B.S. in Cytotechnology (2 +2)


A B.S. in cytotechnology degree (a 2 + 2 program with The University of Mississippi Medical Center) prepares an individual for employment in a hospital, clinic, or private laboratory. A cytotechnologist, working under the direction of a pathologist, detects cell changes caused by different disease processes.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 58

General Education Requirements

See the 'General Education/Core Curriculum' for the School of Liberal Arts.

Course Requirements

The B.S. degree with a major in cytotechnology is a two-phase program. For The University of Mississippi Medical Center degree program, the first phase requires the completion of 58 semester hours of academic credit in the College of Liberal Arts with a minimum 2.0 GPA. The courses to be completed at the Oxford campus, which are specific prerequisites for the program at UMMC only, are as follows:

Courses                                     Semester Hours
Engl 101, 102 (or LIBA 102)                       6
Bisc 160, 161, 162, 163 Biology                   8
Chem 105, 115, 106, 116 Chemistry                 8
Math 121 College Algebra                          3
Math Elective                                     3
Bisc 333 Microbiology                             4
Bisc 206, 207 Anatomy and Physiology              8
Psycho/Social Science Elective (psychology,
  sociology, anthropology, economics, political
  science, or geography)                          3
Fine Arts                                         3
Humanities                                        9
Electives (to bring total to 58 hours)            6
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