Concentration - Remote Sensing/Air/Space

Juris Doctor


The School of Law offers a Juris Doctor (J.D.), a concurrent Juris Doctor/Master of Accountancy (J.D./M.Accy.) and a concurrent Juris Doctor/Master of Taxation (J.D./M.Tax.).

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 90

Course Requirements

First Year

  • Law 503 Civil Procedure I (3 credits, one semester)
  • Law 507 Constitutional Law I (3 credits, one semester)
  • Law 501 Contracts (4 credits, one semester)
  • Law 568 Criminal Law (3 credits, one semester)
  • Law 514 & 515 Legal Research and Writing I & II (6 credits, two semesters)
  • Law 504 Property (4 credits, one semester)
  • Law 502 Torts (4 credits, one semester)
  • 1 Skills course (3 credits) (courses fulfilling the Skills requirement are designated each semester by the law faculty)
  • Law 577 - Civil Procedure II (3 credits)   

Upper Level (Second and Third Years)

  • Law 603 Legal Profession (3 credits, one semester)
  • Law 600 Evidence (3 credits, one semester)
  • 1 Skills course (3 credits) and 1 Writing course (2-3 credits) (courses fulfilling the Skills and Writing requirements are designated each semester by the law faculty)

Otherwise, students have free choice of elective courses to complete the remainder of their credit hours.

Other Academic Requirements

For the Juris Doctor degree, the requirements are: (1) successful completion of 90 credit hours of law courses (70 of which must be graded credit hours and 75 of which must come from courses that meet in regularly scheduled classroom hours), including the courses specifically required for graduation, and (2) an overall grade-point average of 2.00 (C) or better. The curriculum and courses required for graduation are subject to change at any time without prior notice at the direction of the law faculty.

Concentration - Remote Sensing/Air/Space


The concentration in remote sensing, air, and space law is designed to provide students with specialized study in the fields of remote sensing, air, and space law and to prepare students for careers in federal and international law and technology-related areas.

Course Requirements

The air and space law concentration recognizes a student's strong emphasis in the air and space law fields. A student may be recognized for a concentration in air and space law by earning a total of 27 credit hours satisfying the following requirements:

  • Successful completion of 4 core courses (12 credit hours);
  • Successful completion of 4 elective courses (12 credit hours); and
  • Successful completion of 3 intensive credit hours.

Core Courses

  1. Public International Air Law 750
  2. Private International Air Law 751
  3. International Space Law 680
  4. Either US National Aviation Law 723 or United States Domestic Space Law 679

Intensive Credit Hours

  1. Individual study in air or space law that is approved in advance.
  2. An externship/internship placement approved in advance and related to air or space law.

Other Eligible Courses

  1. Administrative Law 605
  2. Antitrust Law 621
  3. Comparative National Space Law 677
  4. Corporations 601
  5. Environmental Law 581
  6. European Union Law 530
  7. Intellectual Property 580
  8. International Law 620
  9. International Security Law and Policy 658
  10. International Telecommunications Law 752
  11. International Trade 575
  12. International Aviation Financing and Leasing Law 753
  13. Internet and Emerging Technologies Law 756
  14. Journal of Space Law 583
  15. Labor Law 614
  16. Law of Armed Conflict 531
  17. Space Security Law 736
  18. Remote Sensing Law 655
  19. US National Aviation Law 723 (if not taken as a core course)
  20. United States Domestic Space Law 679 (if not taken as a core course)
  21. As appropriate, additional courses and advanced/special legal topics focusing on air and space law may be included in this category on a case-by-case basis upon approval by the designated faculty member and/or senior associate dean.

Other Academic Requirements

All credits counted for the concentration must be graded, and the student must have at least a 3.0 grade-point average for all credits counted toward satisfying the concentration credit-hour requirements as set forth above.

Degree Requirements

The academic regulations for this degree program, as entered in the University of Mississippi Catalog, are in effect for the current or selected academic year and semester. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change rules for registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.

Juris Doctor

Requirement Hours Description
Law 501 3 Complete Law 501 with a passing grade.
Law 502 4 Complete Law 502 with a passing grade.
Law 503 3 Complete Law 503 with a passing grade.
Law 504 4 Complete Law 504 with a passing grade.
Law 507 4 Complete Law 507 with a passing grade.
Law 514 3 Complete Law 514 with a passing grade.
Law 515 3 Complete Law 515 with a passing grade.
Law 568 3 Complete Law 568 with a passing grade.
Law 577 2 Complete Law 577 with a passing grade.
Law 600 4 Complete Law 600 with a passing grade.
Law 603 3 Complete Law 603 with a passing grade.
Skills course (JD) F19 6
Writing course (JD) F19 3
75 regularly scheduled hours Please contact your advisor for more information regarding this requirement.

Concentration - Remote Sensing/Air/Space

Requirement Hours Description
12 hours of electives 12 Complete 12 hours of electives chosen from the following: Law 605, Law 673, Law 581, Law 530, Law 722, Law 656, Law 580, Law 620, Law 658, Law 575, Law 583, Law 531, Law 655, and Law 679. Student may also complete related additional or substitute course(s) specifically approved by the Program Director.
3 hrs IS or Intern/Externship 3 Complete 3 hours of independent study or internship/externship placement.
4 RSSL Core Courses 12 Complete 4 RSSL Core Courses chosen from the following: Law 655, Law 658, Law 679, Law 723, Law 724, and Law 736.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.