B.A. in Philosophy
Philosophy is the study of the fundamental ideas underlying every dimension of human life. A major in philosophy helps one to think clearly, communicate persuasively, engage in moral reasoning, and formulate a coherent approach to life. Typically, philosophy majors go on to graduate school, law school, medical school, theological studies, or careers in business.
Minimum Total Credit Hours: 124
General Education Requirements
See the 'General Education/Core Curriculum' for the College of Liberal Arts.
Course Requirements
A B.A. in philosophy consists of 30 semester hours that must include Phil 301, 302, 319, 321, 324, 497, and any other 12 hours of philosophy courses. Religion courses that are not cross-listed with philosophy courses do not count toward the degree.
Other Academic Requirements
A grade of C or higher is required in all philosophy or religion courses applied toward the degree.