Csci 405: Computer Simulation
- Csci 423: Introduction to Operating Systems
- Csci 425: Code Generation and Optimization
- Csci 426: System Security
- Csci 427: Fundamentals of Computer Security
- Csci 431: Robotics Programming
- Csci 433: Algorithm and Data Structure Analysis
- Csci 443: Advanced Data Science
- Csci 444: Multimedia Design and Development
- Csci 447: Immersive Media
- Csci 450: Organization of Programming Languages
- Csci 458: Mobile Application Development
- Csci 475: Introduction to Database Systems
- Csci 487: Senior Project
- Csci 490: Special Topics
- Csci 491: Special Topics in Computer Security
- Csci 492: Special Topics in Data Science
- Csci 495: Undergrad Computer Science Internship
- Csci 500: Fundamental Concepts in Computing
- Csci 501: Fundamental Concepts in Systems
- Csci 502: Fundamental Concepts in Algorithms
- Csci 503: Fundamental Concepts in Languages
- Csci 517: Natural Language Processing
- Csci 520: Formal Theory of Computer Languages
- Csci 521: Computer Systems Engineering
- Csci 523: Operating Systems
- Csci 524: Distributed Operating System Design
- Csci 525: Compiler Construction
- Csci 526: Parallel Computing
- Csci 530: Computer Architecture and Design
- Csci 531: Artificial Intelligence
- Csci 533: Analysis of Algorithms
- Csci 541: Expert Systems and Logic Programming
- Csci 543: Data Mining
- Csci 550: Program Semantics and Derivation
- Csci 551: Computer System Performance Analysis
- Csci 554: Web Architecture and Programming
- Csci 555: Functional Programming
- Csci 556: Multiparadigm Programming
- Csci 557: GPU Computing
- Csci 561: Computer Networks
- Csci 562: Software Engineering I
- Csci 575: Database Systems
- Csci 581: Special Topics in Computer Science I
- Csci 582: Special Topics in Computer Science II
- Csci 595: Graduate Computer Science Internship
- Csci 632: Machine Learning
- Csci 658: Software Language Engineering
- Csci 663: Software Families
- Csci 665: Wireless and Sensor Networks
- CSD 201: Introduction to Communicative Disorders
- CSD 202: Statistics for CSD
- CSD 205: Anatomy and Physiology
- CSD 211: Intro to Phonology
- CSD 216: Normal Development of Communication
- CSD 301: Disorders of Articulation
- CSD 302: Research Methods for CSD
- CSD 303: Communication Deficits in Older Adults
- CSD 304: Introduction to Hearing Conservation
- CSD 316: Language and Learning Disorders
- CSD 351: Basic Audiology
- CSD 356: Principles of Auditory (Re)Habilitation
- CSD 359: Manual Communication
- CSD 360: Study USA ASHA Convention & Site
- CSD 401: Diagnostic Procedures
- CSD 405: Fluency and Voice Disorders
- CSD 421: Prog/Meth-Lang Disord
- CSD 430: Practices in Audiology
- CSD 452: Fundamental Speech & Hearing Science
- CSD 455: Neuroanat & Neurophys of Speech & Hearin
- CSD 494: Honors Thesis I
- CSD 495: Introduction to Clinical Science
- CSD 496: Practicum
- CSD 496: Honors Thesis II
- CSD 499: Senior Seminar
- CSD 501: Survey of Communicative Disorders
- CSD 505: Neurophysiology of Communication
- CSD 506: Anat/Phys/Path Aud Sys
- CSD 507: Fundamentals of Hearing Science
- CSD 513: Speech Science
- CSD 520: Advanced Diagnostic Techniques
- CSD 521: Disorders of Fluency
- CSD 523: Phonological Disorders
- CSD 526: Neurogenic Disorders of Language
- CSD 531: Special Problems in CD
- CSD 532: Workshop in Comm Sciences & Disorders
- CSD 541: Language Dev & Disorder in Preschool
- CSD 551: Clinical Audiology
- CSD 557: Audiology for the SLP
- CSD 560: Manual Communication I
- CSD 562: Manual Communication II
- CSD 575: Audio Instru & Meas
- CSD 591: Clinical Practicum in Audiology
- CSD 592: Cl Sem/Speech-Lang Path
- CSD 593: Clinical Seminar in Audiology
- CSD 595: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 601: Directed Study
- CSD 605: Counseling Thry/Prac
- CSD 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- CSD 612: Advanced Clinical Audiology
- CSD 613: Rsch Design & Anal
- CSD 615: Electrophysiologic Evaluation
- CSD 616: Advanced Electrophysiologic Evaluation
- CSD 620: Assessment and Treatment of Dysphagia
- CSD 622: Voice and Resonance Disorders
- CSD 624: Craniofacial Anomalies
- CSD 625: Genetics, Autism, Augmentative & Alt Com
- CSD 626: Aphasia
- CSD 627: Neurogenic Disorders of Speech
- CSD 630: Cerebral Palsy
- CSD 631: Communication Changes in Aging
- CSD 642: Lan De Dis School-Age
- CSD 649: Pediatric Audiology
- CSD 651: Aural Rehabilitation
- CSD 653: Hearing Aids
- CSD 654: Adv Amp Theory & Tech
- CSD 657: Industrial Audiology
- CSD 659: Seminar in Audiology
- CSD 670: Cen Aud Proc
- CSD 673: Perception of Speech
- CSD 690: Prof. Ethics, Licensure, and Curr Trends
- CSD 691: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 692: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 693: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 694: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 697: Thesis
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.