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The Schools of Nursing and Pharmacy operate on both the Oxford and Jackson campuses. The Schools of Dentistry, Health Related Professionals and Medicine, and the Health Sciences Graduate School, are based in Jackson only. (Additional healthcare programs are available through the School of Applied Sciences on the Oxford campus.) Other than these exceptions, the schools above are on the Oxford campus.

B.A. in Art

Degree Requirements

The academic regulations for this degree program, as entered in the University of Mississippi Catalog, are in effect for the current or selected academic year and semester. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change rules for registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.

General Education

Requirement Hours Description
First Year Writing I 3 Complete Hon 101, Writ 100 or Writ 101 with a passing grade.
First Year Writing II 3 Complete one of the following courses with a passing grade: Liba 102, Writ 102 or Hon 102.
6 hrs literature survey 6 Complete 6 hours of literature survey with a passing grade. Choose from the following courses: Eng 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, or Eng 226.
6 hrs modern/ancient language 200+ 6 Successfully complete at least 6 hours at the 200 level or above in one modern or ancient language.
6 hrs history 6 Complete 6 hours in History (HST) course work with a passing grade.
3 hrs humanities 3 Successfully complete 3 hours in one of the following areas: African-American studies; classical civilization; environmental studies (Envs 101); gender studies (G St 201, 301, 333, 350); philosophy; religion; Southern studies (S St 101, 102). In addition, gender studies courses that are cross-listed with African American studies, classical civilization, English, modern languages, philosophy, or religion courses will satisfy this requirement.
6 hrs social science 6 Successfully complete 6 semester hours in anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, or sociology.
3 hrs fine arts 3 Complete 3 hours in the area of fine or performing arts. Choose from art history, music, dance, and theatre arts. Studio and workshop courses cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. Acceptable freshman or sophommore-level courses are: AH 101, AH 102, AH 201, AH 202; Music 101, Music 102, Music 103, Music 104, Music 105; Dance 200; Theatre 201 and 202
3 hrs math 100+ 3 Successfully complete 3 hours of Math at the 100 level or above except for Math 245 and Math 246.
9-12 hrs science 9 Complete a full year of science course work in one subject area (6-8 hrs) and complete 3 credit hours in a subject area from another department. Courses may be chosen from the departments of Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geology and Geological Engineering, or Physics and Astronomy.
2 associated science labs 2 Successfully complete at least two science laboratory courses.

Major Requirements

Requirement Hours Description
AH 201 3 Complete AH 201 with a passing grade.
AH 202 3 Complete AH 202 with a passing grade.
Art 101 3 Art 101: Two-Dimensional Design
Art 102 3 Art 102: Color Theory
Art 103 3 Art 103: Three-Dimensional Design
Art 111 3 Art 111: Drawing I
Art 211 3 Art 211: Drawing II
Art 202 or 360 3 Art 202: Photo Imaging, Art 360: Vector Imaging
3 hrs AH 300+ level course work 3 Successfully complete 3 crh of art history (AH) at the 300 level or higher.
Art electives 15 Art 581: Black-And-White Photography, Art 202: Photo Imaging, Art 471: Advanced Printmaking, Art 373: Book Arts, Art 488: Sur of Black Amer Art, Art 113: Drawing, Art 583: Digital Photography, Art 352: Jewelry, Art 321: Beginning Painting, Art 361: Tchg Art-Elem Sch, Art 421: Painting, Art 432: Advanced Sculpture, Art 582: Medieval Art, Art 561: Typography, Art 383: Renaissance Art, Art 333: Sculpture, Art 461: Advanced Graphic Design and Illustration, Art 208: Graphics for Int II, Art 442: Advanced Ceramics, Art 523: Plein Air, Art 102: Intro to Design, Art 364: Web Design I, Art 567: Art Workshop, Art 565: Web Design II, Art 101: Two-Dimensional Design, Art 360: Vector Imaging, Art 465: Web Design II, Art 366: Letterpress, Art 595: Sur of Black Amer Art, Art 394: 20th Cn Eur Art 1900-5, Art 381: Ancient Art, Art 571: Printmaking, Art 461: Phil of Art Education, Art 591: Con Art & Architecture, Art 311: Figure Drawing I, Art 201: Basic Design, Art 541: Pottery and Ceramics, Art 573: Book Arts, Art 382: Medieval Art, Art 511: Drawing, Art 372: Intro to Intaglio Printmaking, Art 584: 19-20 Cn Art-Eur/Amer, Art 331: Beginning Sculpture, Art 431: Advanced Sculpture, Art 404: Spec Prob-Photography, Art 495: Art Theory Criticism, Art 564: Pottery Workshop, Art 281: Art Appreciation, Art 242: Beginning Ceramics, Art 542: Pottery & Ceramics, Art 412: Rendering Techniques, Art 515: Craft of Old Master Drawings & Paintings, Art 398: Special Topics in Art, Art 532: Sculpture, Art 342: Handbuilding, Art 596: History of Printmaking, Art 343: Intensive Wheel Throwing, Art 402: Advanced Illustration, Art 483: Advanced Digital Photography, Art 305: Survey of Interiors I, Art 312: Figure Drawing II, Art 534: Studies in Documentary Field Work, Art 414: Exhibition Design, Art 432: Advanced Head Modeling, Art 460: Graphic Design III, Package Design, Art 344: Intermediate Throwing, Art 580: Exhibition Seminar, Art 354: Crafts, Art 386: Ital Renaissance Art, Art 315: Craft of Old Master Drawing/Painting, Art 572: Printmaking, Art 313: Rendering for Designer, Art 510: Studio Art on Location, Art 111: Drawing I, Art 419: Drawing, Art 522: Painting, Art 593: 17-18 Cn Eur Art, Art 566: Letterpress Printing, Art 451: Jewelry, Art 363: Tchg Art-Public Sch, Art 395: Sur of Black Amer Art, Art 545: Art and the Computer, Art 569: Art Workshop, Art 211: Drawing II, Art 405: Soc-Econ Aspc Hous/Int, Art 401: Advertising Design, Art 409: Senior Design, Art 384: 19-20 Cn Art-Eur/Amer, Art 413: Spec Topics in Int Des, Art 590: Amer Art of 20th Cen, Art 387: Primitive Art, Art 491: Thesis, Art 587: Primitive Art, Art 370: Intro to Printmaking, Art 325: Craft Old-Master Pntg, Art 241: Beginning Ceramics, Art 340: Beginning Ceramics, Art 584: Digital Video, Art 205: Introduction to Interior Design, Art 232: Beginning Sculpture, Art 408: Residential Design, Art 542: Ceramic Material Research & Development, Art 395: Topics in Studio Art Abroad, Art 306: Forming and Shap Space, Art 484: Advanced Digital Video, Art 383: Digital Photography, Art 341: Pottery, Art 114: Drawing, Art 363: Illustration, Art 490: Directed Individual Problems, Art 324: Painting, Art 411: Advanced Drawing, Art 566: Watercolor Workshop, Art 332: Intermediate Sculpture, Art 322: Intermediate Painting, Art 326: Watercolor, Art 564: Web Design I, Art 512: Figure Drawing, Art 319: Drawing, Art 583: Renaissance Art, Art 422: Advanced Painting, Art 284: Art Hist: Ren-Modern, Art 308: Arts Administration, Art 406: Interior Space Plan, Art 310: Studio Art on Location, Art 525: Craft Old-Master Pntg, Art 586: Modern Architecture, Art 323: Painting, Art 426: Advanced Watercolor, Art 309: Interior Design Tech, Art 585: Alternative Photographic Processes, Art 589: Survey-African Art, Art 283: Art Hist: Ancient-Med, Art 163: Sculpture, Art 393: 20th Cn Eur Art II, Art 343: Inter Handbuilding, Art 407: Commercial Int Des, Art 307: Survey of Interiors II, Art 385: Intro Alternative Photographic Processes, Art 212: Drawing, Art 597: Art Theory & Criticism, Art 361: Graphic Design I, Typography, Art 389: 17Th Cn Eur Art/Arch, Art 560: Vector Imaging, Art 472: Printmaking, Art 441: Advanced Ceramics, Art 384: Digital Video I, Art 452: Jewelry, Art 399: Xlist for Ib Courses, Art 485: Survey of African Art, Art 103: Three-Dimensional Design, Art 351: Jewelry, Art 433: Advanced Figure Modeling, Art 497: Sel Rdgs-Art Hist/Crit, Art 334: Intro to Field Work Techniques, Art 481: Advanced Photography, Art 568: Graphic Design Wkshp, Art 110: Digital Media Foundations Core, Art 382: Intermediate Photography, Art 381: Introduction to Photography, Art 362: Graphic Design II, Production Design, Art 213: Graphics for Int III, Art 396: American Art to 1900, Art 508: Arts Administration, Art 521: Painting, Art 397: American Art-20th Cn, Art 442: Clay and Glaze Calculation, Art 444: Multimedia Design and Development, Art 492: Senior Seminar, Art 598: Special Topics in Studio Art, Art 385: North Renaissance Art, Art 371: Introduction Relief & Planographic Print, Art 543: Advanced Wheel Throwing, Art 323: Plein Air: Painting the Landscape, Art 314: Drawing, Art 533: Figure Modeling, Art 367: Arts/Crafts in Schools, Art 102: Color Theory, Art 581: Ancient Art, Art 480: Exhibition Seminar, Art 565: Art Workshop, Art 531: Sculpture, Art 231: Beginning Sculpture, Art 552: Jewelry, Art 526: Watercolor, Art 410: Art Internship, Art 585: American Art to 1900
Art residency hrs 12 At least one-half of all studio hours counted toward major must be earned in residence.
Resident Major GPA Please contact your academic advisor for grade point requirements.
Overall Major GPA Please contact your academic advisor for grade point requirements.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.