Computer & Information Science
- Dawn E Wilkins - Chair and Professor Emerita of Computer and Information Science
- Yixin Chen - Chair and Professor of Computer and Information Science
201 Weir Memorial Hall
University, MS 38677
The Department of Computer and Information Science offers the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (B.S.C.S.) degree for engineering students. For students in the College of Liberal Arts, the department offers a minor and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in computer science. At the graduate level, the department has offerings for the Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in engineering science. The latter graduate degrees are listed under the School of Engineering.
The following undergraduate engineering programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) program of the Department of Computer and Information Science is accredited as a Computer Science program by the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET