Pharm. D.
The Pharm.D. curriculum is designed to prepare graduates for entry into the profession of pharmacy as a generalist practitioner in either community, institutional, or nontraditional environments. From a national accreditation standpoint, the program is four years in length, although locally the final year (PY1) is actually the terminal year of the B.S.P.S. degree program. The majority of the last two years of the Pharm.D. program occurs at sites other than on the Oxford campus, e.g., the UM Medical Center in Jackson and other sites around the state.
Minimum Total Credit Hours: 80
Goals/Mission Statement
On the professional level, the School of Pharmacy shall foster an environment that enables graduates to acquire the abilities (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) necessary for licensure to enter the practice of pharmacy, to provide pharmaceutical care, and improve the health, well- being, and quality of life of those they serve or to continue studies in areas including, but not limited to, graduate studies, residencies, or fellowships.
General Education Requirements
Refer to general education requirement for B.S.P.S. degree.
Course Requirements
The third professional year (P5) consists of 2 hours of Prct 566 (Seminar Skills Development for Healthcare Professionals); Prct 568 (Pharmacy Biomedical Ethics); Prct 551 (Information Skills in Pharmacy Practice); and 32 credit hours arranged in four eight-week blocks of problem-based learning activities focusing on therapeutic principles. Each of the blocks contains courses emphasizing knowledge and content–Prct 555, 558, 561, 564; problem solving-Prct 556, 559, 562, 565; group discussion–Prct 557, 560, 563, 569.
During the fourth and final professional year (P6) of the program, each student will participate in four required six-week advanced pharmacy practice experiences-Prct 586 (Adult Medicine), Prct 587 (Ambulatory Care), Prct 554 (Institutional Practice), and Prct 553 (Community Practice) and three six-week elective advanced pharmacy practice experiences for a total of 42 weeks of experiential education during the period beginning in June following completion of the P5 year and ending with May commencement of the succeeding year. The electives must be in three different areas of training. Students also must register for Prct 567 (Seminar Skills Development II) during one semester of the P6 year.
Other Academic Requirements
A student who earns two or more final semester grades of F in required courses during the P5 and/or P6 year will be dismissed from the Pharm.D. program. The University of Mississippi academic forgiveness policy does not apply to professional students receiving grades of less than C in courses offered by School of Pharmacy academic departments. A student academically dismissed may only be readmitted one time and must begin the program with the P5 fall courses and repeat all previously passed courses. No required course may be taken more than two times. All courses must be completed with a grade of C or better to be eligible for graduation.