Conc - Piano Performance

M.M. in Music


The Master of Music is an advanced professional degree designed to develop a particular area in music to a high level of specialization. The university offers the M.M. with the following emphases: 1) performance in woodwind, brass, string, or percussion instruments, piano, and voice; 2) music education; and 3) choral conducting.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 30

Other Academic Requirements

In addition to course work, students must complete a thesis or recital and must pass a final oral or written examination. I. Thesis or Recital A. A student must be in full standing to enroll in Mus 697 (Thesis) or Mus 695 (Recital). B. For information concerning format, procedures, and specifications of thesis, consult the Graduate Student's Handbook and A Manual of Theses, Doctoral Essays and Dissertations (available at the Graduate School). C. Students must be enrolled for at least 3 hours during the semester in which they intend to graduate. D. If a thesis is written, a thesis committee is formed by the major professor in consultation with the student and appointed by the department chair. The committee shall consist of the major professor, another representative of the student's emphasis, and any other member of the graduate music faculty.

II. Oral or Written Examination A. Early in the semester in which the student intends to graduate, the major professor, in consultation with the student, shall formulate a committee of graduate music faculty members to administer the oral exam (normally this is the thesis committee) or the written exam in the music education program. B. The Graduate Program coordinator should be contacted to set a date for the oral or written exam. Time should be allotted after the oral exam to allow for thesis corrections or further study required by the committee. C. If the student's emphasis is applied music, the committee must be formulated prior to the recital so that the members may attend. D. The thesis must be presented to all members of the committee in its completed form at least two weeks prior to the oral exam. The oral or written exam will primarily concern the thesis and the courses taken toward the degree. E. After successful completion of the oral exam, two copies of the thesis must be presented to the Graduate School before the regular examination period for the semester in which the student intends to graduate. F. If the student's emphasis is music education, a written exam will be administered. The student should consult the major professor early in the semester in which they intend to graduate in order to formulate the exam committee. The student may consult each member of the exam committee to solicit questions or areas of suggested study prior to the exam. The committee members may choose not to provide questions or areas of study.

Emphasis - Music Performance


The M.M. degree with an emphasis in performance is designed to prepare a student to become a professional musician (performing as a pianist, woodwind, brass, string, or percussion instrumentalist, or vocalist) and/or prepares him/her for further graduate study or professional training. The performance emphasis can be completed with a concentration (option) in either piano, vocal, or instrumental.

Course Requirements

Students pursuing the M.M. with emphasis in performance must satisfy a concentration (option) in either piano, vocal, or instrumental; requirements are as follows:


pre> Hours Concentration in Piano Performance: Mus 520-Introduction to Music Research 2 Music history/literature 3 Music theory/composition 3 Music theory/comp. or music history/lit. 3 Pian 541 or higher-Piano Performance 10 Mus 695-Public Recital 2 Mus 608-Advanced Keyboard Lit. 4 Mus 605-Pedagogy of Music Performance 2 Music elective 2

Concentration in Vocal Performance: Mus 520-Introduction to Music Research 2 Mus 521-Survey of Diction 1 Music history/literature 3 Music theory/composition 3 Music theory/comp. or music history/lit. 3 Voic 541 or higher-Voice Performance 8 Mus 695-Public Recital 2 Mus 597-Opera Theatre Workshop 2 Mus 598-Opera Production Workshop 2 Mus 623 or Mus 624-Adv. Song Lit. or Adv. Opera/Oratorio Lit. 2 Mus 605-Pedagogy of Music Performance 2 Music elective 1

Concentration in Instrumental Performance: Mus 520-Introduction to Music Research 2 Music history/literature 3 Music theory/composition 3 Music theory/comp. or music history/lit. 3 ___ 541 or higher-Music Performance 10 Mus 695-Public Recital 2 Mus 565-Instrumental Solo Lit. 2 Mus 561-Symphonic Lit. 3 or Mus 563-Chamber Lit. 3 or Mus 607-Advanced Wind Band Lit. 3 Mus 605-Pedagogy of Music Performance 2 Music elective 2



Conc - Piano Performance

Course Requirements

The requirements for the M.M. with emphasis in music performance and concentration (option) in piano are as follows:

Mus 520-Introduction to Music Research                          2
Music history/literature                                        3
Music theory/composition                                        3
Music theory/comp. or music history/lit.                        3
Pian 541 or higher-Piano Performance                           10
Mus 695-Public Recital                                          2
Mus 608-Advanced Keyboard Lit.                                  4
Mus 605-Pedagogy of Music Performance                           2
Music elective                                                  2
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.