Course Index
- Rel 101: Introduction to Religion
- Rel 110: Biblical Hebrew I
- Rel 111: Biblical Hebrew II
- Rel 300: Comparative World Religions
- Rel 303: Religion in the South
- Rel 308: Buddhism
- Rel 309: Asian Religion
- Rel 310: The Old Testament & Early Judaism
- Rel 311: Women & the Goddess in Eastern Religion
- Rel 312: The New Testament & Early Christianity
- Rel 319: United States Religious History
- Rel 320: Hinduism
- Rel 323: Islam
- Rel 324: Abrahamic Traditions
- Rel 325: Chinese and Japanese Religions
- Rel 326: Saints and Sexuality
- Rel 328: Biomedical Ethics
- Rel 330: Racism and Religion
- Rel 340: Pilgrimage: Sacred Journeys
- Rel 341: Bible and Qur'an
- Rel 342: Jesus and Muhammad
- Rel 345: Religion & Politics
- Rel 350: Judaism
- Rel 351: Philosophy of Religion
- Rel 352: Rabbinic Literature
- Rel 358: Religious Implications of the Holocaust
- Rel 360: Philosophical Issues: Science & Religion
- Rel 363: Religion and Aging
- Rel 366: Women of the Judeo-Christian Bible
- Rel 370: Topics in Biblical Studies
- Rel 371: Christianity
- Rel 373: Ancient Christianity
- Rel 375: History of Medieval Christianity
- Rel 375: Christianity in America
- Rel 376: End Times: Apocalypticism in America
- Rel 378: Global Christianity
- Rel 380: Community-Based Internship
- Rel 385: Western Mysticism
- Rel 390: Topics in Religion and the Environment
- Rel 395: Topics in Religious Studies
- Rel 396: Philosophical Topics in Religion
- Rel 399: Topics in Religion Abroad
- Rel 490: Directed Readings in Religion
- Rel 491: Honors Thesis
- Rel 497: Capstone Course
- Rel 501: Seminar
- Rel 503: Major Issues in Southern Religion
- Rel 613: Problems in the Philosophy of Religion
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