Emphasis - Accelerated Law (3+3)

B.M.D.S. in Multi-Disciplinary Studies


The Bachelor of Multi-Disciplinary Studies (B.M.D.S.) degree program offers students the opportunity to build a custom degree that serves their unique career, graduate, or personal goals. The degree is composed of a three-part structure: the university's general education core curriculum, three minors of the student's choice, and a wide selection of general elective courses.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 120

General Education Requirements

See the ‘General Education/Core Curriculum’ for the Department of General Studies

Course Requirements

The total number of credits required to complete the Bachelor of Multi- Disciplinary Studies degree is 120 semester credit hours composed of the following:

  • General Education Core Curriculum - 30 credit hours
  • Three minors - 45 to 63 credit hours
  • MDS 499: Multi-Disciplinary Studies Capstone - 3 credit hours
  • Electives - 24 to 42 credit hours

Students select their three minors from any of the variety of minors offered by the College of Liberal Arts and the professional schools serving undergraduates at the University of Mississippi.

General elective credits may be taken from courses offered across the university. Of the elective credits, a maximum of 6 hours of Exercise and Leisure (EL) may be counted toward the degree.

Other Academic Requirements

Courses used to satisfy the general education core curriculum requirements may not be used to meet minor requirements.

A minimum of 30 credit hours of the 120 required for the degree must be taken at the 300, 400, or 500 level.

A minimum grade of C- is required in MDS 499.

Courses with a final grade below a C- may not be included among the courses fulfilling the requirements for any minor. If an individual minor requires a minimum GPA or a higher final grade for each course or specific courses within the minor, the student must meet those minimum grade or GPA requirements.

A student pursuing the Bachelor of Multi-Disciplinary Studies degree cannot select a minor that is also being used as a major or minor (or equivalent) area of study toward another degree. For example, a student majoring in history and minoring in English cannot use either history or English as minors toward a B.M.D.S. degree.

Emphasis - Accelerated Law (3+3)


Under this emphasis, the student’s fourth-year requirements are satisfied by successfully completing 30 hours of first-year law school classes at the University of Mississippi School of Law. The student must meet the School of Law’s requirements for admittance to this special program, which are established each year based on the previous year’s data on the grade-point averages and (Law School Admission Test) scores for students admitted to the School of Law. A student who chooses this emphasis but does not meet those requirements must instead complete 30 hours of general elective credits.

Other Academic Requirements

Prior to beginning first-year law courses, MDS students must complete the following 90 hours toward their MDS degree:

  • 30-32 hour university general education core curriculum
  • Three minors selected by the student for the MDS degree
  • MDS 499: Multi-Disciplinary Studies Capstone
  • Additional general electives to reach 90 degree-applicable credit hours

Degree Requirements

The academic regulations for this degree program, as entered in the University of Mississippi Catalog, are in effect for the current or selected academic year and semester. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change rules for registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.

B.M.D.S. in Multi-Disciplinary Studies

General Education

Requirement Hours Description
First Year Writing I 3 Complete Hon 101, Writ 100, or Writ 101 with a passing grade.
First Year Writing II 3 Complete one of the following courses with a passing grade: Liba 102, Hon 102 or Writ 102.
6 hrs humanities 6 Complete 6 hrs of courses chosen from African American studies (AAS 201, 202); classical civilization (CLC); environmental studies (ENVS 101); gender studies (G ST 201, 202); history (HST); LIBA 202, 312, 305; literature (ENG 103, 220-226); philosophy (PHIL); religion (REL); Southern studies 100-level; or HON 101, 102 (if not being used to fulfill composition requirements).
3 hrs fine arts 3 The course may be chosen from art history, music, dance, and theatre arts. Studio and workshop courses cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. Courses that satisfy this requirement are any Art History (AH); Liba 130, 204, 314; Mus 101, 102, 103, 104, 105; Danc 200; Thea 201, 202. Students who have completed 30 semester hours of undergraduate course work may fulfill the requirement with a 300- or 400-level art history course.
3 hrs math 3 Complete 3 hours of mathematics courses at the 100-level or above except for Math 245 and Math 246.
6 hrs social or behavioral science 6 Complete 6 hrs of courses chosen from anthropology (ANTH), economics (ECON), political science (POL), psychology (PSY), sociology (SOC), and Liba 203, 313; or HON 101, 102 (if not being used to fulfill composition requirements).
6 hrs science 6 Complete 6 hours of science.
2 science labs 2 Successfully complete at least two science laboratory courses.

Major Requirements

Requirement Hours Description
MDS 499 3 Complete MDS 499 with a C- or better.
3+ minors required Student must enroll in at least three minor programs selected from the offerings of the College of Liberal Arts and the professional schools serving undergraduates at the University of Mississippi.
Overall GPA Please contact your academic advisor for grade point requirements.
Resident GPA Please contact your academic advisor for grade point requirements.

Emphasis - Accelerated Law (3+3)

Requirement Hours Description
Law 501 3 Complete Law 501 with a passing grade.
Law 502 6 Complete Law 502 with a passing grade.
Law 503 3 Complete Law 503 with a passing grade.
Law 504 4 Complete Law 504 with a passing grade.
Law 507 3 Complete Law 507 with a passing grade.
Law 514 3 Complete Law 514 with a passing grade.
Law 515 3 Complete Law 515 with a passing grade.
Law 568 3 Complete Law 568 with a passing grade.
Law 577 2 Complete Law 577 with a passing grade.
Law 590 3 Complete Law 590 with a passing grade.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.