Chemical Engineering
- Ch E 101: Introduction to Chemical Engineering
- Ch E 103: Introduction to Chemical Engineering I
- Ch E 104: Introduction to Chemical Engineering II
- Ch E 251: Programming for Chemical Engineering
- Ch E 252: Fundamentals of Chem Eng Problem Solving
- Ch E 307: Chemical Process Principles I
- Ch E 308: Chemical Process Principles II
- Ch E 309: Intro to Chemical Engineering Design
- Ch E 313: Modeling and Simulation I
- Ch E 314: Modeling and Simulation II
- Ch E 317: Process Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
- Ch E 345: Engineering Economy
- Ch E 407: Chemical Engineering Projects I
- Ch E 408: Chemical Engineering Projects II
- Ch E 411: Chemical Engineering Seminar
- Ch E 412: Process Control and Safety
- Ch E 413: Chemical Process Safety
- Ch E 417: Separation Processes
- Ch E 421: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
- Ch E 423: Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design
- Ch E 431: ChE Mass and Energy Balance Lab
- Ch E 432: ChE Unit Operations Lab
- Ch E 433: ChE Design Lab
- Ch E 445: Chemical Engineering Lab I
- Ch E 446: Chemical Engineering Lab II
- Ch E 449: Process Design
- Ch E 450: Process Optimization
- Ch E 451: Plant Design I
- Ch E 452: Plant Design II
- Ch E 511: Process Dynamics and Control
- Ch E 513: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
- Ch E 515: Research Seminar
- Ch E 520: Biochemical Engineering
- Ch E 521: Drug and Gene Delivery
- Ch E 522: Immunoengineering
- Ch E 523: Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
- Ch E 524: Microscopy for Engineers
- Ch E 528: Polymer Processing
- Ch E 530: Coal Utilization and Pollutants Control
- Ch E 535: Experimental Methods in Engineering
- Ch E 540: Coating Materials Process & Applications
- Ch E 541: Appl of Chemical Instrumentation I
- Ch E 542: Appl of Chemical Instrumentation II
- Ch E 543: Introduction to Polymer Science
- Ch E 545: Colloid and Surface Science
- Ch E 547: Sufactant Science and Applications
- Ch E 550: Membrane Science and Engineering
- Ch E 560: Advanced Transport Phenomena I
- Ch E 561: Advanced Transport Phenomena II
- Ch E 593: Graduate Projects in Chemical Engr
- Ch E 660: Advanced Transport Phenomena I
- Ch E 661: Advanced Transport Phenomena II
- Engr 540: Environmental Organic Transport Phenomen
- Engr 542: Molecular Modeling of Nano Materials
- Engr 544: Synth and Fab of Nano Materials
- Engr 545: Polymer Nanocomposites
- Engr 630: Unit Process & Oper in Env Eng I
- Engr 633: Process Dynamics and Control I
- Engr 663: Advanced Rate and Equilibrium Processes
- Engr 665: Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems
- Engr 667: Mass Transfer I
- Engr 669: Chemical Reaction and Reactor Analysis I
- Engr 670: Chemical Reaction & Reactor Analysis II
- M E 555: Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.