Specialization - Teaching Engl 2nd Lang

M.A. in Modern Languages


The Department of Modern Languages offers the M.A. in modern languages with emphases in French, German, Spanish, and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL).

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 36

Course Requirements

Students must satisfy the requirements for either the emphasis in French, German, Spanish, or TESL.

Specialization - Teaching Engl 2nd Lang


Students who specialize in TESL learn best practices in the teaching of English as a second language, training, most importantly, for careers as English-language teachers. With its heavy focus on applied and theoretical linguistics, the TESL specialization within the Modern Languages master's program also prepares its graduates for doctoral work in the discipline.

Course Requirements

Three options for completing the degree are available, all of which require 36 hours. The three options are as follows: (1) 36 hours of course work in TESL, Ling, Mlll, and Engl; (2) 24 hours of course work in the above areas and 12 hours of course work in a minor field approved by the department; or (3) 24 hours of course work in the above areas and 12 hours of thesis work. The course work consists of 36 hours of 500- and 600-level courses from TESL, Ling, Mlll, and Engl. Twelve of the 36 hours must consist of the core requirements, which are TESL 542, 647, 672, and 695, as well as an additional three hours coming from Engl 501 or 592.

Other Academic Requirements

Students must maintain a B average in their course work or be subjected to probation and/or expulsion from the program.

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