Academic Regulations

The regulations published in the Undergraduate Catalog are a digest of the rules of the institution. Changes may be made in the regulations at any time to promote the best interests of the university and its students. Students are responsible for knowing the published regulations, policies, and standards of the university and of their college or school.

You are viewing all academic regulations on one page, if you would like to see them separately please visit the academic regulations overview.


A student’s class standing is determined by the number of semester hours of course work completed, as follows:

Semester Hours
Freshman 0-29
Sophomore 30-59
Junior 60-89
Senior 90 or more

The student’s academic dean determines which of the hours of completed course work may be applied towards a degree. To be classified as full-time, a student must be taking at least 12 semester hours. Students enrolled for fewer than 12 hours are classified as part-time.

Class Schedules And Registration

Advising and Student Responsibility

The university provides an academic advising system that requires each student to consult with an academic adviser prior to each registration period. The adviser’s role is to assist the student in making course selections and to approve the student’s schedule. The student, however, bears the ultimate responsibility for making appropriate choices when scheduling classes, including schedule changes made during the drop-add period. Although colleges, schools, and departments may monitor the final class schedule of students in their respective programs, the student also bears the ultimate responsibility for meeting all degree requirements. Where there is doubt concerning requirements, authoritative information may be obtained from the office of the student’s academic dean.


Some courses have prerequisites, which are listed in the Courses of Instruction part of this catalog. A student may not take a course unless these prerequisites have been met. Exceptions can only be made in special cases with the prior consent of the instructor, the department chair, and the dean.

In a continuous course sequence (such as Writ 101, 102 or Math 261, 262, 263, 264), the prior courses are prerequisite to the subsequent courses unless otherwise stated. Thus, a student who has failed one semester of a continuous course sequence may not take a subsequent course in that sequence until the failed course has been passed. In the case of modern language sequences (such as Span 101, 102, 201, 202), a student may begin at any level but then must take any subsequent courses in order.

Registration Eligibility

To be eligible to register for classes, a student must be: (1) a new student who applies for admission and receives a CERTIFICATE OF ADMISSION, (2) a continuing student from the preceding regular semester or summer term, or (3) a former student, not enrolled in the preceding regular semester or summer term, who applies for re-admission and receives a CERTIFICATE OF RE-ADMISSION.

New Student Registration

Each new undergraduate student attends an orientation session prior to, or at the beginning of, the student’s first semester. During this session, new students are given special assistance in setting up their first class schedule and are able to register for their classes.

Full-time Course Load and Maximum Course Load

Full-time enrollment at the undergraduate level and maximum course load are defined in the chart given below:

Registration Period Full-time Hours Maximum Course Load
Fall 12-18 21
Winter Intersession 3 4
Spring 12-18 21
May 3 4
Full Summer 12 14
First Summer 6 7
Second Summer 6 7
August Intersession 3 4

This definition does not depend on the mode of course delivery or the location of the course. Students are advised not to take more than 18 hours without a compelling reason and a cumulative GPA four-tenths of a point above 2.0 for each extra hour desired. **To register for more than 18 hours, a student must seek permission from his or her dean’s office.

Priority Registration

Continuing students may register online by using their WebID through the myOleMiss portal. Online class schedules for an upcoming priority registration period are available approximately two weeks prior to the beginning of priority registration. An academic adviser must approve each student’s schedule. The time when a student may begin registration varies for different categories of students. Students accept the responsibility for maintaining acceptable grades and for the payment of fees at the time they register.

Late Registration

Students who do not register before classes begin have until the last day to register, which is the 10th day of classes of a regular semester, to complete the process. During this period, a late registration fee will be assessed. No student will be permitted to register for classes after the last day to register without a serious and compelling reason approved by the dean of the student’s school or college. In no case may a student register after the last regular class day in any semester.

Late Withdrawal from a Course

After the course withdrawal deadline, a student may drop a course only in cases of extreme and unavoidable emergency as determined by the student’s academic dean. Unacceptable reasons for late withdrawal include dissatisfaction over an expected grade or a change in a student’s degree program or major. In no case may a class be dropped after the last regular class day in any semester, session, or term. Courses dropped after the course withdrawal deadline will still appear on the student’s official transcript. The W mark will be recorded if the student is passing the course at the time of withdrawal; the F grade will be recorded if the student is failing.

Drop-Add Procedures

Students may add courses, using the myOleMiss portal, through the fifth day in which classes meet during a regular semester. After the fifth day, students must have the approval of the instructor in the course. After the 10th day of classes (the last day to register), courses may be added only under extraordinary circumstances approved by the dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled, and a small fee will be assessed per added course. In no case may a student add a class after the last regular class day in any semester.

A student may drop any course, using the online system, until the course withdrawal deadline, which is the 30th day in which classes meet during a regular semester. However, after the 10th day of classes a small fee will be assessed per dropped course. No indication of enrollment in a course properly dropped will be shown on any University of Mississippi record.

Withdrawal from the University

A student who wishes to withdraw from the university (i.e., withdraw from all courses) during the course of a semester, intersession, or summer term can withdraw online at or can provide written notification via fax, mail, or in person to the Office of the Registrar. Appropriate university offices (Student Housing, Financial Aid, Bursar, ID Center, Library, and Academic Dean) will be notified of the withdrawal. Full refunds of tuition and fees (minus a processing fee) are given for withdrawals during the first 10 days of classes of a regular semester, and no refunds are given after the 10th day of classes. Students who withdraw must apply for readmission if not enrolling for the subsequent term.

A student required to withdraw from the university for involuntary military service may be given full credit for course work in progress provided at least four-fifths of the course requirements have been completed. The student’s academic dean will decide if the four-fifths requirement is met, and the student’s instructors will decide whether or not final examinations will be required.

An unofficial withdrawal is defined as occurring when a student simply stops attending classes without going through the formal process to withdraw. If a student unofficially withdraws before completing the period of attendance of which federal aid eligibility is based, there are additional consequences. As noted in the Federal Student Financial Aid Handbook, the U.S. Department of Education mandates that universities develop a mechanism for determining whether a student recipient of a Title IV grant or loan has ceased attendance without notification during the period of enrollment. To meet this requirement, the Office of Financial Aid has created a term-based report that identifies all students who received federal aid and posted all “F” and/or “W” grades. For students falling into these categories, the university must determine if the student actually began attendance and, if so, when the attendance ceased. Based on this information, these students are processed as schedule cancellations (if never attended) or as unofficial withdrawals (if attended and left without officially withdrawing). For schedule cancellations, the student account will be charged for all disbursed aid. For unofficial withdrawals, a calculation is performed for refund purposes. Each student is responsible for having class instructors contact the Office of Financial Aid with a last date of attendance or class-related activity by the accounts receivable posting date that is shown in the student’s Unofficial Withdrawal letter. If acceptable documentation is provided, the later date will be used for the unofficial withdrawal calculation.

Summer Term Deadlines

During a summer term, the last day for full refunds on complete withdrawals is the third day of classes, which is the last day to register or add courses, and the course withdrawal deadline is the 10th day of classes.

Examinations and Last Week of Class

Regulations Governing All Examinations

A student’s failure to appear for an examination without an acceptable excuse, inability to present valid identification, absence from the room during the course of an examination without the consent of the examiner, or attempting any portion of an examination without submitting his or her answers shall result in failure of the examination. Tardiness beyond 15 minutes forfeits a student’s right to an examination.

Final Examinations

A final examination, to be given at the time posted in the examination schedule, is required in each undergraduate course, unless the appropriate chair and dean have approved an exception. A student who has three or four final examinations in one day may arrange with the course instructor to take the noon or 7:30 p.m. examination at another time. In order to give a final examination at any time other than that shown in the posted examination schedule, an instructor must have prior approval of the department chair and dean.

Last Week of Class

The following guidelines exist to allow sufficient time for students and instructors to prepare for final examinations. These guidelines apply to the week preceding final examinations for undergraduate courses held during fall and spring semesters.

During the period of Wednesday through Friday of the last week of class, instructors are not to give exams, tests, or quizzes that contribute more than 10 percent of the final grade for a class. An instructor can obtain approval of the department chair and dean to give an exam, test, or quiz, of this weight, during this three-day period. Instructors should return graded work and/or inform students of their grades on exams, tests, or quizzes prior to the beginning of finals week.

Exceptions to the above statement are automatically made for lab-based courses, technical writing courses, seminar courses that assign a term paper, and senior design courses that assign a multifaceted project in lieu of a final exam. Major projects of the above types, which contribute more than 10 percent of the final grade and which are due during this Last Week period, should be assigned in the syllabus at the beginning of the semester, and any substantial change in the assignment should be made known to students before the drop deadline.

Credits and Grades

The Semester Hour

A semester hour is a unit of credit earned for academic work that includes no less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction AND a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work for approximately 15 weeks for one semester (or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time); OR a semester hour is a unit of credit earned for an equivalent amount of work, as required above, for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours. A typical 3-hour course requires a minimum of 2,250 contact minutes each semester. For courses taught in an online and/or asynchronous format, the amount of instruction and student work must be equivalent to that for a traditional course.

Class Attendance

It is the responsibility of the instructor to notify classes at the outset of each course of the class attendance requirements. It is the responsibility of the student to comply with the class attendance policy.

Students must attend the first meeting of every course for which they are registered, unless they obtain prior departmental approval. Without such approval, a student who is absent from the first class meeting may be dropped from that class by the dean of the school or college with the responsibility for the course. A student who incurs excessive absences in a given course may receive a grade of F for the course, and, in addition, may be dismissed from the class upon recommendation of the instructor and approval by the student’s academic dean. When it appears to an instructor that a student has discontinued a class without officially dropping the course, the instructor will report this fact to the student’s academic dean. The university reserves the right to dismiss from the university any student who has been excessively absent from multiple courses.

Class absences may occur when a student represents the university in official competitions or performances (athletic teams, cheerleading, band, chorus, orchestra, debate, theatre, ROTC, etc.). In these cases, academic departments and faculty should exercise fair and consistent standards for resolving questions of missed assignments and tests. Faculty and staff who supervise student teams and organizations are expected to schedule competitions and performances to minimize the number of classes that students will be forced to miss. Names of participating students and the dates of class conflicts should be provided to the students’ instructors prior to participation. Students and instructors should resolve potential conflicts regarding class attendance before the semester course withdrawal deadline.

Pass-Fail Grading for Exercise and Leisure Activity Courses

The pass-fail basis is the only grading available for all one-hour (EL) exercise and leisure activity courses.

Grade Symbols

A final grade is the instructor’s evaluation of a student’s achievement throughout a semester’s work in a course. Factors upon which the final grade may be based include attendance, recitation, written and oral quizzes and tests, reports, papers, the final examination, and other class activities. The evaluation is expressed according to the following letter system, with + and – adjustments possible for certain letter grades.

Passing Grades Failing Grade Other Marks
A Excellent F Failure I Incomplete
B Good IP In Progress
C Satisfactory W Withdrawn
D Lowest passing grade X Audit
P Pass
Z Credit granted

Grade Points and GPA

The grade-point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the number of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F-graded hours attempted at the University of Mississippi into the total number of grade points earned at the university. Grade points per credit hour are assigned as follows: A = 4.0; A- = 3.7; B+ = 3.3; B = 3.0; B- = 2.7; C+ = 2.3; C = 2.0; C- = 1.7; D = 1.0; F = 0. For the purpose of certain prerequisites and degree requirements, a B average and C average are defined as a GPA of 3.00 and 2.00, respectively, unless a more specific requirement is indicated. Independent study courses are not included in the semester-based GPA calculation.

F Grade

The grade of F is recorded if the student has failed on the combined evaluation of work through the semester, or if the student officially withdraws from the course after the course withdrawal deadline and was failing the course at the time of withdrawal.

P Grade

The grade of P is recorded for a student who earns a passing grade after enrolling in an exercise and leisure activity course on a pass-fail basis. P grades are not used in computing the student’s GPA. F grades recorded for pass-fail course work are, however, computed in the GPA as F grades. The P grade is not used in determining whether a student qualifies to graduate with academic honors.

Z Grade

The Z grade is given to a student who earns a passing grade in certain courses for which the traditional grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, and D are deemed inappropriate. Courses for which the Z grade is authorized are denoted in the catalog listings; A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, and D grades are not awarded in these courses. The Z grade is also given for advanced placement credit, for credit by examination as in the College Level Examination Program, for credit earned in some Study Abroad courses, for credit based on Armed Forces experiences, and for credit earned in a course for which a student has appropriately exercised the “Z grade option” described below.

Z grades are not used in computing a student’s GPA; F grades recorded for Z-graded course work are, however, computed in the GPA as F grades. The Z grade is not used in determining whether a student qualifies to graduate with academic honors. The Z grade in a course is considered to satisfy any “C or better” prerequisite requirements when enrolling in other courses.

I Mark

The temporary mark of I (incomplete) is given to a student when, for unusual reasons acceptable to the instructor, course requirements cannot be completed before the end of the semester. The instructor will submit an I Mark Assignment Form online during final grade submission, which will detail the work to be completed and the deadline for completion. This information will be conveyed to the student via email. COURSE FAILURE OR UNEXPLAINED CLASS ABSENCES MAY NOT BE USED AS REASONS TO ASSIGN AN I MARK. I marks are not computed in determining a student’s GPA. If an I mark for an undergraduate student has not been changed to a regular grade before the course withdrawal deadline (the 30th day of classes) of the next regular semester (excluding summer terms), the I automatically changes to an F and is computed in the GPA. AN I MARK MAY NOT BE REMOVED BY FORMALLY ENROLLING IN THE SAME COURSE IN A SUBSEQUENT SEMESTER AT THIS UNIVERSITY OR ANY OTHER INSTITUTION.

IP Mark

The mark of IP (in progress) may be assigned to the first course in specifically designated course sequences whose nature is such that a regular grade would not be appropriate until the conclusion of the second course. Although a student’s course load reflects registration for the first course, both credit hours and grade points for the work done in both courses are assigned only upon completion of the second course. The IP mark is permanent, but is not used in computing the student’s GPA. Course sequences for which the IP mark is authorized are denoted in the catalog listings.

W Mark

The W mark is recorded if the student obtains authorization to withdraw from a course after the course withdrawal deadline and was not failing the course at the time of withdrawal. The W mark is not computed in determining the GPA.

The Z Grade Option

A current undergraduate student who is classified as a junior or senior may elect to take one course for credit toward the student’s undergraduate degree that would ordinarily be graded on an A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, or F basis but for which the student will receive either a Z or an F grade. Upon making this election, the student will receive a Z grade for the course if the student earns the equivalent of a C or higher in the course; otherwise, the student will receive an F grade. To make this Z grade election as to a particular course, the student must obtain the approval of the student’s dean. The election may not be made as to the following courses: (1) a course that a student will use to satisfy university core curriculum requirements; (2) a course that a student will use to satisfy the required curriculum component of any major or minor course of study or any degree (that is, the courses specifically identified as required or the minimum semester hours in particular subjects or in a department indicated as required); and (3) a course that a student will use to satisfy any requirement of a major or minor course of study or degree that a minimum number of hours be taken in courses of a particular level or higher (e.g., 300 level or higher). If a student elects to take a course on a Z grade basis but then subsequently changes degree plans such that the course becomes one to which one of the foregoing exclusions apply, then the student must retake and receive credit for the course on an A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, or F basis. A student who elects to take a course for a Z grade under this policy may rescind this election up through the last day for registering or adding classes, but not thereafter. Conversely, a student who registers to take a class offered on an A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, or F basis but would be entitled to elect to take the class on a Z grade basis according to this policy may make this election up through the last day for registering or adding classes, but not thereafter.

X Mark

The mark of X is recorded for the student who enrolls as an auditor in a course and who fulfills all requirements established by the instructor for auditing students. If the student does not meet the requirements, no recording of the course is made to the student’s permanent record. The deadline for changing one’s status in a course to or from “audit” is the course withdrawal deadline.

Change of Grade

A course instructor may change a reported grade only if the original grade was incorrectly assigned due to clerical or computational error, or if a student meets the requirements for the removal of an I mark.

Repeating a Course

With the exception of courses that are specifically indicated to be repeatable for credit, students may repeat courses taken at the university according to the following requirements:

  • The first or prior courses must have been completed with a grade of B-, C+, C, C-, D, F, Z or P;
  • A course with an Incomplete grade cannot be repeated;
  • A lower-division course may be repeated twice (e.g., three attempts) and an upper-division or graduate course may be repeated once; exceptions to these numbers of attempts must be approved by the chair of the department controlling the course;
  • Letter grades for all attempts will appear on the student’s permanent academic record and will be calculated into the student’s cumulative GPA (unless the Forgiveness Policy is invoked for the course);
  • Credit toward a degree will be granted only once;
  • If a student passes a course at the university and then fails the course on a repeated attempt, the passing attempt will apply to degree requirements.

Individual schools may establish more restrictive requirements for their majors.

The Forgiveness Policy

An undergraduate student may improve his or her overall GPA by repeating a maximum of four courses (not to exceed 12 credit hours) in which the student received a grade of C-, D or F and requesting that the repeat grade be the only one counted in the GPA calculation. The repeat must be in the same course and must be taken at the University of Mississippi in fall 1992 or later. The student must file a Petition to Invoke Grade Forgiveness Policy with the registrar, stating which courses are to be forgiven. For an upper-division course, this petition must be approved by the department/program chair controlling the course. Once the student has declared one or more courses, different courses cannot be substituted at a later date. The forgiveness policy cannot be used to remove grades given for reasons of academic discipline. Forgiveness of a course grade will not change notations concerning academic standing or honors in the student's official record for the semester containing the forgiven course.

Although both courses will remain on the student’s permanent record, the last grade received will be the one used to determine credit towards a degree and GPA. The first attempt will be recorded with both the grade earned and the symbol R to denote that it has been repeated. The recalculated GPA will be used for determining graduation honors.

The forgiveness policy does not apply to students enrolled in the professional program in the School of Pharmacy for grades received in required professional courses as designated in the curricula for the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

Credit by Examination

A student may be granted college-level credit for the following types of learning, examinations, or experiences. The total number of hours one may earn through credit by examination is no more than half of the total hours required for the degree program. The grade of Z is granted for these credits. The credits will be posted to a student’s academic record upon enrollment.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Students who participate in the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program offered through their high school, and who earn appropriate scores on the AP examination, will receive the following academic credit:

Examination Score UM Course Hours
Art History 3-5 AH 101 3
Biology 3-5 Bisc 102, 103 4
Chemistry 4-5 Chem 105 3 (no lab credit)
Chinese Language and Culture 3 Chin 102 3
4-5 Chin 201, 202 6
Computer Science A 3 Csci 103 3
4-5 Csci 111 3
Computer Science AB 4-5 Csci 112 3
Economics: Macro 4-5 Econ 203 3
Economics: Micro 4-5 Econ 202 3
English Lit/Comp or Lang/Comp 3-4 Writ 101 3
5 Writ 101, 102 6
European History 4-5 His 101 3
French Language 3 Fr 102 3
4-5 Fr 201, 202 6
French Literature 4 Fr 331 3
German Language 3 Germ 102 3
4-5 Germ 201, 202 6
Government and Politics: Comparative 3-5 Pol 102 3
Government and Politics: United States 3-5 Pol 101 3
Human Geography 4-5 100-level Geog 3
Japanese Language and Culture 3 Japn 102 3
4-5 Japn 201, 202 6
Latin: Virgil 3 Lat 331 3
4-5 Lat 331, 332 6
Mathematics: Statistics 4-5 Math 115 3
Mathematics: Calculus AB 4-5 Math 261 3
Mathematics: Calculus BC 4-5 Math 261, 262 6
Mathematics: AB Subscore 4-5 Math 261 3
Music Theory 3-5 Mus 102 3
Physics B 4 Phys 213 3
5 Phys 213, 214 6
Physics C: Mechanics 4-5 Phys 211 3
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 4-5 Phys 212 3
Psychology 4-5 Psy 201 3
Spanish Language 3 Span 102 3
4-5 Span 201, 202 6
Spanish Literature 4-5 Span 331 3
Studio Art: 2-D Design 4-5 Art 101 3
Studio Art: 3-D Design 4-5 Art 103 3
Studio Art: Drawing 4-5 Art 111 3
U.S. History 4-5 His 105 3
World History 4-5 100-level His 3

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Receiving CLEP credit in a specific degree program requires the approval of the dean and department chair concerned prior to taking the examination.

CLEP SUBJECT EXAMINATIONS. Students who earn appropriate scores on selected CLEP examinations will receive the following academic credit:

Examination Minimum Score UM Course Credit Hours
American Government 50 Pol 101 3
Biology 50 Bisc 102 3
Chemistry 50 Chem 105, 106* 6
College Algebra 50 Math 121 3
College Algebra Trigonometry 50 Math 125 3
College Composition 50 Writ 101 3
French Language 50 Fr 101, 102 6
French Language 62 Fr 101, 102, 201, 202 12
German Language 50 Germ 101, 102 6
German Language 63 Germ 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Human Growth and Development 50 Psy 301 3
Introductory Business Law 50 Bus 250 2
Introductory Psychology 50 Psy 201 3
Introductory Sociology 50 Soc 101 3
Principles of Accounting 50 Accy 201, 202 6
Principles of Macroeconomics 52 Econ 203 3
Principles of Microeconomics 53 Econ 202 3
Spanish Language 50 Span 101, 102 6
Spanish Language 63 Span 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Trigonometry 50 Math 123 3
U.S. History I: Early Colonization to 1877 50 His 105 3
U.S. History II: 1865 to the Present 50 His 106 3
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 50 His 101 3
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present 50 His 102 3

* Credit is granted in chemistry only if the student also submits a passing score on the American Chemical Society Test administered by the university’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. No credit is granted for chemistry lab courses.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

The University of Mississippi accepts credit by examination from the International Baccalaureate program. The College of Liberal Arts uses the following guiding principles for awarding International Baccalaureate credit: The student must take the Higher Level (HL) version of the course, the student must earn a score of 5 or higher on the examination, and the course must be approved by the appropriate department chairperson.

The following IB courses have been pre-approved for credit:

IB Course Title UM Credit
Biology Bisc 160, 161 (4 credit hours) Z-graded
Economics Econ 202 and 203 (6 credit hours)
English A1 Engl 222 (3 credit hours) Z-graded
History/Americas His 106 (3 credit hours) Z-graded
History/Europe His 102 (3 credit hours) Z-graded
Language A Span, Fr, Germ 202 and 303 (6 credit hours) and Chin, Ital, Japn, Port, Russ 202 and 301 (6 credit hours) Z-graded
Language B Span, Fr, Germ 304 and 399 (6 credit hours) and Chin, Ital, Japn, Port, Russ 302 and 399 (6 credit hours) Z-graded
Mathematics Math 261 (3 credit hours) Z-graded
Music Mus 330 (2 hours), Mus 309 (2 hours), and Mus: ST 2XX (2 hours)
Philosophy Phil 101 (3 credit hours) Z-graded
Psychology Psy 201 (3 credit hours) Z-graded
Theatre Arts Thea 201 (3 credit hours) Z-graded

As students present transcripts for other International Baccalaureate courses taken at the Higher Level (HL), then the appropriate department will review the course/exam and decide the appropriate University of Mississippi credit.

Advanced Standing Examination

An advanced standing examination is one taken by a student who has had the equivalent of the course under competent instruction but cannot secure credit by transcript. An Application for Special Examination Form, provided by the registrar, must be approved by the instructor giving the examination and the student’s academic dean. A fee is assessed for an advanced standing examination.

No more than 6 semester hours may be credited through advanced standing examinations. Credit by examination will not be given on work completed in high school (except for the Advanced Placement Program), or on work in excess of 65 semester hours transferred from a junior college. If a student enters a more advanced course in the subject, the advanced standing examination should precede registration for the course, and in no case may the examination be given for credit later than three weeks after entering the more advanced course.

Credit for Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces

Credit toward a degree may be granted to those students who submit to the Office of Admissions a certified copy of either D.D. Form 295 or D.D. Form 214, which indicates an honorable discharge and a period of continuous active duty for at least 90 days. Four semester hours in one of the university ROTC programs, or as physical education or elective credit, will be granted for basic training or its equivalent. Upon successful completion of 18 months with the Army National Guard/Active Army Reserve, an additional 6 hours will be awarded in the Army ROTC program. An additional 12 semester hours of credit in one of the ROTC programs may be granted to students who earned a commission while in service. Additional credit for training in formal service schools will be granted on the basis of recommendations published in Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services or the recommendations of the Commission on Accreditation of Service Experiences to the extent that the recommended credit can be evaluated as equivalent to a specific university course. The maximum credit allowed from these sources is 40 semester hours.

Credit also may be granted for correspondence courses completed through a United States Armed Forces Institute program up to the maximum of 33 semester hours for credit from all correspondence courses. Credit is not granted for correspondence courses administered by the armed services.

Transfer Credit

Evaluation of Transfer Credits

When a transfer student enrolls at the university, all transfer course work is evaluated and accepted work is recorded as part of the student’s permanent academic record.

The dean of the college or school to which the applicant is admitted determines which transfer credits will apply to the degree program. Students ordinarily receive no transfer credit for courses designed specifically for technical and vocational career programs. The status of a student’s transfer credits will be re-evaluated whenever the student changes his or her degree program.

A minimum GPA of 2.00 must be earned on all course work applied toward a bachelor’s degree, including a student’s accepted transfer and resident credits. To graduate, students also must have a minimum 2.00 GPA on all college course work attempted, as well as on all course work taken in residence at the University of Mississippi.

The limit on the acceptance of credit from a junior or community college is one-half the total requirements for graduation in a given curriculum.

Transfer of Nontraditional Credits

Transfer of credits earned in a nontraditional manner, such as credit by examination or for military experience, is determined on the same basis and by the same criteria as if the student had sought such credit originally at the University of Mississippi and without regard to the amount of credit awarded by the institution from which the student is transferring. In any case, the University of Mississippi does not transfer or award credit on the basis of ACT scores or the Achievement Tests of the College Board.

Courses Taken by a University of Mississippi Student at Another Institution

Once admitted to the university, a student must obtain written approval of his or her academic dean before taking courses at another institution with the intention of transferring credits toward a University of Mississippi degree.

A student will not receive credit for courses taken at another college or university while simultaneously attending the University of Mississippi unless prior approval is obtained from the student’s academic dean.

Undergraduate Credit for Graduate Courses

Undergraduate students of junior or senior standing may enroll in 500-level courses for undergraduate credit. Students receiving undergraduate credit for a course will have lower requirements than students receiving graduate credit for the course.

Graduate Credit for Senior Undergraduates

Under certain conditions, University of Mississippi seniors within 15 semester hours of the bachelor’s degree may enroll for a maximum of 3 semester hours of graduate courses at the 500 level, and seniors within 12 semester hours of the bachelor’s degree may enroll for a maximum of 6 semester hours of graduate courses at the 500 level on which graduate credit will be given towards a degree program in the Graduate School. The student must have an overall GPA of at least 3.00 on the last 60 hours of undergraduate work and be otherwise qualified for admission to the Graduate School. These courses must not be counted toward satisfying the requirements for the bachelor’s degree, and the department chair concerned and the dean of the Graduate School must have approved the courses for graduate credit before the undergraduate enrolls in them. Whereas the general rule is that a maximum of 6 semester hours can be earned by an undergraduate for graduate credit, this maximum can be extended for specifically approved programs that are designed to accelerate a student’s entry into a University of Mississippi graduate or first professional program. Courses taken by undergraduates for graduate credit will be designated on the transcript with the suffix G. Under no circumstances may undergraduates enroll in courses at the 600 level or above.

Academic Standing

There are four different categories of academic standing based on a student’s academic performance: good standing, academic probation, academic suspension, or academic dismissal. Probation, suspension, and dismissal become effective at the end of the semester in which the student fails to attain the GPA specified in the rules following. Although the student will usually receive official notification of such action, notification is not a prerequisite to the student’s being placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed. It is the student’s responsibility to ascertain his or her academic status prior to the beginning of each semester.

Good Standing

A student will be in good standing, and continue in good standing, when his or her cumulative GPA is 2.00 or higher.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on academic probation, and will continue to be on probation, when his or her cumulative GPA falls below a minimum of 2.00.

Academic Suspension

A student on academic probation will be placed on academic suspension if his or her cumulative GPA does not reach the required level, according to the number of hours attempted (see below). “Hours Attempted” include all previously earned credit hours (including hours transferred from other institutions, P and Z graded hours, and hours earned by examination or advanced placement) plus all attempted but unearned hours (including I, IP, and F graded courses). For this calculation, the I mark will be computed as F.

Hours Attempted Minimum GPA
1-30 1.60
31-60 1.80
61 or more 2.00

A student who is on suspension will be denied readmission to the university for at least one regular semester (not including the summer term). To continue enrollment without interruption, a student may be readmitted through one of the following options:

  • Attend the University of Mississippi during the summer term and earn a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher on 12 or more hours. Note: It may be possible for a student who invokes the forgiveness policy during the summer term to raise his or her grade-point average to be readmitted (Policy Directory: Policy Code ACA.AR.200.003)
  • Enroll in the Contractual Readmission Program at least two weeks prior to the first day of classes in the fall or spring semester

A student in the Contractual Readmission Program is required to meet before the first day of classes with a learning specialist in the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to arrange an acceptable class schedule of 12 to 16 credit hours and to create a personal academic success plan. A student in the Contractual Readmission Program also is required to enroll in and successfully complete Edhe 202, Fundamentals of Active Learning, and to earn a 2.20 semester GPA or higher in the returning semester. A student who completes the Contractual Readmission Program requirements, but who earns a semester GPA of between 2.00 and 2.19, may continue in the program to complete all requirements during the following semester.

A student will be academically dismissed if the student fails to:

  • Achieve good standing, or
  • Achieve at least a 2.00 semester GPA on 12 or more hours, or
  • Complete all Contractual Readmission Program requirements at the end of the second semester in the program

Both the suspension and the readmission will be recorded on the student’s permanent record. No student shall be academically suspended unless he or she has been placed on probation for at least one semester.

Academic Dismissal

If a student is on probation as a result of having returned from an academic suspension or dismissal, and fails to meet the 2.00 GPA retention standard for any semester, then he or she will be academically dismissed for one calendar year. For this calculation, an I mark will be computed as an F. The student may appeal for readmission at the end of this year; readmission will be determined by the Faculty Committee on Readmission Appeals and is automatic for students who have been dismissed only one time. No student shall be academically dismissed from the university unless he or she has first been previously academically suspended or dismissed.

Students who have been suspended or dismissed for longer than 48 months may wish to consider the Academic Restart option described in the Admission to the University chapter.

Readmitted Students

A student who returns after an academic suspension or dismissal will automatically be on academic probation. No work earned elsewhere during the suspension or dismissal will be used either in the calculation of the candidate’s academic status, nor transferred as credit toward a degree.

Part-time Students

Part-time students (those carrying fewer than 12 hours, graded and ungraded combined, per semester) on academic probation will stay on probation until the term in which they have attempted 12 or more hours since the last determination of status. At the end of that term, their status will be recalculated as if all the new work had been done in a single term, and a new status will be determined.

Repeated Probation

A student who has been moved from probation to good standing will be subject to new academic action in accordance with the preceding rules exactly as if the student had never been previously placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed.

Degree Requirements

The following requirements are established by the university for all undergraduate degrees. The student also must complete additional requirements for each specific degree; these are established by each college and school within the university and are described elsewhere in this catalog.

University Core Curriculum

The core curriculum is a set of 30 hours of course work taken by students. The core includes the following courses required for all entering freshmen students: 6 hours of English composition (Honors students may satisfy English composition requirements by taking Hon 101 and 102), 3 hours of college algebra or quantitative reasoning or statistics (taken from a department of mathematics) or a more advanced mathematics course; 6 hours of natural science; 9 hours of humanities and fine arts, and 6 hours of social or behavioral science courses.

The purpose of the core curriculum, along with course work in the major, electives, and co-curricular learning experiences, is to provide a general education experience for students to enable them to

  1. Study the principal domains of knowledge and their methods of inquiry;
  2. Integrate knowledge from diverse disciplines;
  3. Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate complex and challenging material that stimulates intellectual curiosity, reflection, and capacity for lifelong learning;
  4. Communicate qualitative, quantitative, and technological concepts by effective written, oral, numerical, and graphical means;
  5. Work individually and collaboratively on projects that require the application of knowledge and skill;
  6. Understand a variety of world cultures as well as the richness and complexity of American society; and
  7. Realize that knowledge and ability carry with them a responsibility for their constructive and ethical use in society.

Intended General Education Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completing the core curriculum, along with certain courses within the program/major and co-curricular learning experiences, University of Mississippi baccalaureate-seeking students should demonstrate the following general education competencies:

  • Mathematical reasoning
  • Written and oral communication
  • Analytical reasoning/critical thinking (evaluation and analysis of complex material and sources of information
  • Ethical reasoning/responsibility

Declaring a Major

When entering the university, a student may declare an intended degree program (major) or may declare to be undecided. Students who have completed at least 12 hours at the university and who wish to declare a major or switch majors must have at least a 2.0 overall GPA (resident GPA) on these hours and must have at least a 2.0 GPA on all work attempted at other institutions. Individual degree programs and schools may impose a higher entering resident GPA requirement or selection criteria, and academic deans may approve exceptions to the above GPA requirement. Students must also declare a major upon completion of 45 credit hours.

Minimum Credit Hours

All baccalaureate degree programs require at least 120 semester hours with passing grades. Students who take more than the required number of hours will designate on a Degree Application Form which courses are to be applied towards the degree.

Minimum Grade-point Average

For the award of a bachelor’s degree from any school or college of the University of Mississippi, a student must earn a GPA of at least 2.00 on all course work submitted in fulfillment of the course requirements for the degree. In addition, the student must earn a minimum GPA of 2.00 on all course work attempted at the University of Mississippi. Finally, the student must have a minimum 2.00 GPA on all college work attempted at any institution of higher learning.

There may be additional grade requirements for the College of Liberal Arts or the professional schools. It is the student’s responsibility to check on the requirements applicable to the specific degree for which he or she is a candidate.

Academic Residency Requirements

All courses taken at the University of Mississippi Oxford campus, at any of the university’s resident centers in Tupelo, Jackson, Southaven, or other locations in Mississippi, through the university’s Department of Independent Study by a University of Mississippi student, or through approved study abroad and exchange programs where the student is registered in University of Mississippi courses, are considered to be courses taken in residence.

At least 25 percent of the semester credit hours required for an undergraduate degree (e.g., 31 hours for a 124-hour degree) must be taken in residence. At least 30 semester hours of residence credit must be taken in the school or college recommending the degree. Both hours taken before and after a student declares a major in a particular school or college may be used to satisfy the 30-hour residence requirement.

Last 21-Hour Residency Requirement

Students must acquire at least 15 of their last 21 credit hours in residence at the university. That is, no more than 6 of the last 21 hours may be transfer credit. A student may not apply courses taken from the university’s Independent Study department or via the university’s study abroad or exchange programs towards this 15-hour requirement unless the student has obtained written approval from the student’s academic department and dean before enrolling in the course.

Degree Application

Each senior must file a degree application, listing courses and credit hours to be applied towards the degree, with his or her academic dean. Deadlines for submitting this application are set by the college and schools.

Diploma Application

A candidate for graduation must submit an application for a diploma to the registrar on or before the deadline for the application for diploma, as stated in the Academic Calendar. Application is made for graduation at a specified time; if a student fails to graduate at that time, he or she must submit another application to be considered for graduation at a later date.


Attendance at commencement exercises is required for those students who graduate at the end of spring or summer semesters. In case of hardship, a student may petition his or her academic dean to be excused. With the recommendation of the dean and the approval of the chancellor, the degree can be awarded in absentia. Students who graduate at mid-year are invited to participate in the spring commencement, but are not required to attend.

Dual Major and Second Bachelor’s Degree

A student may receive a single bachelor’s degree with more than one major. For example, a student may receive a B.A. degree in the College of Liberal Arts with a double major. Regardless of whether the requirements for the two majors are completed simultaneously or in succession, the university is authorized to award a single degree and diploma in such cases.

A student may receive a second bachelor’s degree of a different degree type (e.g., the first degree being a B.A. and the second being a B.S.) by completing at least 30 additional semester hours in residence from the university with a minimum 2.00 GPA for these additional hours. All requirements for the second degree must be completed, including courses required for the major and general education courses that may be different from those for the first degree program. As an example, if the first degree requires 124 hours, a student must complete an additional 30 hours (154 hours total and including all specific course requirements for both programs) to be awarded a second, different bachelor’s degree. If the two degrees are awarded by the same school/college, then there may be additional rules imposed by that school/college. Two diplomas are awarded in this case, whether or not the requirements for the degrees are met simultaneously or in succession.

If a student has received the first degree from another institution, to receive a second bachelor’s degree from the University of Mississippi, he or she must satisfy the specific courses for the major with at least 30 hours in residence enrollment and with a minimum 2.00 GPA on work attempted at the university. Note that the 30 hours of University of Mississippi resident work is a minimum and that at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree must be completed from the University of Mississippi.

Curriculum Changes

Whenever possible, the university allows a student to obtain a degree by completing the curriculum course requirements in the catalog in effect at the time of the first, or any subsequent, registration at the University of Mississippi or at an accredited junior, community, or senior college, provided the work is completed within six years of the publication date of the catalog used. In the case of minor changes to a specified curriculum, a school or college may require substitute courses or activities to meet the spirit of the requirements. However, in the case of substantial changes to the curriculum, the university reserves the right to require currently enrolled students to follow a new curriculum.


Honor Roll Requirements

Undergraduate students who earn a semester GPA of 3.50-3.74 will be listed on the Dean’s Honor Roll; those who earn a semester GPA of 3.75-4.00 will be listed on the Chancellor’s Honor Roll. To be eligible for honor roll designation, a student must have completed at least 12 A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F-graded hours for the semester and may not be on academic probation during the semester.

Graduation with Honors

For excellent scholarship, the University of Mississippi awards bachelor’s degrees CUM LAUDE, MAGNA CUM LAUDE, and SUMMA CUM LAUDE.

General Requirements
To graduate with honors, a student must have the recommendation of the faculty, and must never have undergone disciplinary suspension, dismissal, or expulsion. Graduation honors are based on a student’s cumulative GPA on all college work attempted. However, courses numbered below 100, grades which have been removed under the forgiveness policy, and grades earned before Academic Restart are not included in calculating the GPA for honors. At least one-half of the number of semester hours of work required for the degree (e.g., 62 for a 124-hour degree program) must be completed at the University of Mississippi. The required GPA must be attained on all work attempted in residence at the University of Mississippi separately considered, as well as on all college work attempted both at the university and at other institutions, including independent study (correspondence or Internet-based) courses taken, regardless of whether such work has been accepted for transfer credit at the university.

Cum Laude
To be eligible for a degree CUM LAUDE, a student must have a grade-point average of 3.50 or above but below 3.75 on all college work attempted.

Magna Cum Laude
To be eligible for a degree MAGNA CUM LAUDE, a student must have a grade-point average of 3.75 or above but below 3.90 on all college work attempted.

Summa Cum Laude
To be eligible for a degree SUMMA CUM LAUDE, a student must have a grade-point average of 3.90 or above on all college work attempted.

Academic Conduct

Standards of Honesty

The university is conducted on a basis of common honesty. Dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the university are regarded as particularly serious offenses. Disruptive behavior in an academic situation or purposely harming academic facilities also are grounds for academic discipline.

Disciplinary Procedures

In the College of Liberal Arts and in the Schools of Accountancy, Applied Sciences, Business Administration, Education, and Journalism, faculty members handle cases of academic dishonesty in their classes by recommending an appropriate sanction after discussion with the student. Possible sanctions include: failure on the work in question, retake of an examination, extra work, grade reduction or failure in the course, disciplinary probation, or suspension or expulsion from the university. An appeals process is available to the student. A more complete statement concerning definitions, offenses, penalties, and grievance procedures may be found in the UM Policy Directory.

The Schools of Law, Pharmacy, and Engineering deal with disciplinary infractions through their student bodies, which maintain Honor Code systems.

Academic Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure

The grade appeal policy and procedure is designed to provide an undergraduate or graduate student at the University of Mississippi with a clearly defined avenue for appealing the assignment of a course grade, following the posting of final grades, that he/she believes was based on prejudice, discrimination, arbitrary or capricious action, or other reasons not related to academic performance. The student’s request for a grade appeal must be taken successively to the instructor, the chair of the department (or director of the program) in which the grade was given, and the dean of the school or college to which the department belongs, with a possible resolution of the conflict at any stage. Either the student or the instructor may appeal a decision made at the dean’s level. This formal grade appeal will be reviewed by the Academic Appeals Committee and by the vice chancellor for academic affairs.

A final grade is the instructor’s evaluation of the student’s work and achievement throughout a semester’s participation in a course. Factors upon which the final grade may be based include attendance; recitation and class participation; written, oral, and online quizzes; reports; papers; final examinations; and other class activities. There is a presumption that the instructor who has conducted the course is professionally competent to judge the student’s work, and in the absence of convincing evidence to the contrary, has evaluated it fairly. In all cases, the complaining student shall have the burden of proof with regard to all allegations in his/her complaint and in his/her request for review or hearing. If a party fails to pursue any step of the grade appeal procedure within its allotted time, the disposition of the case made in the last previous step shall be final. All correspondence and records shall be retained in the office in which the complaint is finally resolved.

A grade appeal cannot be based upon differences in grade assignments between multisection courses, whether or not the course sections are taught by the same instructor.

This policy and procedure below applies to students and courses taught on the main campus, off-campus centers, and online. In the following outline, time periods in Steps 1 and 2 are in calendar days, and the time periods apply to intersession and summer terms, as well as fall and spring semesters. Written appeals may be transmitted electronically. Individual schools may utilize different versions of Steps 1 and 2 (e.g., if there are no department chairs within the school), but Steps 3-5 should be followed. If a graduate student wishes to appeal the results received on his/her comprehensive examination, he/she should contact the dean of the Graduate School for the appropriate policy.

The grade initially assigned by an instructor remains in effect, until and unless a change is determined by the appeal process.

Outline of Grade Appeal Procedure and Time Schedules

Step 1. Informal Consultation with Faculty Member. This must be initiated within 30 calendar days of the posting of the course grade for viewing by students. The instructor’s decision, whether a denial of the appeal or other resolution, must be completed within 15 days of receiving the appeal.

Step 2. Appeal to the Department Chair. If a student wishes to appeal a grade further, he or she must submit a written appeal to the chair of the department (or director of the program) in which the course is being appealed, with a copy submitted to the chair of the department in which the student is majoring (if different), within seven days following the end of Step 1. The course-controlling department chair has 15 calendar days from receipt of the appeal to achieve resolution of the appeal.

Step 3. Appeal to the Dean. If a student wishes to appeal a grade further, he or she must submit a written request to the dean of the school or college in which the course was offered, with copies to the chair (or director) of the department and to the chair of the department in which the student is majoring (if different), within seven days following the end of the 15-day time period in Step 2. (In the case of a graduate student, this written appeal must be sent to the dean of the Graduate School.) The dean will then take action to have a Grade Appeal function appear within the student’s (and instructor’s, chair’s, and dean’s) myOleMiss portal. An email will be sent to each party, explaining that they are able to enter or upload the basis for the appeal/denial, including attaching pertinent correspondence and materials. The department chair must enter copies of correspondence and other pertinent material within five days of receiving this email. The dean must render a written decision within 15 days of receipt of the appeal.

Step 4. Appeal to Academic Appeals Committee. Either the student or the instructor may request a review by the Academic Appeals Committee. A written request, including the student’s name, ID, the course/section, and instructor, must be submitted to the vice chancellor for academic affairs (provost) via the myOleMiss Grade Appeal function within 15 days of the receipt of the dean’s decision. The Academic Appeals Committee will then review the information provided to reach a recommendation.

Step 5. Review by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The vice chancellor for academic affairs (provost) will review the recommendation by the Academic Appeals Committee and shall render a final decision on the appeal. The decision of the vice chancellor cannot be further appealed.

Explanation of the Steps in a Grade Appeal

Step 1. Informal Consultation. The student shall first consult with the instructor in an effort to reach a satisfactory resolution of his or her appeal. It is a part of the professional obligation of members of the university faculty to meet with students who wish to avail themselves of this academic grade appeal procedure for the purpose of reviewing the grade assigned and attempting to resolve the matter. In the event that the student cannot schedule a face-to-face meeting with the faculty member, the student may attempt to consult with the instructor by email or phone, or the student may ask the department chair to schedule the meeting between the student and the faculty member. Informal consultation is a required first step, and no further grade appeal is permitted unless informal consultation is first attempted. The only exception to this procedure is when the faculty member no longer is employed by the university or is otherwise unavailable so that it is impossible to complete Step 1. In this case, the student may proceed directly to Step 2.

Step 2. Appeal to Department Chair. If the matter is not resolved in Step 1, the student may present an appeal in writing to the chair of the department (or director of the program) in which the course was offered.

The department chair shall attempt to resolve the appeal in consultation with the faculty member and the student within 15 calendar days of receipt of the written appeal. The department chair may consult with other faculty members of the department about the matter. (In any appeal to a chair/director, the student should send a copy of the appeal to the chair of the department of his or her major.)

Step 3. Appeal to the Dean. If the appeal cannot be resolved at the level of Step 2 within the 15-day prescribed time period, the student, within seven calendar days following the end of such period, may request in writing an appeal to the dean. Upon receiving a request for an appeal to Step 3, the dean will initiate an electronic record of the appeal using the myOleMiss portal. The student, instructor, and chair will be informed as to how to enter information, including the text of an appeal, correspondence records, and evidence, into an online system. The chair is responsible for entering the correspondence and evidence in his possession within five days. The student may enter the basis for his or her appeal, along with any evidence he or she wishes to present. Components of this written appeal, evidence, and correspondence will be made viewable to the student, chair, instructor, and dean. (In the case of a graduate student, the written appeal should be made to the dean of the Graduate School.)

The dean may use any resource available to the dean’s office to resolve the grade conflict within a 15-day period following receipt of the appeal. The dean shall communicate his/her decision to the student, faculty member, and department chair. (If the student is majoring in a different school/college, the electronic records will be viewable by the latter dean and chair/director of the program in which the student is majoring.)

Step 4. Appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee. Either the student or the instructor may appeal the decision made under Step 3 within 15 days by submitting a written request, via the myOleMiss portal, to the vice chancellor for academic affairs, asking for a review by the Academic Appeals Committee. The request for a review by an Academic Appeals Committee should state the factual basis for the appeal of the dean’s decision. This request for appeal is the primary document setting forth the contention of either the student or instructor that the decision made by the dean should be reversed. Therefore, this request for appeal should be carefully drawn and supported by attachments of all relevant documentary material.

Upon receiving a request for review of a grade appeal, the vice chancellor for academic affairs shall call to action the Academic Appeals Committee. This is a standing committee comprising four faculty members and three students, one of whom is at the graduate or professional level. The committee is chaired by an associate vice chancellor for academic affairs, serving in a non-voting capacity. Ordinarily, the faculty members serve three-year, staggered terms and are appointed by the Faculty Senate from among the tenured or tenure-track faculty members. The students are appointed by the Associated Student Body (2) and Graduate Student Council (1) and may serve terms that last up to three years. Alternates will be identified for both the faculty and student committee members, for replacement of the primary members who are unavailable for various reasons, including declared conflict of interest with parties in a case.

The chair of the Academic Appeals Committee shall appoint a subcommittee that shall review all written material for an appeal to determine if a formal hearing is warranted. If, in the opinion of the subcommittee, a formal hearing is not warranted, a decision on the appeal shall be made by the Academic Appeals Committee based upon written evidence submitted by the student and the faculty member. If the subcommittee finds that the student’s or the instructor’s request merits a hearing, the chair of the Academic Appeals Committee shall notify all parties (student, instructor, chair, and dean) in writing of the time and location of the hearing.

The purpose of the hearing is to elicit information on which the committee may base a recommendation to the vice chancellor for action. It is not to be construed as a trial in a court of law. The hearing before the committee shall be closed and shall be limited to only the student, instructor, chair/director, and dean, as well as any witnesses who receive prior approval by the committee to attend. Both student and instructor may provide any additional written materials they desire, and the committee may request additional material if it deems such necessary. Both the student and instructor concerned shall be afforded the right to present witnesses or other evidence, question opposing witnesses, and make a concluding statement. No attorneys shall be permitted to represent participants in Academic Appeals Committee hearings.

The Academic Appeals Committee shall audio record all hearings and preserve these audio files until all further avenues of appeal shall have expired. At the student’s or faculty member’s request, copies of the audio file shall be made available. When the committee has reviewed all documents and heard such testimony as it considers necessary to reach a conclusion, it shall adopt by majority vote a recommendation to be made to the vice chancellor for academic affairs. The recommendation should be either to sustain the action taken at the dean’s level (Step 3) or to take some other action with respect to the grade that is being appealed. The committee may (1) recommend that the grade remain as it was originally assigned by the instructor, or (2) report that in the judgment of the committee the original grade was arbitrarily or capriciously assigned and recommend that another designated grade be given.

The recommendation of the committee should be logged into the electronic record of the appeal and should be transmitted to the vice chancellor for academic affairs. The recommendation of the committee should contain as explicitly as the nature of the case will allow the grounds on which the recommendation of the committee is based. The chair of the committee shall transmit copies of the committee’s recommendation to the student, instructor, department chair/director, dean associated with the course, and department chair and dean associated with the student’s major.

Step 5. Final Decision by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The vice chancellor for academic affairs shall make the final decision, utilizing any resources to assist in deciding the appeal. The vice chancellor shall have the right to allow the assigned grade to stand or to raise or lower the assigned grade. He/she shall inform all parties involved, including the Academic Appeals Committee, of his/her final decision on the matter.

Retention of Records
As part of the university’s grade appeal procedure, faculty members are required to keep grade-related materials until the completion of the next regular (spring or fall) semester. Material that applies to an ongoing grade appeal process must be retained for six months following completion of the grade appeal process. Grade-related material refers to examinations, projects, term papers, records on grades, attendance records, electronic files, and other material that is used in the grading process and is not returned to the student. If materials are returned to the student, a student desiring to appeal must present any tests, examinations, term papers, or other graded material that form the basis for his or her appeal.

Access to Students’ Educational Records

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA or the Buckley Amendment) is a federal law that governs access to the students’ education records. This law grants students guaranteed access to their educational records; such access includes the right to inspect and review educational records, the right to obtain copies of the records (a copying fee may be charged), and the right to challenge or supplement information on file in order to prevent flawed interpretation. Certain records (i.e., medical records) are not deemed to be educational records and are therefore not accessible to students. Additionally, the Buckley Amendment prohibits the disclosure of “personally identifiable information” to third parties without the prior written consent of the student. Exceptions may be made only for university officials and others with legitimate educational interests. The university may disclose “directory information” unless the student notifies the university to the contrary. Directory information is defined as a student’s name, address, telephone number, email address, date and place of birth, major field of study, student activities, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most previous educational agency or institution attended by the student. If you have questions about the law or want more information, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 662-915-7226.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.